Topic: Terrorists to be tried in civilian court | |
By Jeremy Pelofsky and James Vicini
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The accused mastermind of the September 11 attacks and four other top terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay will prosecuted in U.S. criminal courts, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Friday, the first major step in moves to close the controversial prison. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other men accused of the attacks were being prosecuted in military commissions at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, but U.S. President Barack Obama has pledged to close the prison by mid-January and move some cases to U.S. criminal courts. "I am absolutely convinced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be subject to the most exacting demands of justice. The American people will insist on it. My administration will insist on it," Obama said in Tokyo during a trip through Asia. Civil rights advocates hailed the decision to move some of the cases to traditional U.S. criminal courts, but Republicans blasted the Obama administration for bringing terrorism suspects to the U.S. soil, arguing it could spark new attacks. Five other Guantanamo prisoners, including the alleged mastermind of the attack on the USS Cole warship in Yemen, Abd al-Rahim al Nashiri, and a young Canadian accused of killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan, will be tried in revamped military commissions. It will likely be a daunting task to put the men on trial in New York, where the World Trade Center twin towers were felled by hijacked planes on Sept 11, 2001. Almost 3,000 people were killed in the attacks that day. "I am confident in the ability of our courts to provide these defendants a fair trial, just as they have for over 200 years," Holder told reporters. "The alleged 9/11 conspirators will stand trial in our justice system before an impartial jury under long-established rules and procedures." Holder said that he would authorize prosecutors to seek the death penalty against the five men accused of the September 11 attacks and that they would be held at a federal detention facility in New York. The decisions about the 10 terrorism suspects came as Obama's top lawyer, Gregory Craig, who was charged with leading the White House's troubled effort to close Guantanamo, announced his resignation on Friday. (Additional reporting by Caren Bohan in Tokyo, Editing by Arshad Mohammed and David Storey) I don't care where they are tried. It's time for them to find out hell is full of so called martyrs. |
I strongly believe that the US and the Israeli Administrations were behind 9/11 events as they profited too much from them .
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I strongly believe that the US and the Israeli Administrations were behind 9/11 events as they profited too much from them . ![]() ![]() How? Explain the rationale behind the statement. |
This is the most rediculas thing I've ever heard! Possibly the dumbest thing a president has ever done! Has he ever heard of a military tribunal?
They do not deserve to be givin our constitutional rights! |
This is the most rediculas thing I've ever heard! Possibly the dumbest thing a president has ever done! Has he ever heard of a military tribunal? They do not deserve to be givin our constitutional rights! Not to change the subject but, Hussein has a habit of covering terroists and Illegals under our Constitution while, leaving Americans out in the rain. |
There is a fundamental point that is being overlooked here. When the attacks took place on 9/11 they were carried out by terrorists, not an army from any one country but a collective of civilians acting upon a religious belief. This then negates the use of any military court as they were not part of any army. They should be tried in a federal court as they are law breakers who have commited a terible crime, over 3,000 counts of murder.
As for them being tried in New York, yes this is where the crimes where commited but i think America will play right into the hands of the terrorists by holding it there. These people want to become martyrs for their cause and lets be honest, whats the chances of there being a fair trial there ? Now iam not suggesting that these people should be given a fair trial, personally i would prefer that they just be shot and forgotten about but as we are in a war for 'hearts and minds', we have to be seen to be just and show that democracy is fair. Lets not forget the physcological trauma that this event caused New York to feel and also that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. I believe this trial will cause more damage than good. |
I have a suggestion for Hussein.
