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Sat 09/22/12 05:40 AM
LOl! Once again you are more emotional than scientific.

The link I provided showed DECREASED decay with greater solar interaction, not increased decay. This is counter-intuitive because as you say sometimes radioactivity increases with increased particle bombardment.

That is why I am saying that if decay can slow down with increased solar activity as proven by Purdue University and the Israel Geological Survey, then it can increase through greater protection from solar activity and cosmic rays.

Your reading comprehension is terrible. Reread what I wrote.

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Sat 09/22/12 05:35 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sat 09/22/12 05:38 AM
I'm just surprised that you "scientists" can't make a simple and better case.
What you consider simple has more to do with your own scientific inadequacy than our ability to explain it. Also the information is out on the web, we should not have to sit here and school you on the totality of plate tectonics.

You are your worst enemy when it comes to understanding how things actually work.

If the orbits of the planets traveling around the sun can change, perhaps grow larger and further away from the sun, then the matter orbiting around the center of the earth, might also be moving slowly away from the core. Everything apparently spins around something else and the galaxies themselves spin and move and expand. The universe, the galaxies, the star systems, the solar systems and the planets, all spin and .... expand? Or does everything spin and expand EXCEPT PLANETS? If so, why would planets be the only things that don't spin and expand?

The centripetal force of the earths spin is NOT greater than the gravitational force. (Hint . . . by a huge factor)


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Wed 09/19/12 03:54 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 09/19/12 04:01 PM

JB, why don't you ask a physicist?

he Question
(Submitted July 24, 1997)

Why is it impossible, at this point in time, to convert energy into matter?

The Answer
It happens all the time. Particle accelerators convert energy into subatomic particles, for example by colliding electrons and positrons. Some of the kinetic energy in the collision goes into creating new particles.

It's not possible, however, to collect these newly created particles and assemble them into atoms, molecules and bigger (less microscopic) structures that we associate with 'matter' in our daily life. This is partly because in a technical sense, you cannot just create matter out of energy: there are various 'conservation laws' of electric charges, the number of leptons (electron-like particles) etc., which means that you can only create matter / anti-matter pairs out of energy. Anti-matter, however, has the unfortunate tendency to combine with matter and turn itself back into energy. Even though physicists have managed to safely trap a small amount of anti-matter using magnetic fields, this is not easy to do.

Also, Einstein's equation, Energy = Mass x the square of the velocity of light, tells you that it takes a huge amount of energy to create matter in this way. The big accelerator at Fermilab can be a significant drain on the electricity grid in and around the city of Chicago, and it has produced very little matter.

Koji Mukai, with David Palmer, Andy Ptak and Paul Butterworth
for the Ask an Astrophysicist

I am not talking to you anymore cause you can't do anything except insult people. Go away. You are no help whatsoever in any way shape or form.

So, addressing me as 'cog' wasn't intended to be an insult? Grow up. You have no clue about this subject and only intend to understand what you want to understand to prove a conclusion you wish to believe.

That is just stupid.


"cog" means that I acknowledge that you are college educated.
Actually it acknowledges your objectification and belittlement of him and me, and just about every other person who works in science today and well, for the most part all of the poeple who are responsible for your standard of living you ungrateful mouth breather.

no photo
Wed 09/19/12 03:48 PM

I am not talking to you anymore cause you can't do anything except insult people. Go away. You are no help whatsoever in any way shape or form.

College today produces cogs in the wheel who don't have a drop of imagination or creativity and who are terrified to question authority.

Tit meet Tat.

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Wed 09/19/12 03:44 PM

OMG I wonder where all this extra mass comes from?

JB are you really this stupid?

People just like plants get most of our matter from the atmosphere, and soil.

Yeh right. laugh
I think we get nutrients (energy) from the earth and sun, not "matter."

Yes, energy turns to matter eventually. I eat sugar and it turns into fat on my thigh.

NO. All of the energy that turned into matter did so eons ago. It takes FAR more energy to create matter than happen in nature to create you and me.

Sugar IS MATTER. Say it with me. Electrons are MATTER. Say it with me.

All the matter in the universe was created during the BB. We do not have matter being created in the earth JB. Its easier one of the stupidest things EVER.

