Topic: The Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty | |
If he had not repeated that same day over and over, he would have never been able to attract the woman he wanted. Yep, that’s what we need,… a REWIND button! Dear Universe, may I please have a rewind button? ![]() I LOVE rewind buttons. ![]() Rewind buttons are really cool. ![]() I think about rewind buttons all the time. I LOVE them so much! A rewind button is what I really want in life. I LOVE rewind buttons! ![]() I’ll just meditate on having a rewind button until I get one! ![]() |
If that was true, you know what most men think about, we would all be surrounded by scantily clad woman all day, like spider is.
Some suggestions for yzrabbit1 on fulfilling your desire to be surrounded by scantily clad women. 1.Develop your skill as a photographer and publish a nudie magazine. 2.Move to a warmer climate and hang out at the beach, or become a lifeguard. 3.Go to a nude beach or a nudist colony. 4.Get into motion pictures and start your own hard or soft core porn empire. 5.Advertise that you are creating a calendar and are looking for your cutie of the month. 6.Open a topless or nudie bar, or just get a job as a bartender in one. 7.Get a job at the chicken ranch in Nevada giving massages to the girls. Just a few suggestions. You might ask yourself what you are doing towards really fulfilling your dream or is it just wishful thinking? You really can surround yourself with scantily clad women if you want. |
Edited by
Sun 02/03/08 12:36 PM
Yep, that’s what we need,… a REWIND button!
I think that is why we reincarnate over and over and over in this space-time reality. We are doing life again and again and again. I think we really do have a rewind button. Perhaps we just don't remember going back and doing it over. Let me tell you why I think this. One day I woke up from a deep sleep and I did not know where I was in time. I knew who I was and I was vaguely familiar with my life, but I did not know where I was in the course of my life. Then I looked around at where I was and I realize I was still married to my second husband. I remember thinking "Oh My God!" then I heard the thought: "I have got to divorce this man!" It was a feeling of life or death. Then suddenly I got my bearings and I could not remember where I had come from. It was from a place beyond space and time. Had I traveled back in time from a future that had turned out to be a disaster? Had I died in some other alternate time line and been given a second chance? That is what it felt like. Now only one thing was on my mind. I needed to change this situation. Not long after that, I divorced my husband and changed my life. I think I had just experienced a rewind where I got the chance to do it differently. Jeannie |
If that was true, you know what most men think about, we would all be surrounded by scantily clad woman all day, like spider is.
Some suggestions for yzrabbit1 on fulfilling your desire to be surrounded by scantily clad women. 1.Develop your skill as a photographer and publish a nudie magazine. 2.Move to a warmer climate and hang out at the beach, or become a lifeguard. 3.Go to a nude beach or a nudist colony. 4.Get into motion pictures and start your own hard or soft core porn empire. 5.Advertise that you are creating a calendar and are looking for your cutie of the month. 6.Open a topless or nudie bar, or just get a job as a bartender in one. 7.Get a job at the chicken ranch in Nevada giving massages to the girls. Just a few suggestions. You might ask yourself what you are doing towards really fulfilling your dream or is it just wishful thinking? You really can surround yourself with scantily clad women if you want. This had me rolling ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Unfortunately I still want to be just my average Joe self and get the benefits of my dreams not be some slimy Pimp photographer, nudist, lifeguard. |
Unfortunately I still want to be just my average Joe self and get the benefits of my dreams not be some slimy Pimp photographer, nudist, lifeguard.
Then for you it is just a day dream. It is not really what you want. It is probably a good thing we are allowed to day dream without creating the thing we daydream about. The difference between a daydream and a goal is the intention to make it so. It the decision to go for that goal. You do not really want what you say you do. You just want a good woman or some awesome sex and you will feel better. In order to get what you really want you have to know for certain what it is that you want. Maybe all you want is a porn flick to watch. Jeannie |
My apologies to any life guards who may have been offended. I have known several life guards and it is an honorable and heroic profession. Good ones are hard to find. You have to be in great physical shape. The perks are that you get to be surrounded by scantily clad women. But don't get too distracted or someone could drown.
Jeannie |
If that was true, you know what most men think about, we would all be surrounded by scantily clad woman all day, like spider is.
