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Mon 03/03/08 05:21 AM
A war in the western hemispere, your back yard? could be interesting to see unfold, finally the war on drugs as it should have been fought in the 80's or were most of you not around or involved inthe 80's cocaine fashion show? or would it be about venzi's oil too? |
VP Selections
yeah I think they kind of have to be dont you?
hell McCains a rep by name only, so definately need someone to bring in or sure up the conservative base for them. same with the dems tho too, right? both hillary and obama who ever takes it, are both out there way to the left of center so much so that they run a real risk of alienating a large portion of their base, unionized factory workers. definately need someone on the ticket that will give them a warm fuzzy feel good feeling about the party again. |
VP Selections
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Mon 03/03/08 04:54 AM
Its been floated around before I am sure, but reuters is saying that McCain's best choice for VP is Former Secretary of State the Retired Gen. Colin Powell.
Personally I have my veiws on the political drama that is to unfold in this years hugely polarizing mess that has become the US baby mama drama world of politics. I like Colin Powell, always have- are there any others out there with the same kind of spunk? And who out there is a democrat? I mean to say, who do you guys think they should be looking at for your VP canidate, any clues or are they still just trying to figure out this mess they're in right now? who would you guys like to see? or is it to damn early to even start thinking about it? |
the news wants to make sure that YOU dumb people understand what it is that you're supposed to be caring about.
I want a pepsi no you dont need a pepsi you want a coke you want a coke you want a coke you want a coke |
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Mon 03/03/08 03:52 AM
fresh off the presses.....
CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuela and Ecuador have ordered troops to their borders with Colombia, raising concerns of a broader conflict after Colombia killed a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean soil. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday promised Venezuela would respond militarily if Colombia violates its border, where he ordered tanks as well as thousands of troops. He also ordered closed Venezuela's embassy in Bogota. Ecuador's president, Rafael Correa, called for the troop deployment while also withdrawing his government's ambassador from Bogota and expelling Colombia's top diplomat. "There is no justification," Correa said Sunday night, snubbing an earlier announcement from Colombia that it would apologize for the incursion by its military. Chavez called the killing of rebel leader and spokesman Raul Reyes and 16 other rebels on Saturday an attack by a "terrorist state." "Mr. Defense Minister, move 10 battalions to the border with Colombia for me, immediately — tank battalions. Deploy the air force," Chavez said during his weekly TV and radio program. "We don't want war, but we aren't going to permit the U.S. empire, which is the master (of Colombia) ... to come divide us." Correa said Colombia deliberately carried out the strike beyond its borders. He said the rebels were "bombed and massacred as they slept, using precision technology." The Ecuadorean leader said Colombia violated Ecuador's airspace when it bombed the rebel camp, which the Colombian military said was located 1.1 miles from the border. Colombian officials have long complained that Ecuador's military does not control its sparsely populated border, allowing rebels to take refuge. The same holds true for Venezuela, where rebel deserters say the guerrillas routinely rest, train, obtain medical care and smuggle drugs. Chavez denies that his country provides refuge to the FARC. In a statement, Colombia said FARC "terrorists" including Reyes "have had the custom of killing in Colombia and taking refuge in the territory of neighboring countries." Colombia's police commander Gen. Oscar Naranjo said documents from a computer seized where Reyes was killed suggested Ecuador's president is deepening relations with the FARC. The two documents, copies of which were obtained independently by The Associated Press, were apparently written by Reyes in the past two months and addressed to the high command of the FARC. An Ecuadorean government spokesman called the Colombian claims a lie. Ecuadorean soldiers recovered the semi-nude bodies of 15 rebels in their jungle camp, the corpses scattered around the site along with pieces of clothing, shoes, a refrigerator, guns and grenades. Soldiers stood guard at the camp, saying they also found three wounded women, who were evacuated by helicopter to be treated. One was a Mexican philosophy student injured by shrapnel, while the other two were Colombians, said Ecuador's defense minister, Welington Sandoval. Ecuadorean officials found that there were two bomb attacks on the camp early Saturday, Lt. Col. Jose Nunez told reporters in the remote village of Angostura, where the bodies were found. Colombian commandos removed the cadavers of Reyes and one other rebel. Chavez called the raid "cowardly murder, all of it coldly calculated." "This could be the start of a war in South America," Chavez said. He warned Uribe: "If it occurs to you to do this in Venezuela, President Uribe, I'll send some Sukhois" — Russian warplanes recently bought by Venezuela. The situation tested already tense relations between Venezuela and Colombia, though cross-border trade has not yet been seriously affected. Chavez did not specify how many troops was sending to the border. A Venezuelan battalion traditionally has roughly 600 soldiers. "Undoubtedly the recent actions on the part of Colombia and Venezuela's response raise the risk for armed conflict," said Miguel Tinker Salas, a Latin American studies professor at Pomona College in Claremont, California. "Although it is unlikely we will see military confrontations, what is clear is that Colombia has been pursuing a military solution to its own internal problem, ... drawing in Ecuador and Venezuela." Chavez has increasingly revealed his sympathies for the FARC, and in January asked that it be struck from lists of terrorist groups internationally. The leftist FARC has been fighting Colombia's government for more than four decades, and funds itself largely through the cocaine trade and kidnaps for ransom and political ends. |
damn sore losers and spilt milk......
