It's not an assumption on my part, I'm merely stating a biblical concept - and that is where the idea of "all knowing" comes from. If you're going to state a biblical concept as an a priori than it helps to understand that concept. Else, you are not talking about God, in which case - who are you talking about? Who indeed. You have not yet defined "god" to our mutual satisfaction. So I guess this argument is a moot point. Assuming God is an entity (apart from other entities and apart from us) and assuming God is all knowing and not 'constrained by time' then in order to make such statements as you do, you would also have to understand time. Which you don't. I'm not sure I understand time either on the human consciousness level. I do know that I don't exist in the past, I only think about the past and I don't exist in the future, I only think about the future. I do have an idea of what does exist, exists in the present moment. All decisions are made in the present moment. One might predict the outcome of an event, or decision but one cannot know what choices are made in the moment until they are made. Not even an entity you define as God. That is my conclusion. I don't think you can present any evidence to the contrary, so I guess this discussion fails on premise that I don't accept your interpretation of Biblical scripture. Well - in the post that originated this discussion between us - you spoke of a God who is claimed to be omniscient. What God other than the biblical one were you refering to? So what is your interpretetation of the biblical God - which by the way states that God is omniscient and exists outside of time. How are you interpreting that to mean anything other than what it says? You may conclude that this God does not exist - but you are not basing your conclusion on anything factual, so you are merely presenting a strawman who's attributes fullfill your contradictions. Isn't that cozy. I agree with you. The God that you are speaking of does not exist. However - this god is not the one represented in scripture. You said:
Actually, since I strongly believe you and I fall woefully short of the mind of God, your stating with certainty that God does not know the future is delusional at best. That's funny since you have not even defined 'God' and cannot prove such an entity exists, if it is indeed an entity. Again - you are the one who established the definition of God in your original post - stating it was the one believed to be omniscient. We're working with your definition of an entity already described in print. I don't need to define it - merely reference the description that exists. Perhaps you consider the thousands of prophecies of scripture that were fullfilled centuries after the prophets died - coincidence. No, I consider them to be fiction. What are you basing your conclusion on? That still does not demonstrate that God is unaware of what has happened in the future. For despite the unsurity of decisiveness of man in the present, whatever happens in the future is going to happen, and for an entity that is aware of all of the circumstances surrounding every decision that is to be made, knowing what the eventual outcome will be is not hard to reason that an omnicient being already knew what the choices are (were). For all of the logic that you are attempting to assert - time is an asssumed premise as a constraint. If we remove time from your argument - you have no foundation to support your conclusions.
I have already removed time from the argument, because it does not exist in reality. If each thinking center (person) has free will to decide or act, no all knowing entity identified as "God" will know that decision or choice until it is made in the present. (NOW) Which is all that exists. The future cannot be known because it does not exist, is all I am saying. But time is not defined by the future. Time is described by 3 separate entities - past present and future. Your conclusion that time does not exist merely demonstrates your not understanding what time is. We have indefinite evidence to attest to the past, and unless you are in a comma - you are fully aware of the present as it occurs. Though you may not recognize the future, as it has not occured - it will come, and you can do nothing to stop it. But you have nothing to base your assertion on than mere desire on your part. And if life has demonstrated anything - it is that just desiring something be true, does not make it so.
That I 'desire' a thing is something that is beyond your ability to know. I don't 'desire' anything to be true or not true. Truth is truth. To resist "What Is" only causes pain and discomfort and misery. So, what ever is.... IS. I am just telling you what I think IS. We agree - truth is truth. It is an absolute. However, perception of it can be evasive, and delusional. And truth is not perception. |
. Eljay said . . . . Since God is not constrained by time, an action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was". Right so he made you to go to hell, then sent himself down to die but then the best he could come up with to spread the word was word of mouth . . . pretty pathetic, he creates the vast majority of us to go to hell . . . .
