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God and religion.
Adventure..... ![]() Jesus PAID FOR IN FULL ON THE CROSS , is offered up for ALL man. But one STILL has to BELIEVE and RECEIVE that Free Gift of Grace Given, in order for the Gift to TAKE AFFECT. God will not force us to BELIEVE AND ACCEPT His Free Gift of Grace given, even though He has already paid the price in full. God leaves the CHOICE up to us either Recieve or to Reject God's Free Gift of Grace ,Given for all. The Gift is FREELY OFFERED UP FOR US ALL , because God ALREADY PAID THE PRICE IN FULL ON THAT CROSS. Adventure... Let's say you have an Uncle John who has gone home to be with The Lord... and Uncle John left behind His Last Will and Testament ....and in his Will it states that he has left for you a great legacy. Now Adventure, UNLESS you BELIEVE Uncle John has actually left for you a great legacy in the first place, and UNLESS YOU also go RECEIVE that legacy left for you; the legacy will just SIT THERE and do you no good at all, IF you JUST IGNORE AND REFUSE TO BELIEVE AND RECEIVE THE LEGACY LEFT FOR YOU . YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THERE IS ACTUALLY A GREAT LEGACY LEFT FOR YOU, ANS THEN YOU HAVE TO GO RECEIVE THE LEGACY LEFT WAITNG FOR YOU TO RECEIVE, IN ORDER FOR THE LEGACY TO DO YOU ANY GOOD. THE GREAT LEGACY IS THERE WAITING FOR YOU TO GO CLAIM IT....BUT IT WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY FALL INTO YOUR LAP. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT AND THEN GO RECEIVE IT!!! GOD , IN HIS LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT , HAS ALSO LEFT US WITH A GREAT GREAT GREAT LEGACY !!!! IT IS JUST WAITING THERE FOR US TO BELIEVE... AND THEN TO RECEIVE !!!! AMEN??? AMEN!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Many thanks for you concern... I do not understand why you insist on belittling my belief by constant attempts to 'convince' me that Jesus is the only way I may worship god. Do you seriously think that God stands still? Do you seriously believe that Krishna was not an Advent of God? Or that Mohammad did not bring God's word? When the Maid is revealed to you how will you see her with your gaze fixed so sharply upon Christ that you see not God? Indeed... By your posts you have discounted most of the human race from closeness to God... As though you stand by the Gate and turn away everyone that beleives not by your own narrow view... Has God then become the Advent for this age by YOU? Sending flowers as though you have given me a gift is hyprocracy of the highest order if it is accompanied by a complete disregard of the Gift given me by God... as though you discount my very existance (which God does not do). |
Recovery from religion...
How is this truth...
I can not pray in public because of laws passed by those that fear religion. My children can not pray in school for the same reason. Yet People who feel themselves 'free' from religion fear it so much they would remove words of comfort from the very money I buy food with. (it is money... why do you care what name Cesar has upon it) Those same people have made it unlawful for my children to pray at school... those same people deride an athelete for praying before a contest, deride a politician for speaking of God, deride any books that mention God. If you are free from religion be free and leave be. |
God and religion.
JESUS CHRIST, THE LIVING WORD OF GOD,FULLY GOD YET FULLY MAN,WHO CAME TO REVEAL GOD TO MAN AND REDEEM ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM FROM THEIR SIN. and so you are relieved from sin. as are all women. Yet who birthed Jesus? Without her Christ would not be... His Advent heralds the ending of the Cycle of Adam. Since all is forgiven so also is original sin. Female can now take their rightful place in the Cycle of Mankind. So then little one with the blue words... Welcome to the Cycle of Eve. so that mankind obtain balance and grow into Unity with God. |
Do I even care if Joe is honest?
Why would I ... His honesty has no bearing upon the life I live... It matters not if he is honest or dishonest. It only matters that I am. to me. |
Recovery from religion...
What speaks volumes towards the 'motives' of the athiests?
Perhaps the single minded pursuit of interference in the lives of the religious gives us a clue as to the segment of population that is afraid of being left behind. They constantly interfere with everyones right to be what they are... Instead requiring the Religious to be silent at schools, silent in public places, and silent in political circles... Just look at all the laws they have brought forth. I sense fear... Else why attack anyone that has been sucessful (and did so by faith). |
God and religion.
God writes upon the soul of every human...
