screw obama
Do you still call the States, "The World."? yeah, heading back to the world.... getting out of the suck.... it nver changes. isolation would be cool with me, but can we keep the borders open to our friends to the north and hell the south too? |
Tahiti man, polinesian women, umbrella drinks, white sandy beaches, blue lagoons, the tuccans, man thats where we should eat diner.
oh Im sorry I didnt mean to invite myself ![]() |
What do you think doc? ![]() ![]() Should I take it........... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() tis is a run off of an old scam used in the certified check schemes in the last three or four years, usually it is a lottery winner from a third world nation of all places who went home to be with sick grandma and found out she won the lottery. i dont know if you can report it, or even to whom you would report it to(not up on internet law unfortunatley) but in a real world scenario, you know what id be doing.... mai tai's ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'll marry you ![]() but it comes with an automatic 1ook life insurance policy for spouses if your sure you wanna risk it? ![]() ![]() You think I am faint at heart ? I am a single mom with no insurance -- I eat risk for breakfast .. she is covered by her father .. thank goodness .. hahaha, well its called tricare, insurance for military dependents check it out, Im coming your way not to long from now, no a justice of the peace? ![]() ![]() I have a great pastor .. he can be called at a moments notice .. but we will have to go thru the whole spiritual counceling thing .. I dont know if my ban has been lifted by the church yet ![]() |
Members of the Bush administration have already visited Argentina as recently as last month to look over certain tracks of land known for their underground water was supposed to be hush,hush but the public found out about it and sent the land speculators packing....there was a public outcry, a few politicos got embarrassed and for now the pimps are laying low..... some how i knew bush would enter into this discussion. the largest group of people buying up water rights are european companies such as vindy (a french weasle company) |
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Sun 03/02/08 09:17 AM
I'll marry you ![]() but it comes with an automatic 1ook life insurance policy for spouses if your sure you wanna risk it? ![]() ![]() You think I am faint at heart ? I am a single mom with no insurance -- I eat risk for breakfast .. she is covered by her father .. thank goodness .. shoes4rhon...... I am not being a wise guy, but have you tried the welfare offices? I don't know if this is applicable to your state or not. I checked and saw you do not live in Pennsylvania the way I do. At any event, my local Congressman and State Senator are always mailing out brochures advising their constituents what bills they are sponsoring or what bills have gone into law. One of the brochures I received outlined that fact that in Pennsylvania a low-income person who is working is eligible for State Medicad, which is different from Medicare. Most of the time since that low income person is working he/she cannot get food stamps or cash assistance, but can get the state Medicad, which pays for everything. The co-pays are three to five dollars. Why not ascertain if your state has something akin to this? hey Im trying to get married here!!! hahaha, no seriously check out this site they may have something in there that relates to you and your particular circumstance. if not, i'll still marry you. ooops |
no it will not be free, you need to read the fine print or listen to the whispered disclaimers. you will be forced to buy into the insurance scheme, failure to do so would mean garnishment
up here north of the border it's hidden in the other taxes that are withheld on a paycheck and no one knows how much they are paying for healthcare....and please take a look at social healthcare if you think it might be a good idea....we have a two tier healthcare where if you have the money you have a better chance to get what you want when you want it...and if that doesn't work some go to the US because of the waiting periods up here... for an example I would have waited 9 months to get MRI for my back and neck due to a car wreck but since my insurance paid for it I got it in 2 days..... you know, you are the one living with the universal coverage system so I defer to you on it, all I can say is that from the reading Ive done on the medical system it seems to be the same everywhere there is universal coverage, long waits for appointments. so the arguement for it down in the states is not looking so good, i know that i wouldnt want it. (even tho i kinda do with the military) |
I'll marry you ![]() but it comes with an automatic 1ook life insurance policy for spouses if your sure you wanna risk it? ![]() ![]() You think I am faint at heart ? I am a single mom with no insurance -- I eat risk for breakfast .. she is covered by her father .. thank goodness .. hahaha, well its called tricare, insurance for military dependents check it out, Im coming your way not to long from now, no a justice of the peace? ![]() ![]() |
Then there is one more law that needs to be changed. To me that sounds like a special law to make the rich richer. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy, and striving to become more so. However, such a law makes sure the one who pays for the bank’s error is not the one who made it.
if you lost your purse and it had all your money in it some ID but the person who found it took all your the money and threw purse away do you think that person should be able to keep your money and not be forced to give it back to you if caught...after all it was your mistake for losing your purse... That has happened to me. I was stupid enough to leave it somewhere. My Bad. I had to replace all ID and credit cards. All my own fault for being forgetful. Finders Keepers. Losers Weepers. that really sucks! bet it was a real pain in the arse. |
Argentina has one of the largest sources of fresh water in world. The politicians here are already frothing at the bit willing to pimp out this country to the highest bidder while lining their pockets with the profits... I know your post was intended to be toung in cheek, but its a lot closer to reality than you intended. Frankly, I do hope Im dead by then...but I weep for my grandchildren and they legacy we are leaving behind for them. "we do not inherit the earth from our forefathers, we borrow it from our children..." ![]() the US is the largest consumer/user of (and by proxy has the largest amount of) underground water supply. thats wells and springs according to the national geological foundation. |
What about the articles that talk about Saddam moving WMDs to Syria. I mean its not like he didn't know we were discussing invading Iraq with the UN. He would have had time to gather and ship his stuff out of the country. (which if he had it and wanted to keep it would have been the smartest idea) you kn0w recently(a couple months ago) isreal bombed a syrian nuclear plant, amazingly not real sure how they got the supplies/equipment or technology to built such a thing....hmmmmm.... one of those ironical things i guess. |
Aye, Aye ![]() ![]() Trial by jury!! whose paying for it?..seems like you missed this the first time around... ![]() it's really simple common law principle that covers this issue and there is not viable chance this dolt would ever be successful at trial. It's an old principle that has been relied on since before 1900... if the money is paid out in error then the receiver does not legally own the money because it is inequitable that he should keep...the inequitable principle is root of the enrichment one should unjustly enrich themselves at the expense of someone else.... not really missing the point, just having a little fun.... the guys going to be ordered to pay some sort of restitution, its pretty much all there is to it, but if he has a good lawyer i'd say sue the bank for mental damages caused by not taking the money back in the first place.... tort reform needs fixed in this country maybe this will put a spot lite on that as well. |
<<<<< grabs his cape by the hem and curtsy's.
