The two party system doesn't work. You have the choice of two evils and there is seldom much difference between the two. Both are products of the two parties that have a vested interest in keeping everything the same. Any viable third party candidate gets slandered to death. Each party has only it's interests and not those of the American people. I agree . A radical change is needed to have a real representation for the people . Sometimes you do not see the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans . |
Wonder how long investigations went on before the busted to mosques. Anything siezed by the Gov. generally goes up for public auction. Wouldn't that be neat to own a muslim mosque? I'd turn it into a skating rink. ![]() Iran has too much oil and does not need the American pennies disclosed here . I predict that all charges if any will be thrown out by the courts . |
Trust is not universal. Some people have always had little faith or trust in government and some have always stood by it. I think the changing dynamics, in both population and production, would make it difficult for us to ever be JUST as we were when the constitution was written. I, for one, do not put complete faith in any man and expect them to make mistakes. I still believe that most in office really do want whats best for their countrymen and women though. Ah....! they want what is best for their countrymen and women and that is exactly why they lie, they cheat and corruption is everywhere . People like you make any criminal very proud . |
So it can't be changed. Well there you go. This explains the future of American government. Information will continue to be construed, results will continue to stall, and actions will be determined by those that have the money to buy it. I can imagine that many are dissappointed with this government. Everywhere I go, I see only people complaining about the decisions Congress makes. It is too bad. This is all I can say. the government really does represent the people that's why I said we get the government we deserve the people are fat, lazy, greedy, and self centered. and the government is just representative of that just my opinionoso The problems are the money and the media . The money buys you advertising . The media twist the facts any way they want . The people do not see the truth and vote for waht the media and the ads cherish more . True democracy would imply laws to force the media to publish only reality and the truth also would imply those with less money could have a chance at the highest offices of the land . |
So What's the Deal?
...with Lou Dobbs? I heard something but I haven't heard anything I do not like the guy so bye bye Charlie.....!. |
Can this be changed to where the Constitution can be upheld again to have citizen statesmen or is it impossible to do or to late? The money and the media are the supreme bosses and the rest are followers . |
I strongly believe that the US and the Israeli Administrations were behind 9/11 events as they profited too much from them . ![]() ![]() How? Explain the rationale behind the statement. Two colonies, military bases in many Muslim nations, a terrible war on Islam and Muslims.....etc. Oops.....Israel killing Palestinians like mosquitoes . |
G.W Bush and his supporters with their policies hurt millions of lives and got away with their crimes..... ![]() ![]() This investigation was done under Obama's watch and G W has nothing to do with this thread at all. I sounds like you are just changing the subject because you don't like the subject. A terrorist by any name is a terrorist and yes your G.W. Bush is a big TERRORIST . ![]() |
I strongly believe that the US and the Israeli Administrations were behind 9/11 events as they profited too much from them .
![]() ![]() |
If this is true then justice has to be served. I hope those responsible for trying to hurt innocent lives will get punished or those planning to. ![]() G.W Bush and his supporters with their policies hurt millions of lives and got away with their crimes..... ![]() ![]() |
He always gave me a good hearty laugh during his speeches...and laughter is a good thing! Does Hitler make you laugh too ?. Hitler or Bush...?. I see no difference do you !. |
Obama's father was MUSLIM .
So the White House has embraced the roots of Obama's father . Oops he was both African, Kenyan and Muslim . Obama became a president while his racist opponents are writing in forums about him . What a bunch of losers !. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
we won't know for another twenty years or so the objectivity of history without all the partisan spin will judge him This is pure BS . When someone like Timothy Mcveigh does something you do not wait 20 years to know if what he did is right or wrong . Your G.W. Bush is worse than Mcveigh and others . |
I would like to see what people think W did that was good for our country. I honestly don't think he did anything but negatives but I'd like input from everyone who is intrested G.W. Bush did a great job in turning America to a real circus when it comes to politics : screwed up the economy, the laws, the foreign policy and made lies and deception the American norm . Congratulations for 8 disastrous years !. |
older women?
I am looking for any woman .
Desperation is a huge headache . ![]() |
older women?
I am looking for any woman .
Desperation is a huge headache . ![]() |
What baffels me is, why they burn Hussein? He's their biigest ally. He's good buds with all the islam world. Obama's father was a MUSLIM . So the sperm of ISLAM is in the White House. Congratulations America . ![]() ![]() |
What baffels me is, why they burn Hussein? He's their biigest ally. He's good buds with all the islam world. Obama's father was a MUSLIM . So the sperm of ISLAM is in the White House. Congratulations America . ![]() ![]() |
This is retarded This is more than retard . The good news is Obama's father was a MUSLIM and our friends who hate Isl;am can do nothing about that . ![]() ![]() |
Hussein Obama with a Muslim father became a US president . Some folks will never get over this . Some Islam is the White House....
...... ![]() ![]() |