Therefore his WORD is so much more than a book of leather, paper, and inking. His WORD includes Mohammad. His WORD includes Krishna. His WORD IS GREATER than yours... His Word is greater than mine. Chosing to focus upon a small SAMPLE of the word closes your eyes to the vast knowledge that is contained in GOD. The one you called Jesus SEALED the prophets. The Cycle of Adam is finished. The Cycle of Eve was assured with the Advent of Christ... Yet so many still circle back and worship the man. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
Go teach your children your way...
Stay out of the space between my children and me... It aint none of your business. Abuse someone other than a religious person today would you? I am allready being told what I can and can not put into my own body by self proclaimed dogooders with delusions of 'god hood by no god'.. Stay out of my family relationships. |
With the mainstream media in the hands of the mostly conservative wealthy, it's difficult for average Americans to learn the truth about critical issues. The following five conservative claims are examples of mythical beliefs that fall apart in the presence of inconvenient facts: 1. Entitlements are the Problem Beyond the fact that we're 'entitled' to Social Security and Medicare because we pay for them, these two government-run programs have been largely self-sustaining while supporting the needs of millions of Americans. Medicare is much less costly than private health care. Social Security, which functions with a surplus, would not be in danger of a long-term shortfall if the richest 10% (those making over the $106,800 cutoff) paid their full share. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities recently reported that 91% of entitlements go to the elderly or disabled, or to members of working households needing supplemental assistance. Only 9% of entitlement dollars go to non-working but employable individuals, and most of that is for medical care, unemployment, and survivor benefits. 2. Charter Schools are the Answer Free-market adherents have a lot of people believing that the public school system needs to be 'saved' by charter schools. That belief is not supported by the facts. A Stanford University study "reveals in unmistakable terms that, in the aggregate, charter students are not faring as well as their traditional public school counterparts." A Department of Education study found that "On average, charter middle schools that hold lotteries are neither more nor less successful than traditional public schools in improving student achievement, behavior, and school progress." Charter schools also take money away from the public system. For example, the Los Angeles Unified School District loses nearly $7,000 in state money for each student who transfers to a charter. In Florida, the entire $55 million budgeted in 2011 for school maintenance went to charters. Governors in several states plan to direct money to schools that serve upper-middle-income families. Furthermore, charter school teachers have fewer years of experience and a higher turnover rate, and according to one study were less likely to be certified. Perhaps most damning are studies by the University of Colorado and UCLA which found that some charter schools segregate students by race and income. Said researcher Gary Miron of Western Michigan University, "Parents are selecting schools where their child will experience less diversity." 3. Corporate Taxes Are Too High This one is easy. The facts can be found in U.S. Office of Management (OMB) figures, which show a gradual drop over the years in Corporate Income Tax as a Share of GDP, from 4% in the 1960s to 2% in the 1990s to 1.3% in 2010. That's one-third of what it used to be. Also coming from the OMB is the percent of Total Tax Revenue derived from corporate taxes. The corporate share has dropped from about 20% in the 1960s to under 9% in 2010. Finally, in a U.S. Treasury report of global competitiveness, it is revealed that U.S. corporations paid only 13.4% of their profits in taxes between 2000 and 2005, compared to the OECD average of 16.1%. A similar analysis of 100 of the largest U.S. companies found that less than 10% of pre-tax profits in 2010 were paid in non-deferred U.S. federal income taxes. Corporate tax avoidance is rampant at the state level, too. A new study by Citizens for Tax Justice, which evaluated 265 large companies, determined that an average of 3% was paid in state taxes, less than half the average state tax rate of 6.2%. 4. Jim Crow is Dead Even though white Americans are the nation's most frequent drug users and dealers, the people in jail for these offenses are overwhelmingly black. In some states, African Americans make up 80-90% of all drug offenders sent to prison. As a nation, we lead the world in rates of imprisonment, and drug offenses have accounted for two-thirds of the increase in federal inmates. Once drug users are in prison, they're stigmatized for life. As stated by Michelle Alexander, author of "The New Jim Crow": "Rather than rely on race, we use our criminal justice system to label people of color "criminals" and then engage in all the practices we supposedly left behind...Once you're labeled a felon, the old forms of discrimination - employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, and exclusion from jury service - are suddenly legal. As a criminal, you have scarcely more rights, and arguably less respect, than a black man living in Alabama at the height of Jim Crow." 5. Poverty Is Declining Everywhere There's something disturbing about World Bank researchers using mathematical functions to determine who's living in poverty. But free-market fanatic The Economist liked the results, proclaiming that "poverty is declining everywhere." That's easy to say when the World Bank gets to set its own poverty threshold, at $1.25 per day. The organization admits there was little change in the number of people living below $2 per day between 1981 and 2008. And almost half the world lives on less than $3 a day. Another fact is that the rapid growth of China accounts for most of the global poverty changes. China is where hundreds of millions of starry-eyed young people went from zero income on the farms to a few dollars a day under oppressive factory working conditions. The GDP may show a decline in poverty, but a "quality of life" index wouldn't make that mistake. 