Community > Posts By > stevewm

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Sun 04/29/07 12:15 PM
a chatbot is nothing more than a small program configured to respond the
way you want.

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Sat 04/28/07 11:06 PM
yes you are Fanta

he was fighting on the side of terrorists


I ask again, should be turn him loose to commit the same?

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Sat 04/28/07 10:52 PM
us hillbillies understand that language very well laugh laugh

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Sat 04/28/07 10:47 PM
He committed murder
What do you suppose we do with him?
We very well can't set him free to commit murder again can we?

Now my opinion

He is in fact a child, the crimes were committed at age 10 which makes
his parents responsible. They should bare the brunt of the punishment
But we still cannot turn the child loose, so what do we do? commit him
to an institution? Regardless of his age he has to learn that what he
done was wrong and punishable, but he is too young to spend his entire
life locked away. I dunno,lot of hatred in the child sounds like to me
or a very messed up mind.

I'm not sure there is an answer frown

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Sat 04/28/07 10:28 PM
Well the majority of the members on this site are from the US

If it were an Austrailian forum you would see the same I would think.

Would be nice to see a larger international audience.

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Sat 04/28/07 10:12 PM
I thought those guys had retired by now?

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Sat 04/28/07 07:51 PM
Somebody once said and I quote " If you don't like what I have to say

meaning if you're offended don't listen

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Sat 04/28/07 06:51 PM
back stabbing friend = $3.50
mediocre friend = $5.00
close friend = $7.50
very good friend = $10.00
best friend = $25.00

prices subject to change at a moments notice

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

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Sat 04/28/07 03:17 PM
Garth Brooks

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Sat 04/28/07 03:07 PM
Cancer, heart attacks have taken most of my immediate family :cry: :cry:

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Sat 04/28/07 02:51 PM
why would she need a vase?

laugh laugh laugh

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Sat 04/28/07 11:44 AM
Some of those women are materialistic...those you stay away from, some
simply do not want to support a man and I don't blame them. Being
financialy stable does not make you a success either in my view. But
there are many ways to define success I suppose.

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Sat 04/28/07 11:30 AM
friendship is over rated how many true friends do you really think you

you'll find out the hard way if you ever get that point you
seem not to exist.

I have 1 not including family

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Fri 04/27/07 11:01 PM
wrong forum for this nancy

try relationship advice :smile:

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Fri 04/27/07 10:47 PM
rosie o donnel is nothing but an attention grabbing mouth piece...that
is how she got her start to begin running that over sized

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Fri 04/27/07 08:44 PM
Hi SarM86

few miles down the road from you

Too much of an age difference but I can still say HI and welcome to JSH

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Thu 04/26/07 07:17 PM
I know, but I couldn't resist devil devil

and yes this is my real name bigsmile

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Thu 04/26/07 07:11 PM
mine means steve

mommy come up with it

laugh laugh laugh

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Thu 04/26/07 06:47 PM
I would like Bill more if he'd release the source code for winders
laugh laugh laugh

Linus torvalds for president!

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Thu 04/26/07 06:01 PM
i found a half eaten balogna sandwich in my neighbors dumpster....think
i'll have that.smokin