Community > Posts By > Valeris

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 08:19 PM

give her a petraus for breaking 'rules'

already gave her an honorary title,, now a couple years probation,, and we can move on,,,

Move On to What? Whatever...*grins*

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 08:14 PM

a source heard from a source, who never actually said it publicly and is now dead

for all I know, this arenbeck person could have had her killed,, for all the verifiable fact given in this piece

or she could have died just as reported and bidens son could have died from brain cancer


Please read the other links:
The Institute for American Democracy & Election Integrity
Election Fraud Watch 2016
Without Election Fraud Sanders Would Have Won by Landslide
This is MUST READ -- Cliff Arnebeck Exposes the Election Fraud Against Bernie and Other Important Issues To Bernie's Campaign
Racketeering Lawsuit Exposing Nationwide Vote Rigging in DNC Primaries Could Derail Clinton

Corte Madera, CA – A major lawsuit is on the precipice of being filed by the Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity, the implications of which could dramatically alter the landscape of the 2016 U.S. presidential race.
The group claims that in about eleven states, there has been noted a significant difference between the exit polls and the electronic vote totals presented on the morning after the primaries. These differences show votes appear to be shifted from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton. The chances of this kind of shift happening are considered to be statistically impossible between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning in these eleven states. See the chart below.

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 08:11 PM

wrong thread

this thread is tracking polling results during the race

There is No Race if the public's votes don't count & the media lies

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 08:02 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 08/02/16 08:09 PM

"Uh oh: Debbie Wasserman Schultz just got CRIMINALLY bad news…"

he past few weeks haven’t been good for Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s public image. Following the DNC email hack, she resigned her position as chairperson of the Democratic National Committee amid ethics concerns (for tipping the race in favor of Hillary) — and then was appropriately hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign immediately after.

As hard as it is to picture anyone connected to Hillary Clinton facing legal repercussions for their misdeeds, that may now be a possibility for Debbie. And that’s thanks to another Democrat. The Washington Free Beacon’s Natalie Johnson reports: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s primary challenger is filing a complaint with the Federal Election Committee claiming that the outgoing DNC chairwoman wrongfully used DNC resources to target his campaign.

Tim Canova, a law professor and supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, said his campaign lawyers found evidence that Schultz violated FEC rules among the recent WikiLeaks disclosures that forced the chairwoman’s resignation.

“It’s very clear that Wasserman Schultz was using the DNC resources to monitor my campaign and to strategize on how to crush the campaign,” Canova said Monday night during an interview with MSNBC. “That’s a violation of federal law.”The allegations come a week after Schultz announced she was resigning as committee chair.

Canova called his campaign’s discovery the “tip of the iceberg” of Wasserman Schultz’s reported mismanagement at the DNC.

Schultz, who has represented Florida in Congress since 2005, is leading Canova by eight points, according to a poll released by Canova’s campaign on Sunday.

Sanders announced in May that he was backing Canova’s bid against Wasserman Schultz, causing a stir as the Vermont Senator was still running for president at the time.

We’ll give DWS some legal advice. First, no matter what evidence is brought against you, offer the defense, “what difference, at this point, does it make?” Also, make a number of claims in your defense that will be easily refuted by an investigation, which will result in authorities declaring that you broke numerous laws, but there’s nothing you can do about it. That’s how Hillary Clinton does it, isn’t it?
Wasserman Schultz Faces FEC Complaint from Progressive Challenger
Tim Canova alleges WikiLeaks email dump shows Debbie Wasserman Schultz used DNC resources to strategize against his congressional campaign
3 Top D.N.C. Officials Leave as Upheaval After Email Breach Continues

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 07:54 PM

pew research,, favorable/ unfavorable

Sanders 53/37

Trump 32/62

Clinton 38/57


I'm referring to Election Fraud?

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 07:42 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 08/02/16 07:47 PM

oh, so the ones warning about our freedoms being 'deleted' are complaining about 'fear narratives'

lol,, ironic, and funny

No, "Fear Mongering" -it's a FACT that I find nothing funny or ironic to "LOL" about. The Election Results were actually rigged. Look up "Election Fraud 2016 " on Google to find an abundance of reliable information pertaining to this FACT.
Attorney Cliff Arnebeck Lays Out Details Implicating Rove, Borgia and Comey


Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
1021 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43205

July 25, 2016

Offices of the President and Vice President
United States of America
Via Email

Dear Messrs. President Obama & Vice President Biden:

I believe former star Philadelphia prosecutor Beverly Campbell was assassinated because Karl Rove operatives believed she was about to reveal to you, before it unfolded, the wholesale corruption of the electronic voting process in the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary.

