Community > Posts By > voileazur

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Thu 02/19/09 05:45 AM
Edited by voileazur on Thu 02/19/09 05:48 AM


You may refuse to believe that you came from an ape all you want, but your ignorance and the stubborn way in which you refuse to learn, and your incapacity for logic and reason, is proof enough that we not only evolve, but sometimes we can regress back to the stone age!

You laugh at me, I cry for you.

Goodbye and good luck!

well, except we have evidence and you have some book.
So there is a huge difference.

actually evidence has been shown in these fourms over and over again and you just refuse to acknowledge it.

And that just shows you know nothing of evolution or how it works.
So it is probably best you stick with myths and superstision.

This is always your EXCUSE....and that's what it one has proved their side of evolution.....especially if you want me or anyone else to believe I came from a primate of any kind...



As you shout out every chance you get:
'... IT IS WHAT IT IS!!! ...'



The fact that you choose to ingnore it,
doesn't change '...WHAT IS!!!...'

I recommend you read any other book besides that 'big book of everything-nothing' you cling to, or ask your 'scientist dad'! You will soon discover, albeit a tad late, the truth about it all.

In the meantime, I just thought I would discreetly inform you of the 'primate' reality of which you are part. At least, that will be one fact you'll no longer ignore!!!

DEFINITION NOT, NOT, NOT taken from the big 'everything-nothing' BOOK:
'... A primate (pronounced /ˈprаɪmeɪt/, us: prī′·māt) is a member of the biological order Primates (/prаɪˈmeɪtiːz/ prī·mā′·tēz; Latin: "prime, first rank"), the group that contains lemurs, the Aye-aye, lorids, galagos, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, AND HUMANS...'

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Wed 02/18/09 04:26 PM
Edited by voileazur on Wed 02/18/09 04:29 PM

Voil.....I think I am in the mood to start with you......

Like the song says

A very good place to

First off are you God....that you feel you need to save MS from madness...a bit dogmatic I would say.

And again are you god that you can see into the future and know anything of dead troops resurrecting....hmmmmmm maybe you should practice a lil of what you preach Mr.

And again you think your so high and mighty that "YOU" can tell MS she has been sold a rotten bill of good.

And again oh godly voil I don't think anyone is against science...(assuming aren't we)

Have you maybe thought of anger management classes

And the sad thing is you can rant all your lil voil heart wants to....But guess what...IT JUST DOESN'T CHANGE WHAT IS SWEETS.


I was reading your reply, and couldn't understand a word you wrote. All non-sequiturs, confusion, nonsense!!!

Eventhough I am accostomed with all those trademarks of yours, I just couldn't get why you were addressing all this left field stuff reply to ME!!!

And then it dawned on me; ... you were replying, out of turn and pompous as all heck, on a message I wrote to Morningsong.

This fundamental lack of civility 'feral', however frequent on these forums, creates confusion, derails the thread, and more importantly, is an insult to Morningsong, whom has clearly shown she doesn't need your 'mothering' interference.

Of course you can keep posting all the non-sequiturs, confusion, pompous non-sense you wish 'Feral'. It's a free country, and it's a wide open forum.

... that being said, I promise you it doesn't help give credibility to your 'team', nor does it help advance your cause 'feral'.

Now if you don't mind, could you tell Morningsong that it is OK for her to reply to the post I addressed to her!!!

Thank you 'feral'.

P.S.: 'anger management'?!?!?! Boy, you really have no clue 'feral'!!!

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Wed 02/18/09 05:40 AM
Edited by voileazur on Wed 02/18/09 05:44 AM


Just had to come back on line and say,

Thank You Voil, for your kind words.flowerforyou

Voil....God GAVE US Science, Technology, Great Minds to Discover's ALLL From Him Anyway...

RESEARCH's OK with God...

but God just Wants Us to Not Leave HIM Out of the Picture.......The Very One Who Gave Us Science and Physics and All of it Out There ..

Great Minds=Great Science....Great Technology....

if Great Minds ALSO INCLUDE the ONE WHO GAVE IT ALL..into the Picture Too..


if Great Minds INCLUDED the ONE WHO GAVE IT ALL....

