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1: And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2: And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3: And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.(Acts 2:1-4) The word “Pentecost” in the Hebrew means “fifty” or “fiftieth.” It refers to fifty days after the Passover. The “Day of Pentecost” was one of the great Feast Days of the Jews. It occurred probably in late May. It was on this “Day” that the Holy Spirit came to this world in a completely new dimension, all made possible by the Cross. Incidentally, the scene of this outpouring, as described in this Chapter, took place in the Temple, probably in the Court of the Gentiles. It took place fairly early in the morning. The great characteristic of this outpouring was that, for all who were there that day, possibly 120 or more, when they were “filled with the Holy Spirit,” they all “began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” In fact, the Bible teaches that speaking with other tongues is the initial, physical evidence that one has been baptized with the Holy Spirit. There is no infilling without this particular sign. The Prophet Isaiah, in fact, some 750 prior, had predicted this phenomenon, and was quoted by Paul(Isa. 28:11; I Cor.14:21). There are five accounts of outpourings of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts. Three of those accounts emphatically state that the recipients spoke with tongues(Acts 2:4; 10:26; 19:1-7). The other two occasions give no details, just saying, “They received the Holy Spirit”(8:17; 9:17). This doesn't mean they didn't speak in tongues, only that it is not mentioned. In fact, there is evedence they did. Regarding the revival in Samaria, when Peter and John laid hands on these individuals that they might “receive the Holy Spirit,” Simon the Sorcerer saw this taking place and offered the Apostles money that he also may have power to do such. Peter answered him forthwith, “Your money perish with you...You have neither part nor lot in this matter”(8:20-21). When Ananias prayed for Paul to “be filled with the Holy Spirit,” the Scripture doesn't tell us what happened. But Paul, concerning himself, said, “I thank my God, I speak with Tongues more than you all”(I Cor.14:18). So, the Biblical evidence is replete that all Believers will, without exception, speak with other tongues upon being baptized with the Holy Spirit. Tongues are not incoherent babble or chatter, but rather a language known and spoken somewhere in the world, but not by the speaker who has been baptized with the Spirit. A perfect example of this is found on the Day of Pentecost. When the Jews were filled with the Spirit, there were other Jews in the Temple, many hundreds, no doubt, who were from all parts of the Roman Empire, and who also spoke the language of their respective area. They heard these “Galilaeans” speak their languages(Acts 2:7-13). Some foolish souls have maliciously stated that speaking with other tongues is of the Devil. Of course, the statement is false, to say the least, But, for the sake of argument, we will say the following: If it is of the Devil, then it's the only thing the Devil has which makes people love the Lord supremely, love His Word supremely, and desire the things of God supremely! Furthermore, when Peter began to minister on the Day of Pentecost, he didn't say, “This fulfills that spoken by the Prophet Joel,” but rather, “This is that which was spoken...” This means it began on the Day of Pentecost, and it continues unto this hour. “FOR JOHN TRULY BAPTIZED WITH WATER(merely symbolized the very best Baptism[Baptism of Repentance]Believers could receive before the Day of Penetecost);BUT YOU SHALL BE BAPTIZED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT NOT MANY DAYS HENCE”(spoke of the coming Day of Pentecost, although Jesus did not use that term at that time)(Acts 1:4-5) When one speaks in tongues, one is declaring “the wonderful Works of God” (Acts 2:11).