Community > Posts By > Arcamedees
Does it ever get to you?
Wait, what? what what? |
I need a logical person to post here sometime...don't rational people use dating sites?, well, maybe not. Of course, you are included in your own bigoted views. The self-hating, bible-thumpin Atheist that you are. The best part is that us rational, logical people here don't share your distorted views.... I agree. I hate it when that happens... ![]() |
Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh? Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims... Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this: "atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results. "christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results. "jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results. "muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results. "buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results. So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care??? LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country. ~~~ In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do. After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested. ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really? Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely. I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol. We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can. I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL. ~~~ Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities... The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house. It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes. About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians. Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store. Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels? Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used. I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES. I don't have a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with adults dealing this drug to children and an out-of-control industry that markets to children. I also have a problem with politicians who take hush money from drug dealers... I never claimed that we can "stop kids from drinking" but we can do more to reduce it. Reducing it's use in kids WILL reduce almost all our social ills. Why do you have a problem with product safety and disclosure. Doesn't that fit as part of educating? Why don't schools teach about alcohol as they would crack? What's the difference in the long run? Nothing. ~~~ It's all just societal denial of the problem...another disease of our culture...especially when you cannot even get the thumper patrol on it. They remain narrow minded and ignorant. Like I expected ~~~ "MIA? WTF? Why no proof? Is it because those stats represent atheists? Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll claim all of those statistics represent bible-thumpin Atheist dope-heads! Coming from a bible-thumpin Atheist, it must be true. " The "stats" are from an AA org..a relgious based system for recovery, the sad part is they could not agree to appear with me at a THM because they're not supposed to engage in controversy. What color is the sky on your planet anyway? You don't have a problem w/ alcohol like muslim terrorists don't have a problem w/ Americans. The alcohol industry doesn't market to kids, as far as I've seen. But then again, it's been awhile since I've read a comicbook. As far as adults "dealing" alcohol to kids, I'm not too sure. However, I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner, regardless of age, the instances of alcoholism is much lower than in America. It's funny, in those places where the "mystery" of alcohol is not present, people, kids included, are much less likely to abuse said drug. If you have a problem w/ politicians taking hush money, you have a problem w/ all politicians. Can you name any politician that ever got elected that spent only their own money? No? Me neither. More's the pity. Only a blind naive fool would attribute the majority of societies ills to kids drinking. Seriously. Kids do stupid stuff. Bad kids do bad stupid stuff. A good kid that does stupid stuff will not necessarily become a bad adult. If your theory is that bad people are the result of drinking as a kid, why that's so proposterous I don't even know where to begin. I think it's much more likely that the majority of bad people are the result of bad parenting as a whole. If you think crack and alcohol are comparable, you really are a, how can I say this..., ignorant of some very basic facts. Like say, crack can be instantly addictable, can cause a heartattack everytime it is used, can cost you as much as a house. Where alcohol is not instantly addictable, generally, won't cause a heartattack, and generally won't have you robbing people to feed your addiction. While I have no love for religion, your attemps to attribute societal ills on religion via kids drinking is a fail. Religion does many bad things to be sure, however, of this "crime", it is innocent. |
Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh? Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims... Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this: "atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results. "christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results. "jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results. "muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results. "buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results. So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care??? This statistics won't work. So there may be more christians as a whole then the other beliefs. Find me some ratio's and then we'll talk. Ratios as in like 1 out of 5 muslims have the problem, 3 out of 7 buddhist, 3 out of 7 christians, and so on. That's like saying if there was 5,000 white people and 2,000 indians, and 2,000 whites drank but only 1,000 indians did the indians would obviousely drink less. Wrong, half of the idians would then drink. And so on. See how your statisics don't hold any tangible evidence of anything? holy crap. That's pretty smart, Cowboy. Way to go. ![]() |
Sayin' 'NO!' To 'O' ...
Auto Insurance and health insurance are 2 completely different things.