There is No Telling What Man Could Do..

and Discover....

and Come Up With Then...flowerforyou

Night Voil....flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

Yet another 'lost battle' Morningsong!!!

Do you not believe in your god Morningsong???

Have you not enough faith in your god to trust that HE created it all, according to the big book???

Have you such doubt in your faith, that you worry about your own god being chased out of his alleged creation by mere, peaceful, hard searching and intellectually curious scientists, whom your god alledgedly created too???

Are you so sure that you are not the one interfering in your god's plan, when you fight, attack, and resist the knowledged, and progress he is allegedly ALLOWING scientists to uncover about the big creation puzzle???

Your god doens't need YOUR help to confirm that he allegedly created all, and all of it is by default, the product of HIS alleged creation!!!

Going around claiming god needs your help to confirm his creation, is so profoundly arrogant, and pityfully pathetic!

Those 'fundamentalist-apologetic-freaks' are going to wear you thin with all these intellectually and spiritually deceptive claims 'Morning'!!!

Believe in Jesus for yourself Morningsong, if that is your choice, but please STOP LISTENING TO THESE FUNDAMENTALIST-BIBLE-INERRANT-APOLOGETIC FREAKS!!!

Pharisees had the arrogance that 'fundamentalist' freaks are exhibiting 'Morning', and you know what Jesus thought of those Pharisees!!!

Let go of the freaks and their two bit rhetoric, Morning.

Let go of the freaks and believe, trust, and have faith in your god!

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:11 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 05:23 PM are absolutley right!!!

There is only One kind of Evolution .

no micro and macro.

Just Evolution.


Cause there is ONLY ONE kind of

Evolution taking place in the first place!!

And it takes place ONLY WITHIN a Species!!!

Christians have no argument with that.

BUT Voil, those changes WITHIN a species ,

that is being called Evolution.......

(which comes is a result of a species adapting to its changing environment },

should actually be called De-volution.:wink:bigsmileflowerforyou

Cause Things are slowly and gradually Devolving...or dying...

not evolving at all.

In fact, that may explain the
mystery behind the "missing pieces of the puzzle".... missing links.

Look at man , for instance....

Man used to live to be over 900 years of age.

Today, if man lives to be 80 or 90, that is considered great.

Because of sin entering into the world, God said man would surely die.

Man died spiritually instantly( until he becomes born again,

and his spirit becomes alive once more....

as man's spirit was before the fall).

But this physical dying is not only taking place with man......

but with all of creation...

until God comes back, and makes all things that day when there will be no more death.

Or night.

Or sin....

and man and all creation will be restored unto its rigthful place with God...

once it was in the beginning....

where man and all creation will know death No more....

where all of creation shall live in Perfect Harmony...

in that day,

where the Lion shall lie down with the Lamb.....

In perfect peace...once more.



I'd like to save you from this madness.

This life of waging already lost battles, hoping to see the dead troops resurrect. Isn't going to happen 'Morninsong'.

You been sold a rotten bill of goods. This horse they have asked you to beat, is dead.

Your beliefs in Jesus, god, and '... good solid 'loving your neighbor' principles...', as taught by Jesus himself, CAN ALL SURVIVE AND PROSPER WITHIN YOU.

But your attacks against progress, and scientific expansion of knowledge, is hoping for this dead horse to take you to town. I want to save from that profound deception 'Morning', you're going to have to walk to town, and I'll walk with you.

That dead horse ain't gettin' up anytime soon!

A 'staid' way of thinking that still tries to impose a 2 000+ years old litteral view of the 'then' world, is a fossilized dead horse.

And they'll keep asking to jump from fossilized dead horse, to fossilized dead horse.

That right 'Morning', next thing you know, they'll train you and apologize you staight into another lost battle.

The next 'lost battle' those fundamental freaks are going to ask good people such as yourself to fight, is the 'INTELLIGENT FALLING' THEORY, lost battle.

That's right 'morningsong', the 'INTELLIGENT FALLING' THEORY!!!

This one goes agaisnt THE THEORY OF GRAVITY!

