Community > Posts By > needsum12luv

needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 01:11 PM
Better than I did yesterday, hopefully not as good as I'll feel tomorrow

needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 12:58 PM

i'll stop hiding your keys if you stop short sheeting my doghouseflowerforyou

Will you stop taping my buns together, too?....:tongue:

if you stop shaking up my beer before you give it to megrumble

Only if you get back on your medication...ha!

I think this just might turn into hall sexting

needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 12:55 PM
Ever think about certain people that came into your life that made a huge impact. What if that person never came along, where do you think you'd be now?

needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 12:45 PM
Edited by needsum12luv on Wed 04/15/15 12:46 PM

You forgot phone sex.

What was I thinking, phone sex, yes definitely phone sex

"Tired of making love on the telephone, cause you're so far away from me"
Dire Straits

needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 10:58 AM

Well I am in a LDR and I am not sure if I know what sexting dang...
So I guess I don't do it...sad

what used to be called cyber sex. Now with apps like skype, yahoo and facebook where video and audio are available, I guess that still would be called cyber-sex vs. sexting.

needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 09:24 AM

thanks mel. i'm a firm believer that we are truly searching for our better half. the one who makes us more than we could ever be alone

When happiness of another person matters more to you than your own.


needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 08:38 AM

Sexting is fun. Especially when your phone is on vibrate...heehee



needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 08:31 AM
We all have sexual needs. Does sexting satisfy the need in a LDR. I think it pacifies the need, but it also helps you to be creative and bring newness to the sexual part of the relationship, so that the play acting helps you to perform better when you are physically together. I think it is certainly a way to build sexuality in each other more so than if you were trying to satisfy your needs on your own.

needsum12luv's photo
Wed 04/15/15 08:02 AM

just was out on the Veranda overlooking my 1/4 acre property and noticed two Robins, male and female (husband and wife) picking for nesting materials. The female (wife) flew off and like a good husband, the male soon followed. So what makes you a good husband/wife?

Do you follow, lead or walk side by side with your significant other.

Following, Leading AND walking side by side is ALL AN ABSOLUTE MUST to share in a good/great marriage IMO.
That in a nutshell is exactly what Our marriage was...sometimes He led, sometimes I led, MOST times We walked together. I can give you many, many, many examples from my 22 years of marriage, but one will suffice....He couldn't deal with our daughter when she turned into the whiny, somewhat demanding tween. He asked me why she was like that. she was no longer His cute, cuddly, love-you-always-Dad-little girl. She was "trying" her semi-teen/semi-adult attitudes like every other normal tween girl. He asked me questions and I answered them so when he did talk to her, he learned to have patience and actually TALK to her instead of assuming and getting angry like men in general have a tendency to do with things (females) they don't understand. flowerforyou
I was the one who couldn't handle the physical ailments, like when our son needed knee surgery and daughter needed over 100 stitches to fix the gash in her leg. He was the one to physically by their side, holding their hand and talking soothingly to them. I was the one outside making the phone calls to insurance, to grandparents and neighbors. LOL
:smile: happy bigsmile

Now this was the post I've been looking for. Nice job, perfect illustration. In most relationships there is usually one dominant person. I think the trick to longevity is equality. Each of you know more about some things than the other does, or are better equipped mentally or physically to deal with them. Relying on each others strengths is how we forge through problems in life. As illustrated here, The mother help the father understand more about his daughter. The Father took the reigns in times of crises. One or the other takes the lead when they are the most qualified. When you share that responsibility you build trust and you learn to swallow your ego when you give up control. IMO utilizing each others strengths is key to avoid one being more dominant over the other and I think that goes hand in hand in your personal conflicts with each other to compromise and equally strive for a resolution. Leading, following or standing side by side gives you both the feeling of purpose in the marriage and domination or pride doesn't stand in the way of good judgment.

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 06:33 PM
That's don't look chinese.........rofl old joke rofl rofl

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 05:25 PM

I was a freaking awesome husband..

... loyal faithful hardworking..
. attentive.. great communicator..
enjoyed housework.. and looking after the vehicles and landscaping..

