I have a soon to be 6yr old little girl with adhd and she's also bi polar. It's been nothing but a struggle to even get the right help she needed let alone someone who I can talk too. when you have only your 6yr old conversations are limited.lol so I would like to say hello to everyone. nettie ADHD can be terrible and can drive you nuts . There are meds for it but like nearly all meds there are side effects with them . You should talk to your doc for referrals to a specialiost . Good luck and best wishes . |
the biggest funding source for the IRA was America too Now the relatives of the victims of the IRA are asking Libya for billions and not the USA . How come ?. Is it because Libya is a small country with lots of oil ?!!!. |
I Need Advice.
What does a person do when their parents tell them they are better off being dead? ![]() Okay....they are upset and under tremendous pressure . So try to see their points of views and try to help ease their pain . Parents are the closest people to their children and although they say things they do not really mean them most of the time . It is your responsibility to find out how they are so upset and so miserable . No, no and no.......do not forget your own parents . They are a part of you and this is reality . Good luck and best wishes . |
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Sat 11/14/09 06:51 PM
Sorry folks double posts .
From the title, I thought this was going to be a thread about Catholic priests. ![]() ![]() ![]() Or the mafia..... ![]() |
is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false. There's no need to be insulting. I think most people agree that the human Jesus was real. When we speak of the myth we are referring to the Virgin birth and the idea that he was resurrected from the dead and is God. I find the belief that Jesus is God very disturbing because Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, used the toilet, had all man's part, had no power to save himself from his human enemies....etc. The belief that Jesus is God is against any logic, reason and common sense . |
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Sat 11/14/09 05:56 PM
I'm a little confused because I am not sure where in the original post Muslims or the Islamic religion were being targeted for any blame. I thought it was about the Iranian government owning these properties and using the funds they received from the rent and the charitable contributions to fund terrorism. I no more hold every Muslim accountable for the actions of some than I would want to be help accountable for the actions of some priests in the Catholic Church. I thought this thread was about funding terrorism and not about religion. If I'm wrong then I missed the whole point of the discussion. You didn't miss anything. Sadly the people praying at the mosque and the renters of the office buildings were all (supposedly) funding Iranian terrorism to the tune of millions of dollars a year without knowing who the landlord was. The FBI said a lot of the money was being routed through fake non profit organizations to avoid paying taxes. It is beyond me to believe that Iran who is very rich in oil, gaz and resources will use the US mosques for monetary gains . Before 9/11 the US started living in a blitz of propaganda against Islam and Muslims for two reasons : to justify the tyrannic wars against the Muslim countries and to have support from the Masses who oppose unjust wars . So I see this case as just another case of propaganda for political reasons . |
The US invaded Afghanistan for their own interests including occupation and military bases . The US never went to that country to help the Afghans people . Listening to politicians and the media talking about helping the Afghans is like listening to Junior Kindergartners talking politics . Gee.....people grow up .
I'm a little confused because I am not sure where in the original post Muslims or the Islamic religion were being targeted for any blame. I thought it was about the Iranian government owning these properties and using the funds they received from the rent and the charitable contributions to fund terrorism. I no more hold every Muslim accountable for the actions of some than I would want to be help accountable for the actions of some priests in the Catholic Church. I thought this thread was about funding terrorism and not about religion. If I'm wrong then I missed the whole point of the discussion. I explained my opinions according to my knowledge and my conscience . We do not see things the same due to our difference in education, interests,.....etc. The USA has been living in a barrage of lies and propaganda for many years now . The world hoped things will change with Obama and unfortunately the same crap is continuing . Some people are like robots and believe all propaganda coming from the Administration and the media . we as humans must use our brains and our knowledge to find the truth . |
Ok so...
I hope I will get laid tonight as it has been a while now.....
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Ok so...
I hope I will get laid tonight as it has been a while now.....
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The Last Pope?
The Pope is just another dumb-*** politician who uses primitive religion thoughts to control people's money, faith and entire life . Catholics are fed up with his thinking against birth control.....etc . A man with no family, no wife, no girl friend and no sex is a damn loser in the first degree .
I find womens necks to be very seunsual and sexy... what appeals to you all on the opposite sex .... Who cares about the neck ?. **** and hips, **** and hips . |
Just curious,tohyup. How do you know you are not the one believing propoganda and I am the one who knows the truth? I will believe you when you can show me the proof until then you are feeding me propoganda in my opinion. Huh.....happy propaganda and happy tyrannic wars on those who are poor, helpless, weak and can not defend themselves . At least Hitler fought those with might and force !!!. |
Is this true of false. Also explain why if you have the time. False. People in this country have failed their government. They lay blame on the government but do not even slightly participate in the governing process that the designers figured all Americans would be champing at the bit to participate in considering the stifling environments that they came from. In that process the government has become a government for itself instead of for the people like it was designed. Not saying the government cannot be fixed, not saying that the government is evil but without the people to help make it what it should be, it will continue to be self involved. How can you be a real willing political participant when the results are guaranteed by the mega money spent and the publicity generated ?. How much did it cost Obama to be elected ?. The same for Joe Lieberman, Bloomberg.....etc ?. Lots of people with excellent agenda have no chance of winning due to the problems of money and the media . |
Canada has no independent foreign policy . Canada always follow the US, Britain and Israel even to to real hell . If Canada knows any politics it does not have a British Queen as its head of government and also being a British monarchy after years of British colonialism . Canada must learn some politics and get out of following uncle Sam in Washington . Yes Canada has troops in Afghanistan and this is just because Bush asked for them .
Canada and most NATO are US followers with zero independent foreign policy ......... ![]() |
there's no evidence this group is tied to Iran...it's another example of singling out an islamic group because of their religion. Agreed . All this propaganda is to justify two tyrannic wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan and to make of the real terrorists who are killing innocent, weak and helpless people some kind of imaginary heroes . G.W. Bush used the same policy of lies and deceit . |
Edited by
Fri 11/13/09 06:58 PM
I don't blame Bush. I blame Congress and their decisions they make. I think the two party reign should have ended a long time ago. Of course this is my opinion. I blame every American who voted for a stupid moron to become the president of the most powerful and most admired country in the world !!!. When you elect crap then all you get is pure crap . |
He always gave me a good hearty laugh during his speeches...and laughter is a good thing! Does Hitler make you laugh too ?. Hitler or Bush...?. I see no difference do you !. that just means you don't know shiit about Hitler You know shite about G.W. Bush . |
People like you make any criminal very proud .
c'mon don't be a diick you've been awfully angry and abusive lately take a deep breath and say ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Shut up dude . |