They have just found passages in the bible that the theory contradicts, so guess what 'Morning', according to MAD DELUSIONAL FUNDAMENTAL FREAKS:



Same dead-horse-beating DEAD-END as the 'Intelligent Design'. A divine waste of time, energy and good spirit.

And then you've got to go out there and fight
... the 'GAY 'lifestyles'dead horse!!!
... and the 'PRO-LIFE' dead horse !!!
... and the 'STEM-CELLS' dead horse !!!

And think of all the progress science is going to make through Quantum Physics, that the fundamentalists can't even supect is going to disagree with the 2 000+ year old word of the book.



I want to save you from that horrible 'lifestyle' morningsong.

Have your faith in Jesus!
Have your faith in god!
Have your faith in doing well unto others!


Jesus pointed forward, not backward!

Let me extend a fraternal hand and rescue you from this madness!

You are worth it Morningsong!

You are a good soul!

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 02:42 PM

As a Gentle Reminder:

The Christian Community WHO DO

Believe in so called "Evolution"....

Believe in the so called MICRO-

Evolution ONLY...

which are changes occurring WITHIN a Species ONLY!!!

(actually , Micro-evolution is not

even the right terminology anyway.....

cause everything is devolving,
not evolving within the species)....

However, There are NO Christians(not REAL Christians)

who Believe in Macro-Evolution...

which is a species Evolving into a


We've covered this already, Voil.....:wink:


With all de respect to you personaly; you know I like you, your comments above are just about as wrong and misleading as comments get.

Come on 'Morningsong', what's next:
... so-called cellular biology,
... so-called stem cell research,
... so-called human genome,
... so-called immunization science

Science isn't about 'wheeling and dealing' 'Morning'!!!

There can't be,

'... I'll take 'micro' today, but I don't feel like 'macro', so leave it out!!! ...',


And this comment about '... REAL CHRISTIANS...',
Coming from you, I'll act as if I hadn't read that!!!


I wouldn't know about your dreams 'morningsong' but certainly not EVER covered. Lots of dogmatic denying, but certainly not 'covered'!

But since I like you 'Morning', I'll give you a chance to re-formulate your thoughts, and post anew.

How's that'???

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Tue 02/17/09 12:23 PM

religion is going to evolve now huh.....ok

that's fine by me....because mine isn't about religion it's about a personal Relationship with the Lord & Savior...

We got it 'feral',

Sort of your own religion:
... The church of 'feral'!!!

Total membership: 1

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Tue 02/17/09 11:00 AM

Excellent book that you can learn a lot from. Not to be taken literally.

That '... one can learn from ...', if one so chooses,



That is what I get out of your comment, and I respect and salute that personal and legitimate context in which you cultivate your personal faith and beliefs.

In spite of the fact that the bible means little to me, I can assure you that I would defend your personal and legitimate right to your beliefs to the contrary.

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Tue 02/17/09 10:49 AM

What is reality?

Reality is when you don't get a weeks sleep because your child is crying in pain when she gets a new tooth.

I wish it was a bad dream, but it's not, it sure feels like reality to me!laugh

In the end am I relieved that my little one has her new tooth and can sleep in peace allowing me to sleep in peace also. drinker

Brand new 'little ones', with their crying, and 'new tooth', and 'poopy diapers', and all,


On the larger picture, the universal DNA keeps 'flashing' in and out of existence!!!

Belated congrats to the mother, and to you 'smiless'!!!

Well thank you very much kind sir as it truly is a blessing to sleep againlaugh

I will have one more shot of cognac in your name and to the wisdom you have humbly shared with us on reality:smile:

Courvoisier of course!!! :smile:

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 10:42 AM

What is reality?

Reality is when you don't get a weeks sleep because your child is crying in pain when she gets a new tooth.

I wish it was a bad dream, but it's not, it sure feels like reality to me!laugh

In the end am I relieved that my little one has her new tooth and can sleep in peace allowing me to sleep in peace also. drinker

Brand new 'little ones', with their crying, and 'new tooth', and 'poopy diapers', and all,


On the larger picture, the universal DNA keeps 'flashing' in and out of existence!!!

Belated congrats to the mother, and to you 'smiless'!!!

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Tue 02/17/09 10:03 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 10:18 AM

There may be a state of mind which enables us to touch upon all that we hold within.