Yep pretty sloppy. Actually, that's not quite accurate. He did not create people to go to hell, else everyone would. It isn't God's choice that people go to hell - it's their choice. He doesn't make the decision for anyone. So I guess you could say that if one finds themself in hell - it's because they were a fool while they were on earth. That's what's sloppy. That doesn't seem quite accurate. Isn't the default option for all human beings hell? Don't you have to choose heaven in order to not go to hell? Didn't Jesus say if you are not with me you are against me? So isn't it fair to say that we were created with the hell switch toggled to the on position? No. We are created with the heaven switch on. At the point that the individual "sins" (does wrong, whatever your term for falling short of doing what is right is) THEY flip the switch. Once the individual flips that switch, separating them from God (thus not losing their ticket to paradise, if you will) there is only one way to flip the switch back on, and it has nothing to do with how many "good works" one does - but in recognizing that faith in Jesus is the switch. It's not about quantity, but quality. So - going to hell is not a decision by God, it's only a fullfillment of the choice that an individual makes. It's all about the heart. Either one recognizes the place God has in existance, and how they're in relation to that, or they decide for themselves that it's all about them, and how they percieve God in relation to thier reality - as to where they'll end up. The choice is entirely in the hands of man. That would be a contradiction to the original sin idea wouldn't it? How can you call sin a choice if no one can avoid it? The concept of "original sin" is from Catholicism. You'd be hard pressed to find it in the bible. It isn't the fact that people can't avoid it - it's that they don't. There's a difference. Not_being_able to avoid sin takes the responsibility away from the individual, and that is not how man was created. It is certainly within man's capability to avoid sinning, however - no one does. No one ever has, no one ever will - apart from the incarnate Jesus. But I'm not telling you anything you're not aware of here. It is the central gospel message. |
Cause and Effect
What!?!? If I'm not mistaken, it was a bullet that killed this man - not a bunch of words. Do you understand cause and effect?
While the bullet may have been what ended the Doctor's live, it was the bunch of words, and the ideology that the shooter believed in that pulled the trigger. To sit there and claim otherwise is simply absurd, even by your standards. The shooter was under the delusion that by murdering a "murderer" - that his actions were justified. What religious ideology supports that? It's not Christianity, and It's not Judism, so what religious ideology are you refering to? |
Religious Terrorist
Like this picture? Is this God's love? Is this okay? Is this free speech? Is this a Christian jihad? Is this remotely okay? I really have to ask...what would Jesus do? Religious extremist of any stripe are dangerous. Guess you missed that whole Columbine thing, eh? Reality bites. |
Cause and Effect
Religion really needs some serious discussion in this world, but for some reason it is condoned, maybe because it's easier to deal with people who don't actually think for themselves but follow leaders that are long dead, and those that supposedly speak for them. True. But religion has so little to do with God, and scripture. Religion is all about man reaching out to God, as opposed to God reaching out to man. This is why most of the worlds religions get it wrong. They attempt to follow there idea of what it takes to reach God, and in doing so, they create an hierarchy, and either they claim an authority over man in terms of their intellectual theology - or they put their faith in men who do this, thinking that this is the wat to get to God. This stands in direct contradiction to everything that is scriptural. It's not about religion - it's about the bible, and the testamony about Jesus. |
. Eljay said . . . . Since God is not constrained by time, an action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was". Right so he made you to go to hell, then sent himself down to die but then the best he could come up with to spread the word was word of mouth . . . pretty pathetic, he creates the vast majority of us to go to hell . . . .
Yep pretty sloppy. Actually, that's not quite accurate. He did not create people to go to hell, else everyone would. It isn't God's choice that people go to hell - it's their choice. He doesn't make the decision for anyone. So I guess you could say that if one finds themself in hell - it's because they were a fool while they were on earth. That's what's sloppy. That doesn't seem quite accurate. Isn't the default option for all human beings hell? Don't you have to choose heaven in order to not go to hell? Didn't Jesus say if you are not with me you are against me? So isn't it fair to say that we were created with the hell switch toggled to the on position? No. We are created with the heaven switch on. At the point that the individual "sins" (does wrong, whatever your term for falling short of doing what is right is) THEY flip the switch. Once the individual flips that switch, separating them from God (thus not losing their ticket to paradise, if you will) there is only one way to flip the switch back on, and it has nothing to do with how many "good works" one does - but in recognizing that faith in Jesus is the switch. It's not about quantity, but quality. So - going to hell is not a decision by God, it's only a fullfillment of the choice that an individual makes. It's all about the heart. Either one recognizes the place God has in existance, and how they're in relation to that, or they decide for themselves that it's all about them, and how they percieve God in relation to thier reality - as to where they'll end up. The choice is entirely in the hands of man. |
. Eljay said . . . . Since God is not constrained by time, an action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was". Right so he made you to go to hell, then sent himself down to die but then the best he could come up with to spread the word was word of mouth . . . pretty pathetic, he creates the vast majority of us to go to hell . . . .