To create matter artificially we have to dim the lights on massive grids to make a few particles that would make a helium atom look like the titanic next to a row boat. Far easier to release energy from matter, than to create matter from energy.

Man, the sci fi books I love eat up those kinds of ideas, but there is good practical reasons why its science fiction and not science.

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Wed 09/19/12 03:29 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 09/19/12 03:36 PM
Please note that Hans Primas' argument chases the red herring of causality. While i don't concede causality as a "done deal", whether or not it is has NOTHING to do with my argument, which is based on probability (knowability), NOT causality. In suggesting that my argument hinges on causality, you are trying to create a strawman.

All of this without ever acknowledging which definition of determinism you are using.

If you are not using the definition used by trained physicists then you are wasting my time.

Look up causal determinism. No conversation about free will vs determinism could be less absurd when switching between these definitions and not taking seriously concerns regarding the acausal overtones that are required by free will proponents which use QM to somehow explain consciousness but never make any progress in that endeavor.

What "emergent properties?"
In this case? Free will obviously, however emergent properties are everywhere. The color of an apple is an emergent property. Break down all of its atoms and its not red, or green or blue. Language is an emergent property of the structure and level of organization of large neural networks.

Looking at free will from QM is like looking at the elephant one pore at a time, never will you map the structure or have anything meaningful to say. The scale of inquiry is all off. At the scale of QM consciousness could never be seen. Like never changing the zoom of the fractal you are looking at and never learning the pattern.

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Wed 09/19/12 03:09 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 09/19/12 03:10 PM

OMG I wonder where all this extra mass comes from?

JB are you really this stupid?

People just like plants get most of our matter from the atmosphere, and soil.

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Wed 09/19/12 02:25 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 09/19/12 03:08 PM
Solar winds interacting with the particles involved in radiometric decay would also interact with and strip away lighter elements from our atmosphere such as oxygen and hydrogen, oh yea and of course the molecules they form such as water . . .good thing metalwing is correct, not howsitz.

Coronal mass ejections would strip our atmosphere of life sustaining molecules without a magnetic field, and if the high energy particles are interacting with potassium-40, or Argon-40 inside of a rock in the earth to effect radiometric decay, they are definitely interacting with the atmosphere.

Any attempt to say this field was at one point absent or significantly weaker would have to explain how we have been able to keep our pristine life sustaining atmosphere where Venus could not, but balance that against the need for those particle to interact with our commonly used radiometric isotopes for your theory to have merit . . . Either our atmosphere is shielded, or its not, either the isotopes are being bombarded and decay rates increased, or not.

Nothing presented by howsit has helped his argument, it only ever complicates his theory and leaves more questions.

Creationist drivel is never intended to really explain anything, just keep those with weak or absent science educations interested.

You are right that the current fluctuations are minimal, I am referring to the more extreme decay changes with a magnetic shield 3 X stronger.

Ahh stronger . . . as in better able to protect us from these high energy particles . . . btw also better shielding the argon-40 from increased decay rate due to energetic bombardment . . of which we know a lot because we do it in the lab . . .

yea, no . . . we physicists don't know a thing about it really. The creationists knows more about biology than biologists and more about physics than physicists! Pure GENIUS!

no photo
Wed 09/19/12 02:12 PM

Maybe the earth is alive. Growing from sunlight.bigsmile
Guess where living things get the matter to grow from?

hint . . . not sunlight.

Only someone who knows absolutely nothing about science would fall for this one.

I take it from that comment that you have disproved the idea of pair creation resulting from highly energetic particles at the Earths core?

>>Bushido stats writing the screen play.

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Wed 09/19/12 02:01 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 09/19/12 02:04 PM
Expanding Earth my 4ss

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Wed 09/19/12 01:52 PM
Well I know what never seems to annoy me . . . having fun. Maybe if you told us a bit about what you enjoy doing.

ex. I noticed you play piano, I enjoy playing my saxophone, I find other musicians rarely annoy me and generally make for good company.

Anyways, just saying hello from Jax.

no photo
Wed 09/19/12 01:46 PM
Looks like you figured it out.

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Tue 09/04/12 03:41 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 09/04/12 03:41 PM

Discussing science with the anti-scientifically minded among us: The pursuit of unobtanium!

if you replace 'religion' for science, the statement will still hold just as true/false

some people can consider other possibilities, others cannot consider it

some people can consider it but still not be swayed

its really not a question of whether those people are 'scientific' or 'religious'
See this is where you could not be more wrong.

