Community > Posts By > Eljay

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/26/09 10:08 PM

Jesus' message was not "about" love - his message was that HE was love - that God is love. Love is not an action - it is the "person" of God. And Love is not the way the truth and the light - unless you are claiming that Jesus is love. Not the same thing as cklaiming that it was only his "message" that is love. His message is that the world is lost, and in need of a saviour.

There you have it Eljay.





There is no two ways about it.


Love is not a person. It is not a deity. Love is love. It is life and light. That is thought of and represented by a deity. IT IS SYMBOLIC IN MEANING.


I understand this. I just don't fall for that story of Jesus. That is just a story for people who can't comprehend what God really is.


And Jesus is God. So love is a diety. By your own analysis. And if it is merely symbolic - than love is merely an illusion.

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/26/09 10:05 PM

I was in a conversation where everyone had a picture and a quotation from them and someone else answers their questions. I need to get back there & can't find it - don't know what it's called - my clicking on forum or blog didn't find it - was it a chatroom? I need to know how to get back there - I was conversing with someone last time on Mingles. I am a newbie at this.

According to your posts - it was in a thread called "It's all God's Fault". Is that what you were looking for?

Eljay's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:16 PM

And furthermore...

The concept of original sin was started by St. Augustine, and not in the Bible, in Luke, Jesus clearly gives his message: the kingdom of g-d is within you...

That is a rather simplistic view of what was really an admonition to the Pharasee's who were interrogating him about the kingdom in the hopes of tricking him. That statement of Jesus was said to an audience who were in fact - NOT part of the kingdom of God, and certainly did not - now would they not - have the kingdom within them (a reference to the Kingdom of God being spiritual as opposed to physical).

The bottom line is that Jesus was not saying that everyone has the kingdom of God within them. There are numerous passages and parables following this stating that there are those who clearly fall short of becoming part of the kingdom of God.

Eljay's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:08 PM

If God is supposed to know everything, and is supposed to have created us, how is it he didnt know we would become sinners?

Surely he must have created us to be sinners?

If he made us what we are, then how is it possible that anything we do is a sin?

We apparantly fell from grace with God from the get go. If God does exist and he did create us, then i blame him for anything we do wrong. Either that, or there is nothing that we can possibly do wrong in his eyes.

Considering that if there is a god, he created all good and all evil in the universe. It is technically his/her/it's fault.

But I am not the type to lay blame so I will worry about how I affect my world and leave the blaming to those who feel more qualified.

So what is it that God created that is evil on it's own? I can list pages of the actions of man that can be described as evil - can't think of a single thing that was created evil.

Eljay's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:06 PM

I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." frustrated

Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will.

God gave us free will because he wanted us to love him by choice, unlike the angels who were bound to him. Sin is an unfortunate by-product of free will. God has to take the bad with the good just like everyone else.

Apparently all angels were not bound to him because one third of the host of angels rebelled against the current administration. That does not happen unless there is discontent and discord. Discontent and discord does not happen if a God is Perfect.

Say's who?

The story that Lucifer wanted to take over God's job is bogus propaganda spread by the galactic council. Religion pushers today still shove that story down the throats of people who become enlightened to their own Godhood and their own personal power.

The Church wants all the spiritual power and authority over the slaves of earth (humans) in the name of an alleged God who they claim is the one and only creator of the entire universe. Yet this alleged God never shows his face. Even Lucifer accused Michael of making up this God so he could rule heaven, because even the highest angels have never seen him. (This information comes from the Uranita Book, a highly followed book by a new type of Christian.)

Whether any of this has any basis in truth of any degree I don't know. But the information is there. You can pick and choose what you want to believe.

What church are you talking about? This does not represent the church I belong to.

I didn't expect it to be the church YOU belong to. There are many churches that worship and follow Jesus that are not the church you belong to.

Well - according to Jesus - he established ONE church. You either belong to that church - or you are not a christian. Plain and simple. It is not denominationaly driven, and it is not determined by the will or choice of man. One does not decide one day that they're a christain, and decide the next that they're not. That contradicts what the bible says, and aside from the bible - there is no christainity. Claiming to be a christain and rejecting the bible is a contradiction in terms.

Irregardless of what you think Jesus said or didn't say, the fact is there are many different churches and many different perspectives on Christianity and Jesus.

So its not "according to Jesus." It is according to what or who you choose to believe said about about Jesus and what he may or may not have said. There is no THAT CHURCH except in your mind.