[/b The great Prophet Isaiah said some 750 years before Christ, “For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people. “To whom He said, this is the rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing; yet they would not hear” (Isa. 28:11-12). These two Verses tell us that speaking with other tongues brings about a “rest” from the tiredness of the journey of life. As well, speaking with other tongues brings about a “refreshing,” which rejuvenates the person. In fact, the Apostle Paul quoted part of these Verses in I Corinthians 14:21-22). The person who speaks in tongues, speaks unto God (I Cor. 14:2). Anything that’s spoken directly to God is good. Speaking in other tongues edifies the Believer, which we all need (I Cor. 14:4). This is the Lord’s answer for stress, emotional disturbances, nervous disorders, and the pressures of life in general. When one prays in an unknown tongue, one’s spirit prays, which means that one prays exactly as the Holy Spirit desires the prayer to be given (I Cor. 14:14). Tongues are for a sign to unbelievers (I Cor. 14:22). Even though most unsaved do not know this, and would not understand it if it was told to them, we’re living in the last of the last days. It is a sign in this respect to the unbelieving world. LOVE IN JESUS |
And there were four leprous men at the entering of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die? (II Kings 7:3)
Because of sin, the Northern Kingdom of Israel has been reduced to slavery and starvation. At the moment of the Text, the Syrians had surrounded the city of Samaria, placing it under siege. Soon the food ran out, with the situation becoming dire indeed! There were four leprous men sitting at the gate of the city, because they were not allowed inside. They too were starving to death. In this abject condition, they reasoned among themselves, "Why sit we here until we die?" They would go into the camp of the Syrians, who might give them some food. If they die in the attempt, i.e., if they were killed by the Syrians, they were no worse off than at present. They were most assuredly going to die, so they had nothing to lose. These four men showed Faith; to be sure, Faith is always attached to action. "Faith without works is dead." How many modern Believers have simply given up? It may even be that you have sinned, and sinned greatly, typified by the leprosy. In this terrible condition, most in the modern Church would write you off. But you must realize that God has not written you off. God loves you; He paid a great price for your soul. But if you continue to sit in the place of despondency, refusing to act, there is nothing God can do. He awaits only your favorable response. Why not say, as those four leprous men of so long ago, "Why sit I here until I die?" When you get up, God gets up! Don't forget that. When the four lepers went into the camp of the Syrians, the Lord made their footfall sound like a mighty army. The Syrians thought that Israel had hired Hittites and Egyptians to come against them. Consequently, the Syrians fled, leaving everything in their camp--money, food, garments, everything! After the lepers had eaten and drank, they, in essence, said to themselves, "This is a day of good tidings. We must not keep it to ourselves. We must tell it to all in the city." And so they did! That which the Lord gives is of such magnificence and of such abundance, that it not only meets ouur every need, but we, at the same time, are to give this message of "glad tidings" concerning Salvation, which meets every need of every individual, to the entirety of the world. The people in Samaria were starving to death. They are a type of the world without God. Admittedly, the world will not accept Christ and His largesse as readily as the starving people of Samaria accepted that which was left by the Syrians. Nevertheless, some few will. All who accept will find blessing untold. As the lepers of old, it's up to us to tell them(Jn.10:10). Thank You Jesus for Saving my Soul |
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Fri 11/13/09 10:21 AM
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what will You have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told you what you must do(Acts 9:6).
