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Topic: Some Dad's Kill me!
Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:21 AM
Edited by Jim519 on Sat 03/29/08 05:22 AM
Twice this past week I stopped off at two different local bars after work. Just to get a few beers, grab something to eat and wind down....Mind you, these are "bars"...Not a restraunt

Two different places, two different days. Both times I saw a Father come in with there child, sit down at the bar, park their child at a table, and start knocking a few back!!!!!

The one last night, the little girl was maybe 4 years old, the other one had a son who was maybe 10.

Anyone else seen this? Anyone else see something wrong with this? This infuriates me, I wanted so bad to say something but didnt want to cause a scene in front of the child. I think I am going to contact both places and mention to the Manager's/Owners....WHat kind if place are you running?!?!?!

kayliz88's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:23 AM
One of my friends...shes 15...her mom did the same thing. Brought her into a bar and then started drinking. I know she's a little older than these other kids but still...

chickayoshi's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:24 AM
That is sad that a bar would allow a parent to bring a child in like that. A bad influence. Didn't that happen to Drew Barrymore when she was younger?

Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:26 AM
I shot him one hell of a look as I was leaving..I could never even consider doing something like that...

I think what pisses me off the most is that he has to drive from there obviously!!!

Thomas27's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:27 AM
Actually saw this a few times in Central CA. I never said anything, but looking back I wish I would have.

wildsideof35's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:28 AM
I don't think that children should be allowed in "THE BAR SCENES." Now it is different at a restaurant where the atmosphere is different and family oriented. I think I would leave them a comment or talk to them, no place for a child to be!!!grumble grumble

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:30 AM

I shot him one hell of a look as I was leaving..I could never even consider doing something like that...

I think what pisses me off the most is that he has to drive from there obviously!!!

well, that's the first thing that comes to my mind too. Obviously they value their booze more than they value their kids. I have seen women do this too, back in the days when I used to go to bars.

My daughter has never seen me drink and never will.

hellkitten54's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:33 AM
My mom used to take me to the bar with her. The bartender would make me shirly temples with extra cherries so I could feel like the bar crowd.noway ohwell

recentfree's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:40 AM

My mom used to take me to the bar with her. The bartender would make me shirly temples with extra cherries so I could feel like the bar crowd.noway ohwell
ya me tooo

michiganman3's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:40 AM
It was the Trails End bar in San Diego, 1963-1964. My dad would play a little electric shuffle board, he'd have a beer or two and I'd have a coke. I was 4-5 yrs old. This place was about 15 mins from the house. Usually mid afternoon, after doing some running around town taking care of things. I am almost 50 yrs old now and I haven't thought about it in years, but I can still remember going there once or twice. I think my sister went in there with him too, I'll ask next time I call her. It was just a little local neighborhood bar. I think it depends on the situation, and the people involved.

BlackForkFella's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:48 AM
Think thats bad? A bartender in my town would bring her 8 year old daughter in while she worked a shift!Bars aren't anyplace for children.:angry:

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:50 AM

Think thats bad? A bartender in my town would bring her 8 year old daughter in while she worked a shift!Bars aren't anyplace for children.:angry:

hmm..that's a tough one. Maybe she is working trying to support this child and can't afford or can't find child care. It is a sticky wicket. I have had to bring my child to work on numerous occasions, but luckily for me I work in an office.

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 05:51 AM

My mom used to take me to the bar with her. The bartender would make me shirly temples with extra cherries so I could feel like the bar crowd.noway ohwell

Yeah, that's what you want your kids to be, part of the bar crowd. Yikes.

Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:04 AM

Think thats bad? A bartender in my town would bring her 8 year old daughter in while she worked a shift!Bars aren't anyplace for children.:angry:

As much as I agree that it's not cool for her to do that, I can only hope she wasnt drinking as well.

There are other alternatives for work, I would consider a different job before I drag my child into a bar....

lcjw's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:10 AM
I think we have a duty to say something to not only the bar owner, but also to authorities.

Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:14 AM

I think we have a duty to say something to not only the bar owner, but also to authorities.

I was very close, I wanted to say something to him, the owner of the bar, and thought about calling the cops watch him and see if he leaves driving off. But I couldnt get out of my head what would happen to that little girl...the scene of it..

Now I think back about what if there were an accident as well....I was pretty torn

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:15 AM

I think we have a duty to say something to not only the bar owner, but also to authorities.

I was very close, I wanted to say something to him, the owner of the bar, and thought about calling the cops watch him and see if he leaves driving off. But I couldnt get out of my head what would happen to that little girl...the scene of it..

Now I think back about what if there were an accident as well....I was pretty torn

Jim I think it's sad that you care more about the little girl than her butthead dad does.

caamken's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:16 AM
Well I am not an advocate of kids in bars. Most bars here have a time I am not sure cause I don't go often either 8:00 or 9:00 and no one not of the legal drinking age is allowed to be there.

But I also play alot of softball and bars are the primary sponcers of the teams arround here, and they ask that if you play for the team they sponcer you go in a few times during the season and support the bar. Here most of the bars/sponcers serve some pretty decent food so I have brought my kids in eat dinner, I never drink in a bar for multiple reason one is I do not want my children to get the above idea, and this area is one of the highest in the country for drunk driving. Which I want neither. But if a bar/resturant/sponcer is gonna hand over a few grand to sponcer our team I will go in once or twice during dinner time

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:18 AM

Well I am not an advocate of kids in bars. Most bars here have a time I am not sure cause I don't go often either 8:00 or 9:00 and no one not of the legal drinking age is allowed to be there.

But I also play alot of softball and bars are the primary sponcers of the teams arround here, and they ask that if you play for the team they sponcer you go in a few times during the season and support the bar. Here most of the bars/sponcers serve some pretty decent food so I have brought my kids in eat dinner, I never drink in a bar for multiple reason one is I do not want my children to get the above idea, and this area is one of the highest in the country for drunk driving. Which I want neither. But if a bar/resturant/sponcer is gonna hand over a few grand to sponcer our team I will go in once or twice during dinner time

I think it's a whole different thing if you are sitting at a table with a group and eating in a bar/restaurant.

What Jim saw was a kid just sitting there in a bar while her dad pounded them back. Entirely different circumstance, I think.

Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:19 AM

I think we have a duty to say something to not only the bar owner, but also to authorities.

I was very close, I wanted to say something to him, the owner of the bar, and thought about calling the cops watch him and see if he leaves driving off. But I couldnt get out of my head what would happen to that little girl...the scene of it..

Now I think back about what if there were an accident as well....I was pretty torn

Jim I think it's sad that you care more about the little girl than her butthead dad does.

I have a little girl myself, very near and dear to my heart. Once I got pulled over for having a brake light out. She was so upset with the sight of the police car, she thought her Daddy was going to jail...Could you imagine the scene of "Sir, your going to Jail and Social Services is on the way to get your child!"...OMG!...

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