1. One does not have to drive. If one does not drive, one does not have to buy Auto insurance. 2. Auto insurance is there to protect you from the other guy, or vice versa. Health insurance is there to protect you. Part of the idea of freedom is that the government doesn't mandate how much one protects one's self. |
Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh? Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims... Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this: "atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results. "christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results. "jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results. "muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results. "buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results. So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care??? LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country. ~~~ In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do. After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested. ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really? Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely. I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol. We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can. I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL. ~~~ Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities... The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house. It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes. About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians. Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store. Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels? Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used. I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES. |
Then again perhaps a poster should debate the issues instead of feigning insult? I see very little here in regards to forming an opinion and then referencing to support that opinion. Makes one wonder why they respond at all. Maybe some reply out of guilt so I say if the insult fits then... “Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4. You're right, there is very little in regards to forming an opinion .I see posters using other's opinions as a means to degrade and try to insult Christians. Perhaps if there were some original thoughts to discuss instead of the closed-minded ramblings of a non-Christian, discussions would progress past the point of name-calling and bigotry. The issue? Well for one, you have no authority to judge anyone, regardless of what the Bible says. Second, cut-n-paste posts show originality has died, is that the opinion you were looking for? Bigot? LOL....BS, the things I posted in relation to facts about the drug alcohol are not "opinions", they are facts about that drug. I have referenced everything I've's not my fault that some have no clue as to what the NIH and NIMH are...and the "cut and paste" you refer to is from MY anti-teen drinking org site that is vetted, peer reviewed by some at the AMA and several local alcohol (and other drug) recovery centers. One director approached me after a speech I once gave and said, "You're right but you are just ahead of your time". I told him it's past time we dealt with the teen drinking epidemic. Strangely, there are two particular groups that oppose reforms, the AA (because they are taught they had no choice in being an addict) and politicians who get major contributions from the alcohol industry to not cut into their profits from selling to kids. You'd think these two groups would care about children's rights to grow up drug free. The thumpers surely don't care as well if they won't even follow their My original points's written in the bible that it's wrong to do drugs like alcohol yet the drunks here twist and lamely (I might add) try to justify their drug use using their little book, twisting by context that is cleary stated. If you drink wine or strong drink you are sinning. Weird that even when I do reach out and use the bible the followers are STILL blind to the words they are suppossed to live by. They obviously don't care since in this case they like their drugs and want to justify abusing them...even at the cost of our children's health and welfare. As I mentioned before alcohol play a part in most of our social ills...child and spousal abuse/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, poor I take it that the thumpers think their imaginary "god" approves of this drug? Really? Weird to say the least. “For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.[b/] What exactly have you got against teens getting f'ed up anyway? I did most of my drinking as a teen. Got it out of the way early in life. One is supposed to do stupid shi-et when one is a kid. I didn't go driving, I never got anyone pregnant, as far as I know, I was the only one who ever got "hurt" by my drinking. So what's the big deal? I'm in my 40's now and I haven't been falling down drunk in a decade or 2, more or less. I'm thinking if kids learn all about alcohol early in life, they'll get over it, so to speak, by the time they reach adulthood. Here's a real world solution. Let 'em drink. But make the penalty for endangering others' life while intoxicated DEATH. That's the thing tho~, you see the younger a person starts using this drug the more likely they will never be able to stop using it. A 15 year old who starts drinking is 5 times more likely to become addicted, may drop out of school and just be