Why do people cheat?
There's no point. If you feel like the person you're dating is not the best out there for you why not give them a heads up and tell them " hey this is going to get far". And then people get "caught up in the moment" that is such ******** you know what you're doing just be honest. I think people are terrified to tell people the truth and it's so silly. Half the time these people cheat they choose to do so with people who aren't have as great as the person they're with in the first place. What is the world coming to? Can no one stay committed anymore? Do you tell the truth all the time? Everyone lies, people lie for small things, imagine big ones. The difference is that there are some areas some of us will be honest, but many won't. We all believe communication is the key for a good relationship, but do we really talk about everything with our partner? Some people cheat without any reason. They are not happy with some aspect of the relationship and they don't want to bother to talk about it, just go about screwing some people around in hopes to find someone that will fill the void they have, it will never happen, they will screw half the world and will never find what they are looking for, because those people are not able to have anything profound with anyone. And some of us just get caught up in their mess. For some is just about the sex, the thrill of getting away with cheating. I tell you I met some very professional cheaters. In the end everyone gets caught, and seem all contrite. But one thing I noticed from my experience, cheated once, will cheat again. If they left someone to be with you, will leave you to be with another. Is the thing about liers, they have no guts to face confrontation and be responsible for their choices, they will lie till the end. |
Should you
He is a friend of your brother, so you can't avoid him, but make it clear you appreciate his views but you don't share them and that you would be grateful if he stopped trying to convert you. I have a close friend that pesters me about religion, I asked her to respect my choices and she keeps trying to make me change my mind so I stopped hanging with her as much. If she can't respect my view, why should I care about hers?
xxx |
Never pee in a brazilian river! The fish is real, happens a lot in the Amazon and the Pantanal.
Cats freak me out since I was a kid, they don't make any noises when they move. When I lived with my former mother-in-law I was half scared to death, she had 4 cats and I swear there were trying to kill me. |
What is in YOUR Pants?
Change, keys, a lighter, half of a cigarette (just quit smoking), gum and a hair pin.
Men say they want a good woman and when they find her they don't know what to do with her? She intelligent, financially stable, loving, caring, honest, sexy, fun, positive, uplifting, God-fearing and more. And guess what....he's afraid. Why? Fear! "Run, Forrest, run!" I constantly hear both female and male friends complaining they can't find a good mate, but when someone great comes along they run away. I think it has a number of reasons but the most common is that they are so used to crappy people that when a good one comes along they get suspicious. They think is too good to be truth and start obsessing on finding something wrong with that person. Second reason is they feel lacking. When they are with someone that seems to have their lives more together than them, it's like a constant reminder of how shitty their lives is. Third reason, they want to be in power, it's easier to do so with someone that has no mind of their own. I do agree people want different things and might not find what you have to offer attractive, my problem is when they do say you are every man's/woman's dream and start a relationship with you and then get scared that you have a brain and a life, and bail; leaving you wondering WTF happened and questioning your worthiness. Don't want a strong mate? Get the F out of the way and don't waste someone's time. A lot of brainless twats around to stroke your ego. |
heartache :'''(
(in the deepest voice ever) yeah, what she said. (back to normal voice) you go girl. well said amanda. Thanks bulldog! ![]() ![]() |
did you turn the volume down on the tv, and raise the volume on the stereo? cause if you did the opposite, than you did it wrong. btw there are quite a few porn watching partners here on mingle if you need one. i'm just saying... ![]() Girl on girl action always worked before lol. Maybe I'm broken. TV was on mute and stereo was up. ![]() are you serious! i picked the wrong week to give up watching porn with beautiful women. damn you physic hotline! Awwww just my luck! ![]() ![]() |
2.honesty 3.kind heart 4.good sense of humor |
did you turn the volume down on the tv, and raise the volume on the stereo? cause if you did the opposite, than you did it wrong. btw there are quite a few porn watching partners here on mingle if you need one. i'm just saying... ![]() Girl on girl action always worked before lol. Maybe I'm broken. TV was on mute and stereo was up. ![]() |
heartache :'''(
