Community > Posts By > ArtGurl

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 07/07/13 04:48 AM

Don't know much Art Gurl but your picture is pretty stunning. There, that is my philosophy thus far.

Aww what a sweetheart. Thank you! blushing

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 07/07/13 04:43 AM

I appreciate your response ArtGurl. I agree we create the reality we live in.

Sometimes I wonder though if my reality is the same as yours. Maybe I created this one. As arrogant as that may sound, you never know.

Your reality is not the same as mine and you did create yours. :wink:

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 09:55 PM
What is a reality but a shared conclusion based on the thoughts of yesterday? Create the reality of your own inspiration. Be a conscious creator.

We all find ourselves in boxes of our own making. The work isn't out there. The work is freeing yourself from the limiting beliefs, the self doubt, the undeserving at play in our own minds.

And know... The only difference between the life of your dreams and where you are now is the direction you are facing most of the time.

We've all been facing more upheaval the past few years ...a shaking up of the status quo. I have friends who believe that this is all there is who are living perfectly content lives feeling no distress whatsoever.

Why is that? Because they are living in line with who they created themselves to be. If you are feeling discontent or disillusioned it is because you know there is more and the larger part of you has already become it. Where there is distance between who you are living and the you your have become vibrationally, you don't feel good.

What have you become that you are not allowing yourself to be? Be it and your life will be magical again.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 09:29 PM

What is the moon without the sun to reflect its light back upon young lunar? Two moons live in darkness. Two suns obscure one another. But the dance between is magic!

Wishing you find your heart's desire.

I will always refuse to believe that the moon's light comes from the sun.
No matter what the evidence that is presented to me.
It's light comes from the moon itself in my realm.

Thanks. :smile:
I just got done playing 4 hours worth of Kingdom Hearts on the PS2.


In a world of vibration, you create your own reality. In a world of vibration everything is light. Create your own wonders young Jedi. No one ever created magic by focusing on what is.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 03:08 PM
Alligator on a trade show floor in New Orleans ... At a John Deere convention. huh

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 02:50 PM
KISS ... They can still put on a good show.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 02:49 PM

Man...Pisces gets f*ed in every type of horoscope.

Literally for a week straight my horoscope read like a doomsday theory, three weeks...Someone hates the fish.

Indeed it has been a difficult time for the fish...but we are an intelligent and resilient lot ...and July just might be looking up.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 02:44 PM
What is the moon without the sun to reflect its light back upon young lunar? Two moons live in darkness. Two suns obscure one another. But the dance between is magic!

Wishing you find your heart's desire.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 02:36 PM
Big turn offs for me include being rude to waitstaff, poor hygiene, and arrogance

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 02:29 PM
Do not divorce any part of you to be in the relationship and don't expect your partner to either. Be in allowance and appreciation for who they are not who you want them to be.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/06/13 02:26 PM
Like all generalizations, they aren't always true. In this case, thankfully bigsmile it fits my Sag guy to a T

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 07/05/13 01:03 PM

Really ? So card board and plastic is a portal to the spirit world ?

science has explained the movement of the planchette as a psychophysiological phenomenon
known as the ideomotor effect


You are one good lookin' guy! love

Okay. Back to the regularly scheduled paranormal programming. :wink: laugh


We build them good in Canada. bigsmile

He actually looks like an older version of my guy...also from Calgary...must be sump thin' in the water. love

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 07/05/13 12:58 PM
Hi flowerforyou

Is anyone familiar with Optimizepress? ...a Wordpress theme for creating landing pages and sales pages...

I am ready to launch 3 teleclass...3 different topics...opt in linking to different email campaign lists on Mailchimp or Aweber

My question is ... Can I run them all from the same website by just creating different pages or do I have to create three separate websites?

Thank so much. Have a beautiful day. :smile:

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 07/04/13 12:26 PM
Costume designer

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 07/04/13 09:07 AM

He/she is the one?

My question is ,how do you not know?

What happens if they stop being the one...we're they the wrong one making you wrong in your conclusion that they were the right one?

Nobody has any guarantees on anything.
But if they stop being the "One' you will know that too right?
They could be the one atm or forever ..who knows.
But if you are feeling it and want only them you will know. How do you not know it?

That is my point. If there is the One they can't stop being the One. It doesn't exist. We can have a feeling of oneness or separation but that is not so specific as to be only one possibility out of billions.. That feeling of oneness is different and more realistic and can change as life changes.

