Atheism Weak or Strong
5 Pages about atheism, 25 on Hitler. Isn't that how it always works though? Eventually someone runs out of enough "proof" for their side, and they bring up Hitler, then it just takes off from there. . Though I don't agree with Krimsa's accessment of Hitler, I defend her right to bring it up on every thread she post in. |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Eljay said: God is also Just.
Okay lets take a look at some of that biblical "justice" shall we? 2 Corinthians 6 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. "Be ye separate." Keep away from unbelievers. Neither marry nor be friends with them. You should not even be speaking with us Eljay. Your god commands you to not even look at us. Of course this is the NT where it went from "kill all of the heathens" to just turn your back on them because they are "unclean." Thank goodness for small favors. What has this got to do with "Justice"? Because it is an unjust sentiment to have for your fellow human beings. I can always cite another example if you like? I was being kind on that one. But that is just a subjective observation. It has nothing to do with justice. |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Hitler was a Catholic. To me, and I suspect many people, that would make him a Christian. That is a problem, because it demonstrates that you are unclear on the concept of what a christain is. Why is that? How can you at least not know how one becomes a christain? I'm not saying you have to become one yourself - but if you are going to argue these points with those who know EXACTLY what is necessary to become a christain, you should at least be as knowledgeable about the topic as those who you claim to know at least as much as they do. I think your personal understanding of what is necessary to become a Christian is not the same as the general and accepted one in society. If you claim to be one, if you believe in the Jesus story, if you go to a Christian Church, you are considered a Christian. They don't have to carry I.D. cards or wear arm bands. They don't have to show their official Christian membership card signed by Jesus. Your particular belief is of what a Christian is, happens to be part of your particular belief. It has nothing to do with societies view of christainity, and everything to do with what the bible says. Where does society get it's idea of christianity if not from the bible? You don't have to be a "card carrying member" - but you can be sure, that if you order the extermination of over 6 million Jews, you aren't a card carrying member. That's just plain OBVIOUS! Your actions and words demonstrate whether you're a card carrying member or not. Then I have an idea. Anyone who is not a real Christian, and anyone who does not love thy neighbor and practice what Jesus taught, should be kicked out of the Religion and not allowed to tell people they are Christians. That includes the Bush family and Obama and anyone else. That includes anyone who puts on a uniform and invades another country and anyone who pays taxes to support that effort. But then, who would enforce this rule? Certainly not true Christians. Answer this all you "Born again" Christians and 'other'Christians,: Do you pay taxes? Do you support this illegal war? If you do, then you are not true Christians, you are just pretending to be. But those are not criteria either. And nowhere does it say a christain won't sin - but it does say that if a christain claims to be in the light and does not walk in the light, they decieve themselves. We are to "render unto Caesar - that which is Caesar's". So we pay taxes. It isn't our responsibility that those taxes are used to support those things to which we don't agree - like a War, the ACLU, Abortion, secular schools, the matting habits of the east overshoe slug... the list goes on. What makes a war "illegal"? When you quote Jesus about paying taxes you quote a fictional character made up by the Roman elite who worked under government. Of course they would want him to say that. They wanted their taxes. On the slim chance that a man really did say that who was later cast as "Jesus" he was saying it to appease the powers that be so they might not run him through with a sword or try him for treason, (according to the Urantia book.) The war in Iraq is technically illegal because Bush did not have the proper authority or reason to go there. He did it illegally. He invaded a third world country and bombed hospitals and homes and cities. That is not a legal war. If you pay taxes to support this government and this war effort and George Bush is ever convicted of war crimes or illegal activities or terrorism, you are as guilty as him. If the CIA is conducting black operations and terrorists activity using our tax dollars then you are as guilty as them. If you support Israel's bombing and invasion of Gaza and their terrorist agency then you are just as guilty as they are. (Evangelic Christians support Israel.) Why anyone would support Israel is beyond me, especially Christians. They (Israelis) are either anti-Christian or anti-God. They have no right to be there. God did not promise that land to them. Who the crap do they think they are? I hate to upset your revisionist History - but the war in Iraq occured because it was sanctioned by Congress. No president can send the country off to war without passing it through Congress. Now - what is illegal about War? Not only do I support Isreal - I don't support their retreat. After 8 straight years of Hamas' terrorist acts - I think they should just set a date to turn the Gaza strip into a crator - and then do it. Whoever remains in the Gaza strip deserves whatever they'll get. Good thing I'm not the president of Isreal, eH? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Yes that’s true and Moses didn’t exist. No where in any Egyptian hieroglyphs does it ever discuss anyone like him. The Egyptians documented everything. It’s all conjured up and fictititous. Yep I agree, but he exists as a fictional character, held in high esteem. And I don't think any of the characters in the New Testament existed either except in fiction, but they have become real to people so I speak of them as real to people who believe they are real. So what criteria are you using to Determine what is real and what is fictional in the Bible? Other than personal bias. So Nero didn't exist? I think there is an extremely large Historical society who would disagree with you. So why out of all the characters in the New Testament did you pick Nero to question me about? Why Nero? Probably because he is one of the few who stands out as being a real person who existed in history. Yes, he was mentioned in the New Testament. Yes he probably did truly exist. The fictional characters of the New Testament were placed in actual places, and with some real people to give them credibility. (Just like any fiction.) Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, John the Baptist - all are fictional characters. |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Eljay said: So Nero didn't exist? I think there is an extremely large Historical society who would disagree with you.