On January 15, 2016, I met privately with Beverly at lunchtime. Beverly told me that she believed your son, Mr. Vice President, had been assassinated. She also said she thought you probably suspected that to be the case. When Bev returned home she began writing a letter to you as follows:

“It is interesting how our lives keep crossing. I first met you, Mr. Vice President, shortly after you were first elected to the US Senate. I was in one of the very earliest classes to attend Delaware Law School and worked in your second senate campaign. Later practicing law in Philadelphia and Delaware County, PA our paths crossed a few times and you never forgot that I had worked in your campaign. Many years later I had moved to Ohio and ran for the Ohio House of Representatives and then the Ohio Senate. You graciously endorsed and supported me in those races.”

I represented Beverly in litigation before the Ohio Elections Commission in regard to her 2006 election campaign. Prior to that I had represented a number of public interest groups and citizens in high profile election litigation against the Ohio and U.S. Chambers of Commerce, and against Karl Rove and Dick Cheney et al. in regard to the theft of the 2004 Presidential Election.

The day in 2008 when you, Mr. President, were in Columbus to address a Bernie Sanders’ scale crowd of supporters on the Statehouse lawn, Beverly told me of the social relationship a high level CIA agent, she referred to as “Mark,” had initiated with her. After your election, according to Beverly, Mark assumed a high level position with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, while concurrently doing contract covert activity on behalf of a variety of interests. Mark referred to himself as a “thug,” accepting assignments from whomever wanted to pay him the most money. He told Bev he was making $3.5 million a year.

The first secret revelation from Mark that Bev shared with me—in strictest confidence, with the caveat that she would deny telling me if I ever attributed it to her—was that: “911 was an inside job.”

The second was Mark’s boast that: “All it took to get Obama to stay in line was to show him the Zapruder film.”

Based upon her knowledge of Mark’s whereabouts and travel at Christmas 2009, Bev told me she suspected that Mark was the American intelligence officer who supervised and cleared the “Underwear Bomber’s” travel from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day, 2009.

I lent my copy of JFK and the Unspeakable, and Why We Need to Know About It, by James Douglass to Bev. After reading it she asked: “How can he still be alive?” Bev knew from her intimate relationship with Mark how murderous were the criminals occupying positions of power within the government.

Mark told Beverly that he had personal bodyguards-and people watching his intimate partner for possible leaks of his information. Mark also warned Bev many times that they were being monitored by a security team whenever he spent time with her at her home in Gahanna, Ohio. These minders would kill her and her sons if she betrayed his confidences. Bev told me Mark also referred to the possibility of taking out the “big kahuna,” which I inferred was a reference to me because of my extensive litigation activity against Karl Rove and the Chamber of Commerce since the 2000 election.

On July 17, 2008 I pointed out that Karl Rove had breached the general rule of a successful racketeering enterprise by employing his IT/Webmaster guru, Mike Connell, across the full spectrum of his criminal activities. Mike Connell’s presence was a sure marker of Karl Rove’s involvement. It is now my belief that Karl Rove made the same mistake in having Beverly’s Mark serve as his chief of executions as to all executions in which he was involved.

We learned through our opposition research team from the 2012 election cycle that Benghazi was but the first of three planned attacks upon American overseas government personnel, to serve as props for Karl Rove’s Operations Security (“OpSec”) advertisement. This ad argued that President Obama’s decision to reveal to the public how the take down of Osama bin Laden was accomplished was to serve his selfish political goal of being reelected President and that the disclosure of these methods jeopardized overseas personnel of the United States.

Because of Mark’s high level of service in the CIA and pay grade of $3.5 million afterwards that he claimed to Bev, Mark would have been a likely candidate, if he was not the person finally settled to orchestrate these planned attacks – beginning with Benghazi. I believe Mark gave the stand down order to CIA contractors a few moments away from being able to rescue Ambassador Stevens.

