Suddenly Wealthy
I would hire an accountant, 2 lawyers, buy a big house, hire. 4 servants/ staff (2 would be full time or live in)... & the rest, I can't say with out my lawyers present.
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Mind Readers
Edited by
Sat 04/11/15 10:42 AM
Static... from the radio
Sinus / nasal congestion Making a shopping list in my head Talking to my cat, like she understands & gives a **** Counting scammers & averaging out my weekly reports. Wishing my neighbors would shut the hell up. Wondering how many pics 2KidsMom actually has, on any given day? |
Mind Readers
If people could read your mind..
What would they hear TODAY ? |
The most funniest....
Who are the most funniest persons on the forums? Who makes you laugh the most? Mine are: no1phD unknown_romeo IamwhoIam1 tealbreeze I like you pics the best WonderWoman, (especially your animal humor) I send those out to ALL my text buddies.. .. ![]() |
Suddenly Wealthy
If you suddenly inherited 5 million, US dollars, what would you do ?
Childhood Memories
How far back can you remember, to what age ?
Describe one of your earliest memories. |
Edited by
Sat 04/11/15 09:57 AM
i am a boy and aged 22.she is aged 28. What!!!!???? You have made 3 or more threads on looking for & being attracted to much older women ! You made 2 of these threads in the last TWO weeks. the last one was LESS than 48 hours ago.... & now this.. ...!!?? :slaphead |
Is a successful marriage accepting mistakes including cheating . At some point you just accept the person for who they are agree or disagree . Can a person be in love and still have bad habits or secret addictions or past that wont allow them to stay committed and in love. ![]() To your question- We get what we settle for. We usually teach people how to treat us If we don't love & respect ourselves, no one else will. Good luck |
No RAPTURE!!you're deceived if you're believing in is just a theory and nowhere in the bible you can find this word..moreover,why was Jesus asked God to protect us if there's a rapture? Please read your bible slowly and carefully. Correct my brother. The word ' Rapture' is not in the Bible. Sadly many do not pray for understanding & read the Old & New Testaments, themselves ... & believe the word of man & institutions (organized & tax exempt) dictators. 'The True Church' is Christ himself, NOT a building. And existed 300-500 AD... then Roman became jealous & fearful of the growing numbers, meeting in secret ( & still referring to themselves as Jews following Christ) And ROME changed, added & subtracted virtually everything, for their convenience & control . Obviously their tactics worked very well. Because many have not read or been taught that Satan comes FIRST & claims he is Christ, and ' shall deceive the world ' (except for the ELECT ).... and convince them, that they can fly ! ![]() |
To answer the original question, nowhere in the New Testament is the Sabbath changed from Saturday to Sunday, ![]() |
Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States: “ No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. Thanks for posting that. ![]() I stand corrected on my 33yr minimum requirement. And did not now it was (as much) as a 14 yrs residency. |
College records- or the total lack of them. He spent MILLIONS of dollars to have his records sealed.
Are there any other hoaxes that you want to promote? Not ALL men or women, can be herded like sheep, no matter who holds the staff. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 04/10/15 09:28 PM
What Day Is The True Original Sabbath... ? Really, nobody can know just because of the verses I quoted from (Joshua 10: 12-14) Apparently, God Almighty stopped the Earth from turning for almost one full day, at Joshua's request in prayer. So, when is the Sabbath, NOW ? ![]() So I am not the only one who doesn't know? Woo hoo! What if it is really our Monday? I think that might be the point Ladywind might be making? So who is to say one day or the other is right? Now I am more confused. I have always observed it on Sunday...but who knows By the Jewish calendar it is the year 5775. That is 3760 MORE years than the Gregorian calendar. And the Torah is much older than KJ Holy Bible. That is... a lot of Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday Sabbaths. ![]() " Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy " Anyone who is not remembering/ honoring/ acknowledging that, is NOT keeping it Holy. And therefore making Satan smile. * He gets off on confusion, doubt & twisting the truth. He is ' The Prince of Lies, & has always hated ' God's Chosen People - The Jews * ![]() But we know how that story ends. And what will happen to Jew & Christian haters ... ![]() BTW: The KJ Holy Bible does say, 1,000 years is ONE day to God. Anyone can Google it, or look in the reference of the Holy Bible or Torah. Or The Stong's Concordance. ![]() |
Hi to all the friends here. Now how much do we know about this are we obedient to the command of God or are we following the command of men? Which is the true day of Godly worship? Jews, Muslim's, worship God on sabbad, Catholic's and the rest worship on Sunday. There can only be one day for worship. According to the bible.set a side by God.? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It is and always will be, Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday. " Remember the Sabbath Day To Keep it Holy " God does not change for man or for the convince & control issues of the Vactician or any ( supposed organized, tax exempt organization). ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 04/10/15 08:27 PM
