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What is BLM?
Teaching kids to riot and disrespectfully disrupting the events of others rather than sponsoring their own.... Isn't that just adding more to the problem? teaching kids to 'riot' or be 'disrespectful' aren't on the BLM agenda And yet, this is exactly what many BLM activists do. They teach kids that its okay to riot, that its an understandable expression of their frustration. I remember when the media consistently declared the tea party racist, and acted like 'being racist' was the entire motive for its existence. I looked into it, and there was very little racism being expressed by any tea party members. A very few bad apples were cherry picked and then lied about to making the tea party look like a racist organization. So way back in the beginning when conservatives said that BLM was racist and hateful I assumed they were doing the same thing - cherry picking a very few racist examples. I was wrong. It turns out that racism is part of the DNA of the movement. It isn't just a very few cherry picked examples, its found in their leadership in many parts of the country. Its the same thing with other values. The local leaders of BLM don't value facts, nor reason, nor honesty. They don't even value black lives. |
... I do know that encouraging police and their communities to have a better relationship with each other is not divisive or racist or "anti police ' as is so often the rebuttal of those who down the BLM movement That depends on what it means to have 'a better relationship with'. The SJW types and the race baiting types want to control that conversation from top to bottom, and push some radical and extreme agendas under the guise of 'have a better relationship with'. |
What is BLM?
those who are coopting are few, compared to the numbers who are not It doesn't really matter the relative numbers of this group when the vast majority of people who identify with the label bend over backwards to rationalize their indoctrination into the beliefs promoted by the thought leaders - does it? Do you remember that ignorant BLM man that was embarrassed by a 17 year old black republican teenager? He is one of the many who just blindly accepts the dogma and misinformation being spread by the few. The culture is dysfunctional. Its a culture based on peoples "lived experiences" - no matter how delusional those people may be - rather than the actual facts. Its a culture of hatred and bigotry. Its a culture of racism and collectivism. |
this is like asking battered women who want stronger laws against domestic abuse if they understand what it would be like without man anti violent husbands, is not anti man and anti police brutality, is not anti police Um, it looks to me like you are the one setting up false equivalences here. I'm talking about the huge number of people who have zero appreciation for the police. Not as an institution, nor as a collection of individuals. I'm not saying this is true of every single BLM activist; only that its an attitude that is unfortunately too common among BLM activists. It is (some of) the BLM activists who are making the leap from anti-police-brutality to being completely anti-police. If someone wants to lobby for improvements in police policies and conduct, that's great. But as a human being, they ought to start with a basic understanding of what the police are in fact doing for them. The police are worthy of our appreciation - especially for law abiding black people living in poverty stricken areas. |
Ode To The Welfare State
it was hardly free, I had to take time and 'check in' and I had to do 'work activities', all this is using my time and energy,, the two things that 'working' people are paid for and therefore said to be 'earning' I've known a lot of people on various kinds of support. Maybe its different where you are, but they only spent a few hours a week on these kinds of activities, tops. and in this univers 600 a month is hardly 'more than enough to surprise' with a child
Yeah, especially if you want to raise that child with a healthy diet and a safe environment. |
What is BLM?
The phrase “black lives matter” was born the night of July 13, 2013, when Alicia Garza, an Oakland-based community organizer, learned that George Zimmerman had been acquitted in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. ... This slogan was then co-opted over the last three years by race baiting profiteering activist leaders and an entire generation of irrational, racist millennials. theres been a new generation in three years ? Interesting What are you even talking about? There are two groups of people who have, together co-opted this slogan. Both did this co-opting over the last three years. One of those groups is an entire generation of irrational and racist millennials. |
If the keep killing all the cops.. who then is going to protect them.. who is going to come when they dial 911?.. and they will dial 911. I think there is a huge problem in this country with people not appreciating the police enough for the job that they do. I wonder how these people would feel if the police decided to take a week off. Sadly, I don't think that even experiencing how horrible it would be without police would lead to some of these people appreciating the police. Some people are so deep into their entitlement mentality that appreciation is an alien experience. |
What is BLM?
The phrase “black lives matter” was born the night of July 13, 2013, when Alicia Garza, an Oakland-based community organizer, learned that George Zimmerman had been acquitted in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. ... This slogan was then co-opted over the last three years by race baiting profiteering activist leaders and an entire generation of irrational, racist millennials. |
BLM Protest A Flop
I swear too many of these SJWs are into it just because they need a hobby, something to distract themselves from the misery of their existence.
Is Pokemon Go the answer??? |
Edited by
Tue 07/19/16 04:56 PM
but get so offended if black people have a gripe with the system? I've not met, heard from, nor read of a single person who is offended that black people have a gripe with the system. Actually, many of the anti-BLM people I know would actually agree with BLM activists, if not for the deluded pathological liars that dominate their movement, spreading hatred and bigotry. |
Come on people, we all know its white mans fault. SJWs tell me this every day. White man is the ones who brought them over here.
