Community > Posts By > sweetcheeks1956

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Thu 06/04/09 07:14 PM
His loss girlfriend. I think that is awesome what you do and maybe he knew he wasn't in your league. Better to find out right away then waste time on a lost cause. Then it's more than texting you lose it is your precious time.:thumbsup:
I think IndnPrnc might have something there. Dont you hate that, what are you wearing? Are you in bed? etc.etc.

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Thu 06/04/09 06:39 PM
Kiteman I am new and I try to post and get involved but I am sometimes overlooked also but I know that there are people posting as I am posting and some of these people have known each other for a couple years. You say you want to help people but all I see on all your posts, is about you and how you have no friends, you say you want to be helpful so be helpfull and get off the pity pot. You have gotten more sympathy from this thread and your still boo hooing about no friends. Come on dude, you have friends open your eyes.

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Thu 06/04/09 05:26 PM
I think confidence is a very strong trait. Both sexes like that in a person don't they? Most beautiful people tend to only have that going for them as they don't have to develop any other skills but since most men are visual as long as the trophy is on their arm they are happy. Not all men.......but a lot of men. I don't need a trophy I just want a real man that can be kind and loving but that I can also respect and won't be a sap. And like someone else said nice does sometimes turn people off.

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:40 PM
I know for me a man that is rugged and sure of himself and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty are much more of a turn on than a pretty boy. Everyone on the internet is nice, has a great scense of humor, blah blah. I want a nice man but I don't want a whimp. Just me.smokin

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:30 PM
Scratch that previous statement I made. lol. Not sure if it's alive, dead, or on hold. But all I can say is.................. next>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>frustrated what oops slaphead

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Wed 06/03/09 07:57 PM
Well alive is good unless they start talking to much lol pitchfork
Have to see how it progresses, but it is good so far.ManOfewwords, good luck.waving

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Wed 06/03/09 01:04 AM
I think I might have found a live one more info as it becomes available. lol. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: smitten
Sweetcheeks aka Kandybiggrin

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sun 05/31/09 02:59 PM

i think people who make statements like,"all men are b@stards." and "all women are b!tches." are destined to be alone and lonely. if you don't open your mind,your heart will never follow. be seeing you

I think men can be pigs at times and woman can be b!tches at times, but there is a difference between sometime and all the time. We all have our moments. And this woman isn't easily offended. I usually do the offending.happy

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sun 05/31/09 02:47 PM
Aw I am so sorry. Pet lovers understand how important and dear to your heart these special friends are. flowerforyou

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sun 05/31/09 02:31 PM

As for not knowing what hes doing when u arent there..thats on YOU. You either choose to trust someone (whether they live next door to you or thousands of miles away)or you dont. I;ve found in life its much easier to trust until you have reason not to. Thats what I expect from my relationships certainly.
Mistrust is actually your problem, not his unless or until he does something to warrent ur mistrust, Until then, u have to trust him or u have absolutly no trust.

Furthermore, a cheater is a cheater it doesnt matter how much u r able to keep an eye on him, if he wants fresh meat, hes gonna find it, whether u like next to him, with him or thousands of miles away.

Wow that is the truth, it is not only the long distance relationships it's also these dating sites, they are so addictive and in the real world you don't really know what a person is doing but on these sites people can see the last time you were on if you make a new friend etc. So I guess it is just a trust thing.

No one has ever answered what the leper thread is.....what

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sun 05/31/09 11:48 AM

Auburngirl and Papersmile both stated it perfectly. You can't argue with that kind of logic.

So what about what me and quiet said? What are we, chopped liver?

arsekisser! haha
That is awesome that it is working and the best of luck. I say cyber it is just my lingo. For me it is very hard to feel the connection online but maybe just haven't found the right fit yet. And what do you guys mean about the leper thread?????

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sun 05/31/09 11:43 AM

Oh and the real reason for posting, I set my eyes on him and just stare and listen to his every word like he is the smartest man in the world, then i slide my hand up his leg to his crotch works every time.devil

And if a man were to do this to a woman, he'd get his ass in a sling. whoa

Try me.

same here Auburn girl bring it on lol.

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sat 05/30/09 11:23 PM
Edited by sweetcheeks1956 on Sat 05/30/09 11:24 PM
This dude can not be for real. Please tell me he is kidding around. Oh and the real reason for posting, I set my eyes on him and just stare and listen to his every word like he is the smartest man in the world, then i slide my hand up his leg to his crotch works every time.devil

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:44 PM

Pen pallaugh


sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:35 PM
Ty Txs Sun

I hope things work out with you and your mystery man. :heart:

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:31 PM

i thought i was still in a relationship it was great. she alway's said she love me and i fell in love with her. she live's in another country we mere together in person when i came back home a few moths later she changed she said she had to go to rehab. she said she would stay in touch and contact me soon that was 11 week's ago never heard back from her no email nothing' i don't know what happend i have been hurting every day.tears frustrated

I'm so sorry to hear that communication would have been nice at least an explanation. You are probably better off but I know that doesn't ease your pain today. Good luck :wink:

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:27 PM

Honey, I did that for 8 years. Don't waste your life away with the "what ifs". It just took the perfect timing in my case. Not saying that I have anything to brag about at the moment, except I have realized a lot about myself.

Does it make it worth it to take the chance, yes it does. It may not be all I hope it to be, but it will be way worth the effort. flowerforyou

Age is nothing but a number.

Thank you for the advice I think I am scared because of losing my husband due to an accident. Maybe I am protecting myself from getting hurt. I am so glad I have started posting in the forums I love to read them and hear what others are writing about and I have met some really nice people on here so thanks.:thumbsup:

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:16 PM
Maybe I am so worried about the what ifs that I am not allowing myself to date at all. When I do talk to someone new it seems I talk about all the things wrong in my life so they know right up front. Or anything that could be a negative to someone in my age group. As I said in another topic I need to find a therapist and quick.frustrated

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sat 05/30/09 10:07 PM
I have had alot of chances to meet but I seem to get along best with the guys that live miles and miles away from me.Hmmmmmmmm you think it could me. I get talking to guys they give their phone numbers to me and then I never call but I am always saying how lonely I am Maybe I need to call my surprised

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Sat 05/30/09 09:54 PM
I have heard that they do and even have known people that have claimed to fall in love without ever meeting. But how does it work? How can you trust and believe what they are saying? I have emailed and talked on the phone with men from different states that are claiming they are willing to relocate but after a phone call or a couple emails it seems to fizzle. I know unless they are friends how do you find the romance and the spark online? Tell me something good or bad about your cyber romance please.flowerforyou