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Anyone here watch anime?
it gets better, if you wanted to though, you could totally skip that entire arc. The jump to it was retarded in the first place. Hanza was a cool looking character, wasted on the arc, and amagai in the very last episode had interesting abilities and looks pretty crazy, also wasted on that arc though. Everything in between that happens isn't all that great.
Anyone here watch anime?
yea, her true form will be shown I think, probably flashbacks to show her history I bet to. I just hope that doesn't take like 18 minutes of the show and crap lol.
I wanna c Aizen trash somebody, that episode where he made Grimmjow bow to his knees without doing **** was insane. I like the effect they use when someone fluctuates their riatsu. I still think Grimmjows rank shoulda been way higher though, some of the characters that are more powerful than him look, talk, and act lame. 4 awhile I was thinking Grimmjow may switch sides because his characters so developed. I hope he has a lot more air time as the show goes on. I don't read the manga so Idk what happens |
Anyone here watch anime?
I get bleach at, not sure how fast that site gets it opposed to the others, though it does get the RAW ep fast. I want some more main fights to come out, I hate when the possy goes up against people with annoying abilities. Glad the show finally went back to the espada arc, tho the new captain towards the end looked all crazy, he got trashed though lol
I watched the latest naruto shippuden ep's yesterday to catch up, sometimes the story is frustrating with fillers or useless crap, but it picked up and got really good, the latest episode pissed me off tho, was a tear jerker lol although I already knew what was gonna happen since quite some time ago cuz there are qu33rs out there who like to spoil **** for everyone I saw like 2 episodes of dmc, the animation was sweet as hell but I don't remember what the storyline was about |
Anyone here watch anime?
duck hunt? I HATED that laughing dog! haha
I had the cartridge that had mario, dukhunt and this olympic game on it remember that olympic game was sweet and fun as hell!! the one where u run on the pad and race your this brought up even more games lol, I remember playing skate or die as well, Knights of the round on snes, man the list will just keep growing everytime I look at other people's lists I get more games popping into my head |
Anyone here watch anime?
best video games off the top of my head
- Kung Fu Heroes - [Nes] - Ninja Gaiden -[Nes} - Mega Man 1-3 and the X's - [Nes, Snes] - FF VII - [PS1] - Castlevania Symphony of the Night [Ps1] - Phantasy Star Online - [DC, Free Online schthack server, currently lv 157 Humar on there] - punch out/super punch out - [Nes] - Kid Chameleon - [Genesis] - Forever Kingdom - [Ps2...weak game schematix,tho I liked] - Fable - [Xbox] - X-men legendz - [fun with friends] - Double Dragon for [snes] --------------------------------- Fave fighting Games, SF, Cap vs Snk, MK, GGX, Mugen[if balanced and made right] list probably isn't in order lol and theres more games I could add Fave anime - Hellsing - [All time fave, haven't watched much of the ultimate OVA renditions tho, I only watched the older version] - If anyone likes vampire stuff and hasn't watched this yet, you NEED to watch it - Bleach - [Sticking to the story and main plot, right now this is my favorite anime, the fillers do suck like crazy, but the espada arc is pretty sweet, the soul society arc in the beginning was sweet as hell, tho I find myself wanting to fast forward through the side character battles at times I really like this anime - Hajjime no ippo - [dope ass anime about boxing, starts off slow but the character growth is so detailed, a good watch if you're into the boxing world] - Berserk - [love this anime as well, there's no closure in the anime, but in the manga it continues, that's if you read manga] - Naruto/shippuden - [Excluding the millions of fillers its a great watch] Samurai champloo - [man! wish it was on longer!] Cowboy bebop - [...mushroom samba..all I gotta say haha] Vampire Hunter D - [bloodlust, the old version was tight as well but the animation wasn't all that great, I liked bloodlust a lot better] - Samurai X/Kenshin - Robotech - Macross - DBZ - Fatal Fury - Street fighter moviez and many more - Other shows, Justice league unlimited, Gargoylez, G I Joez, He-man, X-men, Cops, Mad Balls, a buncha old onez |
thanx man, I hope it's not that expensive...the music is like...instrumental dance type in a's hard to explain, its a lot of different styles put those are my most recent works, the stuff I'd send in would sound like Giving up, Frosted Rose and The Lunar surface
Not really money making songs haha, but I just always thought it would be cool to have air time on the radio, on xm sat they got this station called "the system", it seems like my music fits into their broad ranged techno type station |
I was wondering if anyone knows how to go about copyrighting music...I'm trying to get some of my music out, and get it on the air. I asked for some info at xm sat, and they just told me to send in a stuff isn't copyrighted so I wouldn't wanna send anything out yet...although..that might be hypocritical cause the songs I'd be sending out are already on someone wanted to steal them they could have already lol
but, what are good ways to go about getting music copyrighted? and...does it cost a lot? |
In reference to meditating, and being in a state of "no thought"...
