With Trump, if you don’t perform “you’re fired “! If only we could get him to fire Congress because all they do is obstruct him. The Russian hoax! Kavanaugh! US MCA sitting on Nancy Pelosi‘s desk for months and nothing happening. Infrastructure, nothing happening due to Democrats! Prescription drugs, Trump has done executive legislation but absolutely nothing from the Democrats! The economy was so much less regulation and job growth through the roof for African-Americans, Hispanics, women, all at record record lows since reporting began. Folks hate this President because CNN told them to. Vote Red or vote Socialist Folks also hate him because he is divisive and insulting and immature and a narcissistic bully. I do not allow anyone to make me hate. I just think he is incompetent immature, ignorant, and tacky, and possibly actually senile. |
I am not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing.
I thought the 'many many tremendous people' remark was satiric comment about the way he uses 'truthful hyperbole' when he speaks(Trump).
some people, many people in fact, many many tremendous people are saying.. he is the most successful flim-flam man the world has ever known... ![]() Um, I think Jesus Christ has already filled that roll. He has millions of followers and even the calender is based off him. Its clearly the biggest scam the world has ever come across, some illegitimate child born in a barn who claims he is the son of God and to this day many still believe that? Jesus asked nothing from anyone, did not boast about himself, served and helped others, and lived a frugal life. That is NOT flim flamming anyone. |
some people, many people in fact, many many tremendous people are saying.. he is the most successful flim-flam man the world has ever known... ![]() greatest con man, I will give him that, but in this age of lazy thinking, that may not be long lived. I am sure many will be on that mantle with him within a decade or two. |
Aims of life
The only thing I can figure is that there are lessons to learn and experiences to have so my soul can mature and grow.
Donald trumps wall
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Sun 11/17/19 09:07 AM
I am all for non physical 'walls' and borders and immigration laws. My daughter's dad was Welsh and we went through the process. It is long and tedious and takes a little bit of money or connections with those who have money, unless you have some high demand skill.
I understand people do not starve gracefully and if they are impoverished they are all but sure to be rejected the 'legal' way, or to otherwise not have the time to wait for the process to approve them, so they do what they can for their families the illegal way. I do not demonize them at all. I feel the laws should be followed. I also feel that there should be a statute of limitations, after which, if someone has remained in the country 'illegally' should have the option to be deported OR to legally apply based on current years of residence with no criminal history, remaining on a 'standby' status until the completion of the process and decision. That is my opinion. |
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Sun 11/17/19 08:45 AM
I believe he is a senile or demented narcissistic unscrupulous old man pulling the greatest prank on Americans in my lifetime.
I believe he has no experience but being privileged and no real concern for anyone's struggles besides other privileged I believe he is a modern day emperor with no clothes, whose entire appeal is his 'brand'(name) which has given him passes all his life and continues to do so with his base. I believe there is nothing in his seven decades of experience that contradicts my belief that he is unscrupulous or that with all his privilege, he rarely ever does anything with it but further line his own pockets. I believe he constantly lies about what he has said or done. And I don't mean 'flip flop' where people may have an opinion that changes over time. I mean literally saying he has said or done something one week, and saying the EXACT opposite the next week.(I give him the benefit here that points to possible senility or dementia). I do not feel he has been on top of his game in decades, but instead had build enough of a fortune and a brand that it didn't matter. I do not feel a great businessman has quite so many bankruptcies, and I believe he is only using the office to further cement his brand and make more money with it. I do not know, in fact, of any great business he has done in , again, at least a couple of decades. I get tired of his tendency to boast about how much better he allegedly is than everyone else and to make up words and rile people into anger or hatred. I get tired of his tendency to take credit for all things positive and pass the buck on anything that is not. I get tired of his elementary level vocabulary and speak 'We had a meeting. We had a really great meeting. We talked about alot of things. It was a good meeting," which never really explains anything to anybody except how great he thinks he is. I think he was a corrupt businessman and is also a corrupt President. I wish he would return to reality TV and the coattails of his past Real Estate success. I will be glad when we get someone classy, intelligent, and respectable who actually gives a damn about the 'least of us' back in office. |
A very wonderful dispassionate write MsHarmony. I used to live in Richmond, Va; and had two good friends. Both gave valuable advise on how to get along. Calling them Black American or American Black sounds funny to me even now. This was before the Web exploded - 1992-98 lol ... there are so many different personal preferences for the labels. I always grew up with the connection of white being 'pure and clean', so it seemed like black would be 'not' those things. So, I personally never preferred the label 'Black', although it makes me no real difference if someone else chooses to use it. I know what they mean and I fit that racial term as well. I like 'of color' or 'colored' but it can be argued that all skin has a 'color' to it, so it is not quite descriptive enough. I prefer African American, because it doesn't have the dark and negative 'opposite of white' connotation, and it doesn't describe me in any other way, color or otherwise. It does embrace my ancestry from Africa, while simultaneously celebrating my nationality as American. Because there were so many centuries where my ancestors could NOT be seen as both, it is a way to honor their sacrifice and their journey. ![]() |
IS it also fair to say that God deniers are also amongst the 50 pages, or that straight answers and answers people want to hear are not always the same thing? It takes two.