Religion is not objective. Science is, that places them in completely different realms.

Comparing them in the way you have is exactly what I am talking about.

Obtaining a consensus when half the party is making it up as they go is impossible.

no photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:16 PM
Discussing science with the anti-scientifically minded among us: The pursuit of unobtanium!

no photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:20 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 09/04/12 12:13 PM

Certainty, or uncertainty is an epistemic notion. NOT ONTOLOGICAL.

I call craptonite on that. Seeing as how the entire universe is essentially built on quanta, I dare say it forms the foundation of the universe's very existence. As you must know, to exist is to BE, so how is quantum uncertainty, an inherent property of quanta, NOT ontological?

Intermingling epistemic concerns with ontological causative origins does not a logical argument make.

Neither does the erroneous implication of a false dichotomy. QT imposes epistemological limits on knowledge; it also provides a framework for ontologies.

What scale does the universe exist at?

Relative to what?

I strongly suspect that the universe is a chaotic blend of order and randomness that could be termed fractal. This is of course only my opinion and i won't bother to go into my arguments regarding chaos and free will. However, you might find this to be interesting reading:
Certainty is entirely epistemic. Why? Because it deals with knowledge. What we know deals with how certain we are or are not. The uncertainty principle deals with our knowledge of momentum or trajectory for measurements of particles interacting. Some people are certain an invisible sky daddy listens to there first world problems in the total absence of any ontological factors to support that conclusion.

So first you are making an epistemic claim about an ontological set of mental states. What we can know about the individual momentum or trajectory of particles has little to do with making choices. These two things live at very different scales, one involved a handful of particles at the quantum level of EPR, Tunneling, and spectra absorption. The other at the scale of billions of neurons involved in thousands of connections per cycle. This is called an error of scale. Basically you are applying a property of particle interactions to the universe as a whole, all the while admitting that at large scales determinism rules. Your contradiction that I tried to point out.

My point is that reducing mental states to individual particle interactions looses the very emergent properties one is trying to examine when one talks about free will making the exercise futile.

Then on top of that we have the misunderstandings of the limitations of epistemic vs ontologic. No concept could be more confused from the get go than free will with these two errors involved.

The link you cited makes the same exact mistakes as you are making, which when smart people make this mistake I cringe either because they are programed by society, or they just want to publish a paper which will get a popular science column article written on it because all of the laymen idiots out there cant follow along but will read anything about free will.
If you are not a physicist this may be way over your head, but it deals with determinism and explains the errors made when reflecting upon free will from a particle interaction scale, it also explains that often fundamental parts of QM are deterministic(Schrodinger equation is an example), and we can also parse causal factors from indeterminate metrics, which shows us that under it all truly acausal influences are not possible really, or if they do occur there is no way they are responsible for cognition or choice (rarity).

Indeterminate =/= Acausal is one of the biggest things to take away.

It baffles me when smart people set themselves up for failure, or spend a lot of time working out the physics and maths of cause and effect only to realize . . . if free will exists then it must be acausal, or conversely if free will exists we must give up determinism.

Sigh . . . as if we didn't know this the second we define free will as being something other than determined by causal relationships within our spacetime.

All I can say is . . . well duh.

Choice is what we should investigate and science is descriptive, NOT proscriptive, so when we find out that it is entirely determined we can then either redefine free will if your in love with the term, or we can start talking about choices, and emergent properties, and chaos theory instead of these tired old QM vs determinism vs free will conversations which are essentially a tautology of idiocy.

Just my .50 cents.