I believe Bev Campbell was assassinated on February 11, 2016, by the minders of her relationship with R. Nomura which had just terminated. I am transmitting Bev’s files related to this to Acting US Attorney Ben Glassman and Criminal Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney Kenneth Parker for review by appropriate investigative agencies for use in bringing to justice those responsible for Bev’s death.

I have been litigating against Karl Rove’s corrupt election practices since the 2000 general election cycle. In this 2016 Democratic Presidential primary election cycle, our opposition research and investigative team has determined that an advanced technology election hacking system invented by Karl Rove’s technical genius, Mikey Cunnyngham, was successfully implemented.

The ratio of votes between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton was changed by some 25-33% in favor of Hillary Clinton compared to the ratio of votes as they were originally cast by voters. This was done by dropping many voters/votes for Bernie Sanders, i.e. reducing the number of votes recorded as cast, and also switching many votes cast for Sanders to Hillary Clinton.

Cunnyngham’s innovation and Karl Rove’s application of it for the benefit of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Primary campaign is common knowledge among employees of SmarTech at which its CEO, Jeff Averbeck, continues to work exclusively on behalf of Republican candidates.

In the past the unadjusted exit polls published by the media have been a reasonably accurate measure of the actual votes as cast by the voters. In this 2016 Democratic Presidential primary election, however, they are not. The current exit polling was designed to anticipate a substantial amount of fraud in Hillary Clinton’s favor. Thus, while these polls show Sanders getting dramatically more votes than the reported tally, in fact his actual vote percentage as cast by the voters is dramatically more. In Ohio, for example, where end of day screen shots of exit poll results showed Bernie Sanders receiving 10% more than those recorded for Hillary Clinton, Sanders actually received more than enough votes to achieve a substantial majority of those cast, entitling him to the majority of Ohio’s delegates to the Democratic Convention.

The last reported exit polls before their final adjustment to conform to the reported result show Bernie winning the 2016 Democratic primary. He actually won it by a landslide. There is no credible basis to believe that the reported votes in an easily hackable electronic vote counting system controlled by the very global corporate cabal that wants to rule the world has any validity whatsoever.

Karl Rove’s team covers Republican officials. Rove’s partner on the speaking circuit, James Carville may have been involved, without the knowledge of the Clintons in influencing Democratic officials. Rove’s mentor, R. Doug Lewis, has influenced election workers of both parties. Alwaleed bin Talal, Nathaniel Rothschild and George Soros have directed financial & press support in aid of this criminal undertaking. The mainstream global corporate owned press suppresses the exit polling indicative of massive fraud in this election.

In my July 7, 2016 letter to Attorney General Lynch I described FBI Director Comey’s fundamental conflict of interest in having served as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Legal Affairs Institute of the US Chamber of Commerce. His Institute engineered the Citizen Untied decision of the US Supreme Court to overturn a hundred years of campaign finance regulation against corporate corruption of American elections. Then, pretending to act as both a career prosecutor and career investigator Director Comey terminated the investigation of Hillary Clinton for violation of security laws with her private email system.

I will now go further. When you, Mr. President, proposed an executive order to require federal contractors to disclose all their political expenditures, the US Chamber of Commerce stated that if you did so, “All options would be on the table.” If Bev Campbell’s CIA friend’s report of an implicit threat against your life is true, why was the US Chamber of Commerce not immediately interrogated under oath by the FBI and Secret Service?

Is the fact that James Comey is Karl Rove and Tom Donohue's top lawyer in service to the global corporate cabal, have something to do with the absence of FBI Cyber security investigation of the obvious evidence of massive theft in this election?
Are the overwhelming majority of Democrats who supported Bernie Sanders supposed to shift their support to Hillary Clinton because their votes have been fraudulently flipped or destroyed? If there is such a strong basis for uniting Democrats to be sure to defeat Donald Trump, why are Democratic Party leaders, including Hillary Clinton, backing Bernie Sanders--the man who is outpolling Donald Trump?
Why should any American allow Karl Rove to steal another Presidential election? Perhaps with Karl Rove’s help Secretary Clinton may be able to “beat” Donald Trump, the same way she “beat” Bernie Sanders. But that way she, as the candidate of the global corporate cabal, will have won–not the people. And, whatever may be Donald Trump’s faults as a citizen candidate, it is obvious to the broad public that has supported him that the global corporate cabal’s contempt for Mr. Trump is based upon his refusal to embrace their highly profitable campaign to overthrow the democratically elected leader of Russia.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
Attorney for the Estate of
Campbell, deceased

