No guy is completely nice, if u mean a decent guy, a guy that acts like a gentleman, that pays his own way, a guy that compliments, a guy that has morals, well there are plenty of them, just have to look in the right places, sometimes you just have to break out of your box , hey I've actually met some nice ladies in the supermarket, I know quite a bit about picking produce, sometimes ladies will ask my opinion, church is another good place to meet someone, clubs, or volunteer organizations, the worse place to meet anyone would be bars and or clubs, unless your just looking for a little action.
The greatest kiss I ever had was the first kiss I shared with my ex, the kiss in itself wasn't particularly passionate, more gentle and sweet, lets just say after we kissed my knees nearly buckled, then and there I knew it was love, the very best kiss is with the one you truly love, lust don't even come close.
Do Men Pull Their Weight
Unless you've been a Marine you wouldn't understand, the kinship, the brotherhood, knowing in war are in peace you may be called upon to lay your life down, that is always in the back of every Marines mind, we don't rest even in peacetime, we are always on high alert, I was in one of the toughest Marine Recon, I could have choose any branch in which to serve, but I choose the Marines, yes I was a volunteer, I have nothing but the upmost respect for any veteran, be them male are female, but to me the Marines are special, first to fight first to die, I will always be very proud that I choose to be the best I could be for my country.
Semper Fi |
Do Men Pull Their Weight
Edited by
Mon 10/07/13 07:12 PM
Ok Navy I wasn't going to continue this and you are entitled to your opinion and I could tell of equal horror stories what some women have perpetrated on some of my male friends, it goes both ways, neither sex is perfect, but I digress, in what shape or form did I insult your country last I looked Canada and the US were not only neighbors but long time allies and friends, I have the greatest respect for our neighbors to the north, the little barb about your branch of service was uncalled for, there has always been a rivalry between our navy and marines here, so I guess that just slipped out, I guess without the Navy us marines would not have support or a ride, LOL, I apologize for that particular barb, but I stand behind what I have posted, most men are not lazy or evil or wife and girlfriend beaters, maybe you are just hanging with a crowd where these things occur, sometimes we have to look outside our own little bubble and see the world as a whole, it bodes none of us well to have prejudice against another cause of sex, race culture etc...
want your opinion
Mine changed her mind daily, I just couldn't keep up
Do Men Pull Their Weight
Well it just so happens I have been in the security biz for over 30 yrs. and I have worked both civilian and government so I think I understand human nature a bit, we have many capable females in my field that are exceptional at their jobs, yet, when there is a choice between having a male officer or female officer for protection, a female will choose the male 9 out of 10 times, I agree this is not 1950, but instincts in the human animal die hard, oh and like I care about any opinion from an armed force that has it so easy, be a ground pounder, walk in my shoes, be shot at, knifed, assaulted which I have experienced all of these , talk is cheap Navy...
Well I'm going to say it again...ewwwww, I don't want to be bumping my junk with another dudes...Gross... and as far as m/ff goes I wouldn't want to share my girl even with another women.
Do Men Pull Their Weight
Eh were all mamas boys in one way are another, yeah like I would go to my dad with personal problems, this would illicit the ever popular suck it up and be a man, but he was still a good dad, just a product of his generation, I was very fortunate to have been raised in a 2 parent house hold, not saying one parent can't raise children, but 2 is always better for the kids, by the way I just lost my dad 3 months ago at 95 yrs. He taught me so many things about what it was to be a man, my dad always said to me, it's not enough to be a man, but also a good man, stand up for what is right, never back away from adversary, if you start a task, complete it, do it well then move on to the next one, yes he was a very good dad in so many ways and I will always miss him.
Do Men Pull Their Weight
My mom was always right, and I mean always, wow its been over 20 yrs. since her passing and I still miss her terribly.
Do Men Pull Their Weight
FYI Crystal, always try to obtain a blueprint for your home, before breaking into any walls, also use a stud finder (not that sort of stud LOL)
Don't mean to judge but may I just say...EWWWWW
want your opinion
Me too Crystal, very picky.