I disagree that churches are not determined by the will or choice of man. Yes they are. Churches and religion are man made.

One does not decide one day that they're a christain, and decide the next that they're not. That contradicts what the bible says, and aside from the bible - there is no christainity. Claiming to be a christain and rejecting the bible is a contradiction in terms.

That is not true because Jesus did not start Christianity, and he did not write the Bible. It sounds to me you worship the Bible, not Jesus.

Christianity is about a man named Jesus who is claimed to be The Christ. (Read the Urantia Book and try telling followers of Jesus who read the Urantia Book that they are not Christians.)

Do you forget what Christianity is? It is about the message of Love.

Christianity is about the gospel message - which is that all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but they have an advocate in Jesus Christ, who became the cacrifice for the sins of the world - that woever believes in him, shall be reconciled to God.

That is the message of the love of Christianity. It is about becoming a disciple of Christ. Which means "follower". So... if Jesus did not "start" christianity, then who did, and why? For he built his church upon the message of the dsciples, and told them to go out into the world and spread the gospel; and teach all that he had taught them which they did. We now those teachings to be the recorded word of scripture. Without the bible - how would anyone know about christianity? You can't have one without the other.

I think "the gospel message" as you call it actually misses the point of the teachings of Jesus and what they mean. The whole idea of the need of a 'sacrifice' for the sins of the world does not even begin to make any sense unless you have a God that is appeased by BLOOD and DEATH.

The crime of "SIN" truly boils down to humans disobedience of GOD. Blind obedience is what God required of Adam and Eve, who did not know any better, who did not know good from evil. Their sin was disobedience, punishable by death. But how many loving parents would punish their children with death for disobedience? Who would punish another with death for disobedience?

A slave master would.

It isn't about the "punishment" of death - but the heartbreak of it.
Parents don't discipline their children out of spite - they do it out of fear of the consequences. How many hearts are broken every year because of the disobedience of children who's consequeces lead to death? Drug overdoses, drunken driving, gang involvement,... on and on it goes. The issue is the severity of the consequence - not the mere act of disobedience. Like most parents - God is not unwilling to forgive. But what does a parent do about an incorragable child? One who's rebellion is like playing russian roulette with a loaded gun? Ignore it? Enable it? Isn't that the same thing as signing their death warrent? I think you've got this whole idea of "punishment" being an act of God rather than the consequence of a wrongful action. More often than not - I think it is the mercy of God that with-holds the immediate consequences of idiotic actions, in the hopes that there will be repentance. However - consequence is not a relative or subjective action. It's like a rock thrown in the water. One might avoid the splash - but the ripples run long out of view.

Would you kill or punish an animal, a dog perhaps, with death for disobedience? (Some people would.) But not if you LOVED THEM. Maybe only if you OWNED THEM and they were property or just being kept for your amusement.

I don't draw analogies between human behavior and animal behavior. Human behavior is based on thought - or lack of it, an animal behaves on instinct. There's no comparison, so te question is irrelivant to me.

So you see, none of what you call 'the gospel' makes any real logical sense if you worship a loving God. Its all about obedience and punishment, sacrifice and fear and ownership of slaves.

Not about Love at all. Love was the real message of Jesus. It was lost in the 'gospel' written by men and the church fathers. Its a real shame too.:cry:


Jesus' message was not "about" love - his message was that HE was love - that God is love. Love is not an action - it is the "person" of God. And Love is not the way the truth and the light - unless you are claiming that Jesus is love. Not the same thing as cklaiming that it was only his "message" that is love. His message is that the world is lost, and in need of a saviour.

Eljay's photo
Thu 06/25/09 07:50 PM

I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." frustrated

Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will.

God gave us free will because he wanted us to love him by choice, unlike the angels who were bound to him. Sin is an unfortunate by-product of free will. God has to take the bad with the good just like everyone else.

Apparently all angels were not bound to him because one third of the host of angels rebelled against the current administration. That does not happen unless there is discontent and discord. Discontent and discord does not happen if a God is Perfect.

Say's who?

The story that Lucifer wanted to take over God's job is bogus propaganda spread by the galactic council. Religion pushers today still shove that story down the throats of people who become enlightened to their own Godhood and their own personal power.