The conversion of Saul of Tarsus was, without a doubt, one of the greatest conversions in the annals of human history. There is a good possibility that Stephen's words and behavior had a great effect on him. He watched Stephen being stoned as he called upon God, saying,"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Saul was also watching as the martyr knelt down and cried with a loud voice, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge"(Acts 7 :59-60). This is where conviction on Saul by the Holy Spirit began. However, Saul reacted to that conviction, even as many do, by exhibiting more hatred against the followers of Christ. "He made havoc of the Church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committing them to prison"(Acts 8:3). His anger became so pronounced that the Holy Spirit recorded him as "breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the Disciples of the Lord"(Acts 9:1). It was with this frame of mind, fighting conviction by being ever more oppressive, that Saul went to Damascus in order to extend his violent reach. But something happened that would change his life forever, something so dramatic that he oftentimes was compelled to relate the experience. As he came near Damascus, the Scripture says, "Suddenly there shined round about him a light from Heaven" (Acts 9:3). He then heard a voice and he also saw the Lord(Acts 9:17). One glimpse of Jesus undid all his arguments, discomfiting him in every capacity. Zealous as he was for the Law, yet found he that he was fighting against God and destroying his people. The Scripture says,"And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what will You have me to do?"(Acts 9:6). At that moment, Saul of Tarsus gave his heart and life to Jesus Christ. It is amazing that when he asked, "Who are You, Lord?" the Lord answered him by using the name that Paul hated the most, "Jesus"(Acts 9:5). Ironically enough, it was to this man that the Lord would give the meaning of the New Covenant, which was, and is, the meaning of the Cross. He would be the Masterbuilder of the Church(1Cor.3:10). The Lord would show Paul the victory of the Cross, not only as it refers to the Salvation of the soul, but also to the Sanctification of the Saint(Rom.,Chpt.6). Some have asked the question, "What is the origin of Western Civilization?" If you know your Bible, the answer is simple. The little Jew from Tarsus is more responsible for Western Civilization than any man who has ever lived. It was his Gospel that pushed west, touching most of Europe, finally going to England, and then untimately to the Unithed States and elsewhere in the world. Paul is responsible for that which we referred to as "Western Civilization." This Civilization, the envy of the world, enjoying the greatest prosperity and the greatest freedoms of all, can trace its origin to the Jew from Tarsus, i.e.,"the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ." Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus for Allowing Paul to do This: |
Diary of a Snow Shoveler
As a former Snower Shoveler,,, I thouroughly enjoyed this.
Thanks ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Great Subjects: Rom.6-The Cross, Sanctification,Rom.7-The Law of Sin and Death,The Believers struggle against The Sin Nature, Rom.8-Gods' Prescribed Order of Victory, The Law Of The Spirit Of Life In Christ Jesus, Contrast, Deliverance,Conquerors======== Romans chapters:6,7 & 8 Rom.6:1 "What shall we say then?(This is meant to direct attention to Rom.5:20.)Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?"(Just because Grace is greater than sin doesn't mean that the Believer has a license to sin.) 2.God forbid(presents Pauls' answer to the question). How shall we, who are dead to sin(the sin nature),live any longer therein?(This portrays what the Believer is now in Christ.) 3.Know you not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ(plainly says that this Baptism is into Christ and not water[1Cor.1:17;12:13;Gal.3:27;Eph.4:5;Col.2:11-13]) were baptized into His Death?(When Christ died on the Cross, in the Mind of God, we died with Him; in other words, He became our Substiture,and our identification with Him in His Death gives us all the benefits for which He died; the idea is that He did it all for us!) 4.Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death(not only did we die with Him,but we were buried with Him as well,which means that all the sin and transgression of the past were buried;when they put Him in the Tomb,they put all of our sins into that Tomb as well):that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the Glory of the Father,even so we also should walk in newness of life(we died with Him,we were bured with Him,and His Resurrection was our Resurrection to a"Newness of Life"). 5.For if we have been planted together(with Christ)in the likeness of His death(Paul proclaims the Cross as the instrument through which all Blessings come;consequently,the Cross must ever be the Objest of our Faith, which gives the Holy Spirit latitude to work within our lives),we shall be also in the likeness of His Resurrection(we can have the "likeness of His Resurrection,"i.e.,"live this Resurrection Life,"only as long as we understand the "likeness of His Death,"which refers to the Cross as the means by which all of this is done): 6.