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 07/04/13 08:53 AM

He/she is the one?

My question is ,how do you not know?

What happens if they stop being the one...we're they the wrong one making you wrong in your conclusion that they were the right one?

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 07/04/13 08:30 AM
Edited by ArtGurl on Thu 07/04/13 08:48 AM

Very uplifting read Artgurl! flowerforyou

I subscribe to a similar philosophy in that I wait to find a love for the man in whole; or spirit within, and not just who or what he has become so far. I have not found ONE, but 4. But what I'm looking for requires that they love me as a whole; or my spirit within, and not just for what they see me as today or think I may be tomorrow.

But while I agree with your concept for the most part, I do believe there are spirits out there similar enough to our own that, only with such a match, can we commit to following our independent journeys TOGETHER. And I do believe that together forever can happen in some cases where people are conscience enough about their own spirit to know when they've encountered a similar spirit who recognizes this also.

Which brings us full circle back to looking for one in many. :laughing:

Or seeking communion rather than relationship .... In which case you feel at one with your partner rather than your partner having to BE the ONE (which feels more like what you are saying)? :wink:

You got it sistah!

Lovely to see you flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 07/04/13 08:26 AM
Edited by ArtGurl on Thu 07/04/13 08:46 AM
Hey beautiful Michael, nice to see you.

I understand what you are saying and that feeling that for me is a sense of communion with someone (a oneness with them) as opposed to a relationship with the one (which is defined by the distance between...or the separateness).

But that sense of oneness is not the same as this idea of the ONE. There can be many people in a lifetime with whom you can have communion. The idea that there is only one right right soul....what if your one right person isn't in a physical body?

Hi Shy Emo Chick. You cannot control nor take responsibility for how others feel. Your only responsibility is how you choose to live. And I understand what you are saying. However, just a question, at what point does flirting lead to the conclusion of relationship?

People flirt all the time. It just feels nice and sometimes people use it to their advantage. I have a favourite restaurant and every one of the waitstaff flirts in some way. I don't mean overt or sexual but in a way that is playful and makes their patrons feel good. Patrons have a lovely dinner and enjoy the banter and they leave bigger tips. At no point is there any confusion that a relationship is to follow.

My dad goes to area dances 3 nights a week. He is a great dancer so the ladies all want to dance with him. He is also a shameless flirt teasing the ladies that they are holding him too close or they were checking out his bum or something. The ladies love it. They feel special, they feel seen and they feel beautiful when they once felt most seniors...unseen and no longer beautiful. He is such a gift to them and never do they feel that the flirty attention means that a relationship is to follow.

I get what you are saying and for a long time I would not flirt with men for the same reasons you stated. But I can flirt and not lead people on. I can be playful and clear that a relationship is not in the cards. But I do not ever flirt with men who I sense would like a relationship when I am not wanting one with them.

And YES! You are the only gauge for what feels good to you and and honouring of yourself and others. Follow your own knowing always!

Hugs to you both flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 07/03/13 11:21 PM
I find these questions and people's responses really interesting. I'll add my point of view complete with soap box. flowerforyou

We've been conditioned to look for that one right person to complete us as though there is only one right person. And if the relationship doesn't work out longterm, we console and torture ourselves by saying they weren't the right one.

We are all amazing, vibrant people creating lives of our own choosing in every moment, with every awareness, with every possibility and subsequent choice. It is part of what makes us attractive to others. Then we meet and go into conclusion about them being the one ... the one what? we make that special someone our whole world, we stop doing the things that made us interesting in the first place ... subtly because we don't want you go, we compromise on things that are important - rationalizing that it is for the greater good ... we don't do something we really want to do ... we give up a dream ... we laugh when we are sad ... we say everything is alright when it isn't....

To meet someone and deem them the one is really an unkindness to them. So much pressure to live up to the undefinable 'one' you have determined in your mind. It really requires that they always stay the way they were when you met and you keep your blinders up to all the things you don't like. People are not free to be and create who they are in every moment and they cut off their awareness to what is really going on in the relationship. That is the hallmark of death. At the beginning of the relationship is beginning of its decay.

Look anywhere in the animal and plant kingdom. there is expansion and growth and expansion and growth and expansion and growth ...contraction and decay, contraction and decay...there is no staying the same. And yet that is what we expect of the people we are supposed to love the most.