The Church wants all the spiritual power and authority over the slaves of earth (humans) in the name of an alleged God who they claim is the one and only creator of the entire universe. Yet this alleged God never shows his face. Even Lucifer accused Michael of making up this God so he could rule heaven, because even the highest angels have never seen him. (This information comes from the Uranita Book, a highly followed book by a new type of Christian.)

Whether any of this has any basis in truth of any degree I don't know. But the information is there. You can pick and choose what you want to believe.

What church are you talking about? This does not represent the church I belong to.

I didn't expect it to be the church YOU belong to. There are many churches that worship and follow Jesus that are not the church you belong to.

Well - according to Jesus - he established ONE church. You either belong to that church - or you are not a christian. Plain and simple. It is not denominationaly driven, and it is not determined by the will or choice of man. One does not decide one day that they're a christain, and decide the next that they're not. That contradicts what the bible says, and aside from the bible - there is no christainity. Claiming to be a christain and rejecting the bible is a contradiction in terms.

but what man is to say what church that is

or if that church is even a church in the form that man considers church

look through the threads and posts of the blatant examples of hypocrisy

Actually - man has no say in what the church says beyond an individual church. It has never been man's "choice" as to who belongs to the church and who doesn't. That choice is God's.

such as (i have been told by many christians i am going to hell--what makes them think they are of the proper church [i have no idea if they are or not] but does it not say in the bible judge not yest yee be judged) so who is any human to say such a thing

Actually - it does not say "do not judge" - it says "as ye judge, so shall ye be judged." That's instructing one to be discerning as to how they judge - not forbidding one to judge. All through the N.T. Jesus instructs the disciples to judge. Judge circumstances, and even individuals.

or to say you are a (insert anything you wish) and you are not worthy it is not any human's decision to make so why try

why would you want such a responsibility anyway (what if you are wrong) [kind of like imposing the death penalty on an innocent man possibly]

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

Ummm... not worthy of what?

Eljay's photo
Tue 06/23/09 07:43 PM

I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." frustrated

Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will.

God gave us free will because he wanted us to love him by choice, unlike the angels who were bound to him. Sin is an unfortunate by-product of free will. God has to take the bad with the good just like everyone else.

Apparently all angels were not bound to him because one third of the host of angels rebelled against the current administration. That does not happen unless there is discontent and discord. Discontent and discord does not happen if a God is Perfect.

Say's who?

The story that Lucifer wanted to take over God's job is bogus propaganda spread by the galactic council. Religion pushers today still shove that story down the throats of people who become enlightened to their own Godhood and their own personal power.

The Church wants all the spiritual power and authority over the slaves of earth (humans) in the name of an alleged God who they claim is the one and only creator of the entire universe. Yet this alleged God never shows his face. Even Lucifer accused Michael of making up this God so he could rule heaven, because even the highest angels have never seen him. (This information comes from the Uranita Book, a highly followed book by a new type of Christian.)

Whether any of this has any basis in truth of any degree I don't know. But the information is there. You can pick and choose what you want to believe.

What church are you talking about? This does not represent the church I belong to.

I didn't expect it to be the church YOU belong to. There are many churches that worship and follow Jesus that are not the church you belong to.

Well - according to Jesus - he established ONE church. You either belong to that church - or you are not a christian. Plain and simple. It is not denominationaly driven, and it is not determined by the will or choice of man. One does not decide one day that they're a christain, and decide the next that they're not. That contradicts what the bible says, and aside from the bible - there is no christainity. Claiming to be a christain and rejecting the bible is a contradiction in terms.

Irregardless of what you think Jesus said or didn't say, the fact is there are many different churches and many different perspectives on Christianity and Jesus.

So its not "according to Jesus." It is according to what or who you choose to believe said about about Jesus and what he may or may not have said. There is no THAT CHURCH except in your mind.

I disagree that churches are not determined by the will or choice of man. Yes they are. Churches and religion are man made.

One does not decide one day that they're a christain, and decide the next that they're not. That contradicts what the bible says, and aside from the bible - there is no christainity. Claiming to be a christain and rejecting the bible is a contradiction in terms.

That is not true because Jesus did not start Christianity, and he did not write the Bible. It sounds to me you worship the Bible, not Jesus.

Christianity is about a man named Jesus who is claimed to be The Christ. (Read the Urantia Book and try telling followers of Jesus who read the Urantia Book that they are not Christians.)

Do you forget what Christianity is? It is about the message of Love.