Well, I only hope that after having read my above post, you realise that what you are calling "within" is not cut-and-dried.

ABSOLUTELY 'Abra'!!! (I knew I could count on you to articulate it infinitely better than I ever could; part of the unified particles theory!!! just flow!)

The 'WITHIN' has nothing to do with this 'separate' notion of the 'I', the ego, the FALSELY separated 'self', from the rest. The 'WITHIN' evoked, IS FREE of the 'self-aware' generated dimension of separation; falsehood of all falsehoods, whether you tackle it from the philosophical, scientific, or sociological angles.

The 'whithin' that I refer to, and that I suspect 'Abra' might be referring to here, is the very opposite perspective of this 'separate', 'island onto oneself', egocentric and false notion.

Abscence of 'separation',
... is very much what might very much 'be there' (already, always), from everything that science reveals,
... is very much what we would most likely 'experience' (theoretically speaking),

..if it weren't for our infamous 'self-aware' exclusive nature, which seperates, and thus bars us from such experience.

The idea of 'WITHIN', unraveled from the 'ego', PARADOXICALLY EMBODIES THE '... ONE WITH IT ALL...'; fully integrated notion of the unified theory.

Regardless of our neocortex's insistence to separate us from it all, with the very effective 'self-aware', and 'self-centric' exclusive generated illusion and falsehood where humans are cimented at the '... center of it all...',

... it may be that humans are nothing other than an insignificant ('cause the 'universe' does share this 'significance' concept with humans)...


or more accurately,


... perhaps simply '... flashing in and out of some sort of existence,
to the tune of the Atomic energetic reality within which we oscillate...'

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Tue 02/17/09 09:06 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 09:18 AM

One wonder's if Feral's question will be asked 50 years from today?

In the year 2059...

Will Christian's still have a huge following and those Christians who don't believe in Evolution have a greater following then they do today?

Will they convince Evolutionist's or others who deem uncertain that the Bible is the true calling?

Will those who don't believe in Evolution still believe the Bible is the closest history of how everything started?

Will there still be debates between Creationists and Evolutionists that argue or debate what is true or not?

In the end will it be important or will we repeat history and create the same chaos we humans always tend to do when two opposing sides disagree?

Will Christianity and its following denominations eventually go to the category (already is for some) Mythology and join the stories of Greek, Roman, Norse, and Celtic Mythologies?

Or will it gain popularity as poverty increases across the world and people clinge to the teachings of preachers??

I guess in the end one just has to wait and see as only few sit and actually find out for themselves through research and study.

Interesting questions 'smiless',

It is important to point out however, that the numbers would point in the direction of the 'extinction' of the 0,00267% of bible-innerrant-dogmatic-fundamentalists 'rear-view' of things 'evolution'. Right along our understanding of the 'survival of the fittest' of hte very theory they are revolting against.

Not long ago, a mere 150 years of recent history, the proportion of christians rejecting Darwins' new theory of evolution of the time, was nearly 100%.

Today, it is almost 100% of christians whom embrace the theory of evolution.

While the 0,00267% fundamentalists are very loud, shameless, and noisy, THE DIRECTION INDICATED BY THE NUMBERS IS AS CLEAR AS CAN BE!!!


Can a dedicated religious follower believe word by word on what the Bible teaches and still believe in Evolution?


Wouldn't this contradict itself?

Why do you suppose they are madly fighting for the survival of their dogma?!?!?

I hear often that the Catholic's or other Christian denomination of 98% believes in evolution, but ask yourself this: Do they truly believe in it?

Science has nothing to do with belief.

Many scientists are devout christians, and have no problem making the FAITH/FACT distinction.

A bit like different density water, IT IS NOT MEANT TO MIX, however hard or long you might swirl, and stir, and shake the two around!!!

The vast majority of christians have no problem 'living' their faith, while simultaneously 'thinking' the natural world from a 'Theory of evolution' perspective.

Bible-inerrancy-dogmatic-fundamentalism has no future IMO. It will remain a refuge for a loud, shameless, and 'rear-view' dogmatic few, just like you could still find 'flat-earthers' and 'intelligent-falling' (anti-gravity) fanatics if you looked hard today!!!