another junkie. And as far as learning about schools in the US do not teach that alcohol is yet another addictive teens (for that matter at age 8) "learn" about alcohol through ADs and peer pressures. It's presented to them as the socially acceptable drink. There are two ways of becoming addicted, one is a pre-disposition to alcoholism from their genetics, the other is by acquiring it. And it's really more of a mental defect/brain damage type of condition than a's a pretty heavy duty drug man. Would you object to a kid doing heroin at least...geez. Alcohol is a NARCOTIC type of drug. You need to attend a few open AA meetings and just listen. Meanwhile thumpers ignore their allowing alcohol to be pushed onto children? How moral IS that? When is Big God going to bitchslap Big Alcohol? Hummmm. Their book says it's pretty what's the matter with Christians and teen drinking epidemic issue? MIA? WTF? More selective reading in the bible again folks? Well I guess I was lucky I discovered alcohol at age 16. I drank like a fish, as they say, between 17 and 21. By the time I was 22, I was pretty much done w/ being drunk. I think the most I've had at any one time since then was 3 drinks per hour for 2 hours in a row. Twice. A single bottle of whiskey now lasts me about a year. However, if one looked at how much I drank between 19-21, one would think *I* was addicted. And yet, I just gave it up, being falling down drunk. You know why? I'll tell you. I had better things to do. I had adult responsibilities. I'm thinking if kids don't get that, screw 'em. I hate how our society coddles dumbasses. Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh? So..what...are you saying that peers are holding down people and forcing them to drink? I'm thinking pretty much everyone has a chance and a choice. If someone can't figure out that there's a time to party and a time to be responsible, at least by adulthood, screw 'em. Get 'em spade or neutered so they don't pass on those defective genes and then let 'em at it, so to speak. Sorry, morons pissith me off mightily. I want them out of my species. And I'm so damn tired of my rights being truncated and my taxes going up with the excuse being "FOR THE CHILDREN". Damn soapboxes... |
![]() Immigration Reform I'd like to see; Pass the SAVE ACT,Pass The CLEAR ACT,enforce the 14th amendment to stop IA's children from being born citizens since it was never intended for anyone except freed slaves. Also pass new regulations clamping down on USIC so they cannot grant TPS, deferred IA removal and other amnesty plots which usurps Congressional Authority. Last but not least make it a crime if States, Cities refuse to enforce Immigration laws enacted in 1986. Withhold Fed. Assistance to those who do not enforce the LAw. Make it a Felony to be in our country Illegally punished by a long sentence served in Sheriff Joe's tent city. Sign should be written in spanish. |
I would have to ask if any of these myths refer to what is good for u and what is not.. lets take the food laws.. Many ancient cultures drank blood and ate raw meat the bible forbids it. The law of blood.. It says life is in the blood.. we see this to be true and only recongonized in the last 40 or so years. The law of mold.. Everything that had mold on it had to be destroyed. just in recent years has scientists found how harmful exposure to mold over time in your house can be. And in the last century, they also found also found that penicillin, derived from a certain type of mold, had great antibiotic properties. Had Biblical 'laws' prevailed, a lot of people would have died early and miserable deaths and a complete chapter of history would have been written much differently. -Kerry O. And the humans who survived would've been stronger. Natural selection is a wonderful thing. If we let it work the way it's supposed to. Medicine--just one of the reasons humanity is doomed to extinction. |
Noticed the Sun Lately?
Is it just me or does sunlight seem dimmer than it used too? I know it's as hot as hell, but the sky always seems hazy to me and I don't remember the sky being hazy w/ extrememly high temps before.
Why we should ditch religion
if religion works for you,,,,keep it if not,,,, dont if spanking works for you,,,use it if not,,,,,dont if tattoos turn you on,,,get some if not,,,don't just wanted to share my epiphanies for the day,,,thanx ![]() Works for me. Unfortunatly, most people for whom religion works, won't keep it, to themselves. I've never known a woman who liked to be spanked that didn't have some deep rooted psychological malfunctions. Beyond my ability to accept. Same with tatoos. wait....what're we talking about again? LOL...that's their whole problem...they've pushed their religion so far for so long it's ruined about everything it touches. Their "good" is supposed to outweigh the likes if the Hitlers and the Dippics from our history. Egads, the religion and the damage done...and is STILL being done, see here how stupid religion has made so many's amazing we have this many dumbed down people... What do you believe evolution to be? ![]() I dont think that question is specific enough,, if they had asked do you think animals have evolved, they may have gotten one answer if they asked if humans came from apes,, yet another what does or doesnt fall under the topic of 'evolution' is not clearly understood by many and then there are those who believe some types evolved and others didnt,,(kind of like those who believe there is a creator but not the biblical God) I think the question is quite