Community > Posts By > massagetrade
Here is an article in support of this so called 'safe space', filled with the usual language: |
what have the monkey and pup got to do with it? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Nothing at all! I pasted the wrong text. I promise I'm not doing the animal version of a rick-roll. Here is the url for the original posting: |
Two white students were barred from a meeting of the Racialized Students’ Collective March 11.
First-year journalism students Trevor Hewitt and Julia Knope were told that because they were not victims of racialization, they were not allowed to stay in the meeting room and report on the event. The meeting took place in the second floor of the Oakham House. (Courtesy of Haaruun Dhubat/Ryersonian Staff) The meeting took place in the second floor of the Oakham House. (Courtesy of Haaruun Dhubat/Ryersonian Staff) Hewitt and Knope said they made eye contact with an unidentified person who appeared to be setting up for the event. They approached Hewitt and Knope and asked if they had ever been racialized. .... More here: |
Love relation
The good guys are either taken, gay or dead. Your words offensively suggest that being gay no longer makes you a good man. Too flippant. Are you joking? They were obviously saying that gay men were not potential partners. Which is just true, in that situation. If someone is offended by the truth, that's their problem. |
Not sure but I think catholics ARE christians. Fortunately I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket and I'm ugly as sin. Many self-described christians disagree. |
That was good. LOLed at the "actual ram" - in a sea of predictable culture slams that particular pun gave me comedy whiplash.
I love the 'epic rap battles' involving historical figures. |
You describe yourself as 'computer stupid'.
If all of this is strange or unfamiliar to you, then you should be careful. Many people have perfectly legal reasons for valuing their privacy and using Tor. But in the unlikely event that you are planning to use Tor for illegal purposes, you may not have the tech skills to use it properly. |
I have Ubuntu...and it's a little more complicated. What version of ubuntu are you using? Do this: Open the Terminal (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T) Enter the command lsb_release -a Hit return and copy-paste the result here. If you are on 14.04, then you will do this: You need to add the following entry in /etc/apt/sources.list or a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/: deb trusty main deb-src trusty main Then add the gpg key used to sign the packages by running the following commands at your command prompt: gpg --keyserver --recv 886DDD89 gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add - You can install it with the following commands: $ apt-get update $ apt-get install tor If you are not on 14.04, you will need to put something else in place of 'trusty' |
This thread is amazing.
Criticizing the President
It looks like you have resisted the tyranny of paragraph breaks.
Obama is a terrible president, he has not really done anything he said he was going to do before he got elected. his executive orders are way out of hand, immigration "reform" is a joke and obamacare is the biggest joke ever. funny if you go back before he was president he was on the ellen DeGeneres show saying his health care **** was optional, complete BS! it has nothing to do with color at all hes terrible, bush was terrible, Clinton had us in a surplus but people don't realize Clinton really wasn't that great of a president, theyre all crooks every single one of them. I swear the united states presidency is a revolving door for tyrants to come rule over us for 4 years at a time, that's what it seems. its really not obamas fault, theres people that tell him what to do, people need to wake up and realize there is a shadow government that rules this country and all other industrialized nations. u can say im a conspiracy theorist all you want, but it stops being a theory when theres more evidence to prove that its true! cops are running around shooting unarmed people every day,including little kids, and Obama wants to take OUR guns? why not take the guns from the killer cops and throw theyre *** in jail. Obama couldn't ban assault rifles, so now he is going to executive order a ban on assault rifle ammo... ppl wake up seriously stop worrying about kim Kardashian and all that other nonsense that doesn't mean anything, its purely there to distract you keep you occupied while good old gov. takes all your rights away in the name of "safety". ******** anyone who believes our government isn't corrupt needs a serious reality check, look at all the problems we have, and obamas out playing f****** golf every day, like r u f****** kidding me? were in massive debt, and yet Obama takes a 1 week vacation to Africa at the cost of 100,000,000 tax payer dollars... one hundred million for a 7 day trip to Africa? don't believe me look it up for yourself. he is destroying the very constitution this country was founded upon and all American people can f****** care about is new englands deflated footballs, like r u kidding me? its really gets under my skin how black people will stick by Obama no matter what he does and they will come up with the most ridiculous excuses to justify his ILLEGAL actions.. I am not racist at all one bit but like I said black people will stick by him no matter what he does. instead of playing golf his *** should be in court being tried for treason wit all these other corrupt bastards. the America we live in today is not even close to what the founding fathers established, and its sad. everybody needs to drop the whole race card and look at it for what it is, hes a dictator that breaks the law on a daily basis and he should be dealt with accordingly, but no, the rest of our corrupt government will let him get