Community > Posts By > rarerose

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:10 PM

Things have odd/funny ways of happening ^^

Yeah I know....a lot of times Ill get an idea for a new write when Im writing another one, or when Im in the movies that happens a lot and then i forget it by the time its that sucks cause they are always the best lol

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:05 PM

Yeah ^^

Wow...:heart: (((HUG)))

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:02 PM

You are the one who inspired the write rarerose ^^

Awwww :cry: blushing really?! flowerforyou

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:53 PM

What Beauty Holds a Sight for only one to see?

It can only be you

The Beauty you hold is like a Dimond in the Rough

No shine, no color, no lust, no stature can compares with it

Not yet touched by the hands of man

A Dimond, or maybe not even

The veiw is almost blinding

Call it what you must

But I still call you mine

Wow...that made me cry have someone to say that to me I would be in heaven...whoever gets there hands on you will be lucky. flowerforyou

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:35 PM

Your kind of far Rarerose.......
It pains to see Beauty in a distance and left with a hope to get a closer view one day

Yes i do understand

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:24 PM

Wish I could Help RareRose.....

blushing Well what are you waiting for lol bigsmile flowerforyou

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:19 PM
Have a family of my own to take care of....I want to be a wife, mother, grandmother....I want it all

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 06:36 PM

Thanx ^^

Life takes Time
Sometimes I forget I have to wait ^^

Yes, I can understand that ohwell

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 06:32 PM


Bad Life....

flowerforyou sorry to hear that....I dont know what what you consider bad but I hope whatever cloud is causing your troubles will part the skies very soon....(((HUGS))) :cry: flowerforyou :heart:

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:58 PM
I always want to know what people think about my poems...good, bad i dont care....i just like to know others views on it. Im sure i have some that are great and others that arent but I enjoy the way it allows me to express myself. flowerforyou So I say dont be afraid to say what you think its only your opinion

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:36 AM
flowerforyou There is no shelter like the ones from Love....but you already know your close to my heart :heart:

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:33 AM
:cry: flowerforyou I feel you sweet William :heart:

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:30 AM

Thank You guys I appreciate it flowerforyou :heart:


rarerose's photo
Mon 03/10/08 11:33 PM
Can you hear me screaming
I yell so deep within
I no longer wish to keep it
from being heard upon the wind.

I scream for you to love me
I scream to be understood
I scream so I am no longer unseen
by those that will not look.

Can you see me crying
My mask could hold no more
I need to let it out before
I drown from all thats sore.

I cry from being happy
I cry because Im sad
I cry to let the things run out
that make me feel so bad.

Can you feel my love
I bring it everyday
I want to sing it to the world
in every kind of way.

I Love to make a joyous heart
I love to hear it sing
I love the wonders of the world
even hardships life can bring.

Screaming, crying, loving
just a part of who I am
Listen, see, and feel for those
you hold within your hearts hand.

Krystle McGee

rarerose's photo
Mon 03/10/08 10:51 PM
I have one on my hurt but not anything to make a deal over...i just sat there and talked to the guy

rarerose's photo
Sat 03/08/08 10:58 AM

If you have faith, this is a miracle. If you don't, it may not be, for you. Fairh is the evidence of the things that are not seen.

there are no such things as miracles they are merely happenstance of nature that can be explained

lol how can you say that...can you explain how a premature child has no hope of living but yet pulls through, born with a hole in her heart, died a few times and there was nothing that could have been done...that her surviving is not a miracle....that saving someone from the harm they were causing themselves because they chose to get better is not a miracle that they want to do better for me they are

rarerose's photo
Sat 03/08/08 10:48 AM

If you have faith, this is a miracle. If you don't, it may not be, for you. Fairh is the evidence of the things that are not seen.

I believe that God has work for us all and if he still has work for us to do and a testimony for us, he spares us. We're all given the chance to come to him or not. The question I have for everyone is, are they willing to accept that before they go?

There's a book called 90 minutes in heaven. I bought it at Wal Mart. Great book. A guy crahsed on a bridge down south. The authorities cut him out and covered him with a sheet and left him for dead. A believer came by the scene and asked if he could pray over the man and a policeman gave him permission. He prayed over the "dead" man and started singing and lo and behold, about 90 minutes after the man had been left for dead, he heard the singing and began to come back! Not that he wanted to come back, he had a long struggle ahead of him, but the Lord sent him back.

I believe that the Lord does miracles sometimes. They're not common place and it does not happen often and I've never heard of a limb growing back, but the Lord does miracles. As for soldiers, they are talked about in the Bible. The bible says, no sword formed against me shall prosper and I believe that as a believer and as a former soldier.

So do you wait for an improbable miracle to have faith or do you exercise your faith and let the Lord wosk where and how he will? I hope you chose to exercise your faith, publicly confess it and I hope you get baptized by immersion real soon. Get into a good church, fellowship with believers and read The Purpose Filled Life. It'll set you straight and set you on the path to heaven!

God Bless you All.

George Smock


rarerose's photo
Sat 03/08/08 10:27 AM

She is now walking and talking and perfectly normal with a great new joy for life in knowing that God saved her that day.

if religious people believe that God heals them then why do they always go to doctors

God Works in mysterious ways

God mysteriously caused the car to crash

He doesnt cause the crash we have a thing called "Free Will" the crash could have been prevented if the guy driving the car had not been intoxicated. God can not move us, we have to accept him into our lives, he doesnt force anything upon us....we made the world what it is today, all the suffering, all the pain is because of us.

only God's have "Free Will" God created human with "Free Choice" .which means if God was in a car accident would God have to go to the hospital ...pain and suffering exist because God create it that way

so your saying you dont choose what you want in didnt choose to get up this morning, you didnt choose what car you drive, what job you have, what friends you make....hmmm....pain and suffering exist because we bring it on ourselves, but if you look at this way without pain and suffering how could we have compassion. Not saying i would choose pain on others but seeing there is no way to really truely prevent it we can at least learn to be compassionate and caring toward our fellow man.

rarerose's photo
Sat 03/08/08 10:17 AM
lol umm...I love sushi to some that is weird....but i also like to drink milk and pepsi mmmmm....when i was little i at dirt and chalk noway dont know what i was thinkin

rarerose's photo
Sat 03/08/08 10:13 AM
its not all about looks for me but I like em tall and prefer meat...i seem to be more attracted to those that are chunkier, i like something to grab on to when I give all my hugs.

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