>>>Breakup lines<<<<
I hate to say it, but I was once told 'there are more beautiful girls out there'! So, I said 'fine, go and find them then' and I walked out the door! It was late at night, and there I was in my heels and no cabs around and a long way from home. It was a good thing he came after me, we made up, but we broke up soon after that. Karma bit him.... cos' he invited me to his birthday bash at one time and I was the cause of the breakup with his then girlfriend. She couldn't believe why he wanted to invite me to his house....again! Believe me, him saying that was a manipulation tactic. He was trying to convince you, you are lucky to be with him. Like he is doing you a favor & you should be grateful.. I had one tell me, ' You will never get anyone better ' ![]() |
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Thu 04/09/15 07:24 PM
What is the worst date you have been on? Mine was the rubbish dumb and that's no lie. He took you to a trash dump? * as we call it it here* |
Things that turn you off.
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Thu 04/09/15 07:15 PM
texting or taking a call during our dinner out spending the entire evening talking about your ex and how she "done gone and did ya wrong' asking me a question and then interrupting me while I am answering to say something like " I really like your mouth" ![]() ![]() " I really like your mouth ". Makes you wonder how many times they watched 'Deliverance ,'" Wasn't that " you have a pretty mouth"? |
What I find suspect is the fact that they only seem to show one side of the pot lid.. oops i mean UFO. Really makes it seem even less likely it's anything but a concretion or a man made artifact. But on the plus side if they ever invade all it will take is a Back Hoe to fend them off. ![]() And why are they saying in the link,they want ' to study what's in side it '.. Curious, because they already found a broken one, so obviously they seen inside it. But didn't mention anything about it, or show it. Or show the other smaller on that was intact. |
Things that turn you off.
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Thu 04/09/15 06:50 PM
Asks if I have a sister or friend for his friend... That is taking ' the man crush or buddy system' too far.
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Things that turn you off.
Asks for another date, as soon as the food arrives... trying to put me on the spot. This happened 3 times!! I may have developed a restaurant phobia now..
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Edited by
Thu 04/09/15 05:41 PM
i still trying to figer out whos riding the bike cycle? Iam so confused,, Voicemail or an answering machine ? .. No... Grandpa! He is the boss having an affair with the secretary! He cancelled his own date. |
no friend means no life
M new here and want to meet some friends so please kindly add me as a friend okay guyz.. Hi Lofy, welcome to Mingle2 . I have a few suggestions.. Put up a pic of yourself. Write your interest on you profile. And try to join in on forums. Then people will get to you & you will get to us crazy funny people. ![]() If you have any questions about the site, there is a ' Help' forum . |
Time & time again we have greatly underestimated ancient civilizations. I guess that is easier than asking ourselves ' how much knowledge could we have possibly lost ?" i don't think much of it is lost, just hidden by various governments and the vatican... can't have to much knowledge floating around, makes it harder for the governments to create their lies... Absolutely any many, man made diversions. Most people would rather believe/ be entertained, thinking there are extraterrestrials ... Than believe their government is just distracting them.. from ' whatever truths there are.. IMO. I'm reading later about giant humanoid skulks that were found. In was in the news a long time ago. Then The Smithsonian said ' we have them in storage '... Sure, until WHO took them away ? ![]() i've heard about those, supposedly locked in the big special vault the US government owns... there is also the Egyptian articles they found in a cave in the grand canyon as well, they disappeared as well... ![]() And the doctor/ archeology/ lecturer who founded the ' Star Child (skull) theory.. died a mysterious death. His death- now that got my attention.. Why? if he was such a crack pot ? Maybe because, he has a huge following. With many experts, archeologicist & doctors. He wanted to present them to the world. DNA shows it's a human hybrid... Yes. That is him. Lloyd Pye. He son is now running the research group. Thanks for the link , that one I never seen.. ![]() |
Time & time again we have greatly underestimated ancient civilizations. I guess that is easier than asking ourselves ' how much knowledge could we have possibly lost ?" i don't think much of it is lost, just hidden by various governments and the vatican... can't have to much knowledge floating around, makes it harder for the governments to create their lies... Absolutely any many, man made diversions. Most people would rather believe/ be entertained, thinking there are extraterrestrials ... Than believe their government is just distracting them.. from ' whatever truths there are.. IMO. I'm reading later about giant humanoid skulks that were found. In was in the news a long time ago. Then The Smithsonian said ' we have them in storage '... Sure, until WHO took them away ? ![]() i've heard about those, supposedly locked in the big special vault the US government owns... there is also the Egyptian articles they found in a cave in the grand canyon as well, they disappeared as well... ![]() And the doctor/ archeology/ lecturer who founded the ' Star Child (skull) theory.. died a mysterious death. His death- now that got my attention.. Why? if he was such a crack pot ? Maybe because, he has a huge following. With many experts, archeologicist & doctors. He wanted to present them to the world. |
Edited by
Thu 04/09/15 02:59 PM
Time & time again we have greatly underestimated ancient civilizations. I guess that is easier than asking ourselves ' how much knowledge could we have possibly lost ?" i don't think much of it is lost, just hidden by various governments and the vatican... can't have to much knowledge floating around, makes it harder for the governments to create their lies... Absolutely any many, man made diversions. Most people would rather believe/ be entertained, thinking there are extraterrestrials ... Than believe their government is just distracting them.. from ' whatever truths there are.. IMO. I'm reading later about giant humanoid skulls that were found. In was in the news a long time ago. Then The Smithsonian said ' we have them in storage '... Sure, until WHO or what GROUP took them away ? ![]() |
>>>Breakup lines<<<<
I saw the thread called"pick up lines"lol,so I was thinking like,sometimes,our lover ain't treating us fair,or just down right wrong,and when it's like dat,we need one dem "breakup lines "lol,yeah,we gata lea they azz,I'd probably use one of they're lines like,"I think am going need some space"lmao ![]() ![]() I'm sorry, you are in violation of my contract. This union is terminated. ![]() |
Time & time again we have greatly underestimated ancient civilizations. I guess that is easier than asking ourselves ' how much knowledge could we have possibly lost ?"
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Thu 04/09/15 02:15 PM
I don't know
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A dinner date with history
Andy Warhol and everyone else in the world -- but only for 15 minutes at a time ![]() ![]() |
What can a man do to please a woman, can a man die for a woman, also can a woman die for a man. If they fall in love to each other or not in love???.....??????......please express your opinion concerning this. Women LOVE to be asked " What do you want? " " What do you need ?" " What do you think ?" ![]() |
Not on a mobile site. Unfortunately.. Going full site on a cell, is a pain in as*...
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Why is it that certain profiles I see and try to contact I get a message saying until can not contact this user? I've only been on the site for two days. Each person sets there own ' filters' / restrictions. If you go full site. And tap settings. You can set yours for email/ inbox messages & for forum selection. Filters cover age, country & distance for messaging. If you don't pass someone filters you can ' nudge ' them or send a ' friend request '.. But IMO, this rarely works, because everyone knows and sets what the want. Good luck to you & welcome. |
why women cheat??
any reasons??? Sure, there are. What ever reasons/ excuses a man may give for being unfaithful ... apply that to a woman. * except of course penis size & male erectile dysfunction are factors * ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 04/09/15 10:37 AM
To be honest.. I'm a little concerned about you & your son's safety. Considering you said ' it is not accepted '.
You of course are a full grown man. But your son may encounter ridicule, and harassment.. or worst. Please consider his well being & feelings. . Search your soul. And again good luck & welcome. Hang out with us for awhile, on forums & messaging. You may like the variety of cultures, religions & all of our funny craziness. ![]() |