Topic: "illegal Mexicans" | |
Yes I have many mex Amer friends, but I have never heard them threaten
the US, so their cousins can stay here illegally. Have you? If so they are traders to me...and they should go too.. I am not a bleeding heart, I dont care if you screwed an illegal immigrant and got pregnant. You should have thought about that then. dont ask me to pardon them for your sins. |
Was going to stay out of this but...
I am darn glad the kill em all or ship em home mentality did not exist when my family came to the americas. We were illegals. (i.e we snuck in). since then we have worked hard for our piece of the dream. We have lost family members in every war the US has engaged in. Some of us are fighting for this country right now. I for one wonder how you can hold high the torch of freedom in one hand (send us your tired... etc) and then deny those people that meet the criteria of the liberty ladies voice with a gun. Perhaps the law needs to be changed so they are no longer consider illegals. I have the rights of an american. One right I do not have is the right to deny someone else their shot at the dream. If they work harder then I do then I reckon I best step up. |
"I for one wonder how you can hold high the torch of freedom in one hand
(send us your tired... etc) and then deny those people that meet the criteria of the liberty ladies voice with a gun. " Adventure, I dont think any of us are trying to say NO ONE should coem over. I know I am not. And I efinitely am not saying to say no to those that qualify (i.e. apply for visa and/or citizenship). What we are all upset about isthe peoplethat try to coem over here and hide without applying throught he proper channels, and those that then bring violence and drugs and dierespect withthem as well. I have a lot of good friends that came over here, and they do not refuse to learnthe american language; they do not refuse to pay taxes, etc. And I know that not all illegal immigrants are that way. But we have absolutely no way of knowing who is that way and who isnt unless you apply for a visa, and then ctizenship. Yes I am sorry that it has to take so long, but it is the only way we can make sure you are who you are and that you are safe. ALSO, we are not a neverending source of abundance. If we were to let everyone in (assuming world peace here and no trouble or violence or anything) we would literally dry up and float away in the wind. |
Couldnt have said it better daniel. Well put and straight to the point I
have been preaching. There preaching thats religous....LMAO |
lol thanks fanta now I feel better about talking in here..
Uh, I mean preaching... |
are illegal mexican people to claim to be mexicans and are really some other nationality inquiering mind wants to know |
that is a very good point adj and a very RELEVANT issue
Simple solution. We go to Mexico, overthrow their government and annex
them into the US. We get their oil, create jobs to build the infrastructure down there and add to our tax base. |
yep and a lot closer than iraq
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Dave now I know why your dazzling !!
I thought amnesty was granted back in the eighties to all the illegals who were here then.Today we need to be much more careful who we let in.They need to fill out the forms and apply like everyone else. |
okay cross post i put in other thread
Thu 04/12/07 07:31 PM the illegal alien problem could be helped by cutting the foriegn aid(welfare) program and using the money to secure borders by hiring more border security and possibly buiding some more border structures detain those that illegally enter that are not under the threat of persicution and have them help to build the bourder structures for say 6 monthes to pay their way back to their home land just a thought but hey what do i know |
If you are illegal you are breaking the law it doesn't matter what
country you are from. Not all illegal aliens are from Mexico, must of them are but there are plenty of other ilegals out there also.I work in an industry were I must work with them I'm a kitchen manager. Last year I was sent four illegals from H.R. Three of them had been in the country only 2 months. They didn't speak any english and had no expericence working in a resturant. I as really pissed when they showed up ready to work they had no clue I couldn't properly train them and the couldn't even read the menu. the state Colorado said that they were going to take the hard line on illegals in the state. Colorado said they would fine each employer $5000.00 per illegal. I have since left that company for another and the problem is still there. There are over 12 million illegal aliens in the United States and 10 ten million are from south of the boarder. But you know what's funny about this. The Mexican American thinks it a good thing and promote the crossing of more into our country. It's a bad thing, a real bad thing in ten years. |
In greeley colorado, they busted Monforts meats and arrested some of the
illegals, but there is a problem all over and it will be until someone gets order. I know in Kentucky, there are illegals and no stings or nothing has been done, but other states have this problem. I guess it depends on the state. |
They turn the blind eye thats why we need
Congressman Thomas G. "Tom" Tancredo (Republican - Colorado) for president... |
I totally agree with what Rain said. The only reason why America is so
great today is because it is made up of people from so many rich backgrounds. More than half of the people of the US have descendants that were immigrants into this country, legal or not. They are in no way stealing "our" jobs. They are simply doing the same amount of work for a lesser price or doing the work that most people feel they are "too good" to do. As a woman of mixed racial heritage, I am very sensitive to such issues. I feel that the only reason "mainstream" Americans have a problem with it is because we (and when I say we, I mean my fellow Latinos and Hispanics) are brown. I can't say it much simpler than that. I doubt this would be an issue if swarms of Europeans were coming here illegally. And as for hurting the economy??? Ha! If anything they are helping the economy. Cheap labor is cheap labor. If you can cut costs by either getting someone to do the labor for less wages, or take away the jobs from people that are demanding more money, that means that your corporation will be making a greater amount of profit. |
'and have them help to build the bourder structures for say 6 monthes to
pay their way back to their home land' I do have a bit of problem with this statement. Would that not be forced (slave) labor or are you advocating we pay them. In which case they might decide to cross our border every 6 months or so just for the job. (would build up the border defenses quite quickly so could be a good thing). |
no i am advacating incarceration for commiting a crime
and giving them the opertunity to earn their way back to their homeland as criminals a given work in a correctional facility they will be given work in a holding area before returning to there homeland |
Pu$$Ywillow just because i live in HILLBILLYHELL doesnt make me one. No
buddy! I grew up out west. Girl! now thats just WRONG! I know alot of really FINE people here in the south who bust that ARSE everyday to provide for family AND friends AND our community. Now thats just RUBBISH with that HILLBILLY crap. fanta time to get yer doggie!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am about to get ill as a lil hornet! |
AMEN daniel!!!!!!
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