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Sun 03/02/08 08:42 AM
military pensions Thats not SS. Thats taking care of the boy's. Its a given if you want to survive as a Nation. They earned it........... What have you done for your country? ![]() damn man, i didnt see where she wrote that or he or whatever sorry.... but, we cant get a pension now unless you serve your twenty.... thats twenty years of 4am wake ups and 11pm lights out, there ae some waivers tho, early retirement if you qualify, medical retirement if you qualify(and thats only after 15 yrs in service) oops forgot the low pay(wow how did i miss that one) we'd do it anyway because thats how we are but its nice, not going to lie. |
Why bash Bush when he is on the way out? Will someone explain "Universal health care" to me. Am I to believe If Obama or Hillary become president health care will be free, gratis, zero cost, nada? no it will not be free, you need to read the fine print or listen to the whispered disclaimers. you will be forced to buy into the insurance scheme, failure to do so would mean garnishment and or JAIL! makes you wonder who is in whos pockets, all the mandatory insurance laws out there now with cars and houses and the like, and the only ones really getting rich off of the laws are the insurance companies- the lie was that making it mandatory meant that it ws going to lower insurance premiums, but it never did, and they all laughed their way to the banks. |
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Sun 03/02/08 08:31 AM
#1.The United States Government made its first foray into guaranteeing old age income by promising pensions to encourage enlistments in the Union Army in the Civil War. This system was then put into law by legislation in 1879 and 1888. #2.The Social Security Act of 1935 is one of the most important pieces of legislation in American history. Passed during the depth of the Great Depression, it was an omnibus act, creating a variety of programs to serve many groups of citizens. But the Act takes its name from the landmark social insurance program which was designed to pay retired workers age 65 or older a continuing income after retirement. ### the first act was an enticement meant to increase the number of soldiers for the Northern army, Republican way of thinking, "earn it" the second one was meant to increase aid to the needy without any strings attached...Socialist way of thinking, "you're entitled to it" I support the second way.... of course you are for the second, my god, lets dont do anything to help support ourselves when we can depend on the backs of others.... first i must address the assertion that it was the civil war that brought about the first thinking of the SSA, when in fact the first person to bring up and put forth a plan on federal social security(and b the way before this it was handled at the local and state levels- the expression poorhouse comes from one of the two ways you could get FREE help the other way was called outdoor relief) but.... thomas paine in his 1795 final pamphlet to america called Agrarian Justice, called for economic security to insure that the eldery could stive off poverty. and although it remained a state issue untilthe end of the civil war it was thomas paine(the great thinker and writer of COMMON SENSE) who was the originator of the current social security act. even tho abraham epstien gets the credit with FDR. then came the civil war stuff which was actually inheritable, many cases of young brides marrying old vets for the benefit, the last payment to such a widow was in 1999 if you can believe that crap. but dont believe me I just pulled the info down from the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATIONs web site, the link if you want it is. so back to the new question at hand, name one plan passed into law by dems that has made a positive impact on the lives of the populous. |
screw obama
Being American is more than temporary residency!! well lately it is my temporary residence, isnt that right nutz? hahaha |
well i say hell with it.
if that amount ever winds up in my account, i would tell them once, if they persisted with the NO ITS YOURS mentality then an account would immediately be opened in the caymans or switzerland. And a small island populated with polinesian women would soon have a new owner. mai tai's anyone. hshahahahahahaha |
and the truth shall set you free. |
screw obama
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Sun 03/02/08 07:46 AM
You just called me a flake in another post...this is my point as a soldier represent your country and I would suggest you remind yourself of that before allowing yourself to get "hot under the collar" reflects not just on you but the country you represent.... I know what I am and I dont need you to remind me, if what you said in the other post was flakey and misrepresenative then deal with it. I have to listen to the beratement of the FINEST people in the country on a daily basis, you have gotten your feathers ruffled by the word flake, they have gotten PTSD because they believe at any minute your congress whill pull the bullets and leave them to die. You trying to say that voicing my opinion of a behavior in detrimental to the representation that I provide for this country? My actions speak volumes in my defense, while you and yours work to tear down the foundations of this country, me and mine are sweating our balls off filling sandbags to plug the wholes youve caused with your text book therories on running a country that have been proven time and time again to be inept and willfully inadequate. but yes you are right we need to sit down with a blank piece of paper and look across the table at the human face not the name. |