Community > Posts By > massagetrade
I don't understand this post. What am I missing? My guess is that the OP is missing the letter 'S' in "loSt in space" ..and that he was listing two of his favorite things, to let people get to know him better: 1) Classic paintings and 2) Sci-fi series from the 60s |
Shallow Hal
Sucks to be him. All women with medium to large breasts are eventually going to get saggy - what's he going to do then?? Try to date young, small breasted women his whole life?
For his own sake I think he should learn to love mature ****. Anyone can do it, with time and exposure. |
Artificial Intelligence App
Edited by
Fri 05/20/16 03:00 PM
Cortana and Google Now are amazing products, and Allo seems like it'll take this farther. This is definitely the future. At the moment, we don't have the technology to put this kind of intelligence directly into our phones - we need to rely on servers and companies like Google to do it for us. So there is no way to have total privacy and also benefit from this kind of technology. In the future, though, they may be able to do all of this without relying on the servers, and we can have both privacy and amazing AI assistants. Fortunately, on Android users who buy the right devices are still in complete control over their privacy, and we won't need to use apps like this if we don't want to. huh... i hate the fact i CANNOT turn coratana off in win 10... Seriously? I've heard of MS making it impossible to completely remove some apps (apple, google, and most android manufacturers also do this ![]() But can't you at least disable it? |
Not really. In 1984, the government was deciding and then instructing everyone to speak a certain way. In this case, the selected form of address, is being set by the INDIVIDUAL, and others are being called upon to respect them as fellow, equal Americans (or in this case, New Yorkers), by following their preferences. Not remotely the same. Igor, you shall call me Mr. MassageTrade from now on, and third person shall be "he". No, wait.... you shall call me LiberalsAreStupidAmIRight MassageTrade from now on, and the third person shall be "imprisonAllLiberals" |
Thank you, Moe. At least someone is kind enough to respond an SOS! You mean like the link included in my post? ![]() Unfortunately, nothing could be done to salvage my files. The IPad must be restored bact to factory settings to function again. Total Loss! Among the files was my dad's birthday family photos. So sad ![]() ![]() That's really unfortunate. This is why I do not trust apple with my data. apple deleted a bunch of photos off of a friends phone during a routine update. apple's OS update process is so buggy and poorly designed, lots of people lose data during upgrades. And you know what all the apple lovers said to her? That she should have been using apple's photo service. No, its never apple's fault when apple destroys user's data. And just this week apple sent out another update which bricked some people's ipads. I really do believe that the best way to prevent these kinds of situations is to buy devices that put you in control of your own device. anyone can store everything on cloud, just for these reasons... and it's free, too... i back up my iphone to my computer, and i haven't lost a thing in at least 10 years... just saying, there are ways of doing things without the issues you presented here... goggle has a storage site as well as windows, mostly all cloud based... Yes, and some cloud providers even use high quality, modern security measures (2 factor auth, ip comparisons, user notification) keeping their user's account secure, and preventing the kind of embarrassing account breaches that happened to iCloud users last year. But when we do this, when we give our data over to google and apple etc, we lose control over our own data. Many people would prefer not to use this solution. And its never *really* free. The reason they give it away for free is because they get something of greater value from us in return by doing so. But how does this address the issue of apple deleting user's photos? Are we just going to say "If you use apple products, you should use apple's cloud, because otherwise apple will delete your photos?" To me that's a cop out. Users should be free to use cloud services if they want to, not out of fear that bugs from apple will steal their precious memories. I think the real solution here is for apple to deliver higher quality software and prevent the problem of deleting people's photos on OS updates. Some people really value both privacy and security, and staying away from cloud services (esp. buggy ones, or those with substandard security) is a good idea in that case. |
"The opposition has really picked up on bathrooms as a way to oppose trans people's rights without having to explicitly say so," Gill told ABC News today. "We need to stop fixating on bathrooms and start talking about larger issues, which have been made invisible by the opposition."
