Topic: heres | |
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Fri 03/21/08 08:13 AM
another question why the -------- do people cuss so much especialy in front of kids?
Blah, I don't know.
I think it's pretty trashy. |
Or elderly folks for that matter, shows no since or refinement or respect
yeah it is real f-ing annoying excuse my langauge just get tired of having to ask adults to stop cussing
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Fri 03/21/08 08:19 AM
i know yall cussers are out there fess up
I know this is going to sound racist but remember I can only speak for where I live in South Carolina. I hear a lot of black people yelling from across the street to one another "WUT UP MOTHER F*CKER" and they don't give a damn who's around. Same as in movie theaters. It pisses me off and I have said something before which was met with a "HEY F*CK YOU MAN". Mostly young people.
Or elderly folks for that matter, shows no since or refinement or respect Its just total disrespect!!! Did momma not teach them what respect is? |
well i dont cuss and maybe once in a while a cuss word doesnt bother me but be respectable kids are listening and yes i know people like this and now i must listen to some happy music.
I have a mouth like a sailor BUT I never swore in front of my daughter (when she was little) and I am respectful around people I don't know well, people who seem like they would be offended, little kids, etc. I don't yell out cuss words in public but I can get pretty raunchy with my friends.
another question why the -------- do people cuss so much especialy in front of kids? Some of us would not even do it in front of a lady. You are a lady aren't you? ![]() |
I have a mouth like a sailor BUT I never swore in front of my daughter (when she was little) and I am respectful around people I don't know well, people who seem like they would be offended, little kids, etc. I don't yell out cuss words in public but I can get pretty raunchy with my friends. {{{{{{{{{{hiker my kindred spirit}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I can out curse a sailor, but there is a time and a place for everything. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
soceity is messed up you could be just anywhere and you hear people going off one one another with no consideration for know i feel like just confronting people sometimes but i'd end up cussing them out i'm just too nice
I almost never swear at all, unless I drop an anvil on my foot, or a donkey steals my pudding or something. It doesn't bother me when other people swear though; I figure it's just a bunch of phonetic sounds stuck together in such a way as to express a specific concept.
I have a mouth like a sailor BUT I never swore in front of my daughter (when she was little) and I am respectful around people I don't know well, people who seem like they would be offended, little kids, etc. I don't yell out cuss words in public but I can get pretty raunchy with my friends. {{{{{{{{{{hiker my kindred spirit}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I can out curse a sailor, but there is a time and a place for everything. ![]() ![]() ![]() when my daughter was 12 I realized that we were both swearing behind each other's backs. It was ridiculous. Needless to say, her friends are shocked when they come over. |
I almost never swear at all, unless I drop an anvil on my foot, or a donkey steals my pudding or something. It doesn't bother me when other people swear though; I figure it's just a bunch of phonetic sounds stuck together in such a way as to express a specific concept. it was the way I was raised. I grew up in the inner city and my mom had a mouth on her! They say you can take the girl out of Bridgeport but you can't take the Bridgeport out of the girl. We didn't even have any donkeys there, either. Just jackasses. |
it just sounds do i have a pleasant day with all the f this f that
I have a mouth like a sailor BUT I never swore in front of my daughter (when she was little) and I am respectful around people I don't know well, people who seem like they would be offended, little kids, etc. I don't yell out cuss words in public but I can get pretty raunchy with my friends. {{{{{{{{{{hiker my kindred spirit}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I can out curse a sailor, but there is a time and a place for everything. ![]() ![]() ![]() when my daughter was 12 I realized that we were both swearing behind each other's backs. It was ridiculous. Needless to say, her friends are shocked when they come over. ![]() first time I heard my daughter say sh!t I wanted to die... lmao but as we grow up we all make our own choices, she is 22 yrs old now and shows me the same respect I have always shown her, she bites her tongue around me...if she's on the phone arguing and cussing she'll leave my side. Not so say she doesnt cuss I am sure she does, but not in my presence. ![]() |
we dont talk that way i know as kids older they cuss but people really just get used to using such fowl language in every convo.cut the cuss words out half their story would be gone
we dont talk that way i know as kids older they cuss but people really just get used to using such fowl language in every convo.cut the cuss words out half their story would be gone same can be said of those who dont cuss but dont speak their minds ![]() ![]() |
I have a mouth like a sailor BUT I never swore in front of my daughter (when she was little) and I am respectful around people I don't know well, people who seem like they would be offended, little kids, etc. I don't yell out cuss words in public but I can get pretty raunchy with my friends. {{{{{{{{{{hiker my kindred spirit}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I can out curse a sailor, but there is a time and a place for everything. ![]() ![]() ![]() when my daughter was 12 I realized that we were both swearing behind each other's backs. It was ridiculous. Needless to say, her friends are shocked when they come over. ![]() first time I heard my daughter say sh!t I wanted to die... lmao but as we grow up we all make our own choices, she is 22 yrs old now and shows me the same respect I have always shown her, she bites her tongue around me...if she's on the phone arguing and cussing she'll leave my side. Not so say she doesnt cuss I am sure she does, but not in my presence. ![]() nah - we don't hold it back. I just felt it was hypocritical for us to swear behind each other's backs. if you can't be yourself with your family, when can you be yourself? |