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Topic: Did God create evil?
no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:42 PM

A "wing" is slang for your back-up. It was feralcatlady, the one with the pink lips who told me I was "spewing crap." and that she was ready for a "fight."

And "fight" means "fight" to me. It does not me argue.


Ignoring alternate definitions of a word? How open minded.

Heck, if feralcatlady is my backup, she's about 24 hours late. Maybe she's just somebody who thinks like me and agrees with me (at least some of the time)?

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:48 PM
Especially since I have already heard and know the christian one. JMO

Yes, we’ve heard this view over and over and over again, and even the Christians don’t agree with each other. That’s a fact.

So what’s the point in continuing to belabor it? All it amounts to half the time anyway is the Christians themselves arguing over their own differnet interpretations. ohwell

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:50 PM

Especially since I have already heard and know the christian one. JMO

Yes, we’ve heard this view over and over and over again, and even the Christians don’t agree with each other. That’s a fact.

So what’s the point in continuing to belabor it? All it amounts to half the time anyway is the Christians themselves arguing over their own differnet interpretations. ohwell

Aren't we all allowed our own beliefs? Isn't plurality of ideas a good thing?

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:51 PM
I posted a definition. In what way do you think you got my dander up?

If I told an investigating officer that there had been an argument outside the bar it would mean one thing. Loud shouting.

But if I told the officer that I had seen a "fight" outside the bar, I am sure he would assume that fists were involved.

So you find a definition and think that explains it all better. That is the same thing you did when someone posted the Bible verse that stated that God created evil. You made the excuse that the verse was "translated" wrong. I believe you. In fact, I believe that lots of things in The Bible were translated "wrong." Lots.

I am glad that you do not support Christian Prayer in schools. And a little surprised. I respect that.


no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:55 PM
Aren't we all allowed our own beliefs? Isn't plurality of ideas a good thing?

I think I have heard you say that more than once. Are we now going in circles? I think you heard that from someone who was on an opposing argument with you and you decided to use it.

I think that you don't really believe it.

I think that you think that plurality of ideas is evil.

I think that you wish or think that everyone believed as you do.

That is what I think.


no photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:00 PM

I am glad that you do not support Christian Prayer in schools. And a little surprised. I respect that.

No, no. I didn't say that I don't support Christian prayer in school, I said I don't support (any) prayer in public schools. My kids are in a Christian Charter school, where they are free to practice their religion. They are still taught about evolution and the Big Bang and stuff, but there are Christian materials available. When they have reading time, they can read about Moses or Noah, etc and their teachers are free to mention God. My middle son believes in evolution and the big bang. He's 14 and he's made up his own mind. I have encouraged him to look at both sides, but I respect his right to make the decision on his own.

If you took the time to get to know me, you would find that I'm nothing like you imagine me to be.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:02 PM

Aren't we all allowed our own beliefs? Isn't plurality of ideas a good thing?

Sure you are.

It's just getting boring because you keep beating the same horse over and over and over again.

All the months that you’ve been posting you haven’t posted anything I’ve haven’t heard before.

The story you are preaching is over 2000 years old. Most people already heard it. :wink:

There aren't any 'new ideas' here. It's the same old story, so I'm not sure where you get the "plurality of ideas" here.

All you do is knock everything but the old 'carved-in-stone' picture. And you call that "plurality of ideas" laugh

That's really funny Spider.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:02 PM

Aren't we all allowed our own beliefs? Isn't plurality of ideas a good thing?

I think I have heard you say that more than once. Are we now going in circles? I think you heard that from someone who was on an opposing argument with you and you decided to use it.

I think that you don't really believe it.

I think that you think that plurality of ideas is evil.

I think that you wish or think that everyone believed as you do.

That is what I think.


You have the right to your own opinion, even when it's wrong and insulting.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:03 PM
If we all agree to disagree on the christianity stuff then can we get back to the fact that if god created everything that he also created evil? It is an obvious topic, right?

If we have to debate free will, I am up for that too. Free will is myth in most religions because there is either the religion's way of doing things or the wrong/evil way of doing things. Two options does not make for free will. Free means many many choices of both right and wrong and semi wrong and semi right and almost right and almost wrong, in the middle of the road, etc..... That is free will, right? So free will is out of the equation for most religions so then you are down to evil and good. If there is evil and good in the world there would have to be a creator, religious, sense of the word, of course, for both. If someone creates something the nemisis or opposite of this creation is then automatically created. From the act of creating good the opposite is automatically created, right?