... That being said 'Jeannie', I personaly wouldn't be so quick to predict the same of the 99,997% of christians WHOSE FAITH ISN'T FOUNDED ON A LITTERAL WORD-FOR-WORD DOGMA BASED ON A BOOK.

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Tue 02/17/09 08:50 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 08:52 AM
This is truly an 'intellectually bankcrupt thread'!

A whole bunch of sad and shameless 'Obama' haters, writing way above their fair worth.

Regardless of your personal 'opinions' about the man, and whether you voted aganst him, or didn't vote at all,

... Barack Obama, born of the womb of an American citizen,




Futhermore, after less then a month in office, how can 'the man is an idiot' attitude have any credibility whatsover.

Raise the bar some.

Drop your shameless 'subjective opinions', and bail-out this intellectually bankcrupt thread!!!

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Tue 02/17/09 08:26 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 08:31 AM

One wonder's if Feral's question will be asked 50 years from today?

In the year 2059...

Will Christian's still have a huge following and those Christians who don't believe in Evolution have a greater following then they do today?

Will they convince Evolutionist's or others who deem uncertain that the Bible is the true calling?

Will those who don't believe in Evolution still believe the Bible is the closest history of how everything started?

Will there still be debates between Creationists and Evolutionists that argue or debate what is true or not?

In the end will it be important or will we repeat history and create the same chaos we humans always tend to do when two opposing sides disagree?

Will Christianity and its following denominations eventually go to the category (already is for some) Mythology and join the stories of Greek, Roman, Norse, and Celtic Mythologies?

Or will it gain popularity as poverty increases across the world and people clinge to the teachings of preachers??

I guess in the end one just has to wait and see as only few sit and actually find out for themselves through research and study.

Interesting questions 'smiless',

It is important to point out however, that the numbers would reveal a clear direction towards 'extinction' of the 0,00267% of bible-innerrant-dogmatic-fundamentalists 'rear-view' of 'evolution'.
Right along our understanding of the 'survival of the fittest', from the very theory the fundamentalists are fighting, for the survival of their bible-inerrant-dogma.

It is important to note that a mere 150 years of recent history ago, the proportion of christians rejecting Darwins' new theory of evolution of the time, was nearly 100%.

Today, it is almost 100% of christians whom embrace the theory of evolution.

While the 0,00267% fundamentalists are very loud, shameless, and noisy, THE DIRECTION INDICATED BY THE NUMBERS IS AS CLEAR AS CAN BE!!!


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Tue 02/17/09 07:32 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 07:33 AM

Again a little reaching with those pics....At least again no one I know would want to be anyone else's those that do shame on them. Just like with all different groups of people you have bad or good...and who is at fault for lumping all the "Christians" together.....

The christians that do not believe evolution.


That's the craziest of 'fundies' movement. A tiny (family sourced) 'baptist' sect.

Pretty sure it is the same sect that Michael Moore's 'GAYMOBILE' chased all over the US in an attempt to expose the bigotry and 'backass' attitude!!!

Again 'feral', you are misreading!!!


It is the exact opposite!!!

99.997% of all christians of the planet ARE NOT LUMPED!!!


Only the 'bible-inerrancy-dogmatic-fundamentalists', constituting 0,00267% of planetary christians, are a real shameful agent of the human race, as depicted above.

Again, 99,997% of all christians, NOT LUMPED.


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Tue 02/17/09 07:14 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 07:23 AM


Consciousness... another of those multi-purpose terms...laugh

Can your definition be fulfilled without being self-aware?

I find that consciousness and awareness are not the same thing. Animals can be aware via perception and respond via instinct without ever knowing that they are doing this.

They do not know that they are perceiving and responding, they just are.

To be aware that you perceive, think, and know is to have consciousness.


Interesting approach! The metaphysical aspect is quite obvious. I wonder of this though. I understand that this is an attempt to equate consciousness to some higher level of functioning or existence, but what makes it(your approach) any different from any other faith?

I think that self-awareness is consciousness with all of it's constituents...


Well 'creative',

Close, except that where I write and think from, is the exact opposite!!!

