I think starbucks is a good place to hangout and get to know someone.
In the summer, I like hanging out by the river in the harbors because it's fairly quiet and a relaxing place. |
Have you ever had a Stalker?
I've had one. Still do every now and then but he's a harmless one. Annoying also. He's a pretty boy. We dated for a very short time about two years ago. We had no time to really know each other before he messed everything up. I refused to give him a second chance. So he started driving past my house, blowing up my phone, emailing me constantly. He was relentless. When I blocked his number he'd call from other numbers. Thank god he finally lost my number. The cops would never do anything because he was not technically stalking or threatening me. They told me to just block his numbers. The extra stress has decreased a lot but every once in a blue moon he finds me online somewhere ... some day he'll just accept that there's never going to be an "us."
Why Why Why
I don't have just walls. First there's a spewing pit of fire and then a wall of ice that is surrounded by barbed wire, and a crown of thorns. The wall is guarded by pit bulls and wolves. It's not as harsh as it sounds. I'm just more alert to red flags. When people continually deceive you, trick you and take advantage of your good nature, you eventually learn that trust is earned not given or awarded to just anyone. You also learn how to protect yourself better. It's a defense mechanism. Mine was unintentionally built because i was sick and tired of going through the same old shite of people not showing their true colors until 8 months later. ![]() hope they receive their deserved karma in the end wolfie!! ![]() You bet ya! |
Almost doesn't count :D
Why Why Why
I don't have just walls. First there's a spewing pit of fire and then a wall of ice that is surrounded by barbed wire, and a crown of thorns. The wall is guarded by pit bulls and wolves.
It's not as harsh as it sounds. I'm just more alert to red flags. When people continually deceive you, trick you and take advantage of your good nature, you eventually learn that trust is earned not given or awarded to just anyone. You also learn how to protect yourself better. It's a defense mechanism. Mine was unintentionally built because i was sick and tired of going through the same old shite of people not showing their true colors until 8 months later. |
Criminal Minds Rant
I don't think Reid will go anywhere. Without him, the show is nothing in a sense. He is the genius who has an awesome talent of analyzing people's behavior and predicting their actions. I agree. I just hope they bring JJ back. me too, but I have a feeling that isn't happening. Why? A character is usually eliminated because of events happening in the actor's/actress's life. That is something I have noticed. I have also noticed that sometimes they want to be paid more, and when that idea is rejected they demand to be resigned from the show or however it goes. But once a character is eliminated a lot of times they don't return. |
He's trained, but he's temperamental. Always has been. Now a days he listens when he wants too. I use water on him when he's really annoying me. All I have to do is turn the kitchen sink on and stare at him and he takes off. He likes pawing water, but he hates having it thrown on him.
Mine does that. he tries to knock pictures off of walls though. He shreds my shower curtains a little at a time. He's gone through the blinds on my windows so many times that I have pieces of the blinds missing from bending too much. He paws my face while I'm sleeping. I jinxed him when I named him Khaos. Oh well. He's my life saver though.
Mine understands sit and lay down. He even plays fetch every now and then. Identity crisis? He yells at me all the time too. I can talk to him and he'll talk back every single time. It's like a conversation. |
ha. Cute. wish my cat wasn't high maintenance.
Mine gets bored of toys easily. I constantly have to go out and buy him more of his fav kind of toys so he stops torturing me so much.
Good luck. Hope that works. |
thick, fat, plus size?
Don't feel bad. My doctor has constantly told me I'm overweight -- beginning when I was a pre-teen. I'm 5 ft 8 now and according to him and the government I should weigh no more than 180 .. and even that number is pushing it.
I stopped listening to people long ago. I eat as healthy as I can and I make a point to get at least 30-60 mins of cardio and weights in as exercise. If I lose weight, great (would make me happy of course). I'm really just trying to prevent gaining anything more as weight issues among diabetes runs in my family. Years ago, skinny skinny was all the rage. But nowadays I am seeing more men that are attracted to women with some form of meat on them. They say skinny is a turn off. There's someone for everyone and I firmly believe in that. I found that you have to learn to accept yourself completely to really realize that being skinny or thin doesn't matter. |
Edited by
Fri 11/19/10 07:51 PM
I use to have that problem until i discovered catnip in a spray. Whenever he was becoming an arse, I sprayed some catnip on his scratching post. He'd go nuts and torture himself only before settling down for the night. He's 5 years old and I still have to use that trick from time to time.
Maybe your cat is getting bored and needs some new toys or another way to expel extra energy. I know he's older, but it's still possible. |
Not sure ah? Join the club ![]() Oh yeah , Waz Up & Welcome really, Lucho? |
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left, I hope you always forgive, and you never regret, And you help somebody every chance you get |
"There comes a time in everyone's life
When all you can see are the years passing by And I have made up my mind that those days are gone" |
The Great Pitbull debate?
Myself I would not own one. I have my own reasons as a child and of a tragedy that happen with a family and the death of a small child due to one. But do I believe the whole breed is to blame no.... ![]() I do believe due to inbreeding and owners that these dogs should only be owned by certain people. I don't think those with small children should have them. But then I think most people with kids need to think twice about getting pets with smaller children. ![]() But of all the breeds to choose from, why the PB? Why? What makes this breed so attractive to people who buy and adopt them? Dude, if you knew a pit bull, well....you wouldn't have to ask then! You know why people want to adopt them? It's because they are so misunderstood as a breed. Just because several hundred dogs may have caused injuries and tragic accidents doesn't mean the whole breed should be labeled vicious. |
The Great Pitbull debate?
Pit bulls are actually sweet dogs. But they need to be treated with lots of respect. people who abuse them make them mean. And actually a lot of people tend to breed aggressive pit bulls for the sole purpose of producing an aggressive litter in which they can later use them for fighting. It's called breeding for certain traits.
A lot of pit bulls are bred horribly wrong nowadays simply because fighting dogs make a lot of money for their owners. That is not the dogs fault -- it is humanity's fault. That's not to say these dogs can't be saved. A lot of them are better off with owners who know pit bulls and how to handle them. Tragic accidents with pit bulls happen because people acquire these dogs without doing their research first. Never judge a book by its cover. never label a pit bull vicious simply because of its history. That isn't always the case. |
I have several: Poe, Frost, Emerson, and Amy Lowell is a new edition to my list.
very sweet, Aires.