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:05 PM

Aren't we all allowed our own beliefs? Isn't plurality of ideas a good thing?

Sure you are.

It's just getting boring because you keep beating the same horse over and over and over again.

All the months that you’ve been posting you haven’t posted anything I’ve haven’t heard before.

The story you are preaching is over 2000 years old. Most people already heard it. :wink:

There aren't any 'new ideas' here. It's the same old story, so I'm not sure where you get the "plurality of ideas" here.

All you do is knock everything but the old 'carved-in-stone' picture. And you call that "plurality of ideas" laugh

That's really funny Spider.

Abra...recently you were shocked when I told you about Jesus' stance on lust...now you claim you've heard it all before?

Anyways, it doesn't matter how new or old the ideas are, plurality of ideas means that everyone can peacefully believe whatever they want.

You can believe in stones as long as you do not throw them at me.

--Wafa Sultan

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:06 PM

If you took the time to get to know me, you would find that I'm nothing like you imagine me to be.

I'm sure that's true of everyone on the forums. :wink:

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:07 PM

If we all agree to disagree on the christianity stuff then can we get back to the fact that if god created everything that he also created evil? It is an obvious topic, right?

If we have to debate free will, I am up for that too. Free will is myth in most religions because there is either the religion's way of doing things or the wrong/evil way of doing things. Two options does not make for free will. Free means many many choices of both right and wrong and semi wrong and semi right and almost right and almost wrong, in the middle of the road, etc..... That is free will, right? So free will is out of the equation for most religions so then you are down to evil and good. If there is evil and good in the world there would have to be a creator, religious, sense of the word, of course, for both. If someone creates something the nemisis or opposite of this creation is then automatically created. From the act of creating good the opposite is automatically created, right?

The concept of Free will has nothing to with the rightness, wrongness or number of choices.


free will
1. The ability or discretion to choose; free choice:
2. The power of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:18 PM

Abra...recently you were shocked when I told you about Jesus' stance on lust...now you claim you've heard it all before?

Excuse me? I was shocked? That’s news to me!

I’m not the least bit surprised by any of your personal interpretations of what you think Jesus might have meant.

I’ve met people who are even more negative than you. And yes, I do feel that your interpretations are extremely negative. You seem to always slant everything for the most sin that you can milk out of it.

You seriously do seem to be obsessed with milking as much sin as possible out of your biblical interpretations.

That’s my own personal observation of how I perceive your posts. I never see you giving people the leeway, or benefit of the doubt. You seem to shoot for the most sinful possible interpretations that you can muster.

So, no I wasn’t surprised on your stance on Jesus, especially considering that you changed it half-way though like you always do.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:27 PM
If we all agree to disagree on the christianity stuff then can we get back to the fact that if god created everything that he also created evil? It is an obvious topic, right?

Well the Christian God already confessed in the Bible to having created Evil. That was established many pages ago in this very thread.

I think the question comes down to, “What is evil?”

For Christianity the answer is simple. Evil is anything that God proclaims to be evil. As a Christian I was taught that evil and sin are one in the same thing. And they are both simply the willful disobedience of God.

This is why damage due to natural disasters or animals cant be thought of as evil because that is not ‘willful disobedience of God’.

Outside of a judgmental religion the very term “evil” has little meaning and is quite subjective when people use it as a personal term.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:29 PM

Abracadabra wrote:

Excuse me? I was shocked? That’s news to me!

I’m not the least bit surprised by any of your personal interpretations of what you think Jesus might have meant.

Abracadabra wrote:
Ok, Spider, I’ll take your word for it.

In that case I reject the entire religion as being totally unrealistic. I don’t believe that the creator of this universe could possibly be that ludicrous.

The above quote makes it seem like you haven't heard that intrepretation before...and it so disturbed you that you again (I think this is the 21,092,143rd time) rejected Christianity.

Abracadabra wrote:

I’ve met people who are even more negative than you. And yes, I do feel that your interpretations are extremely negative. You seem to always slant everything for the most sin that you can milk out of it.

Abracadabra wrote:

I've never seen Christianity presented in such a negative light. Spider could drive away the most devout believers. In fact, he’s probably doing that in droves and not even realizing it.

Which is it?

"I’ve met people who are even more negative than you. "


"I've never seen Christianity presented in such a negative light."