specific enough. Either evolution works or it doesn't. If it works, it works for all life everywhere. If that is not understood by someone, they're probably not going to believe that evolution is real. If it is, they probably will believe it is real. not really, there is a difference in the details,,,,similar to asking if one believes in the story of Jesus birth, some parts may be reconcilable and not others the same is true of evolution, if it includes big bang, thats not truly reconcilable, if it includes a more common sense explanation of things evolving to their environment , it holds more water I believe all species evolve , in the sense that they ADAPT to survive, I dont believe that evolution to be as DRASTIC as monkeys becoming humans or amoebas turning into monkeys,,,,, As I said, you either understand it or you don't. Obviously, you don't understand it. A 150 yrs ago or so, it was widely accepted that God made everything just the way they are. Now it is widely accepted that life adapts and changes. If one accepts that life adapts and changes, one must also accept that with enough adaptations you have a completely different species. In other words, if one accepts that MICROevolution is real, one must, or should, ask oneself how many MICROS does it take to get a MACROevolution. While it is somewhat accurate to say that amoebas turned into monkeys, although the are quite a few intervening steps inbetween, not to mention about 3 billion years, it is innaccurate to say monkeys turned into humans. Humans and monkeys shared a common ancester. and THAT is why the question was too broad,, I dont think Im alone in how well I 'understand' evolution. I believe men can take flight(jump) but I dont believe they can fly(attain extended periods in the air with no mechanism). I dont believe the bible said anything specifically about the physical malibility or adaptablity of humans or animals either. Many things in life come in varying degrees and with limits. I consider evolution to be one of those things. umm...WTF? |
Then again perhaps a poster should debate the issues instead of feigning insult? I see very little here in regards to forming an opinion and then referencing to support that opinion. Makes one wonder why they respond at all. Maybe some reply out of guilt so I say if the insult fits then... “Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4. You're right, there is very little in regards to forming an opinion .I see posters using other's opinions as a means to degrade and try to insult Christians. Perhaps if there were some original thoughts to discuss instead of the closed-minded ramblings of a non-Christian, discussions would progress past the point of name-calling and bigotry. The issue? Well for one, you have no authority to judge anyone, regardless of what the Bible says. Second, cut-n-paste posts show originality has died, is that the opinion you were looking for? Bigot? LOL....BS, the things I posted in relation to facts about the drug alcohol are not "opinions", they are facts about that drug. I have referenced everything I've's not my fault that some have no clue as to what the NIH and NIMH are...and the "cut and paste" you refer to is from MY anti-teen drinking org site that is vetted, peer reviewed by some at the AMA and several local alcohol (and other drug) recovery centers. One director approached me after a speech I once gave and said, "You're right but you are just ahead of your time". I told him it's past time we dealt with the teen drinking epidemic. Strangely, there are two particular groups that oppose reforms, the AA (because they are taught they had no choice in being an addict) and politicians who get major contributions from the alcohol industry to not cut into their profits from selling to kids. You'd think these two groups would care about children's rights to grow up drug free. The thumpers surely don't care as well if they won't even follow their My original points's written in the bible that it's wrong to do drugs like alcohol yet the drunks here twist and lamely (I might add) try to justify their drug use using their little book, twisting by context that is cleary stated. If you drink wine or strong drink you are sinning. Weird that even when I do reach out and use the bible the followers are STILL blind to the words they are suppossed to live by. They obviously don't care since in this case they like their drugs and want to justify abusing them...even at the cost of our children's health and welfare. As I mentioned before alcohol play a part in most of our social ills...child and spousal abuse/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, poor I take it that the thumpers think their imaginary "god" approves of this drug? Really? Weird to say the least. “For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.