Topic: whats the grossest thing you've seen in a movie? | |
ok----all i'm gonna say is this--------roadkill--
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alotta places thats dinner ![]() |
had a friend that was into the "Faces of Death"
documentaries. that was the goriest... |
In the movie Poltergeist when the guy vomits up a demon. Or in The Sixth Sense when that ghost is throwing up in the tent.
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We watched Faces Of Death in high school, it was the must watch movie back then...At that age it gave me damn nightmares....
A few that come to mind-
The fetus eating scene from Anthropophagus Any number of scenes from Salo one being when someone is forced to eat their own excrement.... ....and speaking of that, Pink Flamingos when Divine eats the doggy doo(which was real). In Audition where the guys only food is vomit out of a bowl, I saw Bad Taste mentioned above, but I never found that gross since it was so cartoony and the vomit was just green goo. Now take those scenes and multiply their grossness by 500 and you have the Japanese flick Squirmfest, I'm not even going to go into detail on all of the scenes, but the tamest bit is when a woman eats worms chased by a glass of milk filled with worms. |
Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal feeding Ray Liota's character his own brain....gave me nightmares, creepy chit!
This isn't the grossest thing, but in Fire in the Sky, where he flashes back to when he was abducted, he was in this cell, that was gooy, but he broke out, and he ended up landing into this other one where there was a decaying body with guts and goo, then he freaks out and ends up getting caught by the aliens, they put this brown mud stuff in his mouth, then shove some type of tube and snake thing down his throat... That's the only gross part in that movie.
I watched the "Anti Christ" last weekend... It was extremely bizarre and there were a few gross scenes.. I told a few friends about it and they were disturbed and didn't even watch it.. I'm still trying to figure out where the anti Christ was b/c in the end it never appeared.. Definitely disturbing movie and Willem DaFoe being in it was even more confusing...
A few that come to mind- The fetus eating scene from Anthropophagus Any number of scenes from Salo one being when someone is forced to eat their own excrement.... ....and speaking of that, Pink Flamingos when Divine eats the doggy doo(which was real). In Audition where the guys only food is vomit out of a bowl, I saw Bad Taste mentioned above, but I never found that gross since it was so cartoony and the vomit was just green goo. Now take those scenes and multiply their grossness by 500 and you have the Japanese flick Squirmfest, I'm not even going to go into detail on all of the scenes, but the tamest bit is when a woman eats worms chased by a glass of milk filled with worms. Oi! I have to add Human Centipede though. |
Seeing that Carrot Top actually starred in a movie. (Shudders)
I forgot all about this topic, I'm adding one that is not only gross but also disturbing and should be illegal. Rosie O'Donnel did a movie with Dan Akroyd, forget what its called but they play detectives and there is an obscene scene where she is wearing a black leather teddy type thing.....bhuhuhuhuhuhu |
I also have to add the torture scene in Imprint by Takashi Miikes. It'll put a lot of mainstream horror gore fest movies to shame.
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Sun 02/13/11 03:29 AM
ok,,,,seriously,,,this is probably not to popular for me to say it,,,but everyone has a different threshold for what is "gross" ,,just like the avacado thing much to my dismay turned a few peoples tummys not so well,,,,anyway,,,,,,,there is a Comercial that I had heard but I often have the tv on and dont see it while I am online ,,,,well , this time I turned and saw the woman with the hole in her neck taking a big draw off the ciggarete...that was a image I wish I had not seen. I think that she was still even talking while she was smoking the cigarette about how it is so badly addictive!!,,,,so there it is ,,I said it,,and when I think about it I think it was meant to shock you so I suppose they did a good job of it.
remember "fear factor"??? there were a few things there that were gross, but really just seeing it didn;t bother me....I think if I was asked to go dive in that small pool of what were they??? dead eels?? anyway,,,that was pretty nasty for sure. |
Cannibal Holocaust- The real animal killing scenes, especially the turtle scene.
Monster Man When Justin Urich performs oral on the open wound of a dead cat.
Monster Man When Justin Urich performs oral on the open wound of a dead cat. Ugh. Just reading that made me cringe! Haha. |
Monster Man When Justin Urich performs oral on the open wound of a dead cat. Ugh. Just reading that made me cringe! Haha. It is a hilarious scene in a sick and twisted way, Justin's character is asleep and is dreaming he is with a woman, so he doesn't realize what he's doing to the cat until he wakes up. |
The scene in Van Wilder where they send the "eclaiars" to the frat house. It makes my stomach roll at that part.
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Mon 02/14/11 01:37 PM
Clockwork Orange,, most of the movie
that and any scene where a guy is tonguing another guy,,,total gross out |