Community > Posts By > rivergirl301
my cat keeps staring at me
kahlei: Oh, no. I have 2 cats! But I don't like one of them. So can I
say I have only 1??? |
my cat keeps staring at me
uk1971: Your cat defecates in mid-air?
my cat keeps staring at me
I think that is called an animal hoarder
Sure. But you know, on some dating sites, guys make it quite clear they
want someone attractive ("thin"). Now, I am a woman, so I am not checking out the ladies' profiles. Maybe they say the same thing. Did you hear about that dating site you have to audition for? You have to send in a photo, and they accept you or reject you based on whether or not you are good looking enough to be on their premiere site. Nasty. |
I just think they are flakey.
Okay, ladies. . .
Bug off. I got something going here. JUST KIDDING!
my cat keeps staring at me
Aw, he is saving you from the bugs! Good kitty!
aredrosebaby: Or, three strikes and you're out!
Okay, ladies. . .
Evidently, I was born to be underwhelmed.
my cat keeps staring at me
I do not have a huge fish head on top of my body. Down, boy!
my cat keeps staring at me
Like there is an intruder in the house, or a murderer ready to leap at
me from behind. I love cats, but they can drive you nuts. |
Okay, ladies. . .
Write me! Let's see what ya got! (This was a bigger hook than you
though!) |
Okay, ladies. . .
Well, did anyone ever write you? Was it lame?
Okay, ladies. . .
Now that I have the men's attention, lol! Guys, what gets your attention
when a girl e-mails you for the first time, to introduce herself. I feel like if you write too much, frankly it is a waste of time, because sooooooooooooooo many people will not reply (this has been my experience on, local newspaper personal ads, myspace--yes!!! I am leaving no stone unturned! ) I try to be brief, a sentence or two about something in the person's profile. I just don't know if that is weird or not. |
Wolfspirit, most people disagreed with me, but that is not what you are
seeing. I don't truly believe it when people say stuff just "happened" in their marriage. I thing *they* believe what they are saying, but I think the problem that broke them up, it was there all along and no one wanted to face it until it got so bad it couldn't be ignored any more. I feel like people just shrug it off, "something happened," instead of admitting they married in poor judgement. |
It might sound like I don't believe in marriage, but I really do, and I
take it so seriously that I am not willing to take another chance on watching another marriage down the drain. I think once you are older, and once you both have had your kids, what is the point in getting married? Just agree to keep what you go into the relationship with. . .for sure, no one is getting his hands on my house! |
I kept getting cavities between teeth. Fillings *were* $40 a piece, now
they are probably $140. You better believe I floss every morning! |
It's not *bad*. I am just a very, very quiet person who lives a very,
very quiet life. Some people might think that is boring, but I don't think it is. |
So, damnitscloudy, you returning to work soaking wet is not an unusual
situation? That is different! |
I am beginning to think I am a little too different,