Topic: New High In US Prison Numbers | |
OMG it must be another zionist conspiracy. ![]() My!!! some folks are catching on. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
name one that you think is better and would love to go live in, i'll buy your whole family tickets. dont cop out now. for me it would be tahiti, ![]() ![]() ![]() the US has its fair share of problems not saying it doesnt, im just saying that its still the best place to be, the trade off for some of the other places are just not worth it, TO ME. One of those grass huts on the beach, sounds great to me too. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But I hear that China is getting a lot better lately ,too. They say that a guy can move to the city over there and work in a factory job for 7 years and then he can go back home and retire for the rest of his life, I heard that real recently, probably in the last couple months. |
Edited by
Sun 03/02/08 07:39 PM
First, in reference to more minorities being in prison, most of them are committing violent crimes or are involved with drugs. Additionally, they are poor. Consequently, they cannot afford the high-priced lawyers who would be able to get them off. A lot of whites go in for white-collar crimes and are getting off the hook as far as jail time is concerned by paying big fines. These white-collar criminals usually have the money to pay high-powered lawyers, hence none or little jail time. Although I disagree with the system, I can understand why there is a tendency to put violent criminals behind bars rather than white-collar criminals.
Another reason why so many black men are in prison --- I read, can't quote the two sites, that most are there for drugs. Another thing stated in the same two articles is that a lot of black women are taking the fall for their men. The reasoning is that the men have multiple arrests for drug use/possession, and if they are arrested again, they will serve many years. The women have never been arrested, which means that they will get a light sentence. So the women will claim the drugs are theirs to save their boyfriends from stiff prison sentences. symbelmyne talked about people getting away with murder (OJ) and the Enron execs committing white-collar crimes and not paying the piper by walking away free and easy. symbelmyne is right. I am going to repeat what I stated above to reaffirm what she said. I watch court TV and I see the high-priced lawyers turning/twisting the evidence so that the rich guys, usually white executives, get away with everything from embezzling millions and millions of dollars from ordinary people like you and I to out and out murder. If you have the money to pay for a clever attorney, the likelihood is that you will get away with the crime with little or no time. |
I think its called a police state. but lets at least be honest about it and not call it the land of the free ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- madman..... I take it this is your grandchild ..... absolutely adorable baby .... beautiful. madman...... I do not follow your line of thinking. Why would you call America a "police state?" Do you know what a "police state" is? I think not. Let me educate you. It is a country wherein the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over every aspect concerning the people. That would be yours, mine, and everyone on this site's social, economic and political life. This is usually done through the use of a secret police force. Also, when you have a police state you usually have totalitarianism. Considering the above, why would you make such a statement about our country? Where and when have you seen secret police in our country? I think everyone on this site would be very interested in hearing your response. Incidentally, if we had a police state, you would never be able to make the derogatory remarks you make about America, the secret police would haul you off to jail. Think about that! |
Just a thought but could it be that we have more people in jail because we have more people breaking the law? I also love the way people talk about victimless crimes such as drug use. Gee the drug users aren't victims are they. My nephew was hooked on crack, he ended up killing himself, there was no victim there. The families of all the people killed on purpose and as innocent bystanders by gangs fighting over drug turf will be pleased to know their sons and daughters were not victims. The pro wrestler who was wacked out on drugs and killed his wife and children, there was no victims there either.
we would have less people in jail if we used capital punishment more often.
while I agree if you do a crime you should go to jail,there should be a system of community service or work that non violent offenders can do to offset the cost of keeping them in jail and help earn time off of their sentences.So many towns do not have budgets for roadside clean up,building playgrounds or any of the myriad of projects that exist.I'm not talking chain gangs here but rehabilitation and payback thru hard work.
gardenforge.... Right on. More people are breaking the law and they deserve to be in jail. I don't believe there is such a thing as a victimless crime. A family friend caught his son using drugs. Initially, he intended to send his son to drug rehab and that was going to be the end of it. However, he found his son was not only using drugs, but also selling them. The guy turned his son in, because he said he couldn't live with his son getting off scott free for selling and perhaps turning innocent people into addicts and possibly causing someone to kill him/herself. The term white-collar criminal is used as though it isn't so bad, but these guys steal people's savings, retirment funds and cause them to lose their homes.
cutelitledevilsmom has a good idea for non-violent offenders, particularly those who are first-time offenders. However, I would have no problem with chain gangs. Do something horrendous to criminals and next time they won't be so quick to commit crime. Chazster, I am for capital punishment under certain circumstances. |
Funny how the rethuglicans are for a smaller role of government unless it involves the police or military.
Funny how the rethuglicans are for a smaller role of government unless it involves the police or military. you know you're right, lets take all the police off the streets, where do you live again? because we really dont have a need for all the cops, all theyre doing anyway is crushing peoples riht to the pursuit of happiness. not hurting anone whenm I speed down the road. from the bar to go home. but I dint realize no meant no officer, now give me your car keys I like yours etter than mine, matter of fact I like your house better than mine, so you can leave now... oh and leave your daughter there chuck... and your wallet i might need some groceries and some KY. yep sounds like a bad plan to not have police on the streets you know doing things like serving ad protecting the community. |
Funny how the rethuglicans are for a smaller role of government unless it involves the police or military. madman..... Funny how a liberal is making statements that we live in a police state, but when asked for proof won't furnish evidence. Come on now, you made the claim, let's have the evidence. |
It is absolutely absurd the way the liberal socialists can bend things to suit their own radical purpose. All of a sudden everyone in jail is an innocent victim of the conservative police state. Did it ever occur to any liberal socialist that these people are there because they broke the law. They made the choice that landed them in jail! Nobody swept them off the street and locked them up without due process.
Of course liberal socialists think that you only have to obey the laws with which you agree and if you are caught breaking a law it is always someone elses fault. We all know that liberal socialists are never accountable for thir own actions. Here is a novel approach to solve the problem. Everybody obey the laws and soon our prison population will decline. If you want to smoke dope, get it legalized or be ready to accept what punishment comes from your errant behavior. When you get locked up, take it like a man (no pun intended) and quit whinning about it. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. |
I read a big sign on a man's lawn that went something like this: Those who are pleased with the system, have yet to experience it.
I believe that it is very true statement. |