Snubbed …Racially?
A pres of USA, yes, but a leader of free world? When did everybody else elected him? Tsk, tsk. Remember the United States invented democracy and freedom. The French Republic and the British Parliament and such only preceded us because of time-travelling State Department officials. |
Snubbed …Racially?
It may have something to do with his unworthy treatment of the British Prime Minister.
UN Human Rights Seat?
Edited by
Fri 04/03/09 03:48 PM
What does it do? It preserves monuments, provides aid, keeps the peace, gives a semblance of decency to military misadventures, and employs hundreds of liberal arts majors. |
UN Human Rights Seat?
We need to send the UN back to Geneva where they belong. Not in the US existing on our backs for free. It was an American idea to have the United Nations based in the United States. Quite a few countries were actively opposed to it. |
Bill Maher said on Real TIme
Edited by
Thu 04/02/09 06:54 PM
Emanuel says that people on the 'no-fly' lists will not be permitted to own guns. He does not imply the NRA are terrorists. The kind of tough talk he's engaging in is usually the preserve of the modern Republican party. He even ends the speech with their favourite banality. Surely the G.O.P. should be thrilled?
Why I hate Star Trek!
The hand that was replaced was a prosthetic, not his robot arm, or am I missing something? I think I should have elaborated. His natural hand got cut off, and the robotic hand is the replacement. |
They know where you live. So probably do a ton of marketing organisation, and frankly I find Mormons more annoying. By a magnitude. |
One famous atheist, when asked what he hopes to accomplish through atheism, declared that he wants “to drink as much alcohol and have sex with as many women as possible.” And you still aren't sold on atheism? ![]() ![]() |
Why I hate Star Trek!
But why was he a robot underneath? It's a prosthetic. |
Why I hate Star Trek!
Luke Skywalker getting his hand cut off in a fight with Vader in one of the initial movies, exposing wires and circuits underneath? In all fairness, it was. It was lost during Luke's duel with Darth Vader in the Cloud City. |
Why I hate Star Trek!
Yes I hate Star Trek! The Genera reached too far and fell off the edge of the flat world of my interest. Allow me: 1. It's not the artificial gravity that keeps people from slamming into walls, it's the inertial dampeners. 2. Hull breaches trigger force-fields. Like in ST: Nemesis. 3. It depends on the ship. The Defiant is a tight fighter design. The Enterprise-D even has civilians aboard. 4. That is because Starfleet isn't simply a military organisation. It is also the scientific and diplomatic arm of the Federation. And if military were required, it would be stationed. Like the MACOs in Enterprise during that long mission to find the Xindi. 5. Again, not soldiers. 6. A phaser is far more practical than a gun. The idea isn't to scare your enemy into submission. 7. That might be pointlessly expensive, actually. The Ship: 1. You're thinking in terms of Newtonian mechanics. Not relevant. 2. All Starfleet systems have double-redundancies. Chief O'Brien mentions it to an alien engineer in DS9. 3. That would just make a terribly interesting show, eh? TNG: I do not doubt Kirk would have been just stupid enough to rush headlong into a Borg cube. Picard is the right captain for a mature superpower. DS9: You clearly missed the entire point of Trek. The idea isn't to go killing everything that moves. Yes, the Bajorans were a colonised society, and they resented it. Who wouldn't? If you don't want a sanitised future where all is hale and cute, then you should like DS9. Or is your idea of reality limited to indiscriminate violence? Hybrids: Assisted by medical technology. Tucker and T'Pol's baby sure needed it. PS. Star Trek is not a genre. Science fiction is a genre. Star Trek is a series, and it will always have both science and fiction. |
And yes, I'm annoyed that the IHT can't spell. |
The System
Edited by
Sat 03/21/09 11:36 AM
I have implied that "simply because other developed nations have something, doesn't immediately make it desirable". Which is not the reasoning behind my argument. This is a distortion of my argument and qualifies as a straw man fallacy. The distortion need not be an assumption of an implicit argument, but the assumption of an implicit argument may nevertheless be a distortion. |
is chivalry really dead?
I quite agree. This is why I'm a misogynist. So if you talk to yourself, are there harsh words? ![]() |
Abstinence as a way to avoid STDs is perfectly effective. Just like starving to avoid food poisoning.
Apology not accepted.
It was in poor taste and he admitted as much himself.
Let's now sit and sweat over this for a month, because it's not like the economy isn't booming and all isn't well. |
The System
I am not attacking your argument that universal healthcare and affordable post-secondary education should be available in America. Instead, I am showing a weakness of your implied argument. That is what makes it a straw man argument. You are not attacking my actual, explicit argument, but what you consider an implicit argument. |
Does Gravity exist?
Of course it doesn't. It's all Intelligent Falling. Many are the places where His Noodly Appendage reaches.
Atheist Bus...!
![]() That road is paved with good intentions, then. |
Atheist President
Not in our lifetime. It's possible though. Of course they would have to change the country's motto. This isn't the original motto to begin with. The only two original mottos are E Pluribus Unum and Novo Ordo Seculorum. |