Topic: Can you...
rarerose's photo
Mon 03/10/08 11:33 PM
Can you hear me screaming
I yell so deep within
I no longer wish to keep it
from being heard upon the wind.

I scream for you to love me
I scream to be understood
I scream so I am no longer unseen
by those that will not look.

Can you see me crying
My mask could hold no more
I need to let it out before
I drown from all thats sore.

I cry from being happy
I cry because Im sad
I cry to let the things run out
that make me feel so bad.

Can you feel my love
I bring it everyday
I want to sing it to the world
in every kind of way.

I Love to make a joyous heart
I love to hear it sing
I love the wonders of the world
even hardships life can bring.

Screaming, crying, loving
just a part of who I am
Listen, see, and feel for those
you hold within your hearts hand.

Krystle McGee

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/10/08 11:35 PM

higlander's photo
Mon 03/10/08 11:59 PM
Edited by higlander on Tue 03/11/08 12:06 AM
smokin oh my cristle is so beautiful flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

FroznChild's photo
Tue 03/11/08 04:53 AM
A very well written piece... Thank you for sharing... for shouting, and screaming... to be heard.

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:30 AM

Thank You guys I appreciate it flowerforyou :heart:


no photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:33 AM

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:37 AM
Let your voice be heard very goodflowerforyou