Yep pretty sloppy. If an all knowing entity "God" exists; and this "God" is not constrained by time, it is because time does not exist outside of the domain of a spacetime universe. Only if God is within the spacetime universe would he or she look at a past or future. Assuming God is all knowing, he or she could only know what is happening NOW and why. God would have no concept of past or future, only NOW. But I don't think there is a single entity embodied anywhere that is all knowing while embodied. Only the intelligent universe as a whole could have access to all information. I realize most people will not see the significance of this. That doesn't make any sense. If God is all knowing they don't know what is happening beyond now. You're contradicting yourself. Well I did say that I realize most people will not see the significance of this. I fail to see the significance in contradiction. You said "since God is not constrained by time...(which is an assumption on your part.) action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was"." It's not an assumption on my part, I'm merely stating a biblical concept - and that is where the idea of "all knowing" comes from. If you're going to state a biblical concept as an a priori than it helps to understand that concept. Else, you are not talking about God, in which case - who are you talking about? I say: IF there is a single embodied entity that is "all knowing" (Big if here) who is not constrained by 'time' you claim he would know what you will choose to do tomorrow.. BUT there are any number of things you might do tomorrow. If this all knowing God is aware of all of your possible choices, and the outcomes, (which he would have to be, given he is "all knowing")then what he 'knows' is what you MIGHT choose to do and the consequences of each of those choices. He would not know which choice you will make until you make it. You make choices NOW not in the future. Not quite. The omniscience (all knowing) of which we are speaking is not confined by time. Therefore - the knowledge is in everything that will ever happen - as the only constraint of "now" is on those who dwell on this planet. Omniscience already knows all from the end of time, backwards to the beginning. Therefore they know what has occured, and what "might" have occured is irrelevant, because it doesn't exist. It is only in the mind as a possibility, and there is no "knowing" in possibility only assumptions. The reason is because this God would only know NOW because now is all that exists. The future does not exist as anything except a probability in the mind worlds. God does not know the future or the past as they are only dreams and probabilities within the mind worlds. (The universal mind) They do not truly exist as a point of power for a thinking center operating in them because thinking centers (observers) only operate in the present. They don't operate in the past or the future. Actually, since I strongly believe you and I fall woefully short of the mind of God, your stating with certainty that God does not know the future is delusional at best. Perhaps you consider the thousands of prophecies of scripture that were fullfilled centuries after the prophets died - coincidence. That still does not demonstrate that God is unaware of what has happened in the future. For despite the unsurity of decisiveness of man in the present, whatever happens in the future is going to happen, and for an entity that is aware of all of the circumstances surrounding every decision that is to be made, knowing what the eventual outcome will be is not hard to reason that an omnicient being already knew what the choices are (were). For all of the logic that you are attempting to assert - time is an asssumed premise as a constraint. If we remove time from your argument - you have no foundation to support your conclusions. I assert that there is no all knowing entity who knows what I will do in the future. But you have nothing to base your assertoin on than mere desire on your part. And if life has demonstrated anything - it is that just desiring something be true, does not make it so. I further back this statement up because if this God knew what everyone would choose to do, then there would be no point in converting people to serve him, as he would already know who will and won't choose to serve him. If such an entity exists, he does not know what you will choose. Why not? And he doesn't convert people to serve him. Where do you get that idea. Worship him, perhaps - but he doesn't convert anyone to serve him, everyone does already, whether they choose to or not. For no one can do anything apart from God. Man is incapable of even breathing on his own. If you think this is true - attempt to stop breathing by shear will. Do it for - oh, say an hour. Then you can claim that there's no entity you're serving. And despite what you may think, God knows every action you have enacted, every choice you've made, are making, or will make. If you do not think this is true, than you're just in denial of defining God. All you're doing is defining a God that cannot exist. Anyone can do that. Perhaps it might be easier to attempt to understand the God that already exists. |
Cause and Effect
The Death of tis Dr at his Church, and now all the pro-life (lol) Christians say they are appalled. Never planned for this to happen. Even though they called this Dr a baby killer! Some Gay boy gets tied to a fence and beat and kicked and beat, and kicked and left for dead still tied to the fence in the middle of the night. The Christians say they never planned for this to happen. It is now clear to me. They cannot understand the concept of cause and effect. It is exactly why simple scienc like evolution, is so far beyound them. What you do in this world has an effect in THIS world. Your words can and did cause the Death of this man. Cause And Effect the best often die by their own hand just to get away, and those left behind can never quite understand why anybody would ever want to get away from them Charles Bukowski What!?!? If I'm not mistaken, it was a bullet that killed this man - not a bunch of words. Do you understand cause and effect? How about these simple concepts... As ye reap, ye sow, Actions have consequences, and all of those simplistic biblical concepts, so obvious, even an Evolutionist can understand it. Evolution is easy to understand, it's believing it that takes more faith than one man can muster. |
. Eljay said . . . . Since God is not constrained by time, an action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was". Right so he made you to go to hell, then sent himself down to die but then the best he could come up with to spread the word was word of mouth . . . pretty pathetic, he creates the vast majority of us to go to hell . . . .