Hans Primas
ETH-Zentrum, CH–8092 Z¨urich (Switzerland)

In present-day physics the fundamental dynamical laws are taken as a time-translation-invariant and time-reversal-invariant one-parameter groups of automorphisms of the underlying mathematical structure. In this context-independent and empirically inaccessible description there is no past, present or future, hence no distinction between cause and effect.
To get the familiar description in terms of causes and effects, the time-reversal symmetry of the fundamental dynamics has to be broken.
Thereby one gets two representations, one satisfying the generally accepted rules of retarded causality (“no effect can precede its cause”). The other one describes the strange rules of advanced causality. For entangled (but not necessarily interacting) quantum systems the arrow of time must
have the same direction for all subsystems. But for classical systems, or for classical subsystems of quantum systems, this argument does not hold. As a cosequence, classical systems allow the conceptual possibility of advanced causality in addition to retarded causality. Every mathematically formulated dynamics of statistically reproducible events can be extended to a description in terms of a one-parameter group of automorphisms of an enlarged mathematical structure which describes a fictitious hidden determinism. Consequently, randomness in the sense of mathematical probability theory is only a weak generalization of determinism.
The popular ideas that in quantum theory there are gaps in the
causal chain which allow the accommodation of the freedom of human action are fantasies which have no basis in present-day quantum mechanics. Quantum events are governed by strict statistical laws. Freedom of action is a constitutive necessity of all experimental science which requires a violation of the statistical predictions of physics. We conclude that the presently adopted first principles of theoretical physics can neither explain the autonomy of the psyche nor account for the freedom of action necessary for experimental science.

Here I will translate for you.

It is entirely inappropriate to use the tools of QM to analyze freedom of choice.

Also when you see the phrase strict statistical laws, you should be reading . . . NOT acausal. An interaction causes the collapse of the wave function, making it a strict statistical equation regarding probability distribution. The probability is what we KNOW, or can KNOW, however a cause was determined, even when it is time-invariant.

I think one of the problems that perpetuates this discussion is that really two different definitions exist for determinism. One which is entirely ontological, its often called Causal Determinism, (causes have effects), the other mixes ontology and epistemology and is the source of all this drama (damn philosophers), and the source of the word itself, determined a very epistemic word. It saddens me when other physicists use the later, or worse equivocate between them as we see the authors of that article you posted. (A couple of mathematicians, well par for course [no offense to anyone out there], but physicists should know better)

Neither does the erroneous implication of a false dichotomy. QT imposes epistemological limits on knowledge; it also provides a framework for ontologies.
Figured Id address this head on . . . Yes, to the first part, it does pose limits on our ability to know what is going on, No, to the second part. QM says NOTHING about the underlying ontology, that is why when it was first developed you had so many interpretations. Interpretations are not needed when a theory develops an ontological framework. Also what does an ontological framework mean if not a way to DETERMINE cause and effect? Ontology: what happens, framework: system of organizing information.

A system for organizing information about what happens. Yup, a way to determine cause and effect, nope it does not do that.

QM is a collection of tools which are useful in providing probabilities which when done exhaustively give good boundaries for interactions.

Not the same thing at all and EXACTLY why interpretations are so often talked about.

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Mon 09/03/12 12:33 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Mon 09/03/12 12:34 PM

Perhaps both theories are right. Maybe we are a product of intelligent design that utilized evolution.

This is how I see it.
They are not compatible.

Nature selecting random mutations based on the positive or negative effects it has on an organism ability to reproduce fertile offspring is not compatible with some entity making decisions.

This ends poorly for theists, they end up either deists or leave in a huff and ignore the contradiction. Lots of the latter in this thread, only difference is the tenacity of the creationist.

I disagree.

Conscious and unconscious "decision making" are extremely compatible and happen constantly.

Most decision making is programed and unconscious. The more conscious a organism becomes, the more "random" its decision making appears.

But no "decision" is really random. It only appears that way. Most "decisions" are automatic and unconscious and part of programing.

You should look up the definition of decision.

Pretty typical really. Don't know what your talking about, no worries, just change definitions till it fits.

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Mon 09/03/12 12:22 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Mon 09/03/12 12:22 PM

Perhaps both theories are right. Maybe we are a product of intelligent design that utilized evolution.

This is how I see it.
They are not compatible.

Nature selecting random mutations based on the positive or negative effects it has on an organism ability to reproduce fertile offspring is not compatible with some entity making decisions.

This ends poorly for theists, they end up either deists or leave in a huff and ignore the contradiction. Lots of the latter in this thread, only difference is the tenacity of the creationist.

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Mon 09/03/12 11:56 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Mon 09/03/12 12:16 PM
Where in the discovery of knowledge have we ever made progress by defining a term, then seeking out if it exists or not?

Cart before horse.

