Community > Posts By > mo_muirnin

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 09:45 PM
Avira Premium here :)

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 08:51 PM
So, who here is into photography and if you are perhaps consider showing?

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 08:50 PM

Working on this:

Counted Cross.

wow, thats pretty nice, I like that.

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:46 PM
If he really is a great dad like you say he is, then perhaps she's writing that letter out of anger for maybe something he did or did not to for her in the past, even in this current time...She might be getting revenge, which is totally wrong, especially since she has let him pick up his daughter, be with her and spend time with her....

A judge and the courts aren't just going to take his rights away. It will be a very long process . And as long as he is drug free, doesn't drink in front of his daughter, spends him with her and pays the child support then he'll still be allowed the visitation and she might end up feeling stupid.

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:40 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 02:07 PM

How do you pull yourself out of the pit? I need some advise.

Honestly I advise going to a doctor, I'm not big on prescription medicine but I'm Bi-Polar and tend to be depressed more than Manic, and I've not been able to afford my medicine in a while and what I found is cheapest and works well (for me) is smoking a joint(but i would rather be able to get my prescription)! I also find that putting myself around people I love and doing things I enjoy also helps alot.

I went to the a doctor when I was battling the baby blues, after I had my son I felt so worthless, I had NO help from my own family, none from my sons piece of crap sperm donar, it was my son and I 24 hours a day, I had no sleep, no rest, no job, I was losing the car insurance on my car because I couldn't pay it and on top of it I was losing my apartment, not even the state could help. My doctor put me on welbutrin Xl and some other one for the hormonal imbalance, after two weeks of taking it I got suicidal thoughts, I knew it wasn't good for my me or my son. So I stopped taking them and never saw that doctor again. Now 5 years later I do whatever makes me happy and keep myself around people that are good for us.

Medicine they give don't do anything but brainwash you and make you a zombie, they make you into someone you are not.

I have a friend who is bi-polar manic depressive..sometimes she gets into bad ruts and then puts herself in horrible situations, such as unprotected sex with multiple men...she even started drinking for awhile. Her doctor and Therapist put her on Xanax and Lithium...She finally got better and then had a panic attack and cried to the hospital that she needed she is back on them.

I am sorry, but taking medicine is an excuse to make yourself better (I hate medicine and only take it when I need it, such as a bad flu). I never ever suggest a doctor, they don't fix anything. If you have a will and you are strong you fix whatever you want.

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 02:01 PM

I hope these double posts do not make me depressed soon....laugh .


mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 02:00 PM

I have been off and on with depression since I was 15 for a number of reasons. When I was younger I didn't know how to deal with it, so I'd put myself in stupid situations. But now being older and looking back, i've found the best way to battle it and get over it is to learn to love - not just my son, but love who I am and doing what I love to do keeps me happy.

forget about that break up. That's just another person who isn't in your life, you learned from her, you are now stronger. Do what you love to do and make yourself happy.

Thanks flowerforyou I'm going to see another band tonight. Something I love doing.

I hope you had fun seeing the band, who did you see?!

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:56 PM
Too much. People tell me I am intimidating because of it.

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:55 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah, I wish I was that skinny too! Pretty hair :P

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:52 PM

I'm not a female, but if I was gay, I would do you.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:48 PM
Times have changed and while a long lasting relationship, such as that my grandparents had(sounds like a fairy tale)It's not what people NEED, that's a want...they met when they were 24, married at 26 and were together till the days they died. At the ages of 83 and 85, both died days apart. That kind of love is very strong..but not all people need it.

I maybe 26, but I already think about how I would rather be alone than be miserable with someone for the rest of my life. Marriage and kids aren't everything - in fact I did not even want kids, then I had my son, learned what true love is and he's the only love I need, he is the only male in this world that will make me happy. And one day he will be going through the same thing I am. hell, evidentally he already has a "girl" at school! LMAO!! And he stopped calling me "mommy" it's just "mom" :( But I'd love to be retired and the day he moves out is the day i'm taking a world tour! LOL

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:42 PM

"The important thing is not to get old alone."

How about, "The important thing is to learn to like oneself when you are alone"? flowerforyou

Well said.

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:36 PM
I think so...the towels keep disappearing somehow lol!

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:32 PM

hey there :) just looking for some feedback on my profile...hope to hear what u think!

Your profile has good quality pictures (very handsome by the way) And well said in how you describe yourself. Good amount of tags for your interests.

To me - your profile looks great.

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:14 AM

Anyone can buy a pair of glasses and some books!!!slaphead rofl rofl rofl rofl

Is like role playing or what???surprised

You can role play like that if you want LOL

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:01 AM

Born, sesame street, teenage mutant ninja turtles, school, drugs, love, married, happy, kid, someone else, unhappy, divorced, mingle2, bipolar girlfriend, breakup, jaded, back on mingle2, lots of drinking.

That about sums it up

:cry: drinks

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:00 AM
What's with all the labeling? Who cares if they're nerdy. Maybe you just think they're naughty because they look so innocent drool :laughing: pitchfork

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 10:58 AM
I used to have a teacher named, Richard head, but everyone called him dick head.

I also used to have a OBGYN named Dr. Fillerup (Yes, like Fill her up)

Also a regular docter name Dr. Head

Such weird names that doctors have! lol

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:16 AM

Here is the pic I took. Hope the guy does'nt mind me
sharing it.

The business card says:

Tombstone Hearse Co.
"Its not about the destination... Its how you arrive".

Thats a first, never seen a dead body taken to a funeral home like that! Pretty neat.