[b/] What exactly have you got against teens getting f'ed up anyway? I did most of my drinking as a teen. Got it out of the way early in life. One is supposed to do stupid shi-et when one is a kid. I didn't go driving, I never got anyone pregnant, as far as I know, I was the only one who ever got "hurt" by my drinking. So what's the big deal? I'm in my 40's now and I haven't been falling down drunk in a decade or 2, more or less. I'm thinking if kids learn all about alcohol early in life, they'll get over it, so to speak, by the time they reach adulthood. Here's a real world solution. Let 'em drink. But make the penalty for endangering others' life while intoxicated DEATH. That's the thing tho~, you see the younger a person starts using this drug the more likely they will never be able to stop using it. A 15 year old who starts drinking is 5 times more likely to become addicted, may drop out of school and just be another junkie. And as far as learning about schools in the US do not teach that alcohol is yet another addictive teens (for that matter at age 8) "learn" about alcohol through ADs and peer pressures. It's presented to them as the socially acceptable drink. There are two ways of becoming addicted, one is a pre-disposition to alcoholism from their genetics, the other is by acquiring it. And it's really more of a mental defect/brain damage type of condition than a's a pretty heavy duty drug man. Would you object to a kid doing heroin at least...geez. Alcohol is a NARCOTIC type of drug. You need to attend a few open AA meetings and just listen. Meanwhile thumpers ignore their allowing alcohol to be pushed onto children? How moral IS that? When is Big God going to bitchslap Big Alcohol? Hummmm. Their book says it's pretty what's the matter with Christians and teen drinking epidemic issue? MIA? WTF? More selective reading in the bible again folks? Well I guess I was lucky I discovered alcohol at age 16. I drank like a fish, as they say, between 17 and 21. By the time I was 22, I was pretty much done w/ being drunk. I think the most I've had at any one time since then was 3 drinks per hour for 2 hours in a row. Twice. A single bottle of whiskey now lasts me about a year. However, if one looked at how much I drank between 19-21, one would think *I* was addicted. And yet, I just gave it up, being falling down drunk. You know why? I'll tell you. I had better things to do. I had adult responsibilities. I'm thinking if kids don't get that, screw 'em. I hate how our society coddles dumbasses. |
Buy booze. I keep a bottle of whiskey handy. When society collapses completely and people are running and screaming in the streets, I plan on sitting on my porch, getting drunk, and watching the end of civilization.
I highly recommend keeping that book away from your children, or better yet just toss it in a burn barrel where it belongs. Spoken like a true religious zealot. This is indeed true. |
Then again perhaps a poster should debate the issues instead of feigning insult? I see very little here in regards to forming an opinion and then referencing to support that opinion. Makes one wonder why they respond at all. Maybe some reply out of guilt so I say if the insult fits then... “Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4. You're right, there is very little in regards to forming an opinion .I see posters using other's opinions as a means to degrade and try to insult Christians. Perhaps if there were some original thoughts to discuss instead of the closed-minded ramblings of a non-Christian, discussions would progress past the point of name-calling and bigotry. The issue? Well for one, you have no authority to judge anyone, regardless of what the Bible says. Second, cut-n-paste posts show originality has died, is that the opinion you were looking for? Bigot? LOL....BS, the things I posted in relation to facts about the drug alcohol are not "opinions", they are facts about that drug. I have referenced everything I've's not my fault that some have no clue as to what the NIH and NIMH are...and the "cut and paste" you refer to is from MY anti-teen drinking org site that is vetted, peer reviewed by some at the AMA and several local alcohol (and other drug) recovery centers. One director approached me after a speech I once gave and said, "You're right but you are just ahead of your time". I told him it's past time we dealt with the teen drinking epidemic. Strangely, there are two particular groups that oppose reforms, the AA (because they are taught they had no choice in being an addict) and politicians who get major contributions from the alcohol industry to not cut into their profits from selling to kids. You'd think these two groups would care about children's rights to grow up drug free. The thumpers surely don't care as well if they won't even follow their My original points's written in the bible that it's wrong to do drugs like alcohol yet the drunks here twist and lamely (I might add) try to justify their drug use using their little book, twisting by context that is cleary stated. If you drink wine or strong drink you are sinning. Weird that even when I do reach out and use the bible the followers are STILL blind to the words they are suppossed to live by. They obviously don't care since in this case they like their drugs and want to justify abusing them...even at the cost of our children's health and welfare. As I mentioned before alcohol play a part in most of our social ills...child and spousal abuse/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, poor I take it that the thumpers think their imaginary "god" approves of this drug? Really? Weird to say the least. “For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.[b/] What exactly have you got against teens getting f'ed up anyway? I did most of my drinking as a teen. Got it out of the way early in life. One is supposed to do stupid shi-et when one is a kid. I didn't go driving, I never got anyone pregnant, as far as I know, I was the only one who ever got "hurt" by my drinking. So what's the big deal? I'm in my 40's now and I haven't been falling down drunk in a decade or 2, more or less. I'm thinking if kids learn all about alcohol early in life, they'll get over it, so to speak, by the time they reach adulthood. Here's a real world solution. Let 'em drink. But make the penalty for endangering others' life while intoxicated DEATH. |