In my practices, meditation is a tool used to allow the soul to slowly seep out of its normal dwelling spot, to make itself present to allow a connection between the mind and soul. This is done to "evolve" on a spiritual level...if you have ever felt a strange sensation in your body when meditating, in my point of view and belief, you are allowing your soul to take over, or as others have put it, tapping into your "higher" self. a lot of people use meditation for different purposes, and a lot of people get a different effect from using different techniques, though for me as I meditate, it strengthens certain perception abilities. Much like how sometimes you feel you are in the wrong place, where you feel danger, you get this sensation hinting that you are in danger. For me, it's almost a feeling of my entire body being enveloped in static, that somehow makes me begin to walk away from where I'm currently at to avoid whatever it is that can cause harm. In accordance to the meditation state, its a dense feeling, a heavyness that surrounds the body...and the hard part of this meditation is forcing the brain to shut off long enough to not attain fear, because in early attempts most people get scared of the feeling and break the meditation state...well you never actually flip the off switch on the brain, its more like it turns to passive mode to allow everything "around" or "within" it, to function totally entirely separate for a moment. I believe we are all connected, and at one point, acted as a single conscious mind to a certain someone stated on here, they talked about prayer...what most religious people neglect to notice is that when they assemble in an organized prayer, regardless of the place weather it's someones house or church, the sum of the people, lets say 40 people gathered to pray for a person..what they are attempting to have 1 conscious mind, to be so strong, to send a message. They see it as being one loud voice seeking aid from God, tho I, think differently, I believe they send "energy" me this energy is "part" of God just as we are In ending to this long post...I just believe humans are more than meets the eye, and we are capable of all sorts of things...I wonder if anyone here has ever heard of dynamo jack...he had some abilities, and controlled energy that could not be measured on any scale because its energy tho acted like electricity, was not electricity. The man called Dynamo Jack called this energy chi.[unless I'm mistaken, it's been awhile since I read and viewed what he was capable of...but he was a pretty interesting individual...he used his energy as a doctor...and he demonstrated what his energy could do in terms of destructive force...hard to take in, but I believe all he did he really in fact did do. |
what happens?
They feel the need to place the word GOD in front of anything that exists. If someone believes in a different belief system, they state that individual REJECTED GOD....give me a break...they were never thinking of that GOD you keep bringing up to begin how can they reject this..GOD?..catch my drift yet? Maybe some don't understand or realize what they are doing, but just by saying others rejected your GOD is basically another form of shoving your beliefs in front of their faces saying hey you rejected this.
what happens?
and as to what happens, that's something each and every person in the world is supposed to answer for themselves and believe what they believe in. For me, all possibilities are open...since I can't say I for sure know anything related to death.
wherever they are at, I'm pretty sure it's not a bad place if they weren't evil individuals. If you are an evil individual [based on what you think evil is], I think a lot of different things can happen to you when you die...maybe hell exists and you go there, maybe you are tied to the earth filled with greed and hate so you forever roam the place you used to dwell in, because you cant "let go"...or maybe...being evil doesn't even matter... |
what happens?