Some suggestions for yzrabbit1 on fulfilling your desire to be surrounded by scantily clad women. 1.Develop your skill as a photographer and publish a nudie magazine. 2.Move to a warmer climate and hang out at the beach, or become a lifeguard. 3.Go to a nude beach or a nudist colony. 4.Get into motion pictures and start your own hard or soft core porn empire. 5.Advertise that you are creating a calendar and are looking for your cutie of the month. 6.Open a topless or nudie bar, or just get a job as a bartender in one. 7.Get a job at the chicken ranch in Nevada giving massages to the girls. Just a few suggestions. You might ask yourself what you are doing towards really fulfilling your dream or is it just wishful thinking? You really can surround yourself with scantily clad women if you want. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have to say jenniebean even though I don't agree with all your ideas I do think you seem like a good preacher. Just enough humor, ,sensitivity,and reality. peace ![]() |
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Sun 02/03/08 09:11 PM
I have to say jenniebean even though I don't agree with all your ideas I do think you seem like a good preacher. Just enough humor, ,sensitivity,and reality. peace ![]() Thanks! (I used to be a real "genie" but I escaped from my lamp and became human. Now, instead of granting 3 wishes I try to help people realize what it is they truly want and then I see if I can point them in the right direction toward getting it.) Deciding exactly what you want is the hardest part. After that, it is all down hill. P.S. I don't expect or need anyone to agree with me. It doesn't matter. What is most important is the person. The person, not the issue, is the most important thing. Jeannie |
Deciding exactly what you want is the hardest part. After that, it is all down hill.
Boy you got that right! My problem is that I don’t want anything! It’s a terrible place to be! How can I plan a future when there is nothing I want? My life wasn’t always this way. There was a time when I knew exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately at that time I didn’t know how to go about getting it. In fact, I’m not sure if I would know how to go about getting it today. What did I want? All I wanted was a companion who wanted to live a simple life in the country. Someone who is as much of a homebody as I am and just wanted to make our home into a fantasy out of “Story Book Forest”. Just a quaint little cottage with garden paths and flowers and hanging bird houses, and squirrel feeders, and so on and so forth. I just wanted to live in a little fantasy world. Not in total seclusion from the real world, but certainly a place where everyone who stopped in would say, “Wow! Would we like to live here!”. I actually did live like that for a while on my own. I live in a resort area and people from all over the world would drop by and say, “Wow! This is a really nice place, too bad we’re only here to visit!” That was quite a while back. Things have chanced since then and that place is not so attractive anymore. Plus I’m getting too old and medically unfit to maintain it like I used to. So for me it’s like the ship has already sailed on that one. But the problem is that there’s nothing else I want to do. I have no desire for fame or fortune. I don’t even have a desire for a harem of scantly clad women. I have no desire at all. Period. There’s nothing I want other than to go home. And that’s a taboo topic. So I’m kind of stuck in a world where I have nothing to do. I’m trying to make things to do, like joining an orchestra. It’s not what I really want to do, but it beats sitting around here typing into a stupid forum where people argue about religion. ![]() I just have no desire. There’s nothing that I genuinely want to do anymore. I’m done. I’m ready to pull the plug, change the channel, or whatever. How do you get the spark back when there is none? I just can’t think of anything at all that I really want to do. I still think it would be cool to have a like-minded partner. But after 58 years of life I find it extremely difficult to believe that any such compatible woman exists on this planet. She would need to be infinitely patient, extremely earthy, have no anxiety whatsoever, and able to entertain herself without depending on me to entertain her all the time. Even the universe just shrugs its shoulders when I ask for that! |
Edited by
Sun 02/03/08 10:55 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So who is marketing the t shirts, and bumper stickers??? ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm looking for some too! I'll take anything I can get that'll bring me back to life. ![]() |
So I’m kind of stuck in a world where I have nothing to do. I’m trying to make things to do, like joining an orchestra. It’s not what I really want to do, but it beats sitting around here typing into a stupid forum where people argue about religion. laugh
I just have no desire. There’s nothing that I genuinely want to do anymore. I’m done. I’m ready to pull the plug, change the channel, or whatever. I have a sister who just retired and she feels the same way. She does not know what she wants now. She is so used to working every day and taking care of problems that arise that she does not know what to do with herself. I am 58 years old and I don't consider my life over by a long shot. It sound like to me what you need is more energy and maybe better health. I would suggest doing the five rites: " If you can get yourself to do these everyday, you could feel 20 years younger in ten weeks to a year. With new energy you will find many things that you will want to do. In the meanwhile enjoy every moment. |
Thanks Genie,
I’ve actually been doing some Yoga and some Tai Chi since December, along with mediation. My health has already improved drastically. I also become a vegetarian this year. Not new year’s resolutions. Just coincidental timing. I guess, what I would really like to do is teach again. It was failing health that caused me to have to quit teaching in the first place. But even teaching was a secondary choice. My first choice is to live in nirvana with a like-minded companion. My problem has always been trying to find a like-minded companion. People seem to be locked into accepting the status quo. I could never get into the mindset of “When in Rome do as the Romans do”. Instead I just avoid going to Rome ![]() I guess I just really need to believe that there is a woman out there who’s as Abby Normal as me. ![]() I think it’s been my failure to believe this that has been blocking me from attracting her into my life. Huh? Boy, this is going to be the hardest thing to believe ever! Thanks for the Tibetan link. ![]() |
I guess I just really need to believe that there is a woman out there who’s as Abby Normal as me. bigsmile
I understand that very well. That has always been my problem. In fact I became so convinced that the "right companion" (for me) does not exist that I decided I was much better off staying single. There are a lot of benefits to being single as apposed to being with the "wrong" mate. It is much more peaceful. There is more freedom. I can do all my own thinking and decision making. I do know how to entertain myself, so being single is no problem for me. I do have some close friends and my sister is here. I have two cats and a little dog. I don't know if I will find or even if I need a man in my life. I am not apposed to a man in my life but don't want the traditional relationship. I would like a friend, not especially one who thinks exactly like me, but one who knows how to allow differences where they occur. I don't think you will find one who will agree with everything you think and do, and if you need that then just be a good friend to yourself. ![]() ![]() |
There are a lot of benefits to being single as apposed to being with the "wrong" mate.