Yep pretty sloppy. If an all knowing entity "God" exists; and this "God" is not constrained by time, it is because time does not exist outside of the domain of a spacetime universe. Only if God is within the spacetime universe would he or she look at a past or future. Assuming God is all knowing, he or she could only know what is happening NOW and why. God would have no concept of past or future, only NOW. But I don't think there is a single entity embodied anywhere that is all knowing while embodied. Only the intelligent universe as a whole could have access to all information. I realize most people will not see the significance of this. That doesn't make any sense. If God is all knowing they don't know what is happening beyond now. You're contradicting yourself. |
. Eljay said . . . . Since God is not constrained by time, an action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was". Right so he made you to go to hell, then sent himself down to die but then the best he could come up with to spread the word was word of mouth . . . pretty pathetic, he creates the vast majority of us to go to hell . . . .
Yep pretty sloppy. Actually, that's not quite accurate. He did not create people to go to hell, else everyone would. It isn't God's choice that people go to hell - it's their choice. He doesn't make the decision for anyone. So I guess you could say that if one finds themself in hell - it's because they were a fool while they were on earth. That's what's sloppy. |
You're premise is false. Just because God knows the choices that man makes does not mean man is without choice. It can be easily demonstrated that man has the freedom of choice (as opposed to free will. No one has a free will) and that God is fully aware of the choices made. Since God is not contrained by time, an action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was".
Eljay you might read a book called "The power of Will." It is in public domain. It is very interesting. The will, is just the will. It is the power of conscious choice... not just choice. It is the power to direct yourself and your thoughts and your attention to what you choose. Some people will use their will (conscious choice) and others will not. People who do not use their will are basically "unconscious" of why they do the things they do or what the consequences of their actions are. They simply follow their genetic programing, or instinct responding to stimuli. You make the statement above that no one has "free will." Why would you make such a statement when you don't seem to be very clear on what the will even is. Yes we all make choices. We don't purposely make bad choices. All bad choices are unconscious choices. When you make conscious choices, you have a specific goal or outcome in mind. This is called living deliberately or 'on purpose.' When you live deliberately you make conscious choices, and you use your will to direct your attention and thoughts towards a specific result or outcome. For example: if you want to loose weight, you don't make the choice to eat lots of cookies and cake and junk food if you are using your conscious will. This choice would take you away from your desired outcome. This is why people say they "don't have the will power" to make a better choice. So they eat what they want and they don't consider the outcome or consequences. They don't even think about it. They may just sit there stuffing their face watching television not even paying attention to what they are eating. That is acting unconsciously. Yes we have a will. Most people don't use it. Most people just follow their programming. Jeannie; If we are viewing "will" as being defined as concious choice rather than "desire" - than I agree with you. The key word here is choice. The power of which has, and always will remain with the individual. Even following a programmed decision process is a choice unto itself. I always prefer to use the term "freedo of choice" rather than "free will" because the term will can refer to a number of meanings, whereas one can rearly misinterpret choice - especially in reference to biblical topics. |
Bump for Eljay, or anyone who thinks he has a point. Here's my point. Respond to this one. Take a frog and put it in a blender. Turn the blender on for - oh, let's say a minute. Now pour the contents into a bowl. How long will it take the contents to mutate back into a frog? And please explain your answer. Since all of the genetic material needed to mutate into the frog in the first place are present, you should be able to successfully explain how this occurance will take place, since this is how life began in the first place - is it not? No, wait - this is NOT part of the theory of Evolution... or is it? Since Abiogenesis is NOT the beginning of Evolution, and Creationism is a myth. Where did life begin? Let's start with that cornerstone and see where it leads. For Bushi, or whoever else wishes to comment. You're a joy my friend. Keep me posted on your results. |
Edited by
Thu 05/28/09 02:54 PM