Im christian and I dont drink... I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit. If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do. Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here? Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary. exactly, that's what i was getting at with my post after this. We still have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. NO ONE is "damned" to hell for something they have done. There is always that chance if they stop, and seek forgiveness. Yep, I believe no matter what it is... its up to God... not for me to judge. Oops, did you know that the bible condemns Astrology too? It doesnt condemn astrology... its for God to judge, not you. As a humanist I will judge things by facts..FACT is that alcohol is a drug and plays a part in most all of our social ills. I live in a state that ranks #1 for child abuse deaths...#1 factor in that stat? ALCOHOL. Oklahoma also ranks 6th in spousal deaths..#1 factor? ALCOHOL...well, read the rest here and to those who are "bible people" then I ask WHY are your "values' so skewed? Really? Alcohol plays a part in: "50% of all battered wives" "85% of all homicides " "65% of all child abuse " "55% of all domestic arguments" "75% of all divorces " the rest here: Also, a CDC study in 2002 indicated that 50% of all unwanted pregnancies (mostly teen) involved alcohol use. So while my state spends time passing anti-abortion bills (which are always overturned due to their violating the Constitution) they completely ignore the teen drinking this red "values" state the Christians IGNORE the teen drinking epidemic. NOT one ounce of prevention? And since another study shows that 50% of the parents are the ones GIVING alcohol to their kids...then WOW huh? How many of those parents are Christians? In Oklahoma you can bet MOST of them. IF only the Christians would read their own bible and stop drinking then we can reduce these ills....oh yeah Jesus turned water into forget about it...keep beating your wives and kids in the name of Jesus Juice! PS: According to the NIH and the NIMH both say that women should have no more then 1.5 ounces of alcohol in a 24 hour period (men 3.0)...anything over that is: wait for it. wait for it. DRUG ABUSE! As in what DOPE HEADS do...abuse if you want to lamely reply to defend your drug abuse don't bother, facts are facts, you drink that crap then you are a dope head...and going to CHEERS! The trouble w/ statistics is that they can be made to show nearly anything. And they very rarely show the whole story. For instance, I bet nearly all those bad people wore shoes too. So, should we start banning shoes now? I would be willing to bet that most people who are, as you say, dope heads, don't do really bad things. Even in Oklahoma. |
Im christian and I dont drink... I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit. If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do. Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here? Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary. If you ever find something that works well with quitting i ask that you please tell me, i'm trying to quit myself. It's the hardest thing i've been faced with. Oh, and vagina worked for me. I dated a non-smoker for a while. I had a choice at the time, quit smoking or no get vagina. Vagina trumps cigarettes everytime. |
Im christian and I dont drink... I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit. If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do. Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here? Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary. If you ever find something that works well with quitting i ask that you please tell me, i'm trying to quit myself. It's the hardest thing i've been faced with. Shouldn't God be helping you with that? I mean, if you really believe in God, shouldn't you be able to quit just like that {snap} with God's help? In any case, why would you want to quit? If smoking shortens your life, and you believe you'll be in paradise when you die, wouldn't it be a better idea to smoke MORE so you'll get there faster? |
Im christian and I dont drink... I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit. If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do. Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here? Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary. exactly, that's what i was getting at with my post after this. We still have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. NO ONE is "damned" to hell for something they have done. There is always that chance if they stop, and seek forgiveness. Yep, I believe no matter what it is... its up to God... not for me to judge. Good to know that someone could rob, rape, or murder and you'd be cool with that.... ![]() |
Im christian and I dont drink... I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit. If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do. Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here? Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary. exactly, that's what i was getting at with my post after this. We still have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. NO ONE is "damned" to hell for something they have done. There is always that chance if they stop, and seek forgiveness. Which is why so many "good" christians do so many bad things all week long, but "seek forgiveness" on Sunday. |