I worked my @ss off at work, and I got a raise, someone said I earned that raise through God and only because of GOD
I studied my @ss off to get an A in a class, someone said I earned that A through God and only because of GOD I do good deeds, I'm a good person, and I help the less fortunate, someone said God is working through me my response: Hell no! I do all that MYSELF, I EARNED that raise I EARNED that A I do good deeds because I AM a good person, not because GOD programmed me to do sh*t this way, not because GOD is responsible for me being a good person. I HIGHLY disliked this person for never giving credit to me, for the things I did in life to better MYSELF. and that person was my own mother... God didn't put anything in Mans heart, Man has to find sh*t out on Man's own. There are bad people and good people out there, some are religious and believe in God, some aren't. It is ridiculous to say everyone is the way they are simply because God implanted something in their heart/mind/soul...if that were true...then God is also responsible for some of his worst creations who slaughtered people just for the sick thrill of it, who rape young girls for the fun...then one would debate that "oh it's because of Free will"'s a never ending circle with people who think this way...making up some excuse for the way things are... It's so much easier and realistic to say..people are people..and leave it at that. I understand much pride can be taken in one's belief...but I'm just really sick of that type of mentality where a person thinks everything happens because of God... |
The Fall of Man...
I believe tons of things are going to happen in the next few years, that could either mean a whole lot to the world we know today, or nothing at all to the world we will know tomorrow. When there is a fall, it allows those who have fallen, to climb back up, and arise as new.
new technology, questioned belief systems and life origins, lies uncovered, and very important discoveries that aren't really discoveries, just unveiling of items found that before were not known about. I think towards that date, it will all matter, or not matter at all. Life will either continue going on as it is, or a new sense of the word life shall come into existence, begging us to leave our luggage behind, and join the world. |
"Out of body" experiences
lol I addressed that in another thread just yesterday captain, funny how you brought that up. That's why I said OOBE is related to sleep, the mechanics all work together in different ways to perform different things.
It's true, it could be a temporary leak or overload, but that just shows what a human is actually capable of. Magnificent isn't it? Life is all about learning, especially about learning of yourself. There are gateways in our own bodies alone that most people would think are unimaginable. DMT imho aint no drug either. you're not inducing yourself with something that already isn't naturally occurring in your own body. True you might be amplifying it and "tampering" with its level, but that's just like a guy working out and taking creatine, but of course not as simple lol |
"Out of body" experiences
When a person has an OOBE, in the case that they're still on our "plane" they view what is around them in real time without people [for the most part] being able to see them.
When a guy falls asleep and somehow has an OOBE and meanders around into his living room to find his brother watching tv and dropping 3 pieces of cheetohs on the floor only to pick them up and eat them even though they are dirty, then wake up and ask his brother if all that happened for his brother to say HOW THE HELL? that right there is the proof. It's happened too many times, with accounts written by real people in books that all share that experience and try to find a deeper meaning to it, or simply express that they too have had the OOBE. It's possible that a dream similar to an OOBE can happen, but like I said, if a person has that experience, and notices all that is happening in real time, then asks people if all that really happened and it did, then how could it be a dream? Not possible. there is a link between sleeping and OOBE I'll say that, but the 2 are not the same. Sleep can be noted as one of the most meditated states a human can be in. Of course, what you see while you sleep, you are most likely not meant to remember for whatever reasons they may be if any. The sad part is that only people who have had the same experiences will believe such proof, because that is the only proof available. It of course, is not a dream if all that happened in real time. A person cannot gain new unknown knowledge in the aspect you describe it as funches. I do get what you are saying though, in a sense it's almost like experienced least show me that it means something, otherwise its useless and pretty much the same as a dream. For a person to travel such far distances, levitation, hovering, in that OOBE state, they are not in physical human form. It is impossible to bring that knowledge and movement skills back with you. The only way you can bring such abilities with you is if you experienced and learned them in human form which is up to you to think weather its nuts to think its possible or not. The only new unknown knowledge people have from that experience, is the ability to harness the experience, and create the experience at "will". Once that can be established, that is considered the new unknown knowledge. |
the video was really really interesting...I watched all the way up to 10, some of it I already knew, some of it answered some of my questions, and some of it was just hard to digest.
The best part is the supposed huge experience mankind is supposed to witness is in this generation I am living in. I'll be able to witness whatever it is that is really going to happen, or look at my calendar after the night is over, and say wow...I guess it really just was another day, another year, come and gone. |
burping farting ...those bodily functions suck! |
nah it's not legal here....its actually a pretty illegal substance now so it's not all that easy to get
My favorite subject of all time...which is so hard to discuss with certain people...I often talk on this subject to a friend of mine who has had some strange experiences in life like I have had. If I bring this up to anyone else I know, they think I'm nuts...
