Topic: do we try to justify our existance? | |
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Sat 02/23/08 08:38 PM
for instance:
do religious people try to justify their existance through their beliefs? or non-religious (atheist) try to justify their existance and their set of values through denying God's existance? Don't all of us are walking the same path in this world regardless of our beliefs? As a christian i believe every individual is my brother or sister, why do i need to judge them if they don't have my own beliefs? Why should i tell them that they are sinners and they are going to hell? If towards the end I'm also a sinner, and maybe worse than those who don't believe in God. Maybe I deserve hell more than them. ================================================================ I don't justify my life through my religion. I live my religion simply because I can't find any other way of living that makes logical sense to me than the existance of a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Son to be my Lord and Savior. |
for instance: do religious people try to justify their existance through their beliefs? or non-religious (atheist) try to justify their existance and their set of values through denying God's existance? Don't all of us are walking the same path in this world regardless of our beliefs? As a christian i believe every individual is my brother or sister, why do i need to judge them if they don't have my own beliefs? Why should i tell them that they are sinners and they are going to hell? If towards the end I'm also a sinner, and maybe worse than those who don't believe in God. Maybe I deserve hell more than them. ================================================================ I don't justify my life through my religion. I live my religion simply because I can't find any other way of living that makes logical sense to me than the existance of a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Son to be my Lord and Savior. I don't think you should tell them they are sinners or judge others. Sometimes the bible seems contradictory to what is practiced. "judge not" seemed like a great message to me but I don't see it practiced that much. However, the way that I have heard other christians explain why they try to so vehemently to convert non-christians to their beliefs is this: If you truly believe that those who do not share your beliefs are going to "hell" and hell is a horrible place, then don't you want to do what ever necessary to keep them from going to hell? And I understand what they are saying, based on their beliefs, BUT you cannot force or bully or otherwise use negative pressure to convince most adults to share your beliefs. So in my opinion if a christian truly wants to save others from"hell" and get them to change their beliefs, the best way to accomplish that would be just for them to live a good life and talk gently and non-threateningly about their beliefs when asked. Peace and joy. ![]() |
for instance: do religious people try to justify their existance through their beliefs? or non-religious (atheist) try to justify their existance and their set of values through denying God's existance? Don't all of us are walking the same path in this world regardless of our beliefs? As a christian i believe every individual is my brother or sister, why do i need to judge them if they don't have my own beliefs? Why should i tell them that they are sinners and they are going to hell? If towards the end I'm also a sinner, and maybe worse than those who don't believe in God. Maybe I deserve hell more than them. ================================================================ I don't justify my life through my religion. I live my religion simply because I can't find any other way of living that makes logical sense to me than the existance of a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Son to be my Lord and Savior. Interesting Walker...... I do not justify my existance to anyone......For I am here with purpose this I know.....and I have not even tapped into what the Lord God has planned for me. I am not here to do anything but live as the Lord God intended for me to. I am not here to judge anyone.....But as I am a sinner just like all, I am also through my Lord & Savior asked to bring the word of God to the masses. I take this serious, however I try my best not to cram down anyone throat...I give them the information what they do with it is their choice/free will. I also live for the Lord, and all that I do from the time I wake up till the time I close my eyes is live as best I can and For HIM........ |
for instance: do religious people try to justify their existance through their beliefs? or non-religious (atheist) try to justify their existance and their set of values through denying God's existance? Don't all of us are walking the same path in this world regardless of our beliefs? As a christian i believe every individual is my brother or sister, why do i need to judge them if they don't have my own beliefs? Why should i tell them that they are sinners and they are going to hell? If towards the end I'm also a sinner, and maybe worse than those who don't believe in God. Maybe I deserve hell more than them. ================================================================ I don't justify my life through my religion. I live my religion simply because I can't find any other way of living that makes logical sense to me than the existance of a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Son to be my Lord and Savior. It is hard for Christians not to proselytize because it is part of their religions beliefs to try and save others. Unfortunately most Christians don't know how to do this in an effective way and the end result is the opposite effect. When this happens it is more detrimental than not saying a thing unfortunately and yes you are better of keeping your opinions to yourself sometimes. Most people prefer to think they are right and everyone else is deluded regardless of the topic, it is just the ways of human nature. Most people feel like you are telling them what to do and resent that in itself. Most already know what they think about God. I don’t think anything should be shoved down anyone else’s throat because it usually leaves a bad taste when done in this manner. I think in these forums arguing different points of view just gives bored people something to do and sometimes gives us things to think about. It can simply be interesting to see what others think and believe or to hear why they think what they do. It can also be weird. Usually proselytizing is just futile. It’s not like we don’t have resources and technologies that keep people isolated from hearing about God nowadays anyway. Most people like to decide for themselves and not be told what they should or shouldn’t do or think right or wrong. Planting a seed gets turned into trying to revamp the whole garden and it usually makes for a bad day. I think Christians can better serve God by not appearing so judgmental and holier than thou when it comes to voicing their opinions onto others. God doesn’t need us to try and force him onto others. If he wanted us to be that way he could’ve done that himself and saved a lot of time. God doesn’t need anyone to defend him he is totally capable of doing that himself. It’s ok to give an opinion but to tell someone they are going to Hell is just wrong. People are sinners it doesn’t have to be pointed out. We are not the judge of them only ourselves, it is ok to say you think they are wrong and why maybe but not to accuse and judge. Cheer up and think about something else that isn't so serious for awhile. Go out and have dinner and relax or do something you enjoy. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
very nicely put iamgeorgiagirl............I try and be one of those ones that attracts with honey instead of vinegar. I think I pretty much let anyone believe what they wish......
