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SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:44 AM
gun control is a tight shot group

anti gunners are whiney babies that need to be home invaded,see how quick the cops prevent anything

anti gun proponents are mindless idiots

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:47 AM

without arms
how are the people
to protect
inalienable rights

In a civilized nation you don't need to, you have laws.

Thinking that since you own a glock or whatever else "the government" will be somewhat more respectful of you is ridicolous. Besides the fact that you need much more firepower to do anything is the economy the tool to drive and steer the masses, not guns.

I agree that they are beautiful pieces of technology, and nor dangerous by themselves, but they are nothing more than another "product" you like to buy, marketed and advertised as such. Nothing more. You don't NEED them you WANT them.

I don't have a gun and I'm free all the same..keep yours but don't think you're a sort of super hero or freedom defender just because you can go BANG...

They'll get you speculating on mortgages, raising the price pf gas until you can't drive anymore or closing your son's school. Not with guns.


nonsense, you Need a gun, not just want one, if your loved ones or you are in danger, it is your responsibility to protect them/you, gonna tell em to wait while the cops show up, they only respond AFTER a crime, and most will tell you, they are not there to protect or serve you

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:48 AM
Happiness is massive firepowersmokin drinker bigsmile

no photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:55 AM

without arms
how are the people
to protect
inalienable rights

In a civilized nation you don't need to, you have laws.

Thinking that since you own a glock or whatever else "the government" will be somewhat more respectful of you is ridicolous. Besides the fact that you need much more firepower to do anything is the economy the tool to drive and steer the masses, not guns.

I agree that they are beautiful pieces of technology, and nor dangerous by themselves, but they are nothing more than another "product" you like to buy, marketed and advertised as such. Nothing more. You don't NEED them you WANT them.

I don't have a gun and I'm free all the same..keep yours but don't think you're a sort of super hero or freedom defender just because you can go BANG...

They'll get you speculating on mortgages, raising the price pf gas until you can't drive anymore or closing your son's school. Not with guns.


If this was true.......why are certain people in our government trying to take them away? Why did Hitler take them away? Face it......you are free because of all the rest of us that have guns.
If they take away the our right to own firearms it won't be long before they take other rights away as well. Heck, by the reasoning of some of the anti-gun people around here there should be a lot more deaths by gun. But the truth is......you are safer with a gun in the house than you are crossing the road.

did you noot see the to robbers in california

shot two or 3 officers

held swat at bay for hours

2 of them

and i feel if this was a liberty issue

their would be a few more than two hopefully

and if their is not then maybe the two are in the wrong

and that was a daylight robbery

gorilla actions

would make a bike difference

when up against larger force you must use hit and run

after all they are fight pretty good in irag and afganistan

you use what ya got till ya take better ones from the enemy

glasses glasses <<<<--------hope they are not watching flowerforyou

The problem with using that thing in cali for an example. A good shot with a 9mm pistol could have ended it in 5min. The mistake of the police was they were going for body shots with 9mm ammo. If you take the head shot, its over. Also that was before they had access to high powered rifels. I you review the reports on that incedent they had to requisition ar-15 from a local gun shop. After those were obtained then they had them on the run in a matter of minuets. But it was pretty amazing to see someone smart enough to use body armor. On another matter. You also have to look at the number of soldiers that would either simply not obay the orders to fire on american civilians and also the soldiers that would desert all together. Ive talked to many many soldiers and every one of them said if given the order to fire on american civilians they would be more likely to shoot the one giving the order. So think of it this way you would have maby not entire basses but large amounts of soldiers fighting for our side. And when those soldiers desert do you not think that there going to arm and supply or even take over the base, depending on how many, before going awol. They would know that if they are going to leave they would have two choices, hide which most probably are not willing to do, or fight. Also think of this, one sniper can wreak havoc on the battlefield. You have a couple of million rednecks in this country that are use to making long(several hundred yards) shots with there rifles, so instead of one or two snipers, you would have hundreds at a time.

no photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:56 AM

Happiness is massive firepowersmokin drinker bigsmile

amen to thatdrinker drinker laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:56 AM

gun control is a tight shot group

anti gunners are whiney babies that need to be home invaded,see how quick the cops prevent anything

anti gun proponents are mindless idiots

I thought that was muzzle controle laugh laugh bigsmile

adj4u's photo
Sun 03/16/08 07:47 AM
D.C.'s gun ban gets its day in court



looks like the day is at hand

will the supreme court uphold the constitution

or commit treason

no photo
Sun 03/16/08 07:57 AM
I think every American should be given a gun..in that way we can fix both the over population problem (you guys are breeding like rodents) AND drain the shallow end of the gene pool (you're breeding dumb rodents)....

adj4u's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:04 AM
Edited by adj4u on Sun 03/16/08 08:12 AM

I think every American should be given a gun..in that way we can fix both the over population problem (you guys are breeding like rodents) AND drain the shallow end of the gene pool (you're breeding dumb rodents)....

well yes the population is growing

but a large amount of the growth is from

the birht of children to

illegal alien population

and i would not call them rodents or relate them to rodents

glad i did not say that

but then you may have a better grasp of the type than i

drinker drinker


actually argentina has a higher population growth rate


how much of it is from illegal immigration

have any idea


not intended to be a put down just researched statement

and posted relavent info

it is a shame ya have to post disclaimers


but i agree every american upon reaching legal age
should be issued a gun

and not just any gun

the same as is issued to the military

along with 500 rounds

after training of how to use it of course

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 03/16/08 11:16 AM

I think every American should be given a gun..in that way we can fix both the over population problem (you guys are breeding like rodents) AND drain the shallow end of the gene pool (you're breeding dumb rodents)....

We've been implimenting another solution by sending our rodents to argentina:wink: devil

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 03/16/08 11:18 AM

I think every American should be given a gun..in that way we can fix both the over population problem (you guys are breeding like rodents) AND drain the shallow end of the gene pool (you're breeding dumb rodents)....

well yes the population is growing

but a large amount of the growth is from

the birht of children to

illegal alien population

and i would not call them rodents or relate them to rodents

glad i did not say that

but then you may have a better grasp of the type than i

drinker drinker


actually argentina has a higher population growth rate


how much of it is from illegal immigration

have any idea


not intended to be a put down just researched statement

and posted relavent info

it is a shame ya have to post disclaimers


but i agree every american upon reaching legal age
should be issued a gun

and not just any gun

the same as is issued to the military

along with 500 rounds

after training of how to use it of course

Isn't that kinda what the swiss does? They seem to have gun violence down to almost nill...

adj4u's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:57 PM

Lordling's photo
Sun 03/16/08 01:54 PM

I think every American should be given a gun..in that way we can fix both the over population problem (you guys are breeding like rodents) AND drain the shallow end of the gene pool (you're breeding dumb rodents)....

well yes the population is growing

but a large amount of the growth is from

the birht of children to

illegal alien population

and i would not call them rodents or relate them to rodents

glad i did not say that

but then you may have a better grasp of the type than i

drinker drinker


actually argentina has a higher population growth rate


how much of it is from illegal immigration

have any idea


not intended to be a put down just researched statement

and posted relavent info

it is a shame ya have to post disclaimers


but i agree every american upon reaching legal age
should be issued a gun

and not just any gun

the same as is issued to the military

along with 500 rounds

after training of how to use it of course

Isn't that kinda what the swiss does? They seem to have gun violence down to almost nill...

Yes, their system is truly awe-inspiring, and, in practice, appears to be exactly what our own Founding Fathers envisioned for America. What happened?

adj4u's photo
Sun 03/16/08 02:12 PM
crooked politicians

afraid of the **people**

adj4u's photo
Wed 03/19/08 03:38 PM
Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.

adj4u's photo
Wed 03/19/08 03:39 PM
Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 03:51 PM

D.C.'s gun ban gets its day in court



looks like the day is at hand

will the supreme court uphold the constitution

or commit treason

Justices Agree on Right to Own Guns: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8VG2PR00&show_article=1

adj4u's photo
Wed 03/19/08 03:58 PM

D.C.'s gun ban gets its day in court



looks like the day is at hand

will the supreme court uphold the constitution

or commit treason

Justices Agree on Right to Own Guns: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8VG2PR00&show_article=1

that is how they are leaning but ruling is not expected till june


No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 04:06 PM
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good" -- George Washington

adj4u's photo
Wed 03/19/08 04:17 PM
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Thomas Jefferson

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