Community > Posts By > Bushidobillyclub
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Tue 12/18/12 11:01 AM
There is no tranquility from this type of violence. If like the religious zealots, feel god is sending a message, and feel justified, that is sick, too sick. Then you have the gun zealots who only care if their own selfish rights will be effected when 20 6 year olds die needlessly. Then you have those like myself who are so f ing disgusted by the gun crazies in this country bearing this blood on their hands and never offering to help stop the violence against innocents. They offer no help but ignorant gun crazy ideas of bringing guns into the schools. Stupidity. Mental health is ignored in this country which along with the violence we teach our children with spankings and our acceptance of gun violence and wars. With our use of fear and hate to push religious and political ideals onto our children and susceptible adults. And add guns into the mix of this unwellness which the idea of needing a gun is mental unwellness in and of itself makes for no end to the innocent blood on the hands of the gun fanatics in this country. Don't pretend for a second that men (human beings) with guns are not what sets limits on human behaviors. Threat of death is the greatest threat, no law has the same capability that the threat of death has, but ultimately all law is backed by the threat of violence at the hands of a man with a gun, without such the law would be so much toilet paper. Build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door. This applies to anyone with an inkling of capability, and even if by magic every gun in the world disappeared AND the knowledge to build them, it would not take long for someone to create a weapon that would do the job. Since we have no magic, and technology to make weapons exists in every garage in our country . . . . Yea. The ideas being put forth by you are far beyond asking for magic, it assumes human nature can be controlled by words written down on paper in absence of the threat of violence. Silly. |
If it was not in self defense then you should probably not answer online unless you think you are above the law.
Guns...Who should have them?
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Tue 12/18/12 10:43 AM
All citizens can be armed now, you see what happens, right? Stupidity.... We have a gun problem in this country and some idiots want to put more guns in mix. My statement is exactly the opposite of yours, but mine is actually true, where as yours is not. All citizens cannot be legally armed now, see what happens? We had another murder suicide here today. Bet it was a gun. Bet it was a human with that gun . . . Illogic, and hyperbole, and not a point to be made anywhere at all! |
Guns...Who should have them?
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Tue 12/18/12 09:10 AM
More people need to be like Stossel and care about facts.
Nothing any of our politicians are talking about now would have prevented this incident. That alone should cause pause. The conversation should be a tactical one, but sadly only politics is on the agenda. |
Free Will?
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Wed 11/14/12 07:21 AM
More blather.
Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general No where in Chaos theory is there required acausal events. Again back to the epistemic - ontologic gulf.
What does this mean? It means that claiming the foundation of the universe is fractal does nothing to explain a theory of undetermined free will. Nice sound bytes that make people think your smart, but nothing of substance. Swing and a whiff. |
Not definite?
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Sat 11/03/12 09:17 AM
In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an actual difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving relative to each other or differently situated from gravitational masses.
An accurate clock at rest with respect to one observer may be measured to tick at a different rate when compared to a second observer's own equally accurate clocks. This effect arises neither from technical aspects of the clocks nor from the fact that signals need time to propagate, but from the nature of spacetime itself. To determine Time Dilation. ![]() |
Being able to say we can measure the difference between a non-simulated reality and a simulated reality necessarily depends upon our capability to know how perfectly any future computational framework may or may not simulate reality.
I am skeptical of our ability to know what frameworks can ever be used as computational systems no less what properties they provide. |
Not definite?
Your statement about evidence is completely wrong. That's why I said..time is such a strong illusion... I am a physicist, and computer science major. It took me months to understand special relativity. I am NOT going to sit here and try to help you through that same process. What I have done is shown you were you can get the material, and presented a few different ways for you to explore the history of the idea and how it has been shown to be true. If you were riding on the back of a satalite spinning around the earth at .99 % the speed of light, after 4 years of this you would be 4 years older, but everyone you knew and loved who were still on earth NOT traveling at .99% the speed of light would be something like 80 years older and long since dead. This relationship between time, space, and matter is a FACT. You can take some time and learn about it, or you can continue to assert it cannot be so. |
This being the science and philosophy forum I will only link scientific explanations. |
Not definite?
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Wed 10/31/12 09:13 AM
Time exists, but not as an entity. As a relationship between space, and matter. Much like gravity exists, but not as an entity, it also exists as a relationship between space and matter . . . just a different relationship. Existence = The fact or state of living or having objective reality. Do time exist? We can measure how time changes when matter moves at significant percentages of the speed of light. Time exists objectively . . . its just not an entity. From years many have tried to search & provide any evidence for existence of time but no one succeeded,just because it don't exist at all.