(The guilt of Sin is removed at conversion, because the nature no longer rules in our hearts and lives) 7.(We died with him upon Believing Faith,& set free from the bondage of The Sin Nature) 8.(We have Resurrection Life which is more Abundant Life[Jn.10:10]) 9.Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dies no more(means that His Work was a Finished Work, and will require nothing else);death has no more dominion over Him(because all sin has been Atoned; inasmuch as Christ is our Substiture, if death has no more dominion over Him, it has no more dominion over us' this means that the power of the sin nature is broken). 10.(All life comes from God and we receive that life by virtue of the Cross and our Faith in that Finished Work) 11.(While the Sin Nature is not dead, we are dead unto the sin nature by virtue of The Cross and our Faith in that Sacrifice,but only as long as our Faith continues in The Cross) 12.(The Believer must constantly look to Christ and The Cross[1Cor.1:17-18]) 13.(Continued day to day Faith in the Finished Work of The Cross[Lk.9:23-24]) 14.(If we try to live by any law, no matter how good it might be in its own right,the sin nature will have dominion over us because we are under Grace. The Grace of God flows to the believer on an unending basis only as long as the Believer exercises Faith in Christ and what He did at the Cross.Grace is the Goodness of God exercised by and through the Holy Spirit, and given to undeserving Saints) 15.(No license to Sin) 16.(We are slaves to sin unto death or Christ unto Life) 17.(Jesus Christ and Him Crucified) 18.(Slaves to Righteousness by Proper Faith in The Cross) 19. 20. 21. 22.(Free from Sin,Servants to God,The Holy Spirit and Everlasting Life) 23.For the wages of sin is death(speaks of spiritual death,which is separation from God);but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord(as stated, all of this, without exception, comes to us by the means of whatChrist did at the Cross, which demands that the Cross ever be the Object of our Faith, thus giving the Holy Spirit latitude to work within our lives and bring forth His Fruit). Only One Way To Victory:::Gods Prescribed Order Of Victory=Complete and Continuous Faith In Christ and What He Did On The Cross In Every Aspect Of Your Life Thru The Leadind And Power Of The Holy Spirit |
study bible
Hi, I use King James. I suggest that no matter whos study bible you are using, always read the original and then the explaination that is offered and verify. There are so many aids such as Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words,,also Strongs Concordances and many internet sites. But Most of All Pray For The Leading and Guidance From The Holy Spirit.
Love In Jesus |
Always remember this: "All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God"(Rom.3:23)
"The wages of sin is death!"(Rom.6:23) We must be Saved! HOWEVER GOD DID NOT LEAVE THINGS THERE. HE LOVES US, EVERY ONE OF US. IT IS HIS DESIRE THAT " Not any should perish but that all should come unto repentance"(II Pet.3:9) For God so loved the world(presents the God kind of love), that He gave His only Begotten Son(gave Him up to the Cross, for that's what it took to redeem humanity), that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life. Man as a sinner could not save himself. In other words, such was and is impossible; consequently, God literally became man, came into this world born of the Virgin Mary, and then died on Calvary to pay the price for mans' Redemption. The price was high, but Thank God, it was eternally paid by Jesus Christ, that "WHOSOEVER WILL, MAY COME AND TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY"(Rev.22:17). "9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."(Rom.10:9-10) Millions attempt to earn their Salvation in many and varied ways other than accepting Christ. Or else they attempt to become saved by accepting Christ as well as adding other things to Christ. The Scripture says: “FOR BY GRACE ARE YOU SAVED THROUGH FAITH; AND THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES: IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD: NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST” (Eph. 2:8-9). That means the Church cannot save you, and neither can Water Baptism save you, or anything else for that matter, as important as those things may be in their own way. I have said this because millions think that they are saved by being baptized in water, or joining a Church, or performing good works, etc. While those things may be important in their own right, they have absolutely nothing to do with one being saved. One is saved simply by trusting Jesus Christ, even as we have already said. That means that one can be saved anywhere. IT IS TIME NOW! In fact, if you have not already given your heart and life to Jesus Christ, it is time that you do so, and actually it can be done this very moment. I am going to ask you to read these words below,and actually