While I agree with the trans activist that maybe we should look at larger issues than bathrooms, its total BS to say that the 'opposition' is focused on bathrooms as proxy to "oppose trans people's rights". What?? I mean, which rights, exactly? The right to control other people's thoughts and speech? Because NOBODY I know wakes up in the morning and thinks: Jeez, we really got to stop trans people from having rights. And a lot of people are honestly weirded out by bathroom related issues. They are 'out to get' trans people. They just have opinions about who should be in what bathrooms - opinions which trans people want to steamroll right over. The paranoia in this statement is concerning. |
![]() |
Thank you, Moe. At least someone is kind enough to respond an SOS! You mean like the link included in my post? ![]() Unfortunately, nothing could be done to salvage my files. The IPad must be restored bact to factory settings to function again. Total Loss! Among the files was my dad's birthday family photos. So sad ![]() ![]() That's really unfortunate. This is why I do not trust apple with my data. apple deleted a bunch of photos off of a friends phone during a routine update. apple's OS update process is so buggy and poorly designed, lots of people lose data during upgrades. And you know what all the apple lovers said to her? That she should have been using apple's photo service. No, its never apple's fault when apple destroys user's data. And just this week apple sent out another update which bricked some people's ipads. I really do believe that the best way to prevent these kinds of situations is to buy devices that put you in control of your own device. |
Please advice how I can reactivate the iPad and safely retrieve my files. I have tried using iTunes but end up frustrated. I will be forever grateful if successful. This is one of many reasons I don't buy devices that don't have SD cards, or at least allow me to connect a USB cable and control the device with a computer. Its too easy for things to get screwed up in a way that leaves you totally dependent on the manufacturer. Some scammers exploited this years ago and held iOS users hostage - demanding payment to give the owner power over their iOS device again. Hopefully this will help you: |
iPad side view
How do I change the setting from portrait to landscape. The app doesn't turn on side when I'm using my keyboard. On my tablet all I do is swipe down from the top, and the setting is right there - immediately visible and easy to find. with iPads, however, you may have to look for a hardware switch on the side: |
Artificial Intelligence App
Cortana and Google Now are amazing products, and Allo seems like it'll take this farther. This is definitely the future.
At the moment, we don't have the technology to put this kind of intelligence directly into our phones - we need to rely on servers and companies like Google to do it for us. So there is no way to have total privacy and also benefit from this kind of technology. In the future, though, they may be able to do all of this without relying on the servers, and we can have both privacy and amazing AI assistants. Fortunately, on Android users who buy the right devices are still in complete control over their privacy, and we won't need to use apps like this if we don't want to. |
i think igor is on hillarys payroll, paid to spread her lies... simple as that
Am I understanding correctly that its not a matter of you disagreeing strongly with the specific claims he made in that one post... ... but rather you being opposed to his overall position/goals, which you see as blatantly pro-Hillary? correct... a little to pro hillary, IMO.. Okay, I misunderstood, thank you for clarifying. |
I read Igor to say: If you want to take down Hillary, take her down with the _facts_. What if those facts get constantly swept under the rug? Powerful people abuse their positions. Loyal lemmings work tirelessly to promote their leaders' agendas. Life is unfair. I still think you get the best results in the long run if you try to stick to the facts. I'm not saying that you are _not_ doing so, I just didn't understand why you guys were responding the way you did to Igor's post, which seemed reasonable to me. What if two sets of "facts" are presented and you have to figure out the truth on your own? I know, right? And in this case, there are people motivated to lie and distort on all sides. One question I ask myself is "how easy would it be for this person to cover up a lie, and how much trouble would they get in if they are exposed?". Too often its very easy, and they wont' get in enough trouble. Usually a court of law is our best chance to find out the truth. Kind of like the O.J. you believe he is innocent just because Cochran proclaimed "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit"? Hell, no. Hands swell and change shape. The material of the glove can shrink over time. Not saying he was guilty, just saying that this lawyer succeeded in promoting a stupid slogan over careful reasoning. Hillary is the epitome of " career politician"...the utter poster child for what repubs AND dems have said they despise. And she has zero problem slinging mud herself.