I stated and state again that 'consciousness' is this human fabrication of the 'holy grail'!!! It is a concept of unaccessibility totally made up by the most imperfect 'self-thinking' machines we are, and no different from the 'god(s)' concept.

I don't seek that which I can't access. No faith required on my side (check out 'What's reality' on the GR forum).

On the other hand, substituting unconsciously, the 'god(s)' concept for the 'consciousness Holy Grail' concept, leaves you exactly in the same dogmatic spot; lots of faith required for those whom feel that they might be something other than circular 'self-conscious', 'self-aware' machines.

Seeking to define or reach the Holy Grail of Consciousness requires faith.
Devoting one's life to the sorting out of one's self-aware or self-conscious illusions, contradictions and delusions, would be anything and everything but based on faith!!!

(check out 'What's reality' (page 6 or 7), it might support a better understanding of the 'opposite' view you seem to shed here)

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Tue 02/17/09 05:54 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 06:54 AM

Hmm, let me see if I understand this. You have made up your mind that the brain cannot be the source of imagination, and consciousness, yet I am the one that is closed minded. lol.

Don't get me wrong, I have considered that option and then rejected it. The brain is a biological computer through which thought is organized and processed and imagination and consciousness is manifested or channeled, but the source of it?

I doubt that very much. huh

It's not that I want to believe otherwise, I just feel that is not the case. I have a deeper sense of what I am and I am quite certain I am more than a brain. Really. Its hard to explain that, but I have had experiences that lead me to believe these things. Experience is my best authority.

Excerpt from 'jeannie's post above:

'... Its hard to explain that, but I have had experiences that lead me to believe these things. Experience is my best authority...'

Hey 'jeannie',

Don't turn 'feral' on us now!!! (just kidding!!!)

Actually I partly agree, and partly disagree with statements of your post.

IMO, we probably are no more than this most imperfect (perfectible maybe over billions of years) 'self-aware-meaning-making-thing' which our neo cortex generates. Just saying this based on the current evidence.

However, when you point to the source, well now we're talking. Doesn't change our very limited 'self-aware' exclusive status mind you, but ...

... it opens up a whole other 'connection'!!!

Neuro Thermal Imaging has clearly demonstrated one of the most fascinating distinctions about the whole understanding of the 'brain' thing.

Activity, as measured through thermal imaging of different sectors of the brain, catching electro-thermic synapses activty, and the bits of information generated, came out as follows :

reptilian part of the brain, vital functions: breathing, etc., instinct: fight or flight reactions,
.. and lymbic areas of the brain,
would be bombarded with 400 billion bits of information second!!!

The neo cortex, or lower-frontal lobe, only treats 2 000 bits second, an insignificant fraction of that which 'percolates up' from the 'lower brains'.

2 000 bits second of non-stop treatment, while quite a mass of info, is an absurdly small portion of the 400billion generated every second by the 'lower brains', which we unconsciously and subconsciously 'feel', and yet can't grasp, eventhough it is all happening WITHIN.

So, two hypothesis' here:

The 2 000 bits/second (neocortex) self-awareness vs the 400billion bits/second (lower brains) subconcious and unconscious activity, is enough to create within our own 'self-aware-experience' this whole 'self' generated world of intuition, dreams, half sense of 'connectedness'.

the source of the 400billion bits IS NOT our own brain. Eventhough there is a lot of interesting hypothesis' around touching with the Quantum field and particle (energy) flow, no one has an answer for the source as of now. Observed activity within, but no answers on the source.

So, I don't have an answer for it either, but I agree that the source of that stuff (400 billion bits),
... eventhough WE may be nothing other than JUST the product of our imperfect 'self-aware' brain,

So, before the fundamentalists claim it for their 'god' - I.D. - BS camp, I'd rather think that 'Abra' could articulate better than I ever could, that this 400billion bits of brain activity, is nothing other than the product of some sort of continuous wave or 'Quantum Flow', what the heck!!! within the infamous unified Q. field that we are wholly, eventhough unconsciously, part of !!!

Very nice response! I lean towards the second hypothesis.

