Topic: Has anyone noticed....??? | |
The President has said that BP is going to be held responsible for the oil in the Gulf...
He was right there pledging aid and resources when the earthquake hit Haiti... But...we have a natural disaster RIGHT HERE in this country..Nashville is basically underwater.... And he hasn't said a DAMN WORD ABOUT IT???? Wonder why?? Maybe because there are no people gathered in a stadium begging for help?? Maybe because the people of Nashville are just going about their business and fending for themselves?? After " victims " means it's not important, right? Why hasn't the President pleged to send help to Nashville?? Does he simply not care?? Did he win Tennessee in the election??? By the lack of reaction...I would guess he probably didn't. |
Seriously - you need to ask 'why' ... ?
Seriously - you need to ask 'why' ... ? It was more of a rhetorical question aimed at seeing how many excuses the Liberals here will make up for his lack of action to a natural disaster in OUR OWN country. |
But your a racist! Is that what you were waiting to hear????
Comer come, Libs fear some issues and facts more than others! |
Edited by
Sat 05/08/10 05:58 AM
He is a very busy man. What with still trying to cure his chapped lips from making out with the king of egypt and all the azz kissing with commies and terrorists.
Michell would go but, a new, high-dollar tennis-shoe store has just opened up. |
I thought that he did declare that area to be a disaster area. He granted FEMA assistance for Tennessee.
I thought that he did declare that area to be a disaster area. He granted FEMA assistance for Tennessee. And? What about the " eloquent " speech about getting aid there as quickly as possible?? What about going to Tennessee to view the damage?? Maybe he's just not a country music fan. |
Edited by
Sat 05/08/10 08:57 AM
Seriously - you need to ask 'why' ... ? It was more of a rhetorical question aimed at seeing how many excuses the Liberals here will make up for his lack of action to a natural disaster in OUR OWN country. well, first its comparing a hurricane with a flood then, its ignoring the HUGE disparity in income and resources(nashville average income is 50,000 compared to 27,000 in new orleans where ther is much more poverty and much fewer resources) but those facts aside,, there really is no excuse needed,, just another example of how media dependency has thwarted peoples ability to use logic and common sense,, NO response to a flood? really? ,,,seek and ye shall find,,, From The Detroit News: But just because you didn't see it on TV doesn't mean it the administration didn't respond. In fact, Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen praised the Obama administration's response to the flooding. "I've never seen this kind of response. ...FEMA and the White House could not have been more helpful in this thing," he said. The governor went on to say that all parties agreed a personal visit from President Obama was unneccessary and likely to complicate relief efforts in the aftermath of the severe flooding. But he doesn't feel at all slighted. "FEMA was on the ground before the rain drops fell," said Bredesen, who noted he'd not only spoken to Mr. Obama, but Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano and Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett. "We're very pleased with the response we've gotten from the administration." and if the source isnt valid enough, I will take another shot in the dark and suggest putting Governor Phil Bredesen in your favorite news search engine ,,,, |
I thought that he did declare that area to be a disaster area. He granted FEMA assistance for Tennessee. And? What about the " eloquent " speech about getting aid there as quickly as possible?? What about going to Tennessee to view the damage?? Maybe he's just not a country music fan. Governors and Mayors have to ask for the assistance. Thems the rules. It happened to Mirror last year when they had that terrible ice storm. They had to wait for the Mayor/Governor to request assistance. It happened to my brother when they had a freaky flood in Louisville. The hospital where he works suffered great damage. He lost a new truck in the parking lot and his home was damaged. Louisville had to ask for the assistance. Then they had to follow FEMA's rules. Thems the rules. |
Seriously - you need to ask 'why' ... ? It was more of a rhetorical question aimed at seeing how many excuses the Liberals here will make up for his lack of action to a natural disaster in OUR OWN country. well, first its comparing a hurricane with a flood then, its ignoring the HUGE disparity in income and resources(nashville average income is 50,000 compared to 27,000 in new orleans where ther is much more poverty and much fewer resources) but those facts aside,, there really is no excuse needed,, just another example of how media dependency has thwarted peoples ability to use logic and common sense,, NO response to a flood? really? ,,,seek and ye shall find,,, From The Detroit News: But just because you didn't see it on TV doesn't mean it the administration didn't respond. In fact, Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen praised the Obama administration's response to the flooding. "I've never seen this kind of response. ...FEMA and the White House could not have been more helpful in this thing," he said. The governor went on to say that all parties agreed a personal visit from President Obama was unneccessary and likely to complicate relief efforts in the aftermath of the severe flooding. But he doesn't feel at all slighted. "FEMA was on the ground before the rain drops fell," said Bredesen, who noted he'd not only spoken to Mr. Obama, but Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano and Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett. "We're very pleased with the response we've gotten from the administration." and if the source isnt valid enough, I will take another shot in the dark and suggest putting Governor Phil Bredesen in your favorite news search engine ,,,, Soo...the Governor is pleased with the help. ![]() |
