Community > Posts By > AhaloAskewed

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Fri 08/22/08 02:39 AM
a persons heart, because the more you love someone, the stronger your heart grows, the easier it becomes for that person you love to break it

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Fri 08/22/08 02:38 AM
yep, u guys got it!

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Fri 08/22/08 02:36 AM
the other day, this just came to mind, I hadn't heard it anywhere or seen it anywhere, but it may exist idk, I just thought it was really cool when I thought it up. I'll state the riddle, then after a few posts [if there are any] I'll post the answer, and why it's the answer but I'm pretty sure someone will get it, it's easy

the riddle -

What breaks easier, as it grows stronger?

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Fri 08/22/08 02:30 AM
if it was a punk band - "The squirming worms"

a general rock band - "The flaming Tortillas"

Melodic Death Metal - "Hellsing", so far this is the only one I actually used..but..back when I was in highschool, like 7 years ago lol.

if I was rap super star - "P-Dizzle" or, "Magnificent" "most likely these already exists [no matter how dumb they may sound]

if I was a DJ or techno beat master [not sure what to call them] - "Blackheart", usin this right now actually, well, at least thats the name of my music page [recently started makin beatz]

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Fri 08/22/08 02:17 AM
If you dress up, you make a buttload of friends. [which I've never done] I'm usually the one taking pictures. Next year, hopefully I'll dress up as someone. I've gone by myself to Anime Expo before tho, but if I'm gonna be leaving far, I'd at least wanna have someone to go with. [preferably a cute girl would be sweet!] or at least a road dawg lol.

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Fri 08/22/08 01:54 AM
the only convention I've ever been to has been Anime expo, been there a few diff years. I barely found out theres all these miniature convention like things goin on in LA year around that I didn't know about [tho I already missed them]

outa state conz tho, probably will never go to one till later when my wallet is suffering from obesity, that and I don't got anyone to go with =[ lol

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Wed 08/20/08 10:03 PM
hell yea man! I make some "video game sounding" music 2. it sorta sounds like vampiric rave or somethin tho lol

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Sun 08/17/08 10:23 PM
thanx waving

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Sun 08/17/08 10:11 PM

"A little poem"

When something begins to fade away...

A question develops...if it was meant to stay...

For upon everyday...there is the possibility of change

A road map full of twists and turns, as the plot thickens and yearns...

To come to some kind of conclusion, to end the state of confusion...

To give reason for everything that happens.

Distant relatives of snowflakez and Frosted Roses,

Inside a cup of delicacy, a mixture of life itself, mixed with sickness and health...

It would be a dream to only pick one, but unfortunately, you can't have one without the other...

That should never stop you from dreaming...waking up and chasing the rainbow that leads to a better place...

Sweet soft melodies envelope you...and gently carry you away...

I just want you to know.....

I'm a melody too....

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Sun 08/17/08 12:37 PM
is it hard 4 u guys to meet the opposite sex thats into the stuff ur into like anime 4 example? 4 me man it is, especially on here. well I come across people who r into it but they live 2 far, and when they live close I try to mail them and theres a setting that won't let me mail them =[ kinda sux

oh well I guess, but yea, anime is sweet! I seen some clips of this naruto game comin out 4 one of the next gen consoles, ps3 maybe I 4got which one but damn! it loox like ur controlling the actual anime and ****.

I always thought video games shoulda moved in this directions with some titles.

Especially street fighter man! they used low res sprites 4 way 2 long! talk about being lazy [instead they went 3d for awhile]. well..the new SF loox pretty sweet tho, can't wait to play it and fight online.

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Sun 08/10/08 04:32 PM
I'll have to check it out, theres so much I think humans are capable of...thats actually why I'm so fascinated by figuring out about these beings that may have not originated from even any planet around ours...

Somehow..I believe that so many things we wonder about, just to wonder, they have actually experienced and figured out...thinking about it trips me out...

when I talk to people who have very strong faith in God..they tell me to stop wondering, that I was created in God's image..and I tell them..well..thats precisely what I'm getting after...

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Sun 08/10/08 04:25 PM
I noticed you guys talked about people hearing voices...I never got that either..why it happens that is..I actually hear voices a lot...normally when I'm alone and when I'm kinda unwidning, getting ready to sleep when I'm trying to relax my mind.but for the most part its never hearing someone or some thing to tell me to do evil things tho..

I hear voices, as if I were sitting in the middle of a populated area, hearing peoples discussions around me, its really weird. So many people talking that I can't really focus on one unless one sticks out.

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Sun 08/10/08 10:59 AM
there are many types of abductions taking place...some people do believe these are beings not of human origin, and some believe it's science experiments run by secret leaders above government, and some just think we're testing new technology...

Ever hear of MILAB abductions?...kinda creates a whole new twist to the plot..

but what to believe, who to believe, and does it ultimately make a difference if you believe or not are in question...I guess it totally depends on the're either tuned into this stuff and want to know the truth, what is going on, if anything or nothing at're satisfied with your life as is...why complicate a life that is most likely complex enough as it is?

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Sun 08/10/08 10:39 AM

damn...I'm a number 2 and thats nearly spot on...pretty trippy...

waving hello to a fellow #2

waving hi! Artgurl! the art sayz it all. 4 me it's music =]
tho I wish I could draw better

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Sun 08/10/08 10:33 AM
damn...I'm a number 2 and thats nearly spot on...pretty trippy...