(As for turning 'feral' on you, that thought actually did cross my mind when I wrote that. :wink: laugh )

But I have thought about my experiences over a few years and as I piece together my 'world view' or philosophy I am at the point where I attribute them to my (or the) subconscious mind which would be the 400billion bits/second (lower brains) subconcious and/or unconscious activity.

I believe it is an energy field that operates both as a personal 'higher mind' and is within (or connected to) a massive network or collective mind.

It's the closest thing to 'God' I can imagine, but it is not actually 'God' but more of the mind of 'God' or a massive collective network of energy and information. I am thinking that it is a flat two dimensional surface that projects a holographic multi-dimensional world.

That's my current wild idea.

'Jeannie', you opened with:

Very nice response! I lean towards the second hypothesis.

Actually the two hypothesises are profoundly linked, complimentary, non-exclusive.

Your abilility to be aware of anything is generated by the 'neo cortex frontal lobe' part of the brain. The 2 000 bits/seconds 'machine'.

Yet, the whole 400billion bits percolates up, if you will, as though it was knocking at the door of the neo cortex without being allowed in.
If you were at the door of the 'full house' neo cortex 'cafe', and the owner asked you
'... what's out there?...',
you would answer:
'... I don't know exactly, but it's something BIG!!!...'

The '... NOT KNOWING...' combined with '...BIG...' creates all of its own a 'FEAR OF NOT KNOWING' (fight-flight), that we compulsively seek to understand and '...KNOW...' the unknowable, thus the human creation of te concept 'god(s), theist, etc.'

And thus it is with the coexistence between 'unconcsious/subconscious' and 'conscious' (rationaly treated bits) of info.

It is all WITHIN.

The disproportionately inferior 'treating capability' of the neocortex, to the massive amount of information bombarded from 'lower brains', gives us the vivid impression that it is OUTSIDE OF US!!! (a phenomenon very similar to the visual cortex, giving us the impression that what we see IS out there!!!

... AND YET, ALL POINTS TO IT ALL BEING WITHIN!!! including, paradoxically, or quantum physically viewed, the source itself!!!

Ponder that for a while!!!

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Mon 02/16/09 07:11 PM

I'm a christian and the other christians i know aren't that way. nothing wrong with evolution. whether i agree with something or not...or have no opinion....i'm not going to sit in judgement for other peoples beliefs. not all christians are that way...maybe the ones you know but that's a drop in the bucket.

and those pictures....i would never do that. i can't tell someone they are going to hell or not

Again 'Yellowrose',

You might as well not call them christians, they account for 0,00267% of them all, and YOU ARE NOT IN THAT 'SELECT SECT' right along with 99,997% of all other christians of the planet.

What would be interesting is that you join us in categorically denouncing these delusional, fanatical lunatics giving not just christians, BUT ALL AMERICA A REAL BAD NAME!!!

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 07:06 PM

The christians that do not believe evolution.


That's the craziest of 'fundies' movement. A tiny (family sourced) 'baptist' sect.

Pretty sure it is the same sect that Michael Moore's 'GAYMOBILE' chased all over the US in an attempt to expose the bigotry and 'backass' attitude!!!

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:58 PM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 02/16/09 07:00 PM

Who's posting the pics of my ex-wife?

Quite the babe 'TB' !!!

Why on earth would you have ever let her slip away, ... we shall never know!!!

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:50 PM

0,00267%... Is that an exact figure?

Seems like the other 99,997% of Christians who are NOT threatened by the evolutionary theory happen to be the silent majority!

That's exactly the point MahanMahan.

And yes it is as exact as current stats provide.


Sort of a LOUD, extremely WELL FUNDED, tiny proportion of the christian worldwide community.

Think of it,

Christians embracing evolution:
Catholics, Anglicans, all Orthodox, and most Protestants.

That leaves twelve evangelical-fundamentalists, probably all on these forums!!!

And the silent majority remains silent because they have always been, and because the 'fundies' do all kinds of other dirty work for it.

Evolution isn't the only 'christian' fight.

Let's not forget
... the 'baby killers' crusade,
... the 'immoral gay life style' crusade,
... the all against 'stem cellers' crusade,
... and the list goes on.

So fundies are the convenient, if embarrassing christian 'goons'!!!