And the only time you will have a fight on your hand with feral is disrespecting my God, Jesus Christ and calling the Bible a book of fables.....then it's watch out......Not that God, nor Jesus Christ needs me to defend...cuz they don't...But for those really searching they need to know where I stand and have another way to look at things. |
for instance: do religious people try to justify their existance through their beliefs? or non-religious (atheist) try to justify their existance and their set of values through denying God's existance? Don't all of us are walking the same path in this world regardless of our beliefs? As a christian i believe every individual is my brother or sister, why do i need to judge them if they don't have my own beliefs? Why should i tell them that they are sinners and they are going to hell? If towards the end I'm also a sinner, and maybe worse than those who don't believe in God. Maybe I deserve hell more than them. ================================================================ I don't justify my life through my religion. I live my religion simply because I can't find any other way of living that makes logical sense to me than the existance of a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Son to be my Lord and Savior. I don't believe I have any right to cram my beliefs down others throats. Everyone should be allowed the freedom choose what they want to believe or not want to believe. I believe God has a plan for me. I do my best to follow that plan. The plan that God has for me is not necessarily the same plan that he has for everyone else. I believe God has one common goal for all of us, however I believe we all take different paths to get to that common goal. I do my best not to judge people for the path they choose to get to that goal. |
very nicely put iamgeorgiagirl............I try and be one of those ones that attracts with honey instead of vinegar. I think I pretty much let anyone believe what they wish...... And the only time you will have a fight on your hand with feral is disrespecting my God, Jesus Christ and calling the Bible a book of fables.....then it's watch out......Not that God, nor Jesus Christ needs me to defend...cuz they don't...But for those really searching they need to know where I stand and have another way to look at things. ![]() |
very nicely put iamgeorgiagirl............I try and be one of those ones that attracts with honey instead of vinegar. I think I pretty much let anyone believe what they wish...... And the only time you will have a fight on your hand with feral is disrespecting my God, Jesus Christ and calling the Bible a book of fables.....then it's watch out......Not that God, nor Jesus Christ needs me to defend...cuz they don't...But for those really searching they need to know where I stand and have another way to look at things. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() right back atcha cutie |
my only point is that as a christian I can't pretend to save my non-christian brothers and sisters. preaching fear. i don't believe in that approach.
I'm not saying all christians do that, but some do. |
Just a few short verses that to me say alot about how religion should be.
James 2:12-17 2 So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty. 13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. _________Mercy triumphs over judgment.________ 14 Faith Without Works Is Dead (cf. Gen 22; Josh 2:1) What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. NKJV Shalom...Miles |
my only point is that as a christian I can't pretend to save my non-christian brothers and sisters. preaching fear. i don't believe in that approach. I'm not saying all christians do that, but some do. To just love God is ok. Spread seeds here and there. Answer questions with truths or belifs as best as you can. All Christians aren't called on as teachers. We are called to spread God's love to everyone especially those who are lost... You can lead a horse to the water but... The proper translation for the word fear is actually reverence from Hebrew to English not fear as we in English use it. Hope that fear isn't your approach theme. ![]() ![]() |
my only point is that as a christian I can't pretend to save my non-christian brothers and sisters. preaching fear. i don't believe in that approach. I'm not saying all christians do that, but some do. To just love God is ok. Spread seeds here and there. Answer questions with truths or belifs as best as you can. All Christians aren't called on as teachers. We are called to spread God's love to everyone especially those who are lost... You can lead a horse to the water but... The proper translation for the word fear is actually reverence from Hebrew to English not fear as we in English use it. Hope that fear isn't your approach theme. ![]() ![]() amen |
my only point is that as a christian I can't pretend to save my non-christian brothers and sisters. preaching fear. i don't believe in that approach. I'm not saying all christians do that, but some do. To just love God is ok. Spread seeds here and there. Answer questions with truths or belifs as best as you can. All Christians aren't called on as teachers. We are called to spread God's love to everyone especially those who are lost... You can lead a horse to the water but... The proper translation for the word fear is actually reverence from Hebrew to English not fear as we in English use it. Hope that fear isn't your approach theme. ![]() ![]() amen Let your beautiful light shine down on me Confirm my existence with your love so free. Warming my heart and elating this spirit Your majestic beauty no other comes near it. The dawn arises to another precious day Sending love and hope come what may. Every single day though the birds rise and sing But if you don’t listen you might not hear a thing. Wonders all around us so much to enjoy now The seas and the mountains, the universe… wow. The stars in the heavens twinkling in the night The moon could be winking or full and bright. Mystery and beauty many pleasures fulfilled Tantalizing treasures many blessings over spilled The skies filled with clouds all puffy and unique The sunset is so breathless we barely can speak A kiss in the wind brushes lightly on your cheek Your smile keeps on coming until reaching its peak Let your warm loving light shine down on me. Confirm my existence with your love so free. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hello Miguel...
![]() ![]() Justify my existence???? Holy crap!!! If I even attempted to justify why I am here...I suspect I may just have to not exist... ![]() The justification of existence is in the DOING, the BEING, not the labels attached... is how I feel. I am what I am... whether that's a good thing, or a not so good thing. ![]() |
my existence
why should i try to justify it i had nothing to do with it i am here by no doing of my own so i guess the justification if needed should come from the creators of you ![]() ![]() good day lee ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hello Robin...
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Let your past evaporate and become a person who needs no justification by doing only the things that you know you are justified in doing.
Allow the water of your past to flow over the dam primordial behavior into the river of remorse as you set sail into the future on the placid lake of creative productivity. There’s no justification required to navigate into the canals of love. Whoops! Where’s Jax? ![]() Did I say something wrong again? ![]() |