Bump for Eljay or anyone who thinks he has a point. well for one - there's this: There is so much propaganda on the net because of the religious folk and gay folk and there agenda's its hard to find unbiased research so take it all with a grain of salt, pro and con, but my point is that its a subject for research not pointless assertions. I agree. Since Don-E-2 is an Evolutionary Biologist, I find it hard to believe he does not have an agenda, and that his research and conclusions are unbiased. In fact, I'll go as far as to say he's blinded by bias. Just another minister of Evolution. Since he provides no evidence of his research, let's pass around that salt shaker shall we, to help swallow those pointless assertions of his. |
Edited by
Thu 05/28/09 02:24 PM
Bump for Eljay, or anyone who thinks he has a point. Here's my point. Respond to this one. Take a frog and put it in a blender. Turn the blender on for - oh, let's say a minute. Now pour the contents into a bowl. How long will it take the contents to mutate back into a frog? And please explain your answer. Since all of the genetic material needed to mutate into the frog in the first place are present, you should be able to successfully explain how this occurance will take place, since this is how life began in the first place - is it not? No, wait - this is NOT part of the theory of Evolution... or is it? Since Abiogenesis is NOT the beginning of Evolution, and Creationism is a myth. Where did life begin? Let's start with that cornerstone and see where it leads. For Bushi, or whoever else wishes to comment. |
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Thu 05/28/09 01:56 PM
I seriously have no idea how the ID movement came up with the "no new information" propaganda, but its false. Its not even a good way of looking at things. Evolution does not even need more information, just different . . . posing this kind of rebuttal shows a complete lack of understanding of genetics. New info is added to the genome, but that is not what drives evolution, and it not how changes are made, some changes do include new data in the code, some dont, some swap, some move its not a good way of looking at it at all, its a sly way to take advantage of the folks who have never had proper education in genetics and evolution. A complete mis-understanding of genetics. What are you talking about? Here, let's simplify this. Correct me if I'm wrong about this - but Evolution presumes that all life has eminated from a single source, and that over b-i-l-l-i-o-n-s of years and m-a-n-y mutations, we have arrived at all of the millions of species walking, flying, swimming, or rooted into the dirt - all sharing their original DNA with the "origin of life". Now - even YOU have to admit, that thre are species with more information in their DNA than others. So - please explain how that occured, and give examples in the Evolutionary records where this phenomina has been documented. Then you can come here and tell me that your Religion of Evolution is in fact - scientific. Other than that - don't claim someone else knows nothing of genetics until you can support your theory with it. And while your at it - supply some evidence of this "new information" added to the genome. I don't recall a Nobel prise being awarded for this discovery. Support your claims with some facts every now and then - will ya, huh? And answer the questions I posed, or I'll repeat my post till they lock this thread. |
Bump for Eljay or anyone who thinks he has a point. Yes, I do have a point. First off - is this supposed to represent something greater than mutation within a species? If so - elabotrate for me. Here's something that concerns me about the good scientists' conclusions. Did he map out any of the DNA of the bacteria he was working with, and the various mutations discovered through their generations? If not - WHY NOT? For if this information is available, and it demonstrates (I cannot stress this fact enough) that _information was gained_ through the mutations, then I will become an Evolutionist for life. If not, what is the excuse for not doing so, and how is his study anything more than conjecture, or proof that the natural course of events is present (I.E. loss of DNA information through mutation) which supports Creationism more than it does Evolution. I will bump this thread until these questions are adressed. |
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Thu 05/28/09 12:36 AM
...two questions. 1: Dinosaurs. ? 2: God is omnipotent. He created free will. But by definition he is everywhere all the time, and therefore exists in the future right now...what's the point in His guidance in our choices if he knows what we're going to do already? In fact, doesn't this make free will...a lie? In which case, doesn't this make all our lives on earth before we go off into the nicely black and white heaven and hell a sort of sick side show that must get pretty boring knowing exactly what we're going to do all the time? 1. for alot of your fundies that think the earth is only 6,000 yrs. old then Dinosaurs either are a mystery, did not realy exist, or they roamed the earth with man. And it does not matter to them if we can prove all of them false. Alot of your more thinking christians understand and except evolution. And how is it you know that there aren't dinasaurs on the planet even as we speak? Let's say for the moment that dinasaurs roamed the planet with man. What is your proof they did not? And most thinking Christians bother to examine the "evidence" for evolution, and rather than take a human's subjective opinion about their observations - await the "proof". 2. Yes if there is a god and he knows all then there can not be a free will it is predestination. So there is ethier a free will or an all knowing god you can not have both. You're premise is false. Just because God knows the choices that man makes does not mean man is without choice. It can be easily demonstrated that man has the freedom of choice (as opposed to free will. No one has a free will) and that God is fully aware of the choices made. Since God is not contrained by time, an action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was". |