Set them free at ground zero. Set a dateone week in advance. Advertise it nationwide every hour on the hour. Let the welcoming commitee take care of them. ![]() |
I strongly believe that the US and the Israeli Administrations were behind 9/11 events as they profited too much from them . ![]() ![]() How? Explain the rationale behind the statement. Two colonies, military bases in many Muslim nations, a terrible war on Islam and Muslims.....etc. Oops.....Israel killing Palestinians like mosquitoes . |
I strongly believe that the US and the Israeli Administrations were behind 9/11 events as they profited too much from them . ![]() ![]() How? Explain the rationale behind the statement. Two colonies, military bases in many Muslim nations, a terrible war on Islam and Muslims.....etc. Oops.....Israel killing Palestinians like mosquitoes . Our government has profited from these wars? If that was the case shouldn't our debt be going down, not up? Shouldn't oil be $2 a barrel? Why the push for alternative energy, if we control the 4th largest oil reserves in the world? Jews and Arabs were killing each other centuries before North America was discovered. So 9-11 was really just an operation to continue the same old same old... Plus a few bases in the Middle East.. Interesting... |
By Jeremy Pelofsky and James Vicini WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The accused mastermind of the September 11 attacks and four other top terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay will prosecuted in U.S. criminal courts, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Friday, the first major step in moves to close the controversial prison. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other men accused of the attacks were being prosecuted in military commissions at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, but U.S. President Barack Obama has pledged to close the prison by mid-January and move some cases to U.S. criminal courts. "I am absolutely convinced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be subject to the most exacting demands of justice. The American people will insist on it. My administration will insist on it," Obama said in Tokyo during a trip through Asia. Civil rights advocates hailed the decision to move some of the cases to traditional U.S. criminal courts, but Republicans blasted the Obama administration for bringing terrorism suspects to the U.S. soil, arguing it could spark new attacks. Five other Guantanamo prisoners, including the alleged mastermind of the attack on the USS Cole warship in Yemen, Abd al-Rahim al Nashiri, and a young Canadian accused of killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan, will be tried in revamped military commissions. It will likely be a daunting task to put the men on trial in New York, where the World Trade Center twin towers were felled by hijacked planes on Sept 11, 2001. Almost 3,000 people were killed in the attacks that day. "I am confident in the ability of our courts to provide these defendants a fair trial, just as they have for over 200 years," Holder told reporters. "The alleged 9/11 conspirators will stand trial in our justice system before an impartial jury under long-established rules and procedures." Holder said that he would authorize prosecutors to seek the death penalty against the five men accused of the September 11 attacks and that they would be held at a federal detention facility in New York. The decisions about the 10 terrorism suspects came as Obama's top lawyer, Gregory Craig, who was charged with leading the White House's troubled effort to close Guantanamo, announced his resignation on Friday. (Additional reporting by Caren Bohan in Tokyo, Editing by Arshad Mohammed and David Storey) I don't care where they are tried. It's time for them to find out hell is full of so called martyrs. This is nothing short than insanity.You are going to bring the mastermind of the Sept.11th terrorist attacks to of all places New york!Do you know how much stress that is going to cause the people who had to live through that mess knowing that the guy behind all that murder is sleeping in their hometown maybe only a few blocks away.I would go crazy knowing he was there.What kind of message does this send to his followers?You can kill thousands of people in America and we are going to send you to America where you will have a lawyer paid for by the victims to give you a 50/50 chance you will be set free?To add insult to injury this idiot is probably just going to make a mockery of the court,our legal system,and spew Anti-American hate the entire time he is allowed to talk(much like Saddam did).Those terrorist in other countries will certainly be embolden now."Our leader is alive and well in the city he bombed and is mocking the American people". ![]() What kind of security facility will he be put in?The very real possibility of American Islam terrorist grouping together to free this person from either the court room or the jail is probably a no brainer. There is no doubt in my mind this will be another O.J. Simpson fiasco.This trail will go on for at least a year probably longer and will no doubt cost the tax payers millions if not tens of millions dollars in lawyers,extra security,transfers,appeals,and all the other crap. What happens if he is found not guilty?Does the President realize that if the country he was arrested in does not want to accept him then we will have no choice then to set him free in America?Why don't they just have a military trail in Cuba?Why bring him here? Obama is not a American or a Patriot.Because no American in their right mind would invite their worst enemy into their own house to stand a trial where there is a possibility they will be set free to only cause death and destruction. They need to start getting impeachment papers in order before this country turns into a Islamic republic. |
This is the most rediculas thing I've ever heard! Possibly the dumbest thing a president has ever done! Has he ever heard of a military tribunal? They do not deserve to be givin our constitutional rights! this is one point i am fuzzy on... they declare that the 9/11 mastermind will be given a civillian trial but others will be given a tribunal because they specifically targeted a military target. I'm sorry, is the pentagon no longer a military target? I can understand why they are bringing him to trial in a civilian setting (the majority of the crime was a civilian target), however, god help them if they get his confession and other evidence thrown out because he was never given miranda rights (which, last I checked, are required upon any arrest for a crime in the US, regardless of nationality). A tribunal does not carry this technicality. If he is set free on a technicality, all hell will break loose for our fearless leader. |