I fully believe there is other intelligent life other than humans that exist. It's hard to say where exactly they originated from, but I'm sure that a few races even exist on our planet alone and have for quite awhile. I also believe a lot of the technology we have today, warfare type and even recreational technology wasn't founded by humans...though that can be a potential picky subject.. I witnessed a UFO as a kid, and have had paranormal experiences as well growing up. The reason why I particularly became so intrigued by the subject [not that those experiences weren't enough already], was because I began to have these really strange dreams... I was having dreams of seeing and experiencing just very very weird things. Abductions, experiments, spiritual trips, and sightings of creatures and machines that aren't originated from here. I kept wondering why the heck am I dreaming this stuff? The even stranger aspect is that at times, I was terrified, and at other times, I was being "taught" something through experiments. and no, none of it was drug induced. The only time I've had a spiritual "trip" with aid, was by taking DMT extract [Dimethyltryptamine], which can't be considered a drug. It's only considered a drug because it's studies program plug was pulled by the government to keep us from learning and breaking boundaries. the government thought if studies went to far and uncovered certain knowledge, Religion and ethic values may be damaged. ...btw for anyone not familiar with it DMT is a chemical that naturally occurs in our bodies EVERY night...while we're sleeping...we sleep for hours...yet can't even remember a full hour or 2 of events even. So scientists wanted to study just exactly wth is going on and why we can't recall what is happening to us. Then they found that DMT was being secreted by our brain, and also came to find that DMT is only supposed to be in the body at 2 times for humans. 1 - REM sleep, 2 - right before you die [hence NDE] for humans DMT is produced in the pineal gland [If I remember correctly]...DMT is in other life forms as well...more older animals like lizards and amphibians...the pineal gland is referred to as a "3rd" eye where DMT is produced. Though it isn't an actual "visible" eye... the knowledge attained by these studies lead different people to different conclusions and beliefs even. The "spirit molecule" theory began this way I believe... It's always referred to as a hallucination...however I just believe it's stupid to call the experiences that...a dream is a dream..without sleep a human will die..we "need" that deep sleep..and what we are experiencing that we can't remember...plays a vital role in our unconscious minds/life and is a necessity to life... I wanted to experience it for myself at least once in my life...and so has altered the way I think dramatically...what you see and experience is very hard to best it's as if you are communicating with some higher being, but you are communicating with this higher being because you are in a death state, and the NDE takes place, until you come to the end where I will leave it blank...but at the end, your body forces you to wake because you aren't dead...both a terrifying and beautiful experience...if practiced, you can train yourself to react differently in that state instead of flowing with the path presented to you by the being, you instead, can attempt to communicate. [my bad I guess I got carried away] if I'm incorrect on any of that feel free to correct me. |
an overdue appearance. 4 some reason I always thought the dude from Roswell brendon fehr I think, reminded me of gambit. as long as he got a rugged beard and a kept the long hair. Gambit is a touchy character though, depending on who plays him it will make or break his character in the movie. So far I've liked all the cast pretty much. though a way bigger juggernaut woulda been tight. Just like in spider man, I thought brock lesnar woulda been perfect for venom, only because he reminded me of the venom on the animated show, but thats because I'm accustomed to that version of venom.
I don't know who is playing captain america but I thought Randy couture woulda made a tight ass captain america, altho he's a bit up there in age now, I still think he fits the persona. I still can't wait 4 the G I joe movie, man I loved that show as a kid!...I only hope the movie is decent at least |
little riddle
![]() logically that probably makes more sense lol, thats when a person snaps cuz they know so much mind boggling knowledge! ![]() but for softiez like me, its the heart. I doubt I'll be breaking my mind anytime soon. it's just the answer I thought of since I formed the question myself...cuz I was just thinking one it's weird when you start liking someone so much...and then bam, they break your heart at the snap of their fingers. Had I not like the girl at all, it probably wouldn't have even cracked my heart |