Free will defined by its lack of causal interaction is a non-starter. So why do it?

Starting with such a notion ends with the conclusion that choices are acausal, come from literally nowhere, and are unaffected by the very universe we are a part of and exist within. Pure nonsense.

I cannot fathom anyone really thinking that is a good place to start, or even possible to learn anything from such a baseline.

It would be like us making up a new term, lets call it craptonite. Then we set criteria for its existence that is absurd, lets say that Craptonite only exists where nothing can interact with it, NOTHING, not space, not time, not energy, NOTHING.

Then we say that craptonite is the source of all flatulence.

That is the level of discourse when free will is predicated on a lack of causal interaction. seems that we are no more than biological machines and that free will is just an illusion.”

Frankly, I'm somewhat amazed hawking would have said that…He must be "slipping." While I agree that we are biological machines, and even that a sense of "self" is merely an illusion, I cannot agree that free will is just an illusion, since the very existence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle guarantees that the universe is non-Newtonian and therefore that determinism is only valid at larger scales in the statistical sense, not fundamentally so.

Since the universe is not Newtonian/deterministic, free will must exist.
I call craptonite.

Certainty, or uncertainty is an epistemic notion. NOT ONTOLOGICAL. It also deals with interactions at scales which are not relevant to neural networks.

Any time anyone says something like, "since the very existence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle guarantees that the universe is non-Newtonian and therefore that determinism is only valid at larger scales in the statistical sense, not fundamentally so"

I want to break this down what you said.

Uncertainty guaranteed for the universe.
Determinism Valid at Large Scales.

What scale does the universe exist at?

Right . . .

Throwing around words like fundamental does not fix generalizations of scale. Intermingling epistemic concerns with ontological causative origins does not a logical argument make.

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Sat 08/11/12 09:58 AM

So msharmony I never did see your answer to my earlier question asking for clarification on your statements on the first page of this thread.

Basically you said no one has a logical legal reason to have that kind of capability. I asked for you to define the capability that is logically legal as you put it, but you never did.

How can you with any certainty talk about a subject such as this, making statements about what should be legal or illegal and not define what you mean?

I cant clarify, you will keep asking me to 'name' guns when I dont know guns names , I just know the damage they can do...

the capability that I think is 'logically' legal is whatever is necessary to have a REASONABLE chance at taking out or slowing down an attacker,,,,with minimal chance at harming others in the cross fire

it should require some EFFORT on the shooters part, whether it be after each shot or after each six shots but not after dozens of shots fired

thats just my opinion, and people are free to believe the more bullets in the less time gives them a better chance, or even believe a grenade launcher gives them a better chance

I really can not be precise about what 'rasonable' is,,,,

reasonable is a term however, just like in the courts, thats going to be subjective and have no ABSOLUTE explanation which I can describe,,,
Whole lot of words to essentially say you have no clue.

Anyone so clueless should hesitate to state there opinion.

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Sat 08/11/12 09:37 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sat 08/11/12 09:55 AM
First ladies are essentially political supporters with a platform. Obama should pay her as his employer.

Someone should ask him why he doesn't pay his wife for all her hard work, she works for him, not our country.

Last time I checked we didn't hire any first lady, we hired a president. Presidents wives should not have a role other than being a wife. This guy sucks more than a shop vac!
it is obviousely clear that he was refering to equal pay for woman. Being I have woman in my life, im all for it. And I highly doubt he was advocating a salery for his wife, we often resort to semantics when refering to those we despise, rational tends to take a back seat.
Women do get equal pay when all factors are considered.

Feminists movements tend to like to present data that excludes all of the relevant factors such as time of employment, work history, gaps in employment, degrees, certifications, and most importantly choice.

When you compare apples to apples.

The first reason is stated above the statistics which say women make .75-.77 cents on the dollar of men ignore the criteria which anyone man or women is judge against for pay.

The second reason is that women tend to choose jobs in social science, biology, or psychology fields vs men tend to choose jobs in engineering, technology or mathematics heavy fields . . . which pay better.

When comparing a women in a engineering field to a man with the same background, same degrees, same amount of work history, no gaps in employment and no children the pay is equal. In fact in some areas women are exceeding there male counter parts when benefits are rightly added to the pay.

Far more government money is also available for women than men.

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