Has anyone noticed....???
maybe if you turn off FOX you will see all the answers. He's already gave a statement regarding Nashville, he's even visited there. Fema and red cross are there along with the National Guard. Get a clue BUT WHAT ABOUT CNN and the BBC?? People like to crap all over Fox news, how about turner broadcasting? I would bet money it isn't the national guard doing most of the work. Ill bet the Tennessee National Guard is. The difference is that each state has their own divisions of "Troops" operating under state authority. Then there is the Federal Reserve Army! There is a BIG BIG difference. One is like the fighter Jets CA operates, They have the CA Republic flag painted on their tails and are NOT associated with the Armed Forces nationally. Each state has a small military command of their own. Now let us be clear, Obama sure handled BP's little disaster involving the GREATEST man made natural disaster in history. The BIGGEST Thermonuclear weapons cannot match the scale of damage 200,000 Barrels of Oil a DAY belching out of a hole 5000 feet below the surface. Look up the Russian Tsar Bomb on you tube. Then compare the areas of devastation and you will see the oil slick covers a LOT more area and caused a lot more environmental havoc. Now I am sure a lot of people do not remember much about the Exxon Valdez. At the time it was the biggest man made disaster to happen in our history. Now for some tasty morsels! Last time something like this happened the cost of the disaster was passed on to consumers through higher oil prices. Entire fishing grounds ARE wiped out now! This will affect our ability to feed ourselves eventually. It will also ripple into other economic sectors affected by the sudden loss of entire fishing grounds. And Obama treats it Just like Bush did 9-11. No immediate response. No visits to teh real areas affected by this. No screaming for blood for BP's lack of proper maintenance of the platform which should have been shut down and repaired before allowing this disaster to happen. Now this gets real meaty! During the Bush Jr. administration Bush wanted more domestic drilling for oil. The Dems, (YES GET OVER YOURSELVES! THE TREE HUGGERS SCREAMED THEIR BRAINS OUT AGAINST MORE DOMESTIC DRILLING AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FELL RIGHT IN LINE WITH "POPULAR" OPINION!) fought tooth and nail to prevent new drilling on and off shore. Now Obama is allowing new drilling off of the coast of Virginia. What can this lead too??? Look at the direction the Gulf Stream goes. It goes right to the Grand Banks fishing grounds, the most productive fishing grounds in the world. Do you have any clue what a disaster of this scale would mean there? Probably not. Short sighted people just want to bag on Fox news. Where can I get the glasses you wear! I want to make sure not to buy the same brand. I don't want tunnel vision. The scope of this disaster is worst than Hurricane Katrina by exponential degrees. And Obama just makes a couple of speeches and has FEMA take over. nothing you said made any sense all you do is use cheap insults. Nice try. |
Has anyone noticed....???
maybe if you turn off FOX you will see all the answers. He's already gave a statement regarding Nashville, he's even visited there. Fema and red cross are there along with the National Guard. Get a clue
gotta send an arab to do a pakistani's job. : D
Thanks for posting this article. It reminded me to call my Reps. and ask them to vote yes. AQ must be faught, no matter what the cost. Not to mention the jobs the war has created from provate security, construction and trade jobs and military equipment building, selling, repairing etc. —Dwight Eisenhower, Speech (1953) What I have noticed since Obama has taken office is a sharp decline in war coverage and the number of mass protests against it.. Where is the outrage? Where are the effigies of Obama? No warmonger or baby killer chants? I find this very interesting. Instead we see mass pro immigration rallies.. Where are your priorities really at? People are still dying.. Afghanistan has been escalated.. We are bombing the hell out of Pakistan.. Where is Cindy Sheehan? Why isn't she getting wall to wall coverage protesting in front of Obama's vacation destinations? I don't get it.. Where are the New York Times Op Ed's decrying the wanton use of predator drone strikes in a country that is supposed to be our ally? Where is it? Could it be... that all the outrage over the wars when Bush was in office was really just about Bush and not about the wars? I am beginning to think so.. maybe the smirking chimp can address this.. i've attended six anti war rallies in the past three months, two in D.C. they're still going on, there's no press coverage. |
Bin Laden in.....IRAN?
the toothfairy is in Iran too.
he's not alive and even if he was, why's it absurd to believe he is still on the CIA payroll? He was when the soviets invaded afghanistan. It's not far fetched, the U S needs a big bad boogeyman to chase to fund their imperialism just like they did with arafat. |
lol if u don't like them vote them out...that's why you have elections
i love how u americans think english is an american language...from the public schooling perhaps?
i dont see how this title is rellevent. it's not mexico's fault america wont enforce its own policy ..and it's not one party's fault either it's been going on since you invaders came here in droves since 1492
Drill Baby Drill!!!
