Topic: Israel fires on fishing boat
markumX's photo
Thu 01/28/10 03:18 PM
Gaza, January 28, 2010 (Pal Telegraph) - Israeli military boats opened heavy machinegun fire against Palestinian fishermen sailing off the coast of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.

The fishermen were forced to sail back to the shore to avoid injury, so no casualties were reported.

The Israeli military boats regularly attack Palestinian fishing boats, claiming that the fishermen cross the three-mile limit set by international law. However, Israel often shoot when Palestinian boats are just one or two miles off the coast.

Meanwhile, today the Israeli occupation force attacked eastern Khan Younis city, in the middle of the Gaza Strip, eyewitnesses said.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 01/28/10 03:30 PM
and yet you sneer at FOX

markumX's photo
Thu 01/28/10 06:12 PM
what does Fox have to do with this?

RKISIT's photo
Thu 01/28/10 06:19 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 01/28/10 06:38 PM
until i see palestine as a country on a map to me all Palestinians are are Jews haters and people in israel are palestine haters, i believe if israel gives up the land the west bank and gaza that its just going to make it that much easier for jew haters to get to the jesus christ,damn the middle east is so screwed up

cashu's photo
Thu 01/28/10 06:22 PM
Do you realize that we have had the same problem with them, but we gave them a choice live or die? Do you realize that they are related to the people who live here ? Think about it . They are a big part of Obamas team .

RKISIT's photo
Thu 01/28/10 06:32 PM
im an atheist but i'm thinking about going to polytheism so i can say all my gods gang banged your one god maybe the norse gods cause thor kicks arsedrinker

markumX's photo
Thu 01/28/10 11:23 PM
RK it has nothing to do with religion. How would you like for mexicans to come and tell you that they have a right to live in your house and then kick you out

CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 01/28/10 11:53 PM
"TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's supreme leader predicted the destruction of Israel in comments posted on his Web site on Wednesday, in some of his strongest remarks in years about the Jewish state.

In the past, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called Israel a "cancerous tumor" that must be wiped from the map, but the new comments mark the first time in years he has openly speculated about Israel's demise.

"Definitely, the day will come when nations of the region will witness the destruction of the Zionist regime," Khamenei was quoted as saying. "How soon or late (Israel's demise) will happen depends on how Islamic countries and Muslim nations approach the issue."

He did not elaborate.

Khamenei, who made the comments during a meeting with the Mauritanian president on Tuesday, also accused Israel of trying to destroy the Palestinians "through continued pressure, blockades and genocide." He said the Jewish state will not succeed.

Iran does not recognize Israel, and the two countries have been bitter enemies since Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979, and current Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel's destruction."

This is a fairly new story here, posted 1/27/10. Could be more saber rattling from Khameni and Mahmoud, or it could be game-on, and something's going to happen real soon. Israel could be the catalyst for an unintended scenario by continually attacking or harassing more Palestinians or provoking Iran into a military conflict. People may want to pay more attention to what is going on over there, because this whole thing could set off rapidly.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 01/29/10 08:58 AM

RK it has nothing to do with religion. How would you like for mexicans to come and tell you that they have a right to live in your house and then kick you out

Kind of like what the Arabs did to the Persians?

markumX's photo
Fri 01/29/10 12:24 PM
funny the article never mentions the times persians invaded arab lands that provoked the arabs to occupy what is now Iran. how this can be compared to Palestine is beyond belief. Islam was made the official religion in Iran's case noone was forced out of their homes so No it's not kind of like this *rolls eyes*

InvictusV's photo
Fri 01/29/10 02:53 PM

funny the article never mentions the times persians invaded arab lands that provoked the arabs to occupy what is now Iran. how this can be compared to Palestine is beyond belief. Islam was made the official religion in Iran's case noone was forced out of their homes so No it's not kind of like this *rolls eyes*

Egypt? Libya? Tunisia? Algeria? Morocco?

Umayyad conquest...

there seems to be a pattern...

markumX's photo
Fri 01/29/10 03:11 PM
you going to give the christians a pass? how about the Monguls? Alexander the Great? Rome? Greeks? with exception of Christianity, none had anything to do with religion but land grabbing and power.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 01/29/10 03:28 PM

you going to give the christians a pass? how about the Monguls? Alexander the Great? Rome? Greeks? with exception of Christianity, none had anything to do with religion but land grabbing and power.

I'm not giving anyone a pass. I don't believe in theocracy.

Back to your post..

Give some solutions.. other than Jews moving somewhere else. because that isn't going to happen..

CatsLoveMe's photo
Fri 01/29/10 09:05 PM
There are two sides to this conflict. Here they are:

Many Palestinians nowadays believe that Israel is not really interested in reaching an arrangement, but rather interested in continuing to control the entire territory from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. As proof of their claims, they point to the expansion of the Jewish settlements during the terms of the Israeli left-wing political parties, the argument that it has always been Israel which has conquered territory which belonged to Arab countries, that the IDF entered Palestinian towns during the intifada, as well as quotes of Israeli right-wing leaders and religious leaders who have expressed their support in a Greater Israel and in implementing a population transfer.

On the other hand, many Israelis nowadays believe that the Palestinians’ true intentions are to conquer the Palestine region entirely and that their official claims are only a temporary strategy. As a proof to their claims, they note the rise of the Hamas, which has called for the takeover of all parts of Israel, incitement against Israel made in the Palestinian schools' textbooks and to the Palestinian political violence made against Israeli civilians within the Green Line borders.

Due to the large number of opinions and interpretations, the question of the true demands of the parties is a political issue by itself, about which many Israelis and Palestinians disagree.

Saudi Arabia was right to propose the Arab Peace Initiative. It was shot down, but S/A still has the offer on the table for both parties should they finally agree to stop squabbling over who owns what.

Unlike the "Road Map for Peace," the API spelled out "final-solution" borders based explicitly on the UN borders established before the 1967 Six-Day War. It offered full normalization of relations with Israel, in exchange for the withdrawal of its forces from all the Occupied Territories, including the Golan Heights, to recognize "an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital" in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as a "just solution" for the Palestinian refugees.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 01/30/10 04:18 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Sat 01/30/10 05:11 AM
propaganda. you have to look at unbiased documented reports
which can be verified. israel is the only country in the
region with true freedom of speech.

anyone truly intersted in the history of the conflict should
read the very well documented site:

Myths & Facts Online
A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
By Mitchell G. Bard

it has verifiable references...and makes compelling arguments
read and judge for yourself

liberalredneck's photo
Sat 01/30/10 06:23 PM
what so unusual. about Israel murder someone. they do it everyday. nothing new.