I don’t understand the historical correlation you are attempting to make between Nero, who was a well documented Roman Emperor and Moses who was some guy who supposedly freed the Hebrew slaves from Egypt yet there is absolutely nothing in the hieroglyphic record that even makes mention of his existence outside of the bible. I’m finding it difficult to believe that the Egyptians would have just glossed over that if it had actually occurred. I'd like to see you prove to me that Moses is not well documented. There has been more written about Moses than all of the emporers of rome combined! Documentation by the Egyptians? The bible doesn’t count, Eljay. Okay - explain why anything documented by the Egyptians is viable and the Bible is not? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
But it was still the word of god correct? What difference would it make what title you give them? Anyway, that’s a ridiculous argument. I used the NT twice now to cite examples. Because the Old Testament is the Law for Jews. Still is. It prophesises Christainty. Christianity does not come along until the Book of Acts in the New Testament. |
Why are people so desperate?
How funny. I once explored Catholicism and found it to be outlandish. Amazing how people can have such differing world views. I’m also female and I was unhappy with the misogynist presence embedded in the Church. That might have swayed my opinion of it. I grew up a Catholic, and found it so outlandish that I abandoned it for Atheism. Then after a tour through the New Age, Buddism, the Occult, etc, I finally found Christianity. |
Why are people so desperate?
Getting back on topic here. I have this feeling that the primary reasons why a person clings to or "finds" Christianity is: A. From childhood, it was what they were instructed to believe in and they didn’t know any better. They were also afraid to question it even if they wanted to. B. People that were not necessarily indoctrinated at a young age but who suffered some sort of major trauma or life altering experience that caused them a great deal of grief or a loss of control. C. Those that just call themselves Christian but really don’t go to church or read the bible but it seems socially acceptable to consider themselves Christian and not acceptable to their friends, spouses or families to consider themselves anything else other than Christian so they continue on with the charade. Well - none of these applied to me. I chose christianity amoungst the numerous world religions and philosophies that I had been studying and pursuing over a period of 20 years, and found Christianty the only one that made sense. |
Tell me what you think
Is the Christian faith intellectual nonsense? Are Christians deluded? sorry but Christian have not cornered the market on delusion ..all faiths no matter the religion or the demonination or the philosophy are delusional .... faith is the practice of willingly placing oneself into a state of delusion That being said - there isn't a single person walking this planet who isn't delusional, for I defy you to live your life without faith in the fact that you'll even get up in the morning. Without faith - we would be a planet of walking, delusional paranoid zombies incapable of functioning on any level in society. |
Atheism Weak or Strong
That was an excellent observation on the part of JB. Hardly "junk logic." Not to mention that not one apologist on forum has taken on that article 24 from the Nazi programme. She was the only one who did. It's Junk logic because the premises exist on pretext and are unacceptable. |
Atheism Weak or Strong
This is actually my second cited example from the NT. I have to also ask why can I only use the NT? Is the OT not the word of Yahweh suddenly. Even so, its easy. Matthew 10 10:14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. 10:15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city Cities that neither "receive" the disciples nor "hear" their words will be destroyed by God. It will be worse for them than for Sodom and Gomorrah. And you know what God supposedly did to those poor folks right, Eljay? Because there are no "christains" in the Old Testament. If you are going to demonstrate that Hitler's actions proved he was a Christian - you've only got the New Testament to refer to. |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Eljay said: So Nero didn't exist? I think there is an extremely large Historical society who would disagree with you.
I don’t understand the historical correlation you are attempting to make between Nero, who was a well documented Roman Emperor and Moses who was some guy who supposedly freed the Hebrew slaves from Egypt yet there is absolutely nothing in the hieroglyphic record that even makes mention of his existence outside of the bible. I’m finding it difficult to believe that the Egyptians would have just glossed over that if it had actually occurred. I'd like to see you prove to me that Moses is not well documented. There has been more written about Moses than all of the emporers of rome combined! |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Eljay said: God is also Just.