What's Palin got to do with this topic? Drill baby drill was Husseins baby. Or, did bush do this also? yes my president approved of the drilling but it was you right wingers that was screaming drill here drill here the past 8 years...or did you forget that? hard to forget when hannity and limbaugh plug Carl Pickens' dumb website every 10 seconds. i don't see none of you triggs helping with the cleanup either |
they'll never catch me ; )
Before people get too carried away "bashing" Islam, perhaps they might also want to really dive into the Old Testament and look at some of the crap that the Jews did. And this is important because like it or not, Judaism is the founding cornerstone of Christianity. People are upset because some "radical" Muslims are upset over a cartoon? You see ridiculous example after ridiculous example of people being executed, stoned to death, and murdered in the name of Holy War, all throughout both the Old and New Testament. So really, this "Diviner than thou" attitude needs to stop. Well, that's all nice 'n dandy, but, see, there's this little 'detail' ... the CHRISTIAN religions QUIT those practices long ago. Yes, the Inquisition happened. Yes, the Crusades happened. Yes, the Salem Witch Trials and other things also happened. Does that make them right? No. The thing that sets the MODERN religions apart from 'islam' is that Islam STILL USES THE 7th CENTURY AS A MINDSET. Sorry, but if there's a 'diviner than thou' at work here, it's coming from the muzzie world. I haven't seen any call from Christians OR Jews for 'holy war' (an oxymoron if ever there was one) or beheading of 'infidels' or 'honor killings' (another oxymoron) or the installation of 'Sharia law' (look, mommy - another oxymoron) ... The comparison and contrast between 'then' and 'now' shows that the muzzie world still has the hormone-fueled rage of a drunken youth who forgot to take their Thorazine. If beheadings and suicide bombings aren't 'radical' enough for you to consider there MAY be a slight difference between US and THEM, well, Hopalong, there ain't much use tryin' to persuade y' otherwise ... Are you quite sure about that? Remember "One Nation Under God?" It would seem that our United States is to a large degree founded upon Christian theology, and it's laws even today are influenced and biased by Christian values. Everything from gambling, to prostitution, polygamy, homosexual marriage, sodomy, abortion and others have certain laws against them because they do not sit well with Christian values. To some degree the reason we have a Saturday/Sunday weekend is based upon the Sabbath Laws, Saturday for Jews, Sunday for Christians. We have "Blue Laws" all over the country thanks in part to Christian values. We are not as modern in our beliefs as you might suspect. Once again, a remarkable propensity for confusion and missing the essential point: No matter the supposed 'sins' of Christianity and Judaism you dredge up to make some arcane 'point', I don't recall anyone ever being beheaded for violating a 'blue law' or drinking in a 'dry' county. The 'sins of the flesh' you trot out DON'T result in DEATH here - try doin' that in MuzzieWorld. Evidently you've already forgotten how Sadaam and his boiz put LIVE human beings thru WOOD CHIPPERS. Sorry, your case falls apart when contrasted with objective reality. once again to debate me in a real live forum such as pal talk? |
In the Muslim view, the Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Communist (and earlier Zoroastrian) states are required to be destroyed and their lands conquered. Nice copy and paste but Christianity is no different. Christian leaders especially the extreme ones speak of religious terrorism and make threats to those who do believe as they do all the time. One these boards Christians have wished death on non-believers in the name of their god. Stating it is their gospel and god who says it needs to happen. There is no difference between the two religions. Fanatics abound in each one. There's a big difference between one person and a couple billion fanatics who not only wish death but are delivering it. Remember jihad, so-called holy war? jihad doesnt mean holy war genius..learn some arabic |
who cares about nc..racist state
this is news?????
I agree. Taking away citizens civil rights to legal search and seizure is not the way to go. There's just one TEENY TINY little thing you are forgetting. THEY ARE NOT CITIZENS!!!! They are here ILLEGALLY! Why can't you people get that through your heads?? THEY BROKE FEDERAL LAW!!! not true it's only similar to a misdemenor otherwise the law would have been changed..i'm pretty sure mitt romney owned you neocons on this fable during the campaign |
thank you tax paying right wingers for my welfare :D
how's this not racially motivated..i bet the arizona police aren't pulling over any asians or russians.
<<<<illegal and proud :D |
Farrakhan's with the Nation of Islam...which is an organization that may claim to be muslim but are far from it. we don't recognize them as muslim however some things that comes out of his mouth is truth..and we all know truth hurts.
same tire ole's irrelevant which party was for what 50 years ago. try worrying about today. both parties are for special interest. if we had 10 parties they would be for special interest however what has the GOP done for the poor lately besides medicade..which retard w didn't allot how it would be paid for.
Well, insofar as 'twisting words for shock value', etc is a crime, let's look at some OTHER words that have been 'twisted for shock value' and have had their original meanings twisted and re-routed thru the Socialist Word Processor - kinda like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter did in 'Alice in Wonderland' ... to begin: "Hope and Change" ... then we come to "Change You Can Believe In" ... and "HealthCare" ... then there's "Social Justice" ... the dictionary list just grows and grows and grows like Topsy ... The 'progressive' [sic] Left uses the policy of 'Control the words, control the thoughts' ... why gee, that concept is straight out of Orwell's '1984', only in that novel it was called 'NewSpeak' and the process of dumbing down the language to as few words as possible to prevent complex thinking is the same thing taking place today with 'The ONE', 'Dear Comrade Leader', 'Obama the Most Merciful and Most High (PBUH)' ... nope nope nope ... being able to see the 'man behind the curtain' and recognizing him and his agenda for what it is is always a good thing ... I want my country to be rebuilt when he's kicked out after being a one-term Communist disaster ... funny how you people compare obama to communism. he's not rounded anyone up illegally like das fuer bush did. please seek help Rounding people up is not explicitly communist (see the Communist Manifesto). That part comes further down the line in practice. We do, however, still have police abusing the citizenry. what's the police have to do with politics? they've been abusing their powers for half a century their abise shares no political party...although it made it easier to be done with the patriot act |