Does gravity have a physical existence?
Time is such a strong illusion that no one can exclude it from facts of life. Almost all physical quantities need time as a base to prove their existence & importance...but it is strange & true that time itself don't have any physical existence. If so then so does time. BTW this is a rhetorical question. Also your statement about evidence is completely wrong. |
Not definite?
Time exists, but not as an entity. As a relationship between space, and matter. Much like gravity exists, but not as an entity, it also exists as a relationship between space and matter . . . just a different relationship. How does a "thing" have a "relationship" with anything else if it does not exist? How can a relationship exist unless there are at least two separate things? Are you now saying that space and time are two separate things? I thought you said they could not be separated, and that they were one thing --->spacetime. Do you agree or disagree that saying, "the faster you move through space, the slower you move through time" denotes a relationship between time, space and matter? Also if I said the faster you eat mexican, the sooner you visit the restroom denotes a relationship without making any claim about the independence of your bowels and you and mexican. Not sure why I try . . . you CANT understand. |
Time and space is all about consciousness. Everything is all about consciousness. I thought everything was all about energy and vibration JB . . you changing things up? New Guru? New Book?
Not definite?
Time exists, but not as an entity. As a relationship between space, and matter.
Much like gravity exists, but not as an entity, it also exists as a relationship between space and matter . . . just a different relationship. |
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Tue 10/30/12 04:51 PM
Dennett is an egomaniac blow hard who can not see beyond physical reality. He has a limited view of reality and he insists that his view is the only thing that exists. (talking about ROFLMFAO! ) Thus, "McKinley is prettier than Everest" is epistemically subjective, whereas "McKinley is higher than Everest" is epistemically objective. In other words, the latter statement is evaluable (in fact, falsifiable) by an understood ('background') criterion for mountain height, like 'the summit is so many meters above sea level'. No such criteria exist for prettiness.
Searle says that in Dennett's view, there is no consciousness in addition to the computational features, because that is all that consciousness amounts to for him: mere effects of a von Neumann(esque) virtual machine implemented in a parallel architecture and therefore implies that conscious states are illusory, but Searle points out: "where consciousness is concerned, the existence of the appearance is the reality." Searle is an fool who more often than not confuses himself more than he offers anything of value to the field. Mckinley is higher than Everest is both epistemically objective as well as ontologically objective . . . just like every other epistmemically objective phenomena . . . Being ontologically objective is what makes knowledge possible . . . so he basically said nothing of value here at all, just offered this up to confuse the philosophically illiterate. Also implications must follow directly. He says "and therefore implies that conscious states are illusory" Why? What exactly is illusory, and what about the way the function of consciousness occurs makes it so? He cannot and will not answer this question because it makes nonsense of his comment and really all of his objections to compatibilism and scientific explanations for consciousness. If you disagree, and can prove otherwise, then feel free to scientifically do that. First page. However really you wouldn't know a scientific methodology if it hit you in the face.
Not definite?
Time is the space between events. It is the largest of all the dimensions. It is the backdrop which allows existance to be perceived. It is real, it does exist, it's relativity doesn't diminish it's reality. Wrong. Time is not a dimension. |
Not definite?
Time is the space between events. It is the largest of all the dimensions. It is the backdrop which allows existance to be perceived. It is real, it does exist, it's relativity doesn't diminish it's reality. |
Not definite?
Stanford course for special relativity part 1 Stanford course for special relativity part 2 |
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Mon 10/22/12 04:23 PM
Personally I believe respect should be earned. If an ideology cannot objectively demonstrate how it creates a framework which elucidates knowledge it should garner no respect.
I've tried getting the people here interested and motivated to make changes in the world. But, no one's interested. They wouldn't even put in the effort of joining the brights. There are important issues that need discussing, like teaching creationism in schools. But, as someone said, "it's like herding cats." I'm an atheist activist. I don't want to take god away from anyone, but I also don't want god force fed to everyone. Also, what exactly are you trying to achieve. I am a slacktivist, come on you have to spell it out for me! Working to keep Christmas trees off government property, NAAAA, dont care. Working to prevent Christians from selecting creationist propaganda instead of real text books, were do I sign! |
To believe what?
The word god, in and of itself, is not well defined enough for me to answer that question. By the time someone defines it well enough I end up with, Magic, or Nature. I do not believe magic, by its very definition, can ever be demonstrated, explained, or objectively referenced, the mystery itself is the magic. Equivocating nature and god has never provided any useful framework for knowledge so I am again left with little to work with. I believe god is magic, and belief in god is really just a love, or nostalgia for magic. |