Community > Posts By > mo_muirnin
Hair care
I also have very curly hair and in humid weather I get MAJOR frizz. If you want your hair to be more moisturized then try this:
1. don't wash hair for at least 3 days, Let it get greasy then wash it. Washing it daily will cause it to dry out 2. Never use a relaxer or clarifyer in your hair - that will damage it more than anything!!! 3. After your hair is washed, rub a little bit of extra virgin olive oil in your hair, do not rub your scalp!!! Just comb it through with your fingers to the ends and let your hair air dry 4. If you do blow dry, use a diffuser 5. Try coloring your hair with natural permanent coloring solution with a NON AMMONIA color holder creme. Coloring hair can actually add life and help it be healthier. (of course do it your color) 6. Start taking in some Omega 3 from eating fish or taking fish oil that has it. That will help promote healthy shiny hair and less breakage 7. Don't rub your head with the towel that promotes breakage 8. Every now and then switch out your shampoo and conditioner routine by changing it up. Go from the coloring shampoo/conditioner to using a moisturizing and or for fine/limp hair. Curly hair is fine yet coarse and adding a conditioner specifically for fine limp hair will add lots of shine, bounce and easy to manage. good luck! |
Johan Gielen - Global Sessions (trance) -
My Mantra!
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right,forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it Thats perfect, now to just remember that :) |
What's your story?
Abuse...anger...failure...despair....hope. Hahahahaha...T....I gave the PG edited version... ![]() ![]() Well..since I'm not big on putting a whole lot of stuff out there...I figured I would stick with the G Rated Disney lol |
What's your story?
My story is still being written. I often wish that the pen would stop writing though. Yeah, me too. |
What's your story?
AUstralian, 45...born in a beachside suburb of Sydney of 3 kids...spent childhood surfing, horse and motorbike riding in the state forest behind the house.. left home at 15....hitch hiked and worked around australia for 2 years...met my kid's dad....hooked up, Moved to Queensland, beachside town surrounded by native bushland and national parks....had 4 kids, and 18 years later parted.. went and got a university degree, worked, parented and played. Have ridden horses all my life, from show hacks to thoroughbreds, doing trackwork...mustering cattle and sheep...bred paints and quarter horses. I play acoustic guitar, with a lean towards folky/aussie blues...I also play Djemebe with friends, I paint, I sculpt, I draw, I write, I sing, I dance....I live, I love. OOps forgot the significant other...nearly 8 years ago I collided with an incredible lapsteel slide was hell on wheels at first sight....we lived, loved, parted and a few months ago came back together... Life is a circus performance, somedays I am the ringmaster, others just one of the 97 clowns getting out of the Bambina.... ![]() sounds like you've had a hell of a time! ![]() ![]() |
What's your story?
great response, lol
Sharing a chuckle...
lol that's hilarious!
What's your story?
I'm just curious...for those that are an open book, what's your life story in a summary? Even a few words...what's your story?
long term relationship
i want cute simple and working girl they take care me. Cute...why not beautiful? simple? All women are complicated...Working girl to take care of your lazy butt? you want a beautiful, complicated woman to be your sugar momma??! AWWWWWW |
I Feel I Am Beautiful
Very Nice writing as well as deep. :)
I have been off and on with depression since I was 15 for a number of reasons. When I was younger I didn't know how to deal with it, so I'd put myself in stupid situations. But now being older and looking back, i've found the best way to battle it and get over it is to learn to love - not just my son, but love who I am and doing what I love to do keeps me happy.
forget about that break up. That's just another person who isn't in your life, you learned from her, you are now stronger. Do what you love to do and make yourself happy. |
![]() favorite movie...The Holy Grail!! Run away! Run away! Run away!!!! |
What is it ?.
Do you have hardware that might be failing? EI: Motherboard, Video Card, Chip processor..?
If it was the registry in your computer most likely that would be completely screwed up and you'd have to do a reformat or a checkdisk or an OS repair...hardware that is slowly failing can also give errors but its not as constant. You can try doing a computer reset to see if that might fix any corruption within the hardware to the software - Take out the small battery located on the motherboard (while your computer is turned off and cables are removed) let it sit for a few minutes and then put the battery back in, replace cables and turn on the computer. If that doesn't work - just run your computer for a bit and check for over heating, go into your bios - see what your fans are running at and make sure all the fans are working. Also boot into safe mode and do a virus scan, just to be sure there's nothing there! But a little more information might be handy...We can help you search it out. |
Since I had my son all of my relationships or dates come from meeting someone online. I don't go to clubs, I don't go to bars, I don't even have a freakin social life anymore.
taskbar shenanigans...
are you virus free? And Auslogics boost speed
The hardest thing for me to do is to stop myself from chokin the ever lovin crap outta someone when they tick me off ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
First Date any?
What would be a great idea for a first date? How do you break the ice? For a first date, it's usually a good idea for both people to meet at the place they're going to. Not sure why it would have to be a place where the guy is well known, though. And no, complimenting a woman by telling her she's wearing too much makeup is probably not a good idea. Also, how do you be yourself without completely being yourself? I can't speak for other women, but I'm not attracted to men based on how popular and strong they are. same..sounds like he's got an EGO that never got shot down! |
First Date any?
What would be a great idea for a first date? How do you break the ice? For a first date, it's usually a good idea for both people to meet at the place they're going to. Not sure why it would have to be a place where the guy is well known, though. And no, complimenting a woman by telling her she's wearing too much makeup is probably not a good idea. Also, how do you be yourself without completely being yourself? Thats rediculous to say women are usually attracted to the more popular and stronger male...dude, this isn't high one cares about popularity. And to meet the guy at the place he is well known, wth does that have anything to do - you always meet the person half way...If women met the guy that they were well known at-that would end up either being their house, their friend's house or the bar. Yeah, I don't think so. No matter what way your meeting anyone you should always be yourself. And yeah, telling a woman she's wearing too much make up isn't a compliment, that's being controlling. You want to compliment, why not tell her how pretty she looks or the fact that she even got off her butt to meet you in the first place. LOL! And a hint of Advice, all women known that men have sex on their mind. In fact you don't have to believe it, but a majority of women also have that on their mind, we're just better at hiding that. ![]() ![]() |