Community > Posts By > rarerose

rarerose's photo
Fri 02/22/08 09:39 PM
flowerforyou Hiyah

rarerose's photo
Fri 02/22/08 10:39 AM
wow this is a very good write....I love it...flowerforyou

rarerose's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:22 PM
yeah he's coming here in March...yay

rarerose's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:19 PM
lol maybe its the day ill find my love

rarerose's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:17 PM

lol yall are no serious
i was actualy serious about mine but if thats how you feel:cry: then:cry: i will not:cry: help anymoresad sad sad

Oh so sorry, i somehow didnt see your previous post....who knows maybe

rarerose's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:13 PM

yep ur gonna die march 11 at 3:11

lol I hope not thats only 7 days before my bday :cry:

rarerose's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:11 PM

When I was a kid we were riding in the car and my mother pointed to a pickup on the highway saying "Look at that. You don't see many white pickups."

Of course for years after that we'd always point and say "Look mom! A white truck!"

Yeah, they're everywhere. You don't notice 'em until you start thinking about it then you see 'em everywhere.

Same thing. Start thinking of the numbers 422. You'll start seeing THOSE every place you look.

Yep as usual he's right....

Yes yes I know all about just happens so much its annoying...

rarerose's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:07 PM
lol yall are no serious

rarerose's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:02 PM
Ok for the past year I have been seeing the number 311 in any way like when i look at the clock it says 1:31, 1:13, on and so forth but i see everywhere, multiple times a day. Do you think it means something? or is a warning of some kind...cause its driving me crazy....i need to know!!! explode

rarerose's photo
Tue 02/19/08 03:53 PM

Beautiful as ever,, Hmmmmmmmmmm funny I thought of you last night wondering if all was well,,, And Poofffffffffffff here you are,,

Hugsflowerforyou :heart:

aww well its nice to know people doin ok just wish my heart would let someone go so i can move on. always for the hugs and here's one back to you (((HUG))) flowerforyou

Letting go is hard and when your ready you shall move on,, with a deeper soul and a open heart,,,

Hugs to you beautiful :heart: flowerforyou

Yes i know....thats a bunch flowerforyou

rarerose's photo
Tue 02/19/08 11:53 AM
LAMom you can make anyones heart sing...with your heart of gold and words so wise here hugs for you for life...(((HUGS)))

rarerose's photo
Tue 02/19/08 11:48 AM

Beautiful as ever,, Hmmmmmmmmmm funny I thought of you last night wondering if all was well,,, And Poofffffffffffff here you are,,

Hugsflowerforyou :heart:

aww well its nice to know people doin ok just wish my heart would let someone go so i can move on. always for the hugs and here's one back to you (((HUG))) flowerforyou

rarerose's photo
Tue 02/19/08 08:16 AM
Into the night we go so bold
to awaken to the rising sun
we lay down all that is weary
to become a new each day
We push away the blowing wind
and hope for rain some other day
With heart in hand
and head held high
we walk which path we choose
falling to our knees through some
but how we do pull through
with demons and angels along the way
time can not stand still
we look for a hand to guide us
when its something we put ourselves through.

Krystle McGee

rarerose's photo
Tue 02/19/08 08:12 AM

single....but my heart longs for someone

That's always hard.

yes yes it is sad

been there, done that, bought the shirt, and burned it when it was all said & done.

lol I wish i was at that point...i hate this its so hard

rarerose's photo
Tue 02/19/08 08:09 AM

single....but my heart longs for someone

That's always hard.

yes yes it is sad

rarerose's photo
Tue 02/19/08 08:05 AM
Edited by rarerose on Tue 02/19/08 08:05 AM

rarerose's photo
Tue 02/19/08 08:05 AM
single....but my heart longs for someone

rarerose's photo
Sun 02/17/08 08:22 PM
I died before I was born

rarerose's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:59 AM
thank you all flowerforyou

rarerose's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:05 PM
thank you all

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