After buying them from Black african slave traders. BLM consists of a hell of a lot of white people too, I think it has to do with being seen, not being heard.
Yes, exactly. Black man has more rights than white man (affirmative action)
Yeah, black people have more structural, institutional privilege in the US than white people. But overall I still think everything else being equal white people still have it easier, because culture. Most of us want to balance the playing field completely, but these young SJWs instead want to punish white people. cuz he was black, he got shot cuz his girlfriend wouldn't shut up. Just listening to her made him confused enough to shot someone.
Interesting theory. |
BLM isn't about criminals,, they get their justice There is an organizer in the bay area by the name of Cat Brooks who has organized large protests on behalf of criminals. In Berkeley and Oakland, many BLM activists are criminals (of the arson, vandalism, and throwing-things-at-cops types) who go out to protest on behalf of violent criminals. |
Ode To The Welfare State
probably by some shmuck who had resources and networks to not need that type of assistance easy street for me amounted to 300 bucks a month for food and 300 a month cash yeah, the life of a queen that was ![]() I don't mean to criticize your choice to accept assistance, Ms. Harmony, but I take issue with your first line. It doesn't take networks to never need that kind of assistance. For most people, all it takes is taking full responsibility for your life, working hard, learning self restraint and financial responsibility, and some planning. Of course, if someone has some kind of rare genetic disease, or if is a victim of some unlikely and unforeseeable tragedy - that's a different story, I'm talking about most people. $600 a month isn't a lot, but $600 a month for FREE seems like a very large amount of money to me. Spending my days not working while getting more-than-enough-to-survive seems like easy street to me. |
Moon landings faked? Ha ha hah! One person keeps a secret, two might keep a secret, three or more may keep a secret - tens of thousands? Not a chance. Yes, its definite that the US went to the moon. There are so many things wrong with the moon landing conspiracy theories. |
there are parasites, that attach to legitimate causes and use them for illegitimate gains This is interesting. See, I actually agree with several points on the following platform: But who gets to define the 'real movement'? I judge the BLM movement based on the behavior and words of the people who say they are BLM activists. |
Edited by
Mon 07/11/16 07:01 PM
It seems that most BLM activists have no desire to make any improvement, they just want to cultivate hatred and intolerance. 'seems' is right, with no actual facts to back it up Its an obvious fact that many BLM activists seek to cultivate hatred and intolerance. I can't say 'definitely most' because I'm not aware of any polls, and I don't know how many people are silently participating in BLM activism. The overall rhetoric, however, which comes from BLM activists across the country (and in Canada as well) demonstrates how hateful and self absorbed the movement has become. but twitter, yeah, good name for most the posts I have read there,,,twits Many recognized leaders within the BLM movement use twitter. You can see the thoughts and feelings of the BLM leaders in their own words, uncensored and undistorted by journalists. people taking the time to participate in these vigils and protests however, 'seem' to me to be people that want to see something change
(Edited to add) The most frightening aspect of the BLM movement (and SJWs in general) is that there are well intentioned people who are being manipulated by the rhetoric and the belief systems of the thought leaders, and are wholly unaware of how they are participanting in making the world a uglier, more hateful place. |
Yes, black lives do matter.. so I suggest they stem the tide of black on black crime... thus stop killing their own. Seems like a good start.. a logical start. Most BLM activists who are active on twitter have NO interest in reducing black violence against black people. Worse, they are in denial of the basic facts. They insist that there is no issue here - that the stats are made up. Or they insist that black violence is a result of white racism. ![]() and there is no 'start' , there are many different areas for improvement and many different people and groups to address the simultaneously It seems that most BLM activists have no desire to make any improvement, they just want to cultivate hatred and intolerance. |
Edited by
Mon 07/11/16 06:36 PM
when we don't do what a cop says to do, we get shot just as quick...
Absolutely. Not too long after the ferguson fiasco, a white man decided to commit suicide by cop. He aggravated the police and waved an air gun at them, and they shot him dead. He had a note in his pocket saying he was sorry for being such a coward and traumatising the police, but that he wanted to die and wasn't willing to pull the trigger himself. I found this interesting because one of Michael Browns relatives commented on some suicidal thoughts that Michael Brown had been having before he forced the police to shoot him. Too many black people have a victim complex. They celebrate their perceived victimhood. They don't want to take any responsiblity for their lives, they just want to blame 'racism'. Its truly bizarre behavior in 2016. Generations of black people before them had lived through rather severe racism; black people in the USA today have more freedom, more rights, and more wealth than most people have had throughout all of human history. |
wanting to be treated equal is wanting to be treated equal not special other than that , not living in Toronto or being a part of their gay black community,,,, who am I to say if their grievances are accurate or a farce? Their greivances are a farce, all you have to do is read their own words. They are deeply brainwashed. Their entire community has embraced orwellian doublespeak that renders them unable to think critically. This kind of behavior is inevitable when large groups of people embrace the kind of victim-glorification which so many BLM supporters are engaged in. Its time that we all, as part of the larger culture, stop indulging them in their fantasies. |
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