i guess im a loser rite now andy. wish it was as easy to pick up the pieces as it is to say it. I understand exactly how you feel. I saw it coming but had no idea how much was going to hurt. You feel there is something wrong with you, you replay every moment, every conversation in your head, you start crying out of the blue and don't seem able to stop, no one understands why are you so down because of it. All you hear is move on, forget about it, but at the moment it seems impossible. Give yourself some time to grieve. Cry, let it wash over you, get angry, write a letter with all your feelings and burn it. Make a ritual of it, as u see it turning to ashes, imagine is your heart getting lighter, your anger subsiding, your hurt diminishing. It is going to get better each day and one day it will stop hurting and you'll see how you learned from it, and that you are worth of love, and you deserve a decent man, and you will give someone a chance, you will be surprised how many good guys are around. You'll only be able to meet the right one when you let go of the wrong one, and next time you meet someone you'll be aware if he is right for you or not. I wish you peace and strength sweetie. It's going to be ok. Much love! |
I go jogging. Come home, throw in a first person shooter game, cook a three course meal, make prank phone calls with no contract cell phone, beer and football....and then end the night with some classical music and porn. ![]() Oh boys! You have the key to happiness! ![]() ![]() ![]() If someone develops a cure to heartache, please shoot me up the blood stream cause I need it too. And somewhat the porn and classical music did not work for me as it should lol Then you did it wrong. ![]() ![]() Maybe I chose the wrong kind of porn or is it because I watched it alone? ![]() ![]() |
love at first site
Some women can be immediately attractive to me, but not sexually. I know that may sound weird to some people, but I can just connect with some and pulling me like a magnet for unknown reasons..not sure if it's "love" though. I get that with some people too. I don't think is love, just raw energy, some kind of attraction, maybe a kindred spirit, who knows... I do think it can become anything though. |
I go jogging. Come home, throw in a first person shooter game, cook a three course meal, make prank phone calls with no contract cell phone, beer and football....and then end the night with some classical music and porn. ![]() Oh boys! You have the key to happiness! ![]() ![]() ![]() If someone develops a cure to heartache, please shoot me up the blood stream cause I need it too. And somewhat the porn and classical music did not work for me as it should lol |
You are so desperate to love that you are not seeing things straight, listen to those people in here, learn from others experiences and mistakes. Love only comes when you meet, touch, kiss and have sex. what you think is love is just an illusion. And people lie a lot specially because they don't have to face you when they do it. Be sure of your feelings before you say it, its a serious business.
start over
sweetie, i don't know what you've been through, but sometimes we hurt ourselves. don't over complicate your life. somethings aren't worth the time we give them. if you stress over small things the big things are going to overwhelm you. we can't depend on other people to make us happy, so comfort yourself by knowing as you spread happiness, happiness will come to you. my prayers for you, bulldog. That was the best advice I heard in here for a long time! |
Getting over your ex.
oh well... after I broke up I was like paralysed and my heart covered in ice, I could not even consider getting with somebody else, even going through getting to know people was becoming too much... but now I am gradually coming out of that, and at least I am considering .... ![]() never surrender!!!!!! ![]() I can relate! |
I was ditched too. No kindness in it either, but it is life, you just have to move on, nothing else can be done. It's going to hurt for a while, but you'll heal.
It happens so often! Most of the time is just insecurity, It is not intended to cause any harm. These people misrepresent themselves because they want a chance, like everyone else. Would you have gone out with him, or even started a conversation if his current picture was the one attached to the profile? Would the guys give a chance to a funny, intelligent, wonderful girl if she is overweight?
People will do whatever they think it's fair to just have a chance to win you over. I try to get to know people a bit first before going on dates and always a video chat so they can see I look the same as in my pictures. Happened to me too, you know going on a date with a stranger, since the face I knew and liked was from an old picture, and funny thing is that when it happened, I was not upset by his looks, but by the fact he assumed I was so shallow I would not see beauty in him if he didn't lie, and the lie achieved the opposite, made me see him with an unflattering light. |
BAD DATE!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry your date sucked. I had my share as well. And it does not matter how old the guy is, some people are just clueless. You should check this out there are people that got worse. Might cheer you up. xxx |
hi im Pat i just joined today so im new to this i was married but now separated 4 weeks . Just fell out of love . So im looking to be made feel alive again . I love music its my passion going to concerts listening to bands play and mixing with people thats wiem im most happy im a people person so if you like what you see and want to know more add me . Im also on facecool so add me Welcome Pat! Best of luck on your search. Don't mind people's prejudice you are the only one to know when you are ready to start over again. xxx |