6 and 7. Evolution and global warming don't exist. These are just too preposterous for words. Progressive activists continue to work toward the day when poverty is down everywhere, and minorities receive equal treatment, and education is properly funded, and tax subsidies rather than entitlements are minimized. But that day is being delayed by make-believe messages from the American conservative. ![]() We basicly followed the republican recipe for economic growth and as most of us predicted it was a huge disaster. History speaks for itself except for when the neocons try to rewrite it. ![]() Ok.. Nostradamus.. You predicted it.. LMMFAO ![]() This is how I roll ![]() I would love to read your in depth analysis.. I am sure it would be riveting.. "realy"... hahahaha Just keep in mind for the past twenty five years we have swallowed the BS of "government is the problemb" Cut taxes to see growth" "Get government off our backs", both parties to differant degrees have done this and here we are. Hey lets blame Obama. yep... for twentyfive years Politicians have been saying 'get government off our backs' so they could get elected... However the truth is in the action. For the last twentyfive years those same politicians (from both sides) have immediately turned to GROWING that very same government as soon as power was theirs. |
If who is on first...
How honest would an assesment that home is the target of what? Where is I don't know? I dont know. but I am sure it could all be turned into an arguement. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
"The problem with discussing religion with people that will defend it to the end, is that they will come out with the most stupidest of arguments in order to do so. "
The true problem with you 'discussing' religion with people (with the intention of proving that their method of education of the young is tainted) Is the blatant attempt at comming between me and the training I give to my child. got teach your own how you would teach them... And stay out of my space betwen me and my children. It aint none of your business. |
Recovery from religion...
Well, we can tell from some of the post how hard they have designed religion to recover from eh? We can also tell by some of the posts that lack of religion is in itself a form of religion... those that propound a need for religion to be gone do so with the same fervor that a religious person proclaims their faith. Neither religion nor its opposit will I follow... I will simply place my faith in God. You may believe what you wish (but please do not force it upon me - I have a big stick also). Doesn't apply to all who aren't religious. You can't assume the same of all people who happen to not be religious. Lack of religion is not in itself a religion. It just occurs that some who aren't religious follow some of the same behaviors as those who are. Atheism is just as much of a religion as Christianity, Buddhism, ect ect. Religion - Details of belief as taught or discussed If you "believe" there is no God, that in itself is then a "belief". Atheism is just as much a part of perception of faith as those you mention. Christianity, Buddism, Islam, spirit walking... each contains a small truth... My faith is that God is in each one. by learning them all (as much as one man can)... I find God in all things. It does not make me religious. I am simply a man of faith. |
God and religion.
Those who believes in god,don't ask for ( as they don't need) any proof of it's existence. They sense existence of god in everything. bingo... All them pretty blue words came from religion. Post about sources and stuff... Yet it all boils down to essence. When you sense god in everything. God simply is. |
Recovery from religion...
Well, we can tell from some of the post how hard they have designed religion to recover from eh? We can also tell by some of the posts that lack of religion is in itself a form of religion... those that propound a need for religion to be gone do so with the same fervor that a religious person proclaims their faith. Neither religion nor its opposit will I follow... I will simply place my faith in God. You may believe what you wish (but please do not force it upon me - I have a big stick also). |
Edited by
Sun 04/01/12 08:52 PM
Auto insurance is for the good of the public as far as accidents go. Health insurance is a personal choice. You're saying that health insurance is not for the good of the public?? I would say, forcing people to purchase it is unconstitutional. It's either buy it or owe a fine. If, you can't afford the fine, you go to jail. They will need to build more jails. I think I heard, Haliburton just won a big bid to build a lot of new jails. Isn't it true that the Act provides some sort of loophole for people who can't afford the premium? I believe that was an important part of getting it passed in the first place. Why is this mandate unconstitutional, when it would be constitutional to tax us for health care and then provide it free? Why is it not covered by the Interstate Commerce Clause? First because Health insurance is not currently allowed to be sold 'interstate'... Second because forcing someone to become a part of 'commerce' by penalty of fine is a violation of individual rights. That which is reserved by the states is a state right if not reserved by the people. individual rights are reserved by the people (per the Constitution). |
Auto insurance is for the good of the public as far as accidents go. Health insurance is a personal choice. You're saying that health insurance is not for the good of the public?? Health insurance (as it is presented by 'obamacare' is for the good of the few at the expense of the General Public. (i.e it helps 50 million by forcing 300 million to pay for them). |
Recovery from religion...