All true. Check this out: There are actually many Bernie supporters that say they will vote for Trump for this very reason! If you think SHE would stick to so called facts,
ROFLMAO No, I think she asks herself "How much damage will I suffer if I'm caught in this lie." But I'd rather be on the side of people who want to find out the truth, not those that will say anything that serves their agenda, because their agenda is the 'right' one. (Which is why I brought BLM into the conversation, for comparison). As far as my posts...if you REALLY have to know...
Thanks. |
i think igor is on hillarys payroll, paid to spread her lies... simple as that
Am I understanding correctly that its not a matter of you disagreeing strongly with the specific claims he made in that one post... ... but rather you being opposed to his overall position/goals, which you see as blatantly pro-Hillary? |
Gamergate (and its aftermath) has brought a lot of people over to the right.
I see their comments on breitbart and on technology articles discussing their experience. 3rd wave feminists have achieved an incredible level of social power, while also becoming a bit insane - so its impossible to have a rational discussion with many of today's young feminists. (I say this as someone who *strongly* agrees with "feminism" as defined by webster's dictionary). Many people, especially many gamers, have watched this unfold and they found that the ONLY journalists who treated the topic reasonably were conservative journalists. Leftists journalists were fully immersed in groupthink. Inevitably, large numbers of young intelligent ex-liberals came to understand how leftist groupthink operates, and how harmful it is; and they became more sympathetic to conservative viewpoints, conservative journalists, websites, etc. |
If Hillary is even worse than some of us know, eventually we can be convinced by the facts. That will be the day! ![]() ![]() |
Why are you guys lobbing this criticism at Igor's post? He is not supporting Hillary, here. He is saying that over-stating one's case often backfires, and he is right about that. This is exactly what happened for many of us with BLM, for example. There are a LOT of people out there like me who care about racism and police violence; but understand that honesty and reason are necessary, more fundamental than fighting racism. We were instinctively sympathetic to the black lives matter movement until we learned that its built mostly on lies; so now we criticize BLM. If the BLM people made their case honestly, they would have a LOT more supporters. I do not like Hillary, do not trust the media, and I have not really investigated many of the claims made against her so I don't have a position on some of the accusations against her...however I have investigated enough to know that some conservatives have really lost their head at times in their eagerness to demonize her (just like BLM protesters are so eager to demonize the police). I think that in the end, sticking to the facts has the most power to sway the most people; and that's my take on Igor's post. The only thing I see as possibly controversial in Igor's post is: whether or not Benghazi is worth discussing. If Hillary is even worse than some of us know, eventually we can be convinced by the facts. maybe study who exactly is causing the disturbances at the rallies, repubs and dems... (hint - it's not the trump supporters) Liberals are scared of Trump, and they are furious (many because they believe lies told about him), and many are behaving like children. What does this have to do with my post or Igor's? I read Igor to say: If you want to take down Hillary, take her down with the _facts_. Overstating your case will alienate your audience and they will tune you out. I agree with that point. He seemed to also, *maybe*, be saying: "Benghazi isn't important." I would disagree; but I could be wrong. But what does any of that have to do with how terribly various supporters behave? |
People are delusional if they think Trump is a Republican, Who cares about what different people think makes for a "True Republican(tm)" or "True Democrat(tm)" anyway?? This kind of high-school pep-rally approach to politics is one of the things that's wrong with this country. The parties have radically changed their platforms in the past, and they'll do it again. Trumps rise may be a sign the time for this kind of re-arrangement has come. I think its great that Trump is disrupting the Repubs, and would also be happy if Bernie did more to disrupt the Dems. |
we all want to be right
I want to be wrong. |