I hereby attest and affirm under penalties for perjury that the statements of fact set forth in the above letter are true and correct, based upon either my personal knowledge, or the sources that have been consistently reliable over years of my working with them, and the opinions expressed therein are my true professional opinions to a reasonable degree of certainty. I have written this letter with knowledge of the threat against my life that has been made by Mark R. Nomura on behalf of Karl Rove for doing so and their proficiency in carrying out their death threats by means of apparent suicides, fatal accidents, terminal illness as they have done to many of my witnesses, clients, and even my champion -- former U.S. Attorney, Judge and Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. I intend that this letter be used by any prosecutor or citizen in any federal or state court of law court in any state, or any international tribunal, whether I am alive, dead, or incapacitated to prosecute, criminally or civilly, Karl Rove as the principal perpetrator of the fraudulent manipulation of the 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary Election.

/s/ Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
The Institute for American Democracy & Election Integrity
This is MUST READ -- Cliff Arnebeck Exposes the Election Fraud
Election Fraud Watch 2016
Without Election Fraud Sanders Would Have Won by Landslide
Cliff Arnebeck Exposes the Election Fraud Against Bernie and Other Important Issues To Bernie's Campaign
Racketeering Lawsuit Exposing Nationwide Vote Rigging in DNC Primaries Could Derail Clinton

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 07:11 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 08/02/16 07:14 PM

Im surprised bernie would put out such a fear narrative implying clinton will take away rights,,,,

but nobody is perfect

Heh? Bernie Did Not as a matter of fact he endorced Clinton; perhaps take a few moments to listen to the video link that I provided in my post that will better explain.
Hillary Clinton was "installed", via documented Election Fraud as the Democratic Nominee as 20,000 email leaks have confimed.

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 06:58 PM
Let's face it, humans are not without their flaws...they are corrupt and illogical, invoking distrust among its citizens.
If the technology were in place, would you be opposed to a computer running the country?
I would guess that you're referring to Artificial Intelligence[AI]& from countless Sci-Fi tales,nothing ever ends well...

Existential risk from artificial general intelligence
Existential risk from artificial general intelligence is the hypothetical threat that dramatic progress in artificial intelligence (AI) could someday result in human extinction (or some other unrecoverable global catastrophe). The human race currently dominates other species because the human brain has some distinctive capabilities that the brains of other animals lack. If AI surpasses humanity in general intelligence and becomes "superintelligent", then this new superintelligence could become powerful and difficult to control. Just as the fate of the mountain gorilla depends on human goodwill, so might the fate of humanity depend on the actions of a future machine superintelligence.

However, not only have science fiction writers communicated the potential hazards from the developement of AI but so have more than a few of the greatest minds of our century. Steven Hawking has actually been on the air in labeling the developement of artificial intelligence as one of the most greatest & immenent threats to mankind that could occur within a timeframe of the next 30 years with the techological advances that are being made.
Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking Say Artificial Intelligence Represents Real Threat

Nobel-prize winner Stephen Hawking, who spends a lot of time thinking about the shape of the universe, is also worried. "It's tempting to dismiss the notion of highly intelligent machines as mere science fiction. But this would be a mistake, and potentially our worst mistake in history," he wrote in The Independent, a British newspaper.Hawking, no technophobe, is bullish on the potential benefits of AI and machine learning, and he says AI could become "the biggest event in human history."
"One can imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand," Hawking wrote. "Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on who controls it, the long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all."

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 06:35 PM
Bernie Sanders: Silence On Election Fraud And Abuse of Convention Delegates is Deafening
"After this video, I will be transitioning away from talking about Sanders and the DNC & election to talk about where we go next (except to pin up edited DNC shorts from the footage that need to be archived & provide updates on election fraud developments that should be documented). Go to to see the MANY articles of convention manipulation and abuse of Sanders delegates. Bernie Sanders silence on the Election Fraud and mistreatment of convention delegates was deafening. Worse, he is now joining Clinton operatives and the corporate media to blackmail and fear monger victimized constituents into supporting Clinton. I have praised Bernie for the good his campaign has accomplished, HOWEVER it does not JUSTIFY this silence and complicity with the theft on an election and joining in on bullying people with fear narratives."