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Sun 11/10/19 04:30 PM
To me, I think people often consider vague and hard to describe as interchangeable.
Sexuality is a vague concept, but it does not mean it is not a description of a real thing. To me, God is not vague. To me, it is critical thinking to understand we are not cosmic coincidences and accidents but have an intelligent design instead. I think many believe that such faith is about a lack of intelligence or 'critical thinking' but there are many scientists who also believe in intelligent design, so it is much more than that. To me, the fact that we dont know everything about everything is only further proof of our mortal limits. To others, our mortal limits are validation to a tunnel vision where all that can be real is what we can clearly understand, define, or otherwise put into a neat categorized box. As for rules, man has rules. I think it is logical to expect a creator also would have rules for its creation. Everything man manufactures has some type of blue print or manual to define its purpose, and how it is to be used and maintained. It is logical to me that an intelligent creator would have the same type of reference for us. |
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Sun 11/10/19 12:00 PM
Yes. Everything in me tells me there is a God. But can you tell me something, please? What exactly is this God you believe in? Some sort of plasma, floating in space? Another human being, on this planet - or on another planet? Nobody seems capable of answering that question, and yet believers don't seem to think it matters! Believers are full of what God will do, does do, doesn't do, won't do, and more. But nowhere can I find a simple explanation of what God actually IS! It's difficult to have a discussion about something that nobody can define! I have never been curious to nor needed to define God. He is that he is. He can be, for his creation, viewed as whatever he decides from moment to moment and individual to individual. The creation could never fully have the perspective of the creator enough to define their boundaries for them. God is the divine intelligence that put together all of what is natural and all the ways those things work in congruence to continue their own existence. He existed before our languages that we use to try to define 'what' he is in a physical sense, except for GOD. Most closely to our limited mortal understanding, I would personally describe him as spirit that can exist in any physical form. |
Yes. Everything in me tells me there is a God.
I resort to morning affirmations and a mindset of getting the responsibilities 'over with' from day to day, so I can get to my relax and breathe time.
aunt jemima syrup
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Sun 11/10/19 10:58 AM
My opinion is that dress up alone is a costume. When it crosses over to face painting to represent someone's race, that is over the line and racial.
I do not figure you see too many black children painting their face white to look like a white character, though they do often 'dress' like characters who happen to be white. |
We have so many 'sexualities' these days. People attracted to same sex, different sex, any sex, not affected by the sex at all but only the human themselves, we have people born with no ovaries or vagina who NEVER had a period 'identifying' as women and girls, we have people born with no penis or testicles "identifying" as men and boys. Things are so undefined or over defined by every little feeling or urge, I think we can just say it doesn't matter and be done with it, age included. All that matters now is the individuals urges and desires and preferences.
Kathy Griffin
I've never liked Griffin. She used to do that New Years Eve show on tv with Anderson Cooper, but not anymore. She showed a death threat to the President so she should be on a watch list. This is scary to learn. she is a comedian going for a joke though, not unlike a sitting president joking about second amendment folks being able to 'do something' about her allegedly picking judges. |
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Sun 11/10/19 10:38 AM
As a black woman, this is how I see it.
I do not have the perspective on the Native American experience, not having walked in their shoes. Now, the past often frames the present. The place of African Americans as substandard and property lasted from the 1600s to nearly the 1900s, or three centuries. That was followed by further INSTITUTIONAL unequal status through Jim Crow laws that lasted until 1960. That means that since the 1600s there has only been a little over half a century, or only two generations, that the INSTITUTIONAL law has not been that African Americans should be treated as inferiors. The mind is powerful and basic values get passed down through generations. To me, this means that a very longstanding NATIONAL negative and inferior perception of African Americans has been enforced for 360 years compared to the only 60 since institutional inferior status has stopped being DIRECTLY enforced. However, the consequences of that many years of having institutional second class status has not been anything good, and implicit bias tests have shown time and time again that the NATIONAL perspective of African Americans has not fared much better. Add to that the way the educational system and the media 'represent' African Americans, and you generally have a bias that impacts all areas of the African American life, especially AA males. This is a bias I feel colors decisions with employment, justice, healthcare and many other areas of life. In contrast, I don't personally feel the education system or media much represents Native Americans at all, so I would be surprised to see the same blatant negative bias existing for them, although it is quite possible it does. I would be surprised if people clutch their purse around a native american, or if officers assume a threat when encountering a native american the way they would an african american male. The history does speak for itself. Today, we have laws that dont allow for the same blatant discrimination as before, but there is enough discretion that people can find many other reasons to hide behind when their actions and choices are colored by race. I do not like to compare trauma or tragedy. I can only give my perspective as an African American female. |
Kathy Griffin
The thing with comedians is they are like Trump. People that like them have reasons for liking them that usually include agreeing with things they say and do. Comedians ESPECIALLY have a fan base that relates to their sense of humor so that the jokes they make are rarely going to cause them to loose those that were in their fan base and know their sense of humor. Usually 'scandals' are only scandalous to those who were not fans of their humor anyway.
Is "Fix You" by Coldplay, considered romantic.
I think it is a cool concept of accepting and loving imperfect human beings. I also like "(can we just) Talk" by Khalid. |