Christianity is about the gospel message - which is that all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but they have an advocate in Jesus Christ, who became the cacrifice for the sins of the world - that woever believes in him, shall be reconciled to God.

That is the message of the love of Christianity. It is about becoming a disciple of Christ. Which means "follower". So... if Jesus did not "start" christianity, then who did, and why? For he built his church upon the message of the dsciples, and told them to go out into the world and spread the gospel; and teach all that he had taught them which they did. We now those teachings to be the recorded word of scripture. Without the bible - how would anyone know about christianity? You can't have one without the other.

Eljay's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:43 AM

I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." frustrated

Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will.

God gave us free will because he wanted us to love him by choice, unlike the angels who were bound to him. Sin is an unfortunate by-product of free will. God has to take the bad with the good just like everyone else.

Apparently all angels were not bound to him because one third of the host of angels rebelled against the current administration. That does not happen unless there is discontent and discord. Discontent and discord does not happen if a God is Perfect.

Say's who?

The story that Lucifer wanted to take over God's job is bogus propaganda spread by the galactic council. Religion pushers today still shove that story down the throats of people who become enlightened to their own Godhood and their own personal power.

The Church wants all the spiritual power and authority over the slaves of earth (humans) in the name of an alleged God who they claim is the one and only creator of the entire universe. Yet this alleged God never shows his face. Even Lucifer accused Michael of making up this God so he could rule heaven, because even the highest angels have never seen him. (This information comes from the Uranita Book, a highly followed book by a new type of Christian.)

Whether any of this has any basis in truth of any degree I don't know. But the information is there. You can pick and choose what you want to believe.

What church are you talking about? This does not represent the church I belong to.

I didn't expect it to be the church YOU belong to. There are many churches that worship and follow Jesus that are not the church you belong to.

Well - according to Jesus - he established ONE church. You either belong to that church - or you are not a christian. Plain and simple. It is not denominationaly driven, and it is not determined by the will or choice of man. One does not decide one day that they're a christain, and decide the next that they're not. That contradicts what the bible says, and aside from the bible - there is no christainity. Claiming to be a christain and rejecting the bible is a contradiction in terms.

Eljay's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:36 AM


1. If you are right, it's a ****ed up test.

2. Either God is omniscient, or we have free will. If God is omniscient, then he knows everything, including every choice we are going to make, therefore, the choice is just an illusion. If we have Free Will, then god is not omniscient, then way call it god?

You missed the other obvious choice.

God is omniscient AND we have free will.

Demonstrate how this is not possible.

It's pretty simple how God being Omniscient, and us having Free Will(if there is a God) is impossible.
If god is an all knowing being, then it knows everything, what has happened, and what will happen. If this is the case, then Free Will is just an illusion. It appears as if we have the choice, but god already knows what we are going to do, and since it is known, it isn't a choice at all.
It's like watching your favorite sitcom. The characters appear to have different choices throughout the entire episode, but the choices they made were written in the script, so it wasn't a choice at all.
Now, if we actually have Free Will, and we actually have the choice, then god is not omniscient.

Now, whether you accept it or not, It really is that simple.

Actually, you're wrong in your presumption, because you are equating the mind of man with the mind of God. It is obvious that man does not know the outcome of his choices, an obvious fact demonstrating that man is not omniscient - so choice always remains with the will of man when he is faced with a decision. Man also does not exist beyond the present, and makes presumptions of the future by determining his subjective view of the past. Here again, limiting his being able to determine the obvious when faced with a choice.

God is not bound by any of this - however, this does not prevent him from knowing all of the choices that everyone has made through time - since he is not bound by it. Now - if you would like to say that God cannot predetermine the choices of man - that is another topic, and is unrelated to omniscience.

Perhaps that is simple, but it appears that you and I have a diffeent understanding of what "simple" means.

the bottom line is your premise lacks a foundation, as you haven't demonstrated how the free choice of man keeps God from knowing what the decisions "were". And your analogy of the sitcome is a weak one, as - until you view it, you have no idea whether or not the words being said were scripted or not, despite the fact that the show was filmed long before you are viewing it. As far as you can tell, unless someone tells you otherwiswe, every word of a sitcom is viewed as scripted because you "assume" it is. Reality will demonstrate otherwise.

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:57 PM

I think God created us and then let go. We have free will. That's why I don't believe we can pray for good weather or that "God was with the Orlando Magic when they won in overtime." frustrated

Free will cannot be the answer to why we sin though because God must have known what we were going to do with this free will.