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 06:15 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 08/02/16 06:22 PM
Bernie Sanders: Silence On Election Fraud And Abuse of Convention Delegates is Deafening
"There are NO safe political revolutions. So, if you don't want to fight for one, don't CALL for one. I have empathy for the system Sanders is up against, we are ALL up against but there is no way to take back our power without facing real threat. The truth is we either face them sooner or we face them later, and together right now we are in a powerful position to do it."

There is NO "Race"; Hillary Clinton Will BE INSTALLED AS PRESIDENT.

God, help us all. If anyone has kept up with all the leaked DNC emails[with even more to be revealed in the future], than you know all about the massive "Election Fraud/Rigging techniques" that were carried out by the DNC in collabhoration with the Mainstream Press. Our "Votes" don't count anymore & too many people have either been bribed to keep silent, are too stupid to see what's happening, or are too frightened to consider the consequences of being powerless to control the loss of democracy as it's been defined.

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 05:52 PM

As long as you do no become "The Disability", relationships shouldn't be a problem with others. However, what cannot be predicted or controlled is the impact that your disability will have on another person. There are many people who operate within narrow intellectual parameters & will inaccurately project upon you, their own personal bias, fear, & insecurities. In essence, "They" will reject you, but that rejection isn't personal or about "you"-it's about "them". And, in many instances, its not a bad thing because many of those individuals are of the type & caliber that you don't want in your life. The major problem would seem to be that many folks who are afflicted with "Disabilities" began to lose a healthy relationship with themselves because they feel that they are not now- as they once were. That can be a valid assessment but the trick is to not impose a negitive judgement on that difference but to attempt to accept it for what it is. Just- "A Difference" that is niether "bad or good" but just different.

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/02/16 05:19 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 08/02/16 05:20 PM
At or over 50, the pressure is off. The individuals can decide to “live together apart”, live together, & maintain a commited relationship without "Marrige". Of course, people can still choose to marry, but that’s entirely up to the individuals. However, if the individuals chose to not marry, they are able to avoid legal battles in the event things don’t work out & retain a measure of freedom in the relationship if that quality is of importance to them.

Valeris's photo
Sun 07/10/16 11:29 PM

Valeris's photo
Sun 07/10/16 11:12 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sun 07/10/16 11:13 PM

Valeris's photo
Sun 07/10/16 10:46 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sun 07/10/16 10:58 PM

Trust Me; "The Mainstream Media" would love nothing more than to be able to distract questions from The Pesky American Public with "Happy-Happy-Joy Diversions", to avert Public Focus away from the very real issues that are happening, esp. In Politics.
The Media[Clinton Campaign ]has repeatedly done this as just recently with their idiotic assertion that The Sheriff Badge Shape used by Trump in one of his Anti-Clinton Tweets, was a derogatory antisemitic expression of his hatred of Jews because the shape of the badge resembled "The Star Of David" an important symbol of Judaism? Sick!

Donald Trump's 'Star of David' tweet controversy, explained


Valeris's photo
Sun 07/10/16 10:07 PM


Let's start with a quote from U. S. Congress Representative Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency for 12 years, quoted from the Congressional Record:
"The Federal Reserve Board has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt, Our people's money, to the extend of $1,200,000,000 has within the last few months been shipped abroad to redeem Federal Reserve Notes and to pay other gambling debts of the traitorous Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks ... "
Why the Fed & The National Debt Are Illegal
This Awareness indicates that you must understand that when the Federal Reserve Bank, the privately owned Federal Reserve bank, was given authority to print Federal Reserve notes instead of the Treasury Department writing the Treasury Notes as directed by the U.S. Constitution, these Federal Reserve notes were not printed to be given out to the economy, in the way as the Treasury Notes of the Treasury Department. Rather, they were loaned to the U.S. government and then circulated into society, and society was required to pay back interest on the IRS notes and that amount of interest accumulated to the point of approximately 5 trillion dollars at this time (Revelations of Awareness newsletter issue no. 430 1994), to where, if everything in the United States were sold, half of the debt would still be owed.This Awareness indicates that the Treasury Department has the potential for totally denouncing the Federal Reserve debt of 5 trillion dollars because it was illegal in the first place. The Treasury Department in the U.S. Constitution is the only proper way of financing the nation; Congress, operating the Treasury Department has the right to mint and coin money, and set the value thereof.
This Awareness indicates that in this fact, the Federal Reserve was never given any such a right, even with the vote of the Congress, because Congress did not have the right to relegate its obligations to the Federal Reserve, therefore the entire debt of five trillion dollars, because it was illegal in the fist place, is not forcible in a technical sense.