So, no I wasn’t surprised on your stance on Jesus, especially considering that you changed it half-way though like you always do.

Would you mind quoting what you are talking about? I don't believe that my stance changed, I stuck to strict Biblical doctrine.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:41 PM

If we all agree to disagree on the christianity stuff then can we get back to the fact that if god created everything that he also created evil? It is an obvious topic, right?

If we have to debate free will, I am up for that too. Free will is myth in most religions because there is either the religion's way of doing things or the wrong/evil way of doing things. Two options does not make for free will. Free means many many choices of both right and wrong and semi wrong and semi right and almost right and almost wrong, in the middle of the road, etc..... That is free will, right? So free will is out of the equation for most religions so then you are down to evil and good. If there is evil and good in the world there would have to be a creator, religious, sense of the word, of course, for both. If someone creates something the nemisis or opposite of this creation is then automatically created. From the act of creating good the opposite is automatically created, right?

The concept of Free will has nothing to with the rightness, wrongness or number of choices.


free will
1. The ability or discretion to choose; free choice:
2. The power of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will.

flowerforyou Your definition confirms my assertion that there is no free will in religions. There is the religious way and the wrong way and that is all. By your definition religious people would have no contraints from the religion. No external circumstances to judge the choices made, right?

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:51 PM
ok sure. but God DID create naughty thoughts!!

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:59 PM

If we all agree to disagree on the christianity stuff then can we get back to the fact that if god created everything that he also created evil? It is an obvious topic, right?

Well the Christian God already confessed in the Bible to having created Evil. That was established many pages ago in this very thread.

I think the question comes down to, “What is evil?”

For Christianity the answer is simple. Evil is anything that God proclaims to be evil. As a Christian I was taught that evil and sin are one in the same thing. And they are both simply the willful disobedience of God.

This is why damage due to natural disasters or animals cant be thought of as evil because that is not ‘willful disobedience of God’.

Outside of a judgmental religion the very term “evil” has little meaning and is quite subjective when people use it as a personal term.

Definition of evil we have determined to be subjective. Religions have their version of evil, non religious can agree on some of their definition of evil so there is a consensus at some points.

I guess the question for me is man evil if there is no god to name it. I would have to say yes. In my definition of evil, personally, I have seen man be evil, show evil, be the personification of evil, etc....without god involved or gods rules involved in the judgement. They hurt other living beings with no remorse or care for the pain they cause. It is obvious this is evil.

Do I see homosexuality as evil? No, we have no right to control anothers sexually unless it involves a minor.
Do I see sex outside of marriage as a sin? No because it is non of my business about others sex lives as long as it is not a minor.
Do I see worshipping another god besides the christian god as evil? No, it is none of my business who anyone worships as long as people are not being hurt in the process, ie sacrifices, etc....

This was a few examples of the subjectivity of evil. And the differences between religious and non religious.

Now do not kill, hell yea that is a sin, even the supporters of the death penalty are guity of this sin.
Do not covet thy neighbor, if only more people could actually apply this one to their lives, is it evil, no, good for us, yes.

I will not go through all of them as I am getting tired. But you see my point on the subjectivity of evil.

Also by naming these as sins, god created evil, he named it.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 09:02 PM

Aren't we all allowed our own beliefs? Isn't plurality of ideas a good thing?

I think I have heard you say that more than once. Are we now going in circles? I think you heard that from someone who was on an opposing argument with you and you decided to use it.

I think that you don't really believe it.

I think that you think that plurality of ideas is evil.

I think that you wish or think that everyone believed as you do.

That is what I think.


You have the right to your own opinion, even when it's wrong and insulting.

My "opinion" is simply my "opinion" It cannot be "wrong" because it is my truth spoken.

If I am "mistaken" in my thoughts that you really don't appreciate "plurality" of thoughts, then I have made a mistake. But I will never know it, because it is still what I think.

I think that you would like everyone to believe as you do. You would like me to believe that I am wrong.

Otherwise you would not waste your time trying to convince people that they are "wrong" or accusing them of being insulting. (I was not trying to be insulting. I was just telling the truth about what I believe about you.) I am sorry if you were insulted by my honest assessment or impression of you.


Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/14/08 09:04 PM

ok sure. but God DID create naughty thoughts!!

I don't know I think I create my own...loldevil laugh

slow that cat is so cuteflowerforyou

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