... I was passionate... and very sexual..
.... I'm an awesome cook.. and I do the dishes as I'm cooking... I even lift up the burner plate and clean underneath ok I don't do laundry very
.. and I hate looking after the financial stuff..... which in hindsight..
probably not a good idea..lmao..

... but yes not to toot my own horn..
.. oh yeah I even like to

.. I was a ok husband..slaphead

Shhhhhh, don't give em any ideas.........geesh

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 04:47 PM

No. Good wife? You would have to ask my husband that.

Can we open it up to wives or when you were a wife/husband?


needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 04:13 PM
Edited by needsum12luv on Tue 04/14/15 04:47 PM
just was out on the Veranda overlooking my 1/4 acre property and noticed two Robins, male and female (husband and wife) picking for nesting materials. The female (wife) flew off and like a good husband, the male soon followed. So what makes you a good husband/wife?

Do you follow, lead or walk side by side with your significant other.

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 03:15 PM

at least somebody offered you some kind words...
they just tell me to get back into the corner.. and put my ball gag back

I don't believe that for a minute rofl

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 02:55 PM

So my big tip is to restructure your say you have did I ...
I structured my profile so that some of those questions were posed to the cross section of women I was attracted to....magically, I started to receive a lot of views...and a lot of was easy to discard the pretenders, they didn't address my questions...but the ones that did, meant that I could stop searching...but the mail kept coming....
So that's it...the rest is history...I found my other half....
So chill out...plenty of time yet...drinker

Thank you and see above

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 02:40 PM
Thanks to some incredible people, I'm back up and running

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 02:22 PM

You've got all these folks in your corner. Worth its weight in gold, partner. There are good and caring people in your life NOW. Just scroll back a little. Practice what they've done; move your focus onto others and how you can meet their needs. They've made you feel good, eased the stress some, given you hope, right? If you were to do the same, how different would your life be?

Best of luck and hold your head up, amigo.

Damn Scribbles, I just stopped crying. lol You almost got me going again. Yes, Thank you all you beautiful people you. A special thanks to one of you (to remain anonymous) for pulling me out of my grave last night. I believe that was the deepest depression I have ever been in. You let me vent, you actually listened and finally (because I was feelin' sorry for myself and I'm hard headed) help me realize where I truly was and turned me around. I can't say "Thank You" enough.

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 01:19 PM

All right, who F-ed with Sven, my Pool Boy? Give me her name! Let me at her!!! mad

Hang in there, S. It happens to everyone. Love is a battlefield. Keep avoiding those minefields. Stay cool. This is what I always say. You need to wade through a lot of muddy waters [actually I am being polite here. More like an outhouse] before you get to that field of daisies. Ok, I feel a poem coming on...

Roses are red
Violets are Blue
Sven looks hot in swim trunks
And you are just sore.

Ok, that didn't really rhyme. I will come back with a better poem later...

Lol, leave to you to make me smile........btw, if you want your job back at the Captain Ozzies Diner we need to clear up that it's 1:45 work and :15 break every 2 hours, not the other way around

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 11:00 AM

At one time or another, we all run, jump, trip, stumble, fall, and scrape a knee. And then we realize
getting to the finish line fast, is not important. It's all about the journey. When you meet the one
that gets through the callouses, you'll know it. Because it will scare the bejeesus outta you.
But it will be the sweetest fear you've ever felt.
Good luck, my mustache wielding brother.

awwwww that was very sweet pancho

and excellent advice :thumbsup:

I know it feels like way more than a scraped knee Needsum but you have to be thankful for just being here and breathing ......... take it easy


I'm trying, I truly am.

needsum12luv's photo
Tue 04/14/15 10:59 AM

At one time or another, we all run, jump, trip, stumble, fall, and scrape a knee. And then we realize
getting to the finish line fast, is not important. It's all about the journey. When you meet the one
that gets through the callouses, you'll know it. Because it will scare the bejeesus outta you.
But it will be the sweetest fear you've ever felt.
Good luck, my mustache wielding brother.

thanks Panch

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