They can't show what's inside because it is alien. Didn't you know that most illegal aliens were Mexican? Department of Immigration & the White House CLAIMS the majority of illegal aliens ( or as Obama WANTS us to call them ' Americans in waiting ![]() But who's buying that story? When Obama himself took the Dept Of Immigration to the Supreme Court? And lost, fortutately . But he still keeps trying to let all of Puerto Rico & Mexico in ..... fresh crop of Democrats.. ![]() ![]() |
Birthers are a major part of the reason why ANYONE with ANY issue with Obama and his running of the country are all viewed as whack jobs. First you wanted a birth certificate. One surfaced showing he was born in Hawaii and that wasn't good enough. And someone on a another thread even said that being born in Hawaii AFTER Hawaii became a state qualified him as foreign born. It's ridiculous. Take the tinfoil off your heads, step away from the microwave, and look at REAL issues. Here's the real issue. To even run for President you have to prove by birth certificate that you are a US Citizen. any, and I mean ANY American can get a certified copy of their birth certificate within 2 weeks of applying with the hall of records where you were born, providing it exist. Why did it take him 2 years and he had to go to Hawaii personally to pick it up. BTW, I studied Obama intensely before he was ever elected and He had devoted to Islam at age 13. His Father and Stepfather were both Muslim. When you devote to Muslim and revert to some other faith (unless it's of course to fool your enemy) you will be executed, you are worse than and infidel according to the Quran. More real issues, just recently, even as Christians are being persecuted all over the world by Islamic extremist, Obama took the liberty of slamming Christians at the Easter Prayer breakfast just last Sunday. His first month in office at the Arab League Summit he apologized to Arab leaders for the behavior of the United States toward the middle east and proclaimed "We are not a Christian Country". At the time Christians made up 78% of the US population, I think that pretty much makes the US a Christian Country. Certainly the most prominent Faith by any definition. I can't believe after everything he has said and done since he took office, there's still a few of you out there looking the other way and proclaiming him to be a "Good" President. I think the birth certificate issue is a huge one.. Since by the constitution a President must be BORN in the USA & 33years old(minimum)... If he was not born in the USA (apparently there are NO records of his first 6yrs of life in Hawaii, only his school registration at his grand parents house), then WE have a President who, NEVER was President! What greater disgrace could we have as Americans ? If he never was President ( by our law), then what the hell is he? Dictator ? He certainly isn't Emperor. College records- or the total lack of them. He spent MILLIONS of dollars to have his records sealed. NO other President has EVER been this SECRETIVE or gotten away, with even trying to be. So WHO the hell is this guy ? ![]() |
I actually don't consider this lifestyle cheating. A monogamous relationship is an agreement of fidelity. If one partner breaks the agreement by having sex with another, or the romantic bonding, without their consent, that is cheating.
An open relationship is consent, between two people & there fore not cheating. Polygamous relationships, are FULL disclosure. So therefore, they are not cheating. *All religion / faith & my personal morality & judgements aside.* I view ALL relationships as ETHNICAL CONTRACTS. If one or more adults AGREE to sex or a relationship, or to have or not have a commitment.... & they have defined what that means, to THEM.... then it is what THEY think and AGREE it is. * Just my opinion. This is how I see it* ![]() |
No RAPTURE!!you're deceived if you're believing in is just a theory and nowhere in the bible you can find this word..moreover,why was Jesus asked God to protect us if there's a rapture? Please read your bible slowly and carefully. This. ![]() |
Human Mating Season
Well you can pretty much throw any statistics out the window as far as what puts two people in the mood. But that's where I lose out on being one of the participants in statistics as, I'm the only one here and I'm always in the mood, so lots it's going to waste. If you think about it approx 8 times a day.. Your an average American male. So your probably in the right place. ![]() *Some are confusing ' sex drive' with 'the need to breed' anyway. I give up. Everyone just go about your business* ![]() |
Thank you Guys for your concerns and thoughts about my problem.. i really appreciated it.. but just to clarify one thing, I once inlove in a girl before but as time goes by.. things changed. but i don't regret that's part of my life.. I have more female friends and they're fun with.. but honestly, i'm more happy to be with male's. i hate this feeling and tried my best to fix this feeling but i think its too late.. :( I don't want to be bullied and to be hated from my Friends especially to my family / my son.. I'm just so weak type of person.. :( I didn't answer his text his calls on facebook.. i change my mobile number already.. but times passed by, i can't help but missing him so bad.. haist.. :( but i believe that every problem that i encountered in life, there's always a solution. Thank you guys.. I don't know you, but i'm proud of you. ![]() Pray for the pain to be removed & be good & gentle with yourself. Love yourself first ( this is not ego, you can still be humble). You are here on the planet with your son for a reason. ![]() |