God gave us free will because he wanted us to love him by choice, unlike the angels who were bound to him. Sin is an unfortunate by-product of free will. God has to take the bad with the good just like everyone else.

Apparently all angels were not bound to him because one third of the host of angels rebelled against the current administration. That does not happen unless there is discontent and discord. Discontent and discord does not happen if a God is Perfect.

Say's who?

The story that Lucifer wanted to take over God's job is bogus propaganda spread by the galactic council. Religion pushers today still shove that story down the throats of people who become enlightened to their own Godhood and their own personal power.

The Church wants all the spiritual power and authority over the slaves of earth (humans) in the name of an alleged God who they claim is the one and only creator of the entire universe. Yet this alleged God never shows his face. Even Lucifer accused Michael of making up this God so he could rule heaven, because even the highest angels have never seen him. (This information comes from the Uranita Book, a highly followed book by a new type of Christian.)

Whether any of this has any basis in truth of any degree I don't know. But the information is there. You can pick and choose what you want to believe.

What church are you talking about? This does not represent the church I belong to.

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:55 PM

..a book that has no proof and is based on faith and written by several different people i've never met ...and i am suppose to believe because people say so ....i don't think so ...smokin

Are you refering to "Origin of the Species"?

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:54 PM


1. If you are right, it's a ****ed up test.

2. Either God is omniscient, or we have free will. If God is omniscient, then he knows everything, including every choice we are going to make, therefore, the choice is just an illusion. If we have Free Will, then god is not omniscient, then way call it god?

You missed the other obvious choice.

God is omniscient AND we have free will.

Demonstrate how this is not possible.

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:52 PM

Well according to Christians, you can do anything wrong that you want to. Christ already died for all the sins ever commited.glasses

had a few christians tell me i`m going to hell for not believing in there religoun

guess god is going to have to off another son of his to pay for that sin

I was told that because I'm Jewish I will go to hell for not accepting Christ as my saviour. My answer is simply that it says in the Ten Commandments that I should honor my father and mother. To change religions would be to ignore that obligation.

No one has yet to offer a salient response to that assertion.
Or I say what about all the islanders who are never told about Jesus, some "smart" Christians will then say well if you never knew then you would still go to heaven . . . THEN I SCREAM AT THEN WHY DID YOU TELL ME THEN YOU SOB!!!!!!

Bad logic is just bad.

And what Islander's might that be who have not heard about Jesus?

And just in case you were wondering - it is not what you "don't know" that keeps one from heaven, s in your comment - it's knowing and choosing to reject Jesus that keeps one from heaven.

Though bad logic may be bad, ignorance trumps it.

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:46 PM

Well according to Christians, you can do anything wrong that you want to. Christ already died for all the sins ever commited.glasses

had a few christians tell me i`m going to hell for not believing in there religoun

guess god is going to have to off another son of his to pay for that sin

I was told that because I'm Jewish I will go to hell for not accepting Christ as my saviour. My answer is simply that it says in the Ten Commandments that I should honor my father and mother. To change religions would be to ignore that obligation.

No one has yet to offer a salient response to that assertion.

Here's one - what makes you think you deserve to be with God in heaven?

What makes you think I would want to?

Well - obviously, if you don't want to - you won't. But out of curiousity - what are you presuming are the alternatives... If any?

Eljay's photo
Tue 06/16/09 06:19 PM

Well according to Christians, you can do anything wrong that you want to. Christ already died for all the sins ever commited.glasses

had a few christians tell me i`m going to hell for not believing in there religoun

guess god is going to have to off another son of his to pay for that sin

I was told that because I'm Jewish I will go to hell for not accepting Christ as my saviour. My answer is simply that it says in the Ten Commandments that I should honor my father and mother. To change religions would be to ignore that obligation.

No one has yet to offer a salient response to that assertion.

Here's one - what makes you think you deserve to be with God in heaven?

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:36 AM


Then birth control(not contraception) is, also, a form of abortion?????

I believe you will find most prolifers believe that life begins at conception

Really????? Then the morning after pill is an abortion??????

Some would say so.

It's not the same thing. Two different processes.

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:35 AM

I believe you will find most prolifers believe that life begins at conception

Really????? Then the morning after pill is an abortion??????

That is exactly what the morning after pill is. It induces an abortion.