Valeris's photo
Sun 07/10/16 08:53 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sun 07/10/16 09:14 PM

Trey Gowdy GRILLS James Comey On Hillary Clinton Emails

Trey Gowdy GRILLS James Comey On Hillary Clinton Emails. Hillary Clinton Email Investigation FBI Director James Comey testified at a hearing on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers while serving as secretary of state, as well as the decision to not recommend criminal charges against her. Rep. Gowdy Q&A - Oversight of the State Department. At a congressional hearing Thursday, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) grilled FBI director James Comey about several of Hillary Clinton‘s statements to the public, which the FBI investigation revealed to be untrue. For instance, Clinton had previously claimed that she had never received or sent classified information to or from her private email server; Comey conceded to Rep. Gowdy that that was not true. Another claim of Clinton’s, which the investigation revealed to be untrue, was that she had retained all work-related emails. Comey noted that they had uncovered “thousands” of work-related emails not returned to the State Department. “In the interest of time and because I have a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon,” Gowdy concluded after running through a catalogue of Clinton’s claims, “I’m not going to go through any more of the false statements.” But Gowdy determined that “false exculpatory statements” can be used to determine intention and consciousness of guilt.

The hearing also saw Rep. Trey Gowdy unleash a blistering critique alleging that the FBI's decision will create a two-track justice system.

FULL VIDEO : FBI Director James Comey Testifies On Hillary Clinton Emails at House Oversight
Published on Jul 7, 2016
FBI Director James Comey is sworn-in before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on July 7, 2016.

FBI director Comey was not present during HRC's FBI interview, he did not talk to all of the agents that interviewed her, she did not testify under oath and her testimony was not recorded.

FBI Director Refusing To Answer Questions About Possible Clinton Foundation Probe - Cavuto
Wake Up America

Congress grills the FBI chief on why he let Hillary off the hook.
Sloan Weekly Sloan Weekly
American Royalty: The Case Against Hillary Clinton
I’m a Marine Corps Veteran. When I served I was tasked...
J. Miles Wells

Rep. Hurd Destroys Dem Partisanship at Comey Hearing

“I’m shocked because James Comey clearly found a direct violation of 18 United
States Code section 793, which does not require intent. It requires only
“gross negligence” in the handling of anything relating to the national
defense. When he determined that she was extremely “careless.” The
definition of gross negligence under the law is extreme carelessness.
It’s the first definition that comes up in the law dictionary. It’s the
definition the judges give to juries when they charge injuries on gross
negligence. Negligence equals carelessness. Gross negligence equals
extreme carelessness. So that is a clear absolutely unassailable
violation of 18 United States Code, section 793, which is not a minor statute,it carries ten years in prison.”
Rudy Giuliani

"Comey-Tose" Finds HILLARY CLINTON, "Guilty As Not Charged!"
Hillary:"Not Quilty By Reason Of Stupidity."
Gutfeld: Clinton exonerated by her own incompetence?

Lankford demands suspension of Clintons security clearance
Lawmaker makes his case

FBI Director - Hillary Clinton gave people without security clearance access to classified information.



Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 06:41 PM
Trump calls for charges against Clinton after FBI interview in email investigation
after FBI interview in email investigation
Published July 02, 2016
Confirmed: Clinton met with FBI about email investigation
Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called for charges to be filed against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton Saturday after the former secretary of state met with the FBI regarding the agency’s investigation into her use of a private email server for official correspondence.

"It is impossible for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton," Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon. "What she did was wrong! What Bill did was stupid!"

The Clinton campaign said the voluntary meeting lasted about three-and-a-half hours and took place at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Clinton “is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion” campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. He also said Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, would have no further comment about the interview.