I can hear some of you saying that you encourage your partner to change and to grow...and yes, of course you do. I would argue, however, they have a small range of latitude in how much they could change until you became uncomfortable and either tried to force them back into the comfort zone or you decide that you made a mistake and they weren't the ONE after all. Change threatens your sense of security. Again making someone outside of you responsible for how you feel. Too much pressure, not enough choice and freedom = death.

How much of you have you had to cut off or divorce to be with your partner? How much does your partner have to suppress themself to be with you? To ensure you stay comfortable and continue to see them as the one?

When we go into conclusion (conclusion=contraction ... aka I will love you forever ... I promise to do/be this until death ...It will always be this wonderful ... We are going to be here in 5 years- it is deciding ahead of time what will choose in a moment that has not yet arrived) you actually go into the death process of the relationship. The only way a relationship can expand and expand and be more wonderful and more wonderful is to stay out of conclusion. Stay out of conclusion by staying in question. This is wonderful - I wonder how much more wonderful it can be...what can I learn about you today that is different from yesterday instead of thinking that I know all I need to know about much more fun can we much steamier can the sex be ...

...when we not only allow but encourage our partners to be all they can and choose to be in any given moment they are vibrant and exciting and new - plugged in and living life (as opposed to surviving life). That doesn't mean only the things I've decided I like or the things that don't make me uncomfortable. It means that I so honor and respect the amazing being that you are that I want you to be all of you without having to bend/fold/staple yourself for me. Foremost there is honor of self and honor of others.

You honoring you does not have to dishonour me. And if you honouring you requires that I be in a place of dishonoring me to stay then I will go without regret, without guilt, without expectation and without demeaning every wonderful moment including this one.

What does that look like? In an extreme example, if my partner wanted to sleep with another woman because it was honoring of him and he was honest with me about that and hence not dishonoring me by doing it behind my back, I can then choose the path that honors myself. He can choose to do that and I can choose to leave or not ...without having to make either of us wrong and without being dishonoring of one another.

The interesting thing is that when you create expansion and more wonderful and more wonderful and more're partner will never want to go. It feels too good to be together. So while on the surface, it sounds like I am encouraging people to sleep around. I am actually not. I am encouraging people to live out loud and in doing so it gives other people permission to do the same.

I am interested in a version of relationship that actually works for people. You may have noticed the divorce statistics ... and the dismal levels of satisfaction and joy found in long-term partnerships.

The way we've done it doesn't work for the majority of people. And the token few who have actually made it work are the exception not the lucky few who happened to find the one right ONE.

I love being in a relationship and the juicy exploration of life it provides. I love waking up so excited to discover who this amazing man I've chosen is today and who I am choosing again in every moment. There is no living in a future that does not yet exist. There is no living in the past and all the things that I could dredge up that caused me pain.

And I have learned just how limiting and unkind it is It to make someone else responsible for how you feel. Let people be who they are. Be fully who you are. And choose what is working for you today.

I can choose to be anything, behave any way but if there is an inherent obligation, expectation, judgment or contract forming the borders of allowability, I am no longer in choice. I am forced to live something I chose not something I choose.

I would much rather wake up every day excited that I get to spend another day with you because we both choose it every day for 20 years than because I made a promise 20 years ago about how I would feel today.

There is no 'one'. There is only choice. Who would be joyful and expansive to be Who makes your heart stir? Who gets your jokes? And who would you choose to wake up to excited to see how they are different today than yesterday for the sheer joy of it? That's love ... not the watered down Hollywood version of mindless obligation. And not the contractual one...and not the one that requires you to be any different than you are for me to feel safe or loved or whatever other thing we try to get from outside of ourselves.

Your relationship can be so much juicier and more magical than the version of relationship we have societally bought and sold. One of the most pervasive limitations to joy is the idea of the 'one'.

May it die forever so that people can truly thrive in relationships and in life.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 05/18/13 09:31 AM

Studies have shown that it takes a man an average of 7 seconds to decide if he wants to approach a woman. It is not much different for women.

The issue with referencing a study is that it "averages" the results and tries to present those results in a way that ignores the higher and lower results.

Studies generalize and cause us to judge the whole by a pattern of averages, which does injustice to those who wouldn't fall within the average.

Not all men make such hasty decisions. and surely there's some that don't require the full seven seconds. Or so im told :)

Hence average... Some more...some less...all are included to come up with an average. :)