maybe if you turn off FOX you will see all the answers. He's already gave a statement regarding Nashville, he's even visited there. Fema and red cross are there along with the National Guard. Get a clue
maybe if you turn off FOX you will see all the answers. He's already gave a statement regarding Nashville, he's even visited there. Fema and red cross are there along with the National Guard. Get a clue BUT WHAT ABOUT CNN and the BBC?? ![]() People like to crap all over Fox news, how about turner broadcasting? I would bet money it isn't the national guard doing most of the work. Ill bet the Tennessee National Guard is. The difference is that each state has their own divisions of "Troops" operating under state authority. Then there is the Federal Reserve Army! There is a BIG BIG difference. One is like the fighter Jets CA operates, They have the CA Republic flag painted on their tails and are NOT associated with the Armed Forces nationally. Each state has a small military command of their own. Now let us be clear, Obama sure handled BP's little disaster involving the GREATEST man made natural disaster in history. The BIGGEST Thermonuclear weapons cannot match the scale of damage 200,000 Barrels of Oil a DAY belching out of a hole 5000 feet below the surface. Look up the Russian Tsar Bomb on you tube. Then compare the areas of devastation and you will see the oil slick covers a LOT more area and caused a lot more environmental havoc. Now I am sure a lot of people do not remember much about the Exxon Valdez. At the time it was the biggest man made disaster to happen in our history. Now for some tasty morsels! Last time something like this happened the cost of the disaster was passed on to consumers through higher oil prices. Entire fishing grounds ARE wiped out now! This will affect our ability to feed ourselves eventually. It will also ripple into other economic sectors affected by the sudden loss of entire fishing grounds. And Obama treats it Just like Bush did 9-11. No immediate response. No visits to teh real areas affected by this. No screaming for blood for BP's lack of proper maintenance of the platform which should have been shut down and repaired before allowing this disaster to happen. Now this gets real meaty! During the Bush Jr. administration Bush wanted more domestic drilling for oil. The Dems, (YES GET OVER YOURSELVES! THE TREE HUGGERS SCREAMED THEIR BRAINS OUT AGAINST MORE DOMESTIC DRILLING AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FELL RIGHT IN LINE WITH "POPULAR" OPINION!) fought tooth and nail to prevent new drilling on and off shore. Now Obama is allowing new drilling off of the coast of Virginia. What can this lead too??? Look at the direction the Gulf Stream goes. It goes right to the Grand Banks fishing grounds, the most productive fishing grounds in the world. Do you have any clue what a disaster of this scale would mean there? Probably not. Short sighted people just want to bag on Fox news. Where can I get the glasses you wear! I want to make sure not to buy the same brand. I don't want tunnel vision. The scope of this disaster is worst than Hurricane Katrina by exponential degrees. And Obama just makes a couple of speeches and has FEMA take over. This is Obama... ![]() |
The President has said that BP is going to be held responsible for the oil in the Gulf... He was right there pledging aid and resources when the earthquake hit Haiti... But...we have a natural disaster RIGHT HERE in this country..Nashville is basically underwater.... And he hasn't said a DAMN WORD ABOUT IT???? Wonder why?? Maybe because there are no people gathered in a stadium begging for help?? Maybe because the people of Nashville are just going about their business and fending for themselves?? After " victims " means it's not important, right? Why hasn't the President pleged to send help to Nashville?? Does he simply not care?? Did he win Tennessee in the election??? By the lack of reaction...I would guess he probably didn't. Where were the same outraged people who said President Bush dropped the ball on Katrina? Why arn't they outraged and hitting the streets on this one? |
The President has said that BP is going to be held responsible for the oil in the Gulf... He was right there pledging aid and resources when the earthquake hit Haiti... But...we have a natural disaster RIGHT HERE in this country..Nashville is basically underwater.... And he hasn't said a DAMN WORD ABOUT IT???? Wonder why?? Maybe because there are no people gathered in a stadium begging for help?? Maybe because the people of Nashville are just going about their business and fending for themselves?? After " victims " means it's not important, right? Why hasn't the President pleged to send help to Nashville?? Does he simply not care?? Did he win Tennessee in the election??? By the lack of reaction...I would guess he probably didn't. Where were the same outraged people who said President Bush dropped the ball on Katrina? Why arn't they outraged and hitting the streets on this one? This is why: From MsHarmony's post: Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen praised the Obama administration's response to the flooding. "I've never seen this kind of response. ...FEMA and the White House could not have been more helpful in this thing," he said. The governor went on to say that all parties agreed a personal visit from President Obama was unneccessary and likely to complicate relief efforts in the aftermath of the severe flooding. But he doesn't feel at all slighted. "FEMA was on the ground before the rain drops fell," said Bredesen, who noted he'd not only spoken to Mr. Obama, but Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano and Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett. "We're very pleased with the response we've gotten from the administration." |
I thought that he did declare that area to be a disaster area. He granted FEMA assistance for Tennessee. Actually the Governor did.......... |