say them out loud. As well, I am going to ask you to believe them with all of your heart, and if you will do so, you will be instantly saved. Please say them with me as you read: “DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN, I COME TO YOU TODAY AS A LOST SINNER.” “I AM ASKING YOU THAT YOU SAVE MY SOUL AND CLEANSE ME FROM ALL SIN.” “I REALIZE IN MY HEART MY NEED OF SALVATION, WHICH CAN ONLY COME THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.” “I AM ACCEPTING CHRIST INTO MY HEART AND WHAT HE DID ON THE CROSS IN ORDER TO PURCHASE MY REDEMPTION.” “IN OBEDIENCE TO YOUR WORD, I CONFESS WITH MY MOUTH THE LORD JESUS, AND BELIEVE IN MY HEART THAT GOD HAS RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD.” “YOU HAVE SAID IN YOUR WORD WHICH CANNOT LIE, ‘FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF LORD SHALL BE SAVED’(ROM. 10:13).” “I HAVE CALLED UPON YOUR NAME EXACTLY AS YOU HAVE SAID, AND I BELIEVE THAT RIGHT NOW, I AM SAVED.” If you have sincerely prayed these words, which I have written out for you, and believed in your heart upon the Lord Jesus Christ, you are at this moment saved, and your name is written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Congratulations! SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD NOW BEGIN TO DO In the next few paragraphs, I am going to give you some simple instructions that you should follow inorder to live an overcoming, Christian Life. They are very important. You are now a “new creature in Christ Jesus” (II Cor. 5:17). As such, you have the Divine nature within your heart, which is the Nature of God, which means that the Holy Spirit actually now resides within your heart and life. The entirety of your life is now going to be different. You have been cleansed from all sin and have embarked upon the greatest journey that one could ever undertake. A whole new world is about to open up to you. You should join a Church that preaches Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified. Get baptized ( full immersion) in water as commanded by Christ. Tell someone else about your new faith in Christ. Spend time with God each day through prayer and Bible reading . Seek fellowship with other followers of Jesus You now have something to live for, and something to which you can look forward. Living for Jesus is the most exciting life that one could ever live, the most fulfilling, the most rewarding, the most wonderful. There is absolutely nothing in the world that can compare with this which you have just received and which will never end. But of course, Satan, the enemy of your soul, is not happy at all about you giving your heart to Christ Jesus;consequently, he will do everything he can to cause you problems, even attempting to get you to turn back.However, if you will heed carefully the following instructions that we will give, Satan will not be successful in pulling you back, and total victory will be yours. DAILY BIBLE STUDY We are directed by the Word of God to study the Bible. Jesus said, in John 5:39, to “search the Scriptures.. . .” Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in II Timothy, said, “Study (the Scriptures) to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (II Tim.2:15). The only way that one can intelligently divide the Word of Truth, in other words, to know and understand sound Doctrine, is to know the Word of God. For you to know the Bible is Word and Truth . Consequently, you ought to make it a part of your daily life. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4). That means that as natural food is necessary for your physical well-being, likewise, the study and understanding of the Word of God is necessary for your spiritual well-being. In other words, as much attention as you give to your three meals a day, you ought to give that much attention to the Word of God, and on a daily basis. The Psalmist said, “Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path” (Ps. 119:105). In fact, the Word of God is the only true Light and the only true Lamp that’s in the world today.You should start studying the Bible Love In Jesus |
Come See The Difference
Come See The Difference
You say to-may-toe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I say to-ma-toe You say poe-tay-toe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I say poe-ta-toe As you can see, there is a noticeable difference in the pronunciation of the two items mentioned above. Though after a brief discussion, any misunderstanding can be cleared up as to what we are referring to when describing those items. It’s not that easy when it comes to clearing up ones deception of how to Serve The Lord. There is so much evil , that is both intentional and unintentional that is being attached to Jesus And The Cross Being The Only Way To Salvation. I am not referring to the fact that we humans have different personalities, backgrounds in life and ways of communicating. It is great to have The Truth presented from so many different directions as long as each direction Starts and Ends In Gods’ Truth. We are Commanded to Love each other and God. God Wants A Continually Growing Relationship With Us. We are to Constantly Seek The Leading and Guidance Of The Holy Spirit. With The Holy Spirit Helping your Growth and Understanding you will be so much different from individuals taking their growth and learning upon themselves without seeking God as their leader. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Holy Spirits’ Leading Provides Growing Relationship With God The Father And With And Thru Jesus The Son and What He Did On The Cross . Results is leading themselves and other into Gods Way and Eternity with Jesus. Look at The Difference Persons following themselves and others misleadings and deceptions without seeking the guiding of The Holy Spirit are led away from Jesus and The Fathers’ growing relationship. Results is leading themselves and others to Hell. Faith In Jesus Christ and What He did on The Cross Is The Only Way God Accepts Us. He Wants Us To Grow Thru The Leading Of The Holy Spirit Who Always Leads To Jesus Who Leads To The Father and His Ways. Love In Jesus |
I was coming up with my verse for today,when I come up with Romans 8:2. As I was reading it, I realized that this verse is such that it not only demands more than just typing it out, but It deserves it. For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus had made me free from the law of sin and death(Rom.8:2) Without a doubt, Romans 8:2 is one of the most important Scriptures in the entirety of the Bible. It sums up all that Paul has been teaching. It tells us how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. Tragically, alot of Christians just take the Holy Spirit for granted, not really knowing how He works, what He does, and the manner in which He does it. Even though the Holy Spirit will do all He possibly can to help the Believer, still, if we function outside of God's Prescribed Order, which is Christ and the Cross, the help the Holy Spirit gives is greatly curtailed. This spells trouble. But let's see how He works. First of all. this of which we speak is "the law," a law devised by the Godhead even before the foundation of the world(I Pet. 1:18-20). Being a "law," actually "the law," this means that the Holy Spirit is not going to work outside of the framework of this law. We should understand that. It is the Holy Spirit Who works in the hearts and lives of Believers, Who Alone can make us what we ought to be. If we try outside of this "law" to develop His Fruit, or Chrislikeness, Righteousness, Holiness, or Victory of any nature, we are doomed to failure. We need to remember that! He will not differ from this, not vary from God's Prescribed Order. He is called "The Spirit of Life" because He is the Superintendent of all that Christ did at the Cross. In a sense, the Holy Spirit is a dispenser of this "Life" afforded By Christ. In other words, you are not going to get it any other way. The word "Life," as it is used here, refers to every single thing that Christ did at the Cross. In other words, everything that man lost in the Fall, and we mean every thing, was adddressed at the Cross, which is all wrapped up in the one word "Life." Admittedly, we do not now have everthing for which Jesus paid such a price, actually having only the firstfruits, with the balance coming at the Resurrection; still, what we actually do now have in Christ is enough to supply all that we presently need, whatever that might be. This is what "Life" in Romans 8:2 actually means. While all of this "Life" comes from Christ as the Source, with the Cross as the Means, stil, it is the Holy Spirit Who is the Superintendent of all that Christ has done-The Dispenser, as one might say. It come from Christ by the means of the Cross and throught the Spirit(Jn.7:37-39). The phrase,"In Christ Jesus," describes this "Law" and the way the Spirit works. Paul uses this phrase,"in Christ Jesus," or one of its derivatives, such as "inHim," etc. over one hundred times in his fourteen Epistles. Without exception, it refers to what Christ did at the Cross, all on our behalf. Paul never uses it in any toher fashion. It always refers to the Cross. For us to be the beneficiary of all that Christ did, through which the Holy Spirit works, all that is demanded of us is that our Faith constantly rest in that Finished Work. This is imperstive. When this is done, all that Jesus did will be ours, guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. "The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus," which we hopefully have explained, is the only "Law" which can give one victory over "the law of sin and death." No matter the effort made, if we try to obtain that victory by any other manner, defeat is sure. If the Believer faithfully follows this which the Holy Spirit gave to the Apostle Paul, which Paul then gave to us, victory then is guaranteed and "the sin nature will not have dominion over us" (Rom.6:14). But if works of the flesh are prevalent in the Believer's life, that means that he or she is not functioning in "the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus," but rather i some law made up by themselves or other men. In the Lord's Way is "Life"! In the Lord's Way alone is "Life"! Love In Jesus CAN YOU SEE IT |