The campaign issued the statement Saturday shortly before 12:30 p.m. ET, practically minutes after Clinton returned to her Washington home, then departed again about 30 minutes later.

“Hillary Clinton has just taken the unprecedented step of becoming the first major party presidential candidate to be interviewed by the FBI as part of a criminal investigation surrounding her reckless conduct,” said Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. "We must ask ourselves if this is the kind of leadership we want in the White House.”
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There was no immediate comment from the FBI or Justice Department Saturday.

Clinton’s use of a private server and email address -- and whether classified information was mishandled as a result of that setup -- has cast a shadow over her campaign from the start.

The FBI investigation is purportedly coming to a close, and the Clinton interview is considered among the final steps in the case.

Trump has seized on the email issue and repeatedly said the probe undermines Clinton's fitness for office. Trump has called his opponent "Crooked Hillary" and said she cannot be trusted in the White House.

The former first lady and New York senator has argued that she is more trustworthy than Trump on handling the issues that matter to most Americans: foreign policy, national security and running the economy.

But the email investigation has lingered throughout her campaign, and Trump has asserted that Clinton will receive leniency from a Democratic administration.

Earlier this week, the entire, ongoing email scandal grew when Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, initiated an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on her airplane in Phoenix.

"The American people need to have confidence that the Obama Justice Department is conducting a fair and impartial investigation, but when the attorney general meets secretly with Bill Clinton just days before Hillary’s interrogation is conducted discreetly over a holiday weekend, it raises serious concerns about specialtreatment,” Priebus also said.

There was already speculation about whether an agency under the Obama administration could conduct an unbiased probe, which only intensified after Clinton met with Lynch, a President Obama appointee who decides whether to bring charges in the case.

Lynch says she will accept whatever recommendations she receives from the agency's career prosecutors and lawyers.

Clinton has said relying on a private server was a mistake but that other secretaries of state had also used a personal email address. The matter was referred for investigation last July by the inspectors general for the State Department and intelligence community following the discovery of emails that they said contained classified information.

The State Department's inspector general, the agency's internal watchdog, said in a blistering audit in May that Clinton and her team ignored clear warnings from State Department officials that her email setup violated federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Clinton declined to talk to the inspector general, but the audit reported that Clinton feared "the personal being accessible" if she used a government email account.

Agents have already interviewed top Clinton aides including her former State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, a longtime aide who is currently the vice chairwoman of Clinton's campaign.

The staffer who set up the server, Bryan Pagliano, was granted limited immunity from prosecution by the Justice Department last fall in exchange for his cooperation. The FBI as a matter of course seeks to interview individuals central to an investigation before concluding its work.

The emails were routed through a server located in the basement of Clinton's New York home during her tenure as the nation's top diplomat from 2009 to 2013.

Dozens of the emails sent or received by Clinton through her private server were later determined to contain classified material.

Clinton has repeatedly said that none of the emails were marked classified at the time they were sent or received. As part of the probe, she has turned over the hard drive from her email server to the FBI.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 06:28 PM
I have worked in Mental Institutions in NYC & The Bronx, as an art therapist[til I burnt out] taught Art in Special Education Classes at secondary level in The New York Public School System, in addition to the fact that my own daughter was afflicted with TBI[traumatic brain injury] in an serious automobile accident at age 4. The answer to your question requires a thesis not a simple post. There is a pathetic lack of support, treatment facilities, education, research, & funding for the mentally ill in The US. Most of mentally ill are treated in our prison systems- if they're lucky...It's-just not humane to treat human beings like our 'enlightened" society seems able to do.

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 06:06 PM
"If two people want to be happy together then so be it. Be happy for them, life's to short to be negative. Don't give me the bible excuse, because if that is really the case they will be supposedly be going to hell not you, so get over it."

I can't believe anyone would even think of anyone's sexuality as an "Issue" still. Really? Someone's sexuality is really no one's bloody business to condemn. No matter what sex, if the individuals who are involved are happy & got-it-together; Bless their hearts-They're lucky:heart: Personally, I've observed relationships that would be condemned as sick, distructive, & dysfunctunctional irregardless of their "politically correct" heterosexual label. "Do as thou wilt; Harm none."

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