My original statement was clear. It is my opinion: All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. That would be because the record of the exodus from Egypt was 'expunged' by defacing the walls of the Temple where it was written in stone. It would seem that the Pharoh at the time wanted no record of his terrible loss. Don't believe me... Look it up. There is indeed a temple where ALL of the writtings upon the pillars (how the Egyptians of the time recorded history) was removed by chisel and asp. Look it up? I would have no idea where to start looking it up. If you have any reliable sources, then reveal them. But aside from written (scriptural)records, there is not really any evidence of a large Exodus from Egypt, and there is no proof of King David ever existing. What religion are you defending, Islam, Judaism, or Christianity? They are all grounded in that entire fiction. I would think that people would actually want the solid truth, and look for evidence to support the truth no matter what, instead of trying to find things to convince themselves and others that what they have been told is true rather than fiction. Jewish historians know the truth. Read the book "The invention of the Jewish people." by Shlomo Sand. He will tell you that there are historians who do know the truth and agree with him that King David never existed, the Exodus and the Battle of Jericho never happened. In my opinion, if anything like it did happen, it was probably on a much smaller scale and greatly exaggerated and embellished (for entertainment) by the authors of the stories. Why should I do work for you... It is in history (specifically the Egyptian 'queens' or in one case an egyptian 'goddess' or 'priestess'. I was not defending any religion, simply pointing out that a delibrate 'erasing' was done long before any 'historian' examined the Pillars that were defaced. There are also people who claim that the 'holocast' never happened... So what? There are historians that look at words written in languages that have been long forgotten... Yet the 'historian' claims a secret knowledge that allows them to 'intrepret' this unknown language... Historians are like all other classes of people... Some lie. |
Recovery from religion...
My original statement was clear. It is my opinion: All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. That would be because the record of the exodus from Egypt was 'expunged' by defacing the walls of the Temple where it was written in stone. It would seem that the Pharoh at the time wanted no record of his terrible loss. Don't believe me... Look it up. There is indeed a temple where ALL of the writtings upon the pillars (how the Egyptians of the time recorded history) was removed by chisel and asp. Merely pointing out the fact that certain Egyptian 'records' were defaced to the point of unreadability. The writings on that temple were chisled off long before any archeologist examined them (and there is no explanition for the defacing). Therefore it is possible that the record you say does not exist once did... History is full of unknowns still. |
Could You Do It?
I was watching a great video Inside Zero Hour about 9/11. There was a part talking about how the fighter planes were given the order to take down any planes that didn't comply. I cant imagine what just getting the order from the White House to take down a plane with hundreds of innocent men, women and children in an effort to save thousands. I can't imagine having to actually go through with it. Yea sure they are trained to go after and take out the enemy but to kill the people they took an oath to protect? I don't think I could do it, could you? What makes the action you've described any different than the actions that have taken the lives of civilians in the Middle East? Most of those lives were taken by the same kind of religious idiots that flew the 9/11 planes... Sure our soldiers have caused a few civilians to die... Yet a sucide bomber TARGETS civilians as a matter of course (so that terror keeps their masters from being ripped limb from limb by the victims). |
Could You Do It?
I was watching a great video Inside Zero Hour about 9/11. There was a part talking about how the fighter planes were given the order to take down any planes that didn't comply. I cant imagine what just getting the order from the White House to take down a plane with hundreds of innocent men, women and children in an effort to save thousands. I can't imagine having to actually go through with it. Yea sure they are trained to go after and take out the enemy but to kill the people they took an oath to protect? I don't think I could do it, could you? In the same way that the passengers on one plane 'took' control knowing that action would kill them all... One does things one must when many lives are at stake. |
Recovery from religion...
My original statement was clear. It is my opinion: All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. That would be because the record of the exodus from Egypt was 'expunged' by defacing the walls of the Temple where it was written in stone. It would seem that the Pharoh at the time wanted no record of his terrible loss. Don't believe me... Look it up. There is indeed a temple where ALL of the writtings upon the pillars (how the Egyptians of the time recorded history) was removed by chisel and asp. |