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Do Men Pull Their Weight
Edited by
Mon 10/07/13 02:11 PM
If I was near you Crystal I would gladly help, I have assisted many of my female friends with minor home repairs, I like to be helpful, I am very good with tools, repairs, minor elec. a little plumping even, I rarely need help in any of these areas, I even build and upgrade computers, get asked more for my tech savvy then anything else.
Do Men Pull Their Weight
I got plenty myself, but I made them work for it LOL
want your opinion
Never had much luck from mutual match myself, except making a few on line friends, oh well the hunt continues
A Cure For My Broken Heart
I agree keep busy keep your mind off it and please do something just for yourself, don't make the mistake I did and wallow in it for 3 years and if that don't work then seek counseling, it helped me come to terms with my break up, made me realize my ex and I were just not suited for one another, love does not conquer all, we should listen to our heads more then are hearts, the heart can mislead.
Do Men Pull Their Weight
I do also believe culture plays a large part in it, in the US women still expect their men to do the heavy lifting and be their protectors, I totally agree that women are capable of performing hard labor, but men will always dominate as a whole in these areas, for the simple reason nature has made men psychically stronger then women, generally speaking of coarse, there are always exceptions to the rule, and believe me I have been with some very strong woman in my lifetime both psychically and mentally, and they still expected me to fulfill the traditional male role, show me one heterosexual women that don't get a bit excited when a man exerts dominance, just the way the sexes are wired, of coarse there are times and places when this is appropriate.
Also a lot of women haven't had the benefit of serving in the military, where one has no choice but to pull their own weight, I'm still unsure about putting women in combat, (former US Marine), we still don't put our female Marines in Combat as most women aren't suited for the rigorous training and hardship a US Marine must endure, if that makes me a chauvinist then so be it, weather we will admit it or not there are areas where women will always excel over men and men will excel over women. Nature is Nature, can't change it only except our limitation's. |
Do Men Pull Their Weight
This is what I was trying to say 50/50 all the way, relationships or marriage there should be no gender based jobs, it's a partnership, oh and when I had made reference to female entitlement, I was referring more to the younger generation, the poll I ran across estimating men are now doing over 60% of household duties wasn't broken down for age, etc...
Oh and only a handful of women perform the more traditional male jobs around the home, such as lawn maintenance, repairs, and lets not forget the ever popular killing of bugs, I would never let my ex perform these task anyhow, oh she would help from time to time, but to me anything involving heavy labor should fall to the male of the household, I see this the same as opening a door or pulling out a chair for a woman, it's the gentlemanly thing to do. |
Do Men Pull Their Weight
This is my own personal opinion, it all comes down to communication, a lot of men need to be asked to help around the house possibly because their female partner does not know how to communicate, a fatal mistake women continue doing is talking to a man as if we are a child or as if we are one of their female friends. remember ladies we are men.
Talk too us and treat us like men and a lot more will be accomplished, you may not like hearing this, but it is the truth, have to appeal to the male ego in order have things run smoothly, women have been doing this for generations, but women today seem to have lost this, unlike in the past, oh also I think it depends if one spouse or partner works and the other stays at home, then the majority of household duties should be performed by the one that stays home. Women today seem to want that entitlement of having their cake and eating it too, remember men and women communicate differently, if you won't make the effort learning to communicate with your partner, then why are you in a relationship in the first place, but society seems to be more about devaluing a males role, so I guess were just not worth the effort to most women, just a paycheck and a baby maker. And it is still women in the majority that stay home to raise their families, which I understand it is their choice to do so, men should still help out even when the woman stays home, but I have noticed when the man is the major breadwinner women have a tendency to spoil them, you have to stop spoiling men, cause we'll expect it always, is just human nature, there are many good sources out there that teach us to communicate with one another. Just curious how many of you have tried couples therapy, sometimes an outside opinion can help. |
Do Men Pull Their Weight
I never had to be asked, kind of a neat freak