away with it, cuz theyre all on the same team... the whole republican democrat system is a scam to give the people the illusion of choice, while billionaires sit in a room every few years and decide whos gonna be the next president... if Obama spent half as much time doing "legal" things to help americans as he did golfing or going on vacations we would be a lot better off. but no he knows what hes doing is illegal and he just does it anyway cuz hes an arrogant POS and the rest of our gov wont do nothing bout it cuz theyre all on the same team. he wants to ban all ammo that is armor piercing, I wonder why, maybe so when he sends his goon squads in to take your guns away you wont have nothing to fight back with, cuz u know the people coming to take your guns are gunna have full armor, and they will have armor piercing rounds and armored vehicles. we live in scary times and most people don't give a ****, but they will be the first ones crying when its too late. your 5 times more likely to die from being stabbed, than shot with an assault rifle, and that's the fbi's own statistics. look at countries where they don't have guns, they have crazy corrupt goverments and still have the same amount of murders as places with guns, you take away guns, people will just be creative when they kill someone. sandy hook was a f****** scam completely fake BS, it was all a drill to sway peoples feelings towards guns, and once again before you call me a liar look it up for yourself, funny one of the fathers of the supposed dead kids is laughing when he doesn't know the camera is on him soon as he does all of a sudden he gets really sad and starts crying. I know im rambling now but Obama is a crook and so is the rest of the federal government, and if we sit back and continue to let them do what they want America will be no more. o yea and 9/11 was an inside job, before you say it isn't, look up operation north woods... a plan by the cia and gov. to fly planes into buldings in America and blame it on cuba so we could go to war with cuba, so all you people that say "o our gov. would never do that" look up operation north woods, its declassified. they woulda did it too but americans were too against going to war with cuba so they scrapped it, but the point is THEY MADE A PLAN TO FLY PLANES INTO BUILDINGS AND BLAME IT ON SOMEONE ELSE SO THEY CAN GO TO WAR! WAKE UP PPL |
The president has limited power, and I don't think that electing RP would have changed much within the country, unless it accompanied other changes in congress and elsewhere.
I would have loved to have seen what would have happened with US foreign policy, though, as that's an area in which the president has greater power. |
Love relation
Yes, Goodman Vanished is real. I met Mr. V. at a charity event. He is very private, and avoids the paparazzi like the plague. |
Edited by
Thu 02/26/15 03:10 PM
since you claim you have evidence, let's have a contest shall we, please post any articles here (in recent history. say last 50 years) where a specificly Christian group protested VIOLENTLY another group based soley in their religion, while you scour the internet looking for articles, I will post articles where a specific Muslim group protested VIOLENTLY based solely on their religion. ...lets see who finds more to post...up for the challenge? westboro baptist church... I'm not sure what his point was. Bad christians are less awful than bad muslims? A scoreboard to prove selection bias, publication bias? I think we need to look at the surrounding culture. Assimilated muslims in the west are better behaved than radical christians in the west. There's like 20 or so muslim dominated countries that have secular governments, and in many of those countries violent muslims are seen as aberrations in the same way we view, say, the Army of God ********. The _real_ conflict here should be between moderates and extremists. Moderates from all relgions should work together to eliminate the influence and harm caused by extremists. But somehow people want to turn it into a religious pissing contest, and strut around crowing about how violent those horrible muslims are. |
More importantly, when Christ was yet still found resurrected and alive! True! the proof is in the NAME. lol That works for me. I mean, why not? Taking the story of Jesus at face value, I would think that some event in Jesus life would mark the 'start'. Be it his birth, death, resurrection, or something else. |
Oh, I didn't look at date stamps, I just clicked on the 'active' post.
Looks like he posted that in 2013. My bad. |
I can't attest to the accuracy of anything here, but I do not believe that this site is a satire site: |
Free Android Keyboards
He's probably referring to: I used to use it. I liked it, and I forget why I switched back to the google keyboards. The keyboard with lollipop is amazing. Fluidly switching between swype and pecking is great. |
Man where was this cop razed?...
Years ago my job required that I interact with cops on a regular basis. I watched as new hires took the job, were trained by other cops. Many of them are _actively encouraged_ by other cops to behave like complete @zzholes towards the public. I watched people that I personally knew were good hearted, sincere, kind people put on this facade of arrogance and hostility towards people. I think that this must change a person, over time. |
I've tried searching online but couldn't find the answer. Also, when was Islam invented? Thanks This is a great question. My understanding is that it can be very hard to nails questions like this down with concrete answers, as all of human history is basically one massive exercise in cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is the norm, and always has been. What makes Christianity what it is? Almost everything that you see in modern christianity was taken from sources which would originally not have been considered christian. |