maybe if you turn off FOX you will see all the answers. He's already gave a statement regarding Nashville, he's even visited there. Fema and red cross are there along with the National Guard. Get a clue BUT WHAT ABOUT CNN and the BBC?? ![]() People like to crap all over Fox news, how about turner broadcasting? I would bet money it isn't the national guard doing most of the work. Ill bet the Tennessee National Guard is. The difference is that each state has their own divisions of "Troops" operating under state authority. Then there is the Federal Reserve Army! There is a BIG BIG difference. One is like the fighter Jets CA operates, They have the CA Republic flag painted on their tails and are NOT associated with the Armed Forces nationally. Each state has a small military command of their own. Now let us be clear, Obama sure handled BP's little disaster involving the GREATEST man made natural disaster in history. The BIGGEST Thermonuclear weapons cannot match the scale of damage 200,000 Barrels of Oil a DAY belching out of a hole 5000 feet below the surface. Look up the Russian Tsar Bomb on you tube. Then compare the areas of devastation and you will see the oil slick covers a LOT more area and caused a lot more environmental havoc. Now I am sure a lot of people do not remember much about the Exxon Valdez. At the time it was the biggest man made disaster to happen in our history. Now for some tasty morsels! Last time something like this happened the cost of the disaster was passed on to consumers through higher oil prices. Entire fishing grounds ARE wiped out now! This will affect our ability to feed ourselves eventually. It will also ripple into other economic sectors affected by the sudden loss of entire fishing grounds. And Obama treats it Just like Bush did 9-11. No immediate response. No visits to teh real areas affected by this. No screaming for blood for BP's lack of proper maintenance of the platform which should have been shut down and repaired before allowing this disaster to happen. Now this gets real meaty! During the Bush Jr. administration Bush wanted more domestic drilling for oil. The Dems, (YES GET OVER YOURSELVES! THE TREE HUGGERS SCREAMED THEIR BRAINS OUT AGAINST MORE DOMESTIC DRILLING AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FELL RIGHT IN LINE WITH "POPULAR" OPINION!) fought tooth and nail to prevent new drilling on and off shore. Now Obama is allowing new drilling off of the coast of Virginia. What can this lead too??? Look at the direction the Gulf Stream goes. It goes right to the Grand Banks fishing grounds, the most productive fishing grounds in the world. Do you have any clue what a disaster of this scale would mean there? Probably not. Short sighted people just want to bag on Fox news. Where can I get the glasses you wear! I want to make sure not to buy the same brand. I don't want tunnel vision. The scope of this disaster is worst than Hurricane Katrina by exponential degrees. And Obama just makes a couple of speeches and has FEMA take over. nothing you said made any sense all you do is use cheap insults. Nice try. |
maybe if you turn off FOX you will see all the answers. He's already gave a statement regarding Nashville, he's even visited there. Fema and red cross are there along with the National Guard. Get a clue Ooooo...he made a statement. Wow. Now THAT'S impressive. He sent FEMA. Be still my heart. Tennessee sent out THEIR OWN National Guard. The Pres didn't send them. The Red Cross isn't sent by the Pres Either. I think what is most telling is what MsHarmony brought up. The folks in Nashville, due to income levels, just don't " deserve " the kind of attention that he has given to other disasters. After all...making over 50K a year...there are no " REAL " victims for he and the Democrats to parade in front of the cameras. Oh by the way....I don't watch FOX. I don't watch CNN. I don't watch MSNBC. I don't read blogs. Perhaps you should be the one looking for a clue. |
The reason 'The ONE' doesn't give a rat's asss is the same reason the media isn't providing the level of coverage it did for Katrina ... The people in TN are not 'PROFESSIONAL VICTIMS' with their hands out saying 'I WANTS MINEZ!' or 'GIMME!' ... they're just banding together and helping each other without a lot of bitching, whining, moaning, and striking poses for the cameras. And yes, before some of the 'progressive leftists' on here start bitchin' me out about not knowing what I'm talking about, I lived thru Katrina and was unable to get back into my property for more than three weeks while I evac'd outside the city. I've seen the difference up close and first-hand. The Tennessee response to disaster is one WITH class, not ABOUT class. Sorry, no victims here - move along - nothing to see.
The President has said that BP is going to be held responsible for the oil in the Gulf... He was right there pledging aid and resources when the earthquake hit Haiti... But...we have a natural disaster RIGHT HERE in this country..Nashville is basically underwater.... And he hasn't said a DAMN WORD ABOUT IT???? Wonder why?? Maybe because there are no people gathered in a stadium begging for help?? Maybe because the people of Nashville are just going about their business and fending for themselves?? After " victims " means it's not important, right? Why hasn't the President pleged to send help to Nashville?? Does he simply not care?? Did he win Tennessee in the election??? By the lack of reaction...I would guess he probably didn't. Where were the same outraged people who said President Bush dropped the ball on Katrina? Why arn't they outraged and hitting the streets on this one? you do all realize you are comparing reaction to a HURRICANE AND FLOOD, with torrential winds and structural damage ABOVE the flood level,,, with reaction to a flood with damage to structure that was caught under the waters,,,,? |
What's being compared are RESPONSES to disasters, not TYPES of disasters ...