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Sun 08/10/08 09:44 AM
One of my friends told me the reason why he won't get a serious gf is because of that question, he likes who he is and how he thinks and it's something he doesn't want to change. Although he admits that the way he thinks won't get him far in this life.

but me...I told him one of the really great things about being in a serious relationship isn't so much that your partner actually makes you "change"...its more like..your partner makes you "step up"...In some scenarios...a partner will be asking you to change things about yourself he/she knit picks and complains about..which is a little different...on the other hand...your partner will sometimes encourage you to "step up" in life, because they see something in you, your full potential to "grow" and become something great. answer is yea...I would "change" in a sense...but you should only change when you think there is an actual problem with how you think and handle your life...I for one really did need the change, or else I'd be a bum still..

it depends on your placement in life as well though..where you're currently at...if you got everything set already, your doing what you love for a living, happy with yourself, etc...then hell no! thats when u tell them "don't let the door hit your ass"

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Fri 08/08/08 12:55 AM
I would ask pete, "wtf happened!?!"

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Thu 07/31/08 02:51 PM
hey JB, do you believe any of the stuff Alex Collier had said in the past? Just wondering...he talked about some of the stuff you're talking about. I think some of his beliefs just sounds so out there...only because it's so detailed...but to see someone act the way he did, as if he believed every single word that came out of his mouth kinda made me wonder. I mean...the truth just never know.

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Thu 07/31/08 02:38 PM
I've found the most realistic take, and evidence..on the whole Outer world beings and be found in The disclosure project lead by Dr. Steven Greer [at least if I remember correctly I think that was his name..] If anyone is interested...I suggest taking a look at it...It's not random people saying they've been abducted or seen things flying in the sky, it is only people that were in the military, EX-nasa workers, people that used to be In Nato, etc. talking about specific events, and trying to take things up with the president himself to file disclosure on that specific matter. People discredit civilians , I don't blame them because there are idiots out their that create hoaxes...but..I do believe there are other beings out there, [I've seen some unexplainable stuff myself] and I believe a lot of the technology we have today wasn't even founded by humans, and even more hidden technologies that won't be revealed till later times. Tho humans of course invented many things themselves...

Conspiracy theories...theres so many reasons why a person either would, or would not, believe they are true or not. Some people determine their faith by not believing such theories. On one side of the poll, you have people who believe in conspiracies calling Religious people stupid for being blinded by their faith, on the other hand, you have the people who believe in the various religions out there that call the conspiracy believers the same. Then you have people midway, they take in what they will, disregard the rest and keep an open mind. [at least imo]...also..some people just can't believe anything without proof. I believe they are all valid reasons to agree or disagree with something or not..I mean..hey...we're human...we think for ourselves [for the most part]...we can give a f*ck less about what someone else thinks unless we "ourselves" either are fascinated by it or find some sense of truth behind it.

My take of the whole people think it's stupid or that the powers here on earth can easily take peoples faith for their own advantage. With the technology we have today, I think its quite simple to create a false 2nd coming of Christ, or an invasion of some sort. Not to say that it isn't possible for there to be a real 2nd coming, I for one just don't believe that...more so..back in the day...when a human seen another being it didn't understand or never seen before, that being was referred to as a god. If back in the day, a being came down from a light in the sky, it was considered some god-like being. Now, if you were to see that in present day [some judge by appearance or not], you would either say it's also some god-like being, or say it's an alien. The difference is that the word Alien didn't exist back then, who knows if that word were available back then, maybe we would have a whole different look on things...people have made the word Alien itself seem ridiculous in reference to outer earth life...beings with wings and halo's on some magical paradise, beings in an aircraft from a distant planet or galaxy..if you ask me...considering one ridiculous means you should consider both ridiculous...

I guess I can't say I have a huge source of evidence for what I think. I think it's really cool to hear what others have to say though. Some excel in certain areas, where one knows less one knows more, and vice versa of course. Even if someone had all the answers to the world, they would have a hell of a time trying to convince the rest of the world they were right, with or without evidence.

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Wed 07/30/08 05:04 AM
I thought the movie was pretty sweet...but so many people's initial reactions to their opinion of the movie, is that heath played an awesome joker. I think he did a great job, but the fact that, that is the first thing out of people's mouths and the fact that he passed away almost creates either a biased opinion of the movie, or the illusion of a biased opinion. Which I think kinda sucks, cuz it makes u think.

but overall...

Batman - pretty sweet, at first his batman voice was retarded and killed it, but as soon as he had his normal bruce wayne voice at least, it wasn't so bad and made sense [altho it still was an ugly voice haha] - I liked how they showed his injuries.

Two Face - I thought the dude played a sweet two face man. The look of Two face was also really cool. The transformation from good to bad was just awesome. What happens to him later...LAME

The Joker - Agreed, he played a pretty dope joker. Some pretty funny parts. I liked when he does his magic disappearing pencil trick in the beginning

Alfred - cool pick but man when he was tellin bruce that story about a bandit or somethin I had no idea wtf he was sayin. idk if I just tuned out, or couldn't understand his accent

Worth the money