"Missing link" found
Its rare that a field of science has as much evidence to support the field. Evolution is the unifying theory of biology, and has more evidence to support it then does our current theory of gravity. Evidence? Explain how this is since all of the conclusions of what is observed is subjective. Evidence in science is a repeatable, observable fact. Not psuedo-educated guesses. There is infinitely more proof of gravity than ANY conjecture that "evolution science" presumes. However my statement is CORRECT. You are wrong. Evolution as a theory has far more testable facets then does gravity as a theory. There is infinitely more proof of gravity than ANY conjecture that "evolution science" presumes. Just to clarify, I believe the original post was discussing a particular theory for explaining gravity, not gravities mere existence. I'm not an "evolution denier" - I just don't see there being enough "facts" to support the conjectures. From the presumption of dating (a scientific contradiction in and of itself) to the lack of ANY success in the laboratory to substanciate the suppositions. For instance. In the original post - I don't disagree that an extremely old, unique fossel was discovered shedding light on perhaps a "new" - which is just another way of saying previously unknown, as there's nothing "new" about it, but to draw any conclusion as to how it fits in the order of man is what science fiction novels are created on. Where's the "science" in that? Now you're redefining your terms. We have extensive proof of gravity through experimentation - but science is not about the "why's" of anything so what was your original point? We know nothing of "how" evolution works, as there has yet to be a succesful experiment recreating any conjecture that is presumed. What we have are many observances of fossils, and then subjective explinations as to how they may or may not relate. Which - by the way, every one of the fossils that "prove" evolution, also verify and prove creation. It's a matter of world view. Since there is no way to substanciate anything that EITHER side claims - it just boils down to what one is willing to put their faith in. While I cannot disagree with you that the advances in science and technology are mind boggling, I cannot agree that any observances of the scientists of the last 150 years lays any claim to what occured 6,000-10,000 years ago (for those Creationists in the croud) or 4 to 5 billion years old for that matter. There's no way to substanciate it. It's all conjectured extrapolation. It's like looking at an Escher. You can understand what you're looking at - but it is impossible to verify it in reality. |
"Missing link" found
Its rare that a field of science has as much evidence to support the field. Evolution is the unifying theory of biology, and has more evidence to support it then does our current theory of gravity. Evidence? Explain how this is since all of the conclusions of what is observed is subjective. Evidence in science is a repeatable, observable fact. Not psuedo-educated guesses. There is infinitely more proof of gravity than ANY conjecture that "evolution science" presumes. However my statement is CORRECT. You are wrong. Evolution as a theory has far more testable facets then does gravity as a theory. There is infinitely more proof of gravity than ANY conjecture that "evolution science" presumes. Just to clarify, I believe the original post was discussing a particular theory for explaining gravity, not gravities mere existence. I'm not an "evolution denier" - I just don't see there being enough "facts" to support the conjectures. From the presumption of dating (a scientific contradiction in and of itself) to the lack of ANY success in the laboratory to substanciate the suppositions. For instance. In the original post - I don't disagree that an extremely old, unique fossel was discovered shedding light on perhaps a "new" - which is just another way of saying previously unknown, as there's nothing "new" about it, but to draw any conclusion as to how it fits in the order of man is what science fiction novels are created on. Where's the "science" in that? |
"Missing link" found
There is infinitely more proof of gravity than ANY conjecture that "evolution science" presumes. Just to clarify, I believe the original post was discussing a particular theory for explaining gravity, not gravities mere existence. Perhaps this is the case. But the post I responded to did not adress the evidence for the "origin" of gravity. Gravity is a scientific fact - a hard and true theory. The claim was that thee is more Evidence for evolution than gravity. Ludicrous. There's nohing subjective about gravity. |