Community > Posts By > Godistheanswer

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:44 PM
No, not a movie. I met the beautiful lady and hugged her myself. Went to her wedding too.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:30 PM
the nightmares began again and again
the WAR never ending
awakening screaming
his councellor and all the meds could not make it go away
again and again he saw the line
and he told me as a friend
I was supposed to be in front
it was ME who was supposed to DIE!
Suddenly in the explosion something WET fell into my hand and it was my friend's liver
he wanted to die
and I told him
your friend wanted you to live so much he chose to walk ahead
he gave his life so you could live

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:27 PM
The woman who told me her story and died and was brought back, realizes that God is not the problem. The person DOING the problem was the problem. She now helps others because of the pain she experienced. I helped her with a beautiful song about God having the time for us if we make the time for him. She sang it very beautifully with her sweet southern voice.. I STILL HAVE THE TIME to listen ot you pray... I have a big need here today... nothing we go through can destroy or poison us unless we let it and choose to think on it.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:22 PM
My lawyer friend moved to KY because so many cases like this do not even get heard for ten years or so or if they do get plea bargained. She helped all she could. That is all anyone can do really. Sometimes life changing things happen out of the pain, for instance said person experienced alot more abuse and actaully died and was brought back and now dedicated her life to helping women and those less fortanate, men, women, children. She told me her story to share with others.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:13 PM
Lots of guys like that are and actually the judge let him plea bargain

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:08 PM
I hope you find your someone special and heal. Remember Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted....

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:06 PM
Well, there is someone on here I know who kisses good, and I almost married him, but we broke up. Kisses arne't everything. But glad you are happy. That's what this is about and lots of happy matches.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:05 PM
I lived near there and had bars on the windows and so many locks on the reso many sirens and reports that for fear people stayed indoors as much as possible and ran around on their excersize toys like hampster people and we call this "civilized?"

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 03:00 PM
If we take the step to enter into the stratosphere of another
with a touch
a word
a thought
a look
is it then a hospitable planet
Is our prottective equitment line and helmet and spacesuit intact?
we do not want the line cut off leaving us informeless oxygenless space
lost in the void of dark thoughts
a word can become a seed of being
thoughts and feelings
planted and grown in relationships or drops of blood on soured milk
do we scream our thoughts into those we love?
float around in our own emptiness and ask why?
the computer is arguing with my poem
to every line I write it deletes something
like divorces and deleted relationships
my friend said it is the bad things you remember
but actauuly what really hurt were the words of kindness or gestures I THOUGHT were real and wanted so much to believe
later calling myself stupid
but I do not think now that anyone is STUPID for loving
for being the brave astronuat
donning the equipment like an old movie of the sea
a sea of time and space and feeling
with a few plinks on the keyboards here
we send messages across space
acoss TIME and we wait
and wacth and see if anyone

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:53 PM
Yup, like it says in Hebrews 11 of the KJV 1611Holy BIBLE Faith is the substance of things hoped for....
It is nice ot actually have SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, and EVIDENCE of things not seen. It says that by this the elders obtained a good report.
How often on the news are bad reports and our report card, how many of us squirmed when we got it?
Or if someone has said they would report so and so, yes, FAITH is very good and faith working in us and coming to fruit IN our works showing to thers that what we believe and trust in is REAL.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:49 PM
I have seen lots of very nice women on here with lots of heart and good looking too. Check the poetry place on here and read some of their stuff if you like.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:47 PM
I love photography, reading, writing, pen-pallling, painting, making music, and sewing and crafts.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:46 PM
Sounds like a scammer who wrote to me who I found out was writing to many women.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:45 PM
True. It depends on the woman. what some want, others don't and are offended, same as guys, so it is good to take time to get to know what it is.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:44 PM
true, I heard someone say hey, I love my neighbor as myself, cuz I don't like myself much either! ha. I htink it is goo dto treat everyone as much as we can with respect and to respect ourselves as well.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:25 PM
I can definately relate to this. Sounds just like my ex.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:24 PM
There are soem here who believe in portals or UFo involovement as one man told a place here that as he was driving back from Kona to Hilo, suddenly he was only 15 minutes away from it and there was no way that could logically happen as we know it as it would have taken hours.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 02:09 PM
I love it! Great thoughts here.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 01:53 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Thu 03/19/15 01:54 PM
When I did not know better I said in anger to a friend- :WHY don't you go ahead and KILL yourself and he did.
I still remember the softness of his cheek when he dared me once to kiss him.
At a party he told the girls to tell me he decided to take my advice
and took a gun and blew his brains out in front of them and one gal was laughing
she wished he could do it again
and one told me
after that years later I wrote some poems and sent them, songs too they were to the director of the arts program and at the same time he had asked my friend if his new spi novel was any good. My friend told him it was crap.
My friend is a writer and agent.
We both blamed ourselves that Bill killed himself
was it my words that pushed him over the edge? or my friend Gary's? But it made us both think.
Afterwards, in the mail, gary said there was an acceptance of Bill's new spy novel
but he will never cash the check

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/19/15 01:46 PM
I guess maybe they may have thought they had seen some mystic connection
just when the same thing is said and so many say I am the one for them as some divine providence told them this, it sounds false.

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