What did you think it did if not that?

Eljay's photo
Wed 06/10/09 10:29 AM

Like this picture?

Is this God's love?

Is this okay?

Is this free speech?

Is this a Christian jihad?

Is this remotely okay? I really have to ask...what would Jesus do?

Religious extremist of any stripe are dangerous.

Guess you missed that whole Columbine thing, eh?

Reality bites.

The reality is that the story about the woman who said she believed in g-d and got shot was made up.

Wow - I didn't realize you were a Columbine surviver!

Since you were standing beside her when she got shot - just exactly WHAT was it she said?

Eljay's photo
Tue 06/02/09 08:21 PM

What!?!? If I'm not mistaken, it was a bullet that killed this man - not a bunch of words. Do you understand cause and effect?

While the bullet may have been what ended the Doctor's live, it was the bunch of words, and the ideology that the shooter believed in that pulled the trigger.

To sit there and claim otherwise is simply absurd, even by your standards.

The shooter was under the delusion that by murdering a "murderer" - that his actions were justified. What religious ideology supports that? It's not Christianity, and It's not Judism, so what religious ideology are you refering to?

Seriously? You're gonna tell me that a religion "guided" by a book that starts off as little more than a bloodbath doesn't support that?
You don't even have to leave the book of Genesis before you reach a passage that supports the Capital Punishment!
In closing, how exactly does "kill the killer" not fit in with the "Kill the heathen/non-believer/he who doesn't believe as you" that the major religions have? Seems to me it fits in quite well.

I was under the impression that you were cognizant of the basic tennets of Christianity. And you have to go way beyond Genesis to get to Christianity. And lets not dodge the issue by saying that this is not the infered doctrine.

All one need do is examine the 10 commandments to know that this was NOT a christian act - nor one encouraged, or promoted by anything in it's doctrine. To claim that this was not an isolated act by a delusional individual thinking he was fulfiling God's will - and somehow representative of the idiology of an entire belief system, demonstrates an accute ignorance to that which you are attempting to refer to.

Eljay's photo
Tue 06/02/09 08:13 PM

. Eljay said . . . . Since God is not constrained by time, an action does not have to occur before He is aware of what it "was".
Right so he made you to go to hell, then sent himself down to die but then the best he could come up with to spread the word was word of mouth . . . pretty pathetic, he creates the vast majority of us to go to hell . . . .

Yep pretty sloppy.

Actually, that's not quite accurate. He did not create people to go to hell, else everyone would. It isn't God's choice that people go to hell - it's their choice. He doesn't make the decision for anyone.

So I guess you could say that if one finds themself in hell - it's because they were a fool while they were on earth. That's what's sloppy.

That doesn't seem quite accurate. Isn't the default option for all human beings hell? Don't you have to choose heaven in order to not go to hell? Didn't Jesus say if you are not with me you are against me? So isn't it fair to say that we were created with the hell switch toggled to the on position?

No. We are created with the heaven switch on. At the point that the individual "sins" (does wrong, whatever your term for falling short of doing what is right is) THEY flip the switch. Once the individual flips that switch, separating them from God (thus not losing their ticket to paradise, if you will) there is only one way to flip the switch back on, and it has nothing to do with how many "good works" one does - but in recognizing that faith in Jesus is the switch. It's not about quantity, but quality.

So - going to hell is not a decision by God, it's only a fullfillment of the choice that an individual makes. It's all about the heart. Either one recognizes the place God has in existance, and how they're in relation to that, or they decide for themselves that it's all about them, and how they percieve God in relation to thier reality - as to where they'll end up. The choice is entirely in the hands of man.

That would be a contradiction to the original sin idea wouldn't it? How can you call sin a choice if no one can avoid it?

The concept of "original sin" is from Catholicism. You'd be hard pressed to find it in the bible.

It isn't the fact that people can't avoid it - it's that they don't. There's a difference. Not_being_able to avoid sin takes the responsibility away from the individual, and that is not how man was created. It is certainly within man's capability to avoid sinning, however - no one does. No one ever has, no one ever will - apart from the incarnate Jesus. But I'm not telling you anything you're not aware of here. It is the central gospel message.

:smile: Catholics = Christians:smile:

I think it more accurate to say that some Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics, so your equasion is a false one, for your implication that merely stating one is a Catholic - makes them a Christian. This is a premise unsupported by fact.

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