you and your people arent dying, fighting, or for the matter trying to be part of a solution so please give it a rest already, please? do you tell your machanic how to fix your car |
a woman bonding moment,,,, oh brother.
Hillary Rumor
you're gonna cause nightmares
screw obama
bull**** !!!!!!!!!! what is, ky really doesnt work that well? |
war crimes
the duke, the dukesternator. the original action hero.
pretty much a legand in his own time. and if anyone would get a pass on opting out with a deferment, i guess it couldnt go to a better choice. |
consult the cards.
someones beliefs are misguided and have set her on a path that is wrought with unexpected trials and kaos. more like the page of cups than the queen of coin |
what is a zionist?
which history are we using for isreal and the palestinians???? is it the new recent history (only from this century)
cause jews were there before the muslims. the whole region over there was called palestine (you know like the south east asia area)- from syria down to the border of egypt over past iran, but they are just pissed about the little area of isreal, what happened to lebanon, or jordan, or iraq, or syria, think that telling only part of the truth is the whole truth? come on. there is always more than one side to an arguement. i say take the leashes off of them and let it be a free for all, wonder who wins that mess. |
SOME WOULD ARGUE THAT THERE IS NO NEED FOR GUNS, the government will protect and give you everything you need.
Now isnt that a good boy? now roll over.......... ![]() |
madman ....we give you the easiest job in here that involved no intellectual maturity at all and you can't even get that right ...when you copy and paste you have to include everything ...you can't do it out of context.. ![]() And Jim Angle reported this for Fox News quotes a defense official who says these were pre-1991 weapons that could not have been fired as designed because they already been degraded. And the official went on to say these are not the WMD’s this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had and not the WMD’s for which this country went to war.
The above is not the only thing madman screwed up. He is referrring to Sen. Rick Santorum as if he is still the senator from Pennsylvania, which he is not. maddy maddy maddy....sigh.... maddy maddy maddy.... I hope, sincerely you and the people who share your opinions ae correct, I really do, about NO WMDs. I know we have found them as previously stated on many ocassions, not the mention the sarin, chlorine gases etc.... that I have pesonal first hand(eyes) knowledge of. But the day they turn up on someones lap- its gonna be hell on earth, and everybody nay saying lying hypocrit should be dragged forcibly from their homes and made to go clean it up. let you and nancy pelosi and those jerks move dead bodies around for a change. Im tired, think I'll sit that one out..... of course whn it is all said and done the new spin we be that it wasnt iraq wmd after it all, it was someone else's like syria.... oh theyre out there maddy, just as sure as you took a dump today. there is definately MORE of them left to be found. you should be safe- if you dont live around any major metropolitian areas. to the north of all places, where the bleeding hearts are, it'll get hit again- they dont want you as allies- that'll be what the next ones about. like a turf war with libs..."we're killing this country!" "no we're are" ALLAH AKBAR, ALLAH AKBAR,,, DERKA DERKA MOHAMAD JIHAD ![]() |
Funny how the rethuglicans are for a smaller role of government unless it involves the police or military. you know you're right, lets take all the police off the streets, where do you live again? because we really dont have a need for all the cops, all theyre doing anyway is crushing peoples riht to the pursuit of happiness. not hurting anone whenm I speed down the road. from the bar to go home. but I dint realize no meant no officer, now give me your car keys I like yours etter than mine, matter of fact I like your house better than mine, so you can leave now... oh and leave your daughter there chuck... and your wallet i might need some groceries and some KY. yep sounds like a bad plan to not have police on the streets you know doing things like serving ad protecting the community. |
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Sun 03/02/08 09:13 PM
the secret court or something to that effect is a seven judge panel that heres all the dirt on the things that pres wants to do, if it might conflict with any laws. and okay the still need authorization(warants) to tap the phones/
the pres is not a ussurpitous position in government there are still checks and balances, dont worry jeannie no dictatorships here. |
what is a zionist?
Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term "Zionism" was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.
Here is all the evidence anyone needs for impeachment: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/15468 wow man, this is going to take awhile I see. Ten impeachable offenses committed by Bush and Cheney are: 1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal war of aggression against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, and misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization. your claim in the 1. spot, was not launch illegally as proven before UN resolution 1441 said any and all means necessary in order to force compliance(paraphrased) to enforce UNres 660 and the other 17 UN res 2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross. Tourture of thousands of captured terrorist, Sleep deprivation is one of the catagories being labeled as torture, no thousands of prisoners were captured. Yes they were held in secret because we didnt want to tip the other terrorist who we had and who we were coming for next. 3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel. one of those they arent aying the name to was the damn shoe bomber who tried to board the plane and is now the reason we all take our shoes off at the airport. Other were captured in afghanistan or even here in the US as professed expats, and in anycase that the national security is thought to be at risk the US can in fact detain or imprison (is it two years I dont remember) without counsel. 4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm. umm the tanks are made of depleated ur, never directly targeted civilians unless they had a gun iin their hand, never an ambulance unless it was being used as a troop transport and stlen or given to the insurgents. YEP shot into a hospital- ther for that one- we killed three sniper from 980 meters it was a sweet shot and a one time occurance, new napalm? got me on that, never heard of or seen this mysterious thing. 5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant. patriot act, not illegal wire tapped- didnt the supreme court rule on this and that is why we can STILL DO IT. 6. Violating the Constitution by using signing statements to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress. Oh like the orders from them to submit timetables, come on- congress? the pres. defied congress, smae group that defies him everyday... that holds no water. 7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006. oh now this one is just crazy dumb, back to the hanging chads, your guy lost the election, both of them, get over it! 8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution. HHHMMMMM,,,, think the pres outed that former field agent turned desk jockey who had already been benched and yaned out of the field. Misleading information- nah, sorry there too. 9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of Habeas Corpus. captured terrorist are not US citizens, they are prisoners of war. and as such there is no standing for the writ in the first place. ummm war time law and peace time law are not the same thing, so the rules that grant executive privilage to be asserted are strong, and stronger for a reason- national security. leadership that needed to know what was going on with in the dem congress was briefed on a more than regular basis. 10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming. this one is laughable to. records have shown that the president was in communications with the stupid gov down there and asked her directly do you need any help or assistance, to which she rudely said no. then,,, with it hit the fan, like it always does for most dems she tried to do the blame him not me, he wouldnt give us any help, he left us all here to die, I hate him, I wanna go home! boohoo. MNHKR- I expect more from you, this were just rambling of a mad man and answer in the same likeness, show some credable links that provide maybe some kind of cohesive patterns or something so that I must go and research and type all this from my head. PLEASE? ![]() |
for the record (doing that a lot lately) I will not except any posting beneath the National Security Advisor, well maybe secdef would be okay, can you imagine, holy hell!
come on I got to get in the club. there are things we know, and there are things we dont know, and there are things we dont know we know, and there are things we know will will never know. see i have the speech down and everything. |
you guys are so sweet to care. can we get a group hug
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