Truest words ever spoken. I would much rather be single than being living with the ‘wrong’ person. In fact, that’s precisely why I am single. I had abundant opportunities to marry the ‘wrong’ persons. ![]() I don’t regret passing them all by. I’m certain they would have ended in disaster so why bother? Yet I see people marrying the wrong people all the time. What really cracks me up is when a divorced person tells me that I’m too picky. Yea right. I never say anything, but I feel like telling them that they obviously weren’t picky enough. ![]() I’m not prepared to be burdened by the constant presence of someone else in my life right now. I even keep putting off getting a dog because it would require more attention than I’m willing to give it right now. My cat’s cool, all he does is lay around and never requires any attention from me at all. ![]() Yep, I just need to find a local friend to do things with. That would be the ideal situation, and I am heading down a path where I’ll be meeting more people this year so maybe that will happen after all. |
I even keep putting off getting a dog because it would require more attention than I’m willing to give it right now.
![]() ![]() ![]() Yep, that is how I feel, if I can't find the time for a dog, a man might be waaaay too demanding. |
Yep, that is how I feel, if I can't find the time for a dog, a man might be waaaay too demanding.
I think that’s the key right there. I am totally undemanding. If I had a partner I would expect NOTHING. I mean, other than honesty and the normal decency. But in terms of expecting her to do anything for me or be anywhere for me. I would not expect that of her at all. I would appreciate the times she is there for me, but not be upset or complain about the times when she isn’t. After all, having a partner who is only there for me once in a while is better than not having a partner at all who is never there for me, right? That’s really the key when I talk about having a ‘like-minded’ partner. I’m not talking about necessarily having the same interests, or wanting to do that same identical things. When I say ‘like-minded’ I just mean a partner who is as non-demanding as I am. I’d just like to find someone who wants to coexist without turning it into an ‘expectation party’. I think there would be plenty of times when we’d want to do things together. And if we didn’t that’s great too. No demands. Just someone to cohabitate with who doesn’t demand anything from me, and I make no demands on her. Clearly, we’d have to have some common interests. It’s not going to work if she thrives on being a social butterfly and I thrive on being a homebody. Or if she wants to live in the hustle-bustle of the city and I prefer to live in a laid-back rural area. Some compatibility is required obviously. I think too, we could even have certain times when we would do each other’s bidding. Like maybe one day a week I’d devote to just doing whatever she wants, and she could give me a day in return. The rest of the time we just avoid each other. ![]() Yea, finding a woman who can leave me the hell alone would be great! ![]() |
Yea, finding a woman who can leave me the hell alone would be great! laugh
Geeeee you sound like the perfect man. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abra wrote,
Yea, finding a woman who can leave me the hell alone would be great! laugh
Jeanniebean wrote, Geeeee you sound like the perfect man. ![]() ![]() ![]() There you have it folks!!! Another PERFECT MATCH, which we are fortunate enough to witness, right here on the JSH magical dating grounds!!! ![]() I'm serious 'Jeanniebean' and 'Abra', exchange coordinates NOW!!! There couldn't have been a more appropiate side topic (LAWS OF ATTRACTION) where this could have happened. Furthermore, this proves my point about the laws. You have been honest about who and what you are NOW, as opposed to expressing a 'santa claus' list of 'wants'!!! ![]() Say 'THANK YOU' to the universe, and enjoy!!! |