Okay lets take a look at some of that biblical "justice" shall we? 2 Corinthians 6 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. "Be ye separate." Keep away from unbelievers. Neither marry nor be friends with them. You should not even be speaking with us Eljay. Your god commands you to not even look at us. Of course this is the NT where it went from "kill all of the heathens" to just turn your back on them because they are "unclean." Thank goodness for small favors. What has this got to do with "Justice"? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Eljay said: But those are not criteria either. And nowhere does it say a christain won't sin
That’s right Eljay. Wow we actually agree on something. So by this admission alone you can explain Adolph Hitler and all of the other atrocities committed by Christians and Atheists and anyone else. Although an Atheist does not entertain the notion of "sin" they still have a clear understanding of right and wrong. Hitler was a man and he made some very poor decisions because he was fanatical, probably a sociopath or suffering from some form of borderline personality disorder. He was a Catholic, yet ANYONE is capable of committing sin or perpetrating a wrong. Yes - but this is not evidence that Hitler was a christain. His being born a Catholic (though how one does that is beyond my comprehension) did not make him a Christain. What did Hitler do in his life to become a christain and where is it documented? I've asked you this numerous times, and you keep quoting stuff he said. How is this demonstrating what he "DID"? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Besides Eljay, there were no Born Agains back in 1930s Germany I dont think. However Germany was the most heavily Christianized nation in all of Europe at that point in history. Bonhoffer was a born again. Hitler imprisoned him. What do you mean when you say "Germany was the most heavily Christainized nation"? There's no way to determine if that is fact or not. You cant be serious. Martin Luther? Protestant Church? Yeah - well there's one. So we're up to two now. Do you think it mattered that Martin Luther lived about 300 or so years before Nazi Germany? But I won't go as far as to say you're wrong. Just hard to prove it as fact. What do you not understand here? Martin Luther was a German monk. Germany was the most Christenized nation in all of Europe at that point in history. It was the actual birthplace of Protestantism Your lack of historical knowledge is staggering to me at times. You're not telling me anything I don't know. What I don't know is how you are going to prove your claim that Germany was the most Christainized nation in Europe at the time of the rise of the Nazi's. Just exactly how are you going to do that? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
So what. I cited all of my sources also. How are yours any better? Please show me a quote from Hitler. It's astounding to me that you'd take Adolph Hitler's word as all holy truth but the words and life of Jesus Christ just flys right past ya... I'm finished with this discussion. Thank you...It's been very informative. peace... When it comes to what someone beliefs, I am going to trust the words that come out of their own mouths. So I would assume that you are a staunch George Bush supporter. Charles Manson said he was Jesus Christ. How's that working out for you? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Simply that Hitler was "Christian." The difference between "Christian" and "Jew" is that Christians accepted Jesus as the Messiah and the Jews rejected him. Pure and simple. And because the Jews were "anti-Christian" that made "Christians" anti-Jews. It justified Hitlers hatred of the Jews using religious power and platform helping to engender hatred for Jews. Now this tactic is a common one for inciting WAR. Our own country is now in the process of engendering hatred against Muslims. When are people going to wake up and stop hating whoever they are told to hate? When are they going to stop using their religious differences and beliefs as an excuse to slaughter each other and justify war? Bickering who is right and who is wrong is what the powerful politicians love us to do as that is the beginning of manipulating us into war against each other. In war, only the men who control the money get richer. They make money on both sides. Wake up people. Please. Junk logic. |
Atheism Weak or Strong
I'm not making the blanket statement that all those who claim to be christains are not. But when someone who claims to be christian demonstrates by their actions that they're a walking contradiction, it's safe to doubt their claim.
Historically speaking, how would Hitler's actions have been incompatible with Christianity? Ordering the extermination of over 6 million Jews would be a good place to start. Find that in the New Testament for me, and we'll go from there. This comment makes no sense so I can not respond to it. Well, let's break it down. You asked how Hitler's actions are incompatable with Christainity. So - we ask... Where would we find examples of Christain actions? I know - how about the New Testament in the Bible. Well, let's look in the New Testament and see if we can find justification for Hitler's slaughtering over 6 million Jews. I couldn't find anything. Maybe you can. When you do - I'll agree that Hitler's actions were Christian. Until then, I'll stand by my claim that Hitler was not a christain. |
I find it odd that you claim
The purpose of Religion (was) at its time to save you from yourself! and then proceed to write ad infinitum about Christainity. Aren't there like - a few other religions? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Yes that’s true and Moses didn’t exist. No where in any Egyptian hieroglyphs does it ever discuss anyone like him. The Egyptians documented everything. It’s all conjured up and fictititous. Yep I agree, but he exists as a fictional character, held in high esteem. And I don't think any of the characters in the New Testament existed either except in fiction, but they have become real to people so I speak of them as real to people who believe